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Cycles of PTSD

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT July 7th, 2016

Headed to work, did not sleep well at all today, it is going to be tough being around people today and I definitely worry about having flashbacks at work.

Deep breath -

perhaps today is the day I can break the downward spiral of this round of PTSD exacerbation



Hey there,

Im sorry to hear things are rough for you right now, and it sounds like they have been for quite some time, so I hope you are receiving some much needed support to help you through your troubles.

I just wanted to say, your are actually stronger than you think, you are not beaten, you are winning this battle step by step, because you are not allowing it to take over your life, define you as a person, you get up, shower, dress, eat breakfast, go and do a days work, you have routine, and routine helps us move forward in a positive motion, your doing this perfectly.

Best Of luck to you my friend, I admire your strength, and let's hope your recovery is a speedy one

Emma x

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 8th, 2016

Thank you so much for the uplifting message. I hit just the right spot.

Work was very busy and helped me keeping me occupied. Only one flashback today and no one was around (that I know of). That is a successful day. I kept your words of encouragement with me and it was very helpful in the time immediately after the flashback. I did pick up and I did keep on going.

I hope everyone else out there managed to get through their day successfully.

Tonight - yes I worry about having to sleep, yet we need the sleep so desperately to feel even better tomorrow. No pressure, right! πŸ˜€

1 reply


Your most welcome, I'm glad I was able to help, even if it was just for a brief moment.

Your an incredible person, never forget how well you are doing, your sucseeding, your fighting, and your not giving up, that's really commendable.

Very best wishes to you

Regards Emma.

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User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 8th, 2016

Was tired after a hectic day at work and yesterday had been a relatively good day - I thought perhaps I would sleep well. Sometimes I can exhaust my body enough to where I can fall asleep quick and sleep through the entire night - that feels so good.

last night I woke up four times from nightmares. It was not the same nightmare every time. I think that's is more confusing to me because I am not sure what the triggers are then. And thus I don't know how to avoid or minimize the reoccurrence.

i am a little more apprehensive of going to work today as I don't feel quite as alert, I will try to listen to some calm but positive music on my way to work.

I hope for a busy day that will totally exhaust me and I hope for no flashbacks. Plus can I have my appetite back?

@Emma, thanks for the words of encouragement, it was really comforting to have some positive words. I hope you have a beautiful day

1 reply


Ahh gosh! I'm sorry your having to deal with nightmares on top of everything else, you sound exhausted, it must be very difficult for you at times to fully concentrate on work, may I ask, are you receiving any professional help towards the recovery process of your PTSD? I'm assuming your nightmares are something to do with this?

Either way, I think you doing a brilliant job by keeping your life on track, having the motivation to keep a positive structural daily routine keeps you in the hear and now which provides a healthy mindset. You have a zest for life and to never give up, that's a very powerful tool to use to your advantage.

I really hope things start to change for you real soon, I think your incredible

Be well and be safe

Regards Emma

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User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 9th, 2016

Just got home from work. It was a really busy and exhausting day. That means I might get to sleep really good tonight. I guess I got what I wished for (wanting to get exhausted).

work was a mixed bag today. Not even one flashback - yaaaaah. However, the day was incredibly stressful and emotionally draining.

Hmm, this writing is rather therapeutic, which I find interesting as I have never felt good about writing or journaling in the past.


No, I am not currently receiving any professional help. I got some counseling 10 years ago. I thought I could get rid of this PTSD then, now I am just trying to learn how to cope with all the ups and downs of PTSD cycles as they come and go. Some are as short as a few weeks others last months. It is the long periods of having constant night terrors, flashbacks, etc that totally wears you down physically, mentally and spiritually.

Well, better cash in on this draining day and hopefully that payout will be good sleep

User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR July 9th, 2016


Hi Trine, have the last couple days been any better for you?

I agree that you're a fighter and you are getting through this tough road. It's hard but so worth it. I know you have a great strength deep inside because you are reaching out. I do hope you'll start sleeping better though. We all need some good sleep every now and then, More now often than then, :)

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 9th, 2016

Winding down for a few minutes after a stressful day was good. I fell asleep quickly, it never ceases to amaze me how great that feels in comparison to the nights you spend tossing and turning trying to find sleep.

then the nightmares had to interfere. After the first one I follow my routine of trying to reorient myself, deep breathing, positive words, and holding my husbands hand while trying to fall asleep again.

the second nightmare - same routine but it is really hard to fall asleep because I am anxious about having more dreams.

after the third nightmare I just got up. I know I won't get anymore good sleep. Tried to settle down with some studying and soft music- too difficult to concentrate. Found 7cups and started writing, but the text vanished more than halfway through. That was really frustrating. It made me question how therapeutic it was to write/journal. However, if I can feel so upset about it not working, then it must mean that it is important to me on some level.

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 9th, 2016


the answer would be yes and no. No, the PTSD is "well and alive"; yes I feel better because I am not giving in and I am trying out this 7Cups as a new coping strategy.

When a cycle of PTSD gets long, I can get really down mentally as well as physically. Loss of sleep and appetite means less energy and emotional resources to deal with the anxiety that will increase and at some point I feel like giving up and a depressive state enters. I am fully aware of where on the spectrum I am, however, I have never felt able to be in control and stop the downward spiral.

all I know to do is my routines, avoid known triggers, and hope it is a short round of intensive PTSD.

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 10th, 2016

I am in bed now. Finished my routines and I am calm yet really nervous. I feel like I have done a lot the past few days to reach out and to get this period of PTSD stopped. I am scared that none of it will work and that night will be terrifying. What if it doesn't work, is it the technique is it me, or did I simply just not do enough? Positive thoughts, positive words: I can get through this, I will get through this, I have gotten through this before.

Why do we feel so vulnerable at night? Please let all the outreach work - it is supposed to work.

I am still scared of going to sleep. But I will be ok, you will be ok, we will be ok.

User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 10th, 2016

Sleep did not come easy and did not stay long. After a couple of nightmares I got up at 1:00am. The house is dark and quiet and your emotions start rolling. I am so tired. I feel hurt and frustrated that the last week of working hard on reaching out and trying to use writing as a new coping skill is not paying off the way I want it to.

But I have learned one thing from my years of experience. If I allow myself to give up I will for certain end up depressed and have suicidal thoughts. If I keep on fighting and keep trying then there is hope that I can break the cycle earlier.

Last night I decided to go with distraction. Movies don't work for me, my thoughts end up wandering. I tried out the group support chat rooms. I felt it was very confusing, disturbing at times, and a bit too much negativity for me to handle and I was about to sign off again. Then I got to experience how an experienced listener intervened and changed the whole forum and really helped out a member.

Although, I was just a spectator at that moment, I felt as if I received a great deal of hope

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Hello again πŸ™‚

Im so sorry I've missed your replys these past few days, however I am really pleased you are using this space to journal your thoughts and reflect upon them. The group chats can be quite busy at times, and filled with many characters, there not for everyone, so I'm really happy you are having a more positive experience and witnessing support in the forums πŸ™‚

I can hear how much of a struggle life is for you right now, and I'm sorry your having to deal and re live what's has been a nightmare for you, but let me just gently remind you of how far you have already come, 10 years as a fighter is one heck of a survivor, and I for one am proud of you still having the strength and determination to continue your battles to reach a happier place, remember sweetheart, each battle is a battle closer to winning the war. Never let go of hope.

H.O.P.E = Hold On Pain Ends

Take care you beautiful strong lady

Emma X

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User Profile: Raspberry1976
Raspberry1976 July 12th, 2016

I miss my children.

2 replies
User Profile: TrineT
TrineT OP July 12th, 2016


Hi Raspberry - thinking of you and sending you warm hugs and lots of positive thoughts. It is hard when you miss someone.

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User Profile: Raspberry1976
Raspberry1976 July 12th, 2016

Yes, thank you Trine. I may not have had the positive stamina to care for my children but that is why 2 parents exist. That is why communication exists. That is why different avenues exist. That is why God allowed for people to be forgiven for their son's. We all have eyes to see but when they fiction misleading the body, that is why physicians exist and their entities. Thank you@TrineT

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