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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

Avaray January 30th, 2019


Hey there

Ava is free.... Sort of, drs all happy so now i only wear it when i sleep or if i feel i need to, it was silly because i almost didn't want to take it off because i was scared it would be too sore, but it was ok now i do exercises quite a few time a day, so im on the mend.

I can go with the chocolate frozen yogurt..sounds delicious....

My brain is so tired so i don't have lots of words tonight, but a thought you should harness up a little sled and let your pooch pull you along, that sounds like fun. What type of dog do u have?

Hugs Ames... Avaray is just exhausted and my neck muscle is spasming again, normally a stress reaction i think πŸ˜• so next time I'll tell u about the hen and how brave i was on the weekend... A monkey story πŸ’œπŸ’œ

AmalieAnne OP February 1st, 2019


Hello, I am happy you are free but wear your cast if it helps not cause pain. If you are asleep you most likely got used to it and if you knock it accidentally it might hurt and wake you up so is maybe a good idea to wear it for bedtime. So rest and make sure it is completely better. It will get better soon and you made it to February (it is still January here) so well done. For that your reward is living in a ice cream factory and you can eat as much frozen yogurt as you like. I had the doctors today and I have almost put the weight back on from being ill over Christmas. We got (mommy and me) got strawberry frozen yogurt which was very tummy yummy. Get yourself better, so maybe have a bath with lots of bubbles it might relax you or give yourself a good shake, it kind of works for me. I borrow Molly who lives next door and she is a Charles Spaniel I think. She is white, brown and naughty all over. She is quite big though and she outsmarts me all the time which I do not like. I have given up trying to give her a bath because normally I end up having a bath but she is very kind and does not lick my face anymore. When we came back to Canada she was happy and did but that is ok. So I just borrow her and go for walkies if I am not too tired but normally I go over almost everyday to see her. Any who *hugs* feel better soon oldie.

Avaray February 1st, 2019


Hey there, thank you for the live in frozen yogurt factory, Ava is a happy girl πŸ˜€ but i have a bit of a cold so feeling sick.

Why don't u ask mom if you can get your own dog, then it can sleep with you and watch tv etc with you all the time?

What dog would u get if u were allowed?

I'm glad you're getting better kiddo.

My boss bought me a new aircon to put in my new office so I'm feeling happy about that, got so much work to do though so will go and try catch up tomorrow.

Have you ever had a braai?

Have you eaten biltong?

Have you eaten lemon meringue?

Those are some of my favourite things

Some homework 4 u..... Have you heard of a rain spider?....

It's a friendly spider (i hope) that crawls down the wall to the bottomish when it's going to rain and goes back up when it's not. They are quite accurate a lot of the time, quite fascinating things. I don't know what it's real name is.

The hen... There is this henthat likes to hang out in the parking lot outside the one shop in our town. It was perched under one of the trolleys the one time, then it walks around the parking, not a care in the word, no one seems to bother her and she just does her thing. The otherday i saw her walking on the pavement which is across the road from the shop, it was like she was coming from wherever her home is back to do her shopping in the parking, it was just so funny, like fascinating funny not haha funny, she doesn't seem afraid of much.... Come to think of it i haven't seen her for awhile...hmmm maybe the owners fixed the place she was getting out...

Hugs Ames

AmalieAnne OP February 5th, 2019


Hello, You have put hugs Ames and then a picture of a massive spider, kind of mixed message there me thinks. I do not mind spiders unless they are attacking then I will end them with a book. It can have a body of up to 3.6cms and legs of up to 10cms and it bites (Palystes superciliosus). I will stick with running away from daddy long legs and lizards although geckos are kind of cute but I leave them alone. So now you have the flu as well? You know frozen yogurt is good for the flu even though I just made that up. I hope you are feeling better.

I can borrow Molly whenever I like plus I do not have to deal with the whole poop thing. As for getting a puppy or kitten I have asked a million times but it is not really fair because we spend Christmas in Europe and then most of August as well, so it would be mean leaving her/him or making them travel which would not be nice for them. The lady next door is really nice, so I go walkies with her a lot of the time and I used to go through the doggy door to say hello but I got told off for doing that. I can still knock and Molly will come out unless it is really cold.

So, Braai is a barbecue? We have had those and Granny likes lemon meringue pie so kind of know what that is (it looks gross, who puts lemon in a dessert, crazy people I say). Biltong I thought was like Jerky which is not nice but I asked google and he said it is different. I like cheese of all types and meats like Chorizo and Lomo, sometimes I have the meat in cheese to make a cheese and meat sandwich (no bread) but then I make myself feel sick. Marmite of course and all desserts that do not have lemon in them. Chocolate chip Brioche and crepes strawberry or chocolate. There is quite a lot…

Why did your boss only just now get air conditioning? Plus, can you take it home when you finish work? Where mama and papa live, they have air conditioning but it from outside the building so you cannot sometimes get warm so you have to open the windows to warm up. Then it is Spain so even the buses have it or you take your chances and go get in the sea. I think that chicken was protesting about her eggs being eaten, you seem to have a lot of wild life where you live. You might need to wear wellies for protection, normally it works with snakes and spiders but not sure about the larger animals. I think you are ok with the hen. Any who *hugs* hopefully you will not get eaten or attacked by wildlife.

Avaray February 5th, 2019


Yikes ... That hug Ames by the spider did come across as weird πŸ˜‚ Sorry xx

Yes went to dr got antibiotics and other meds and stayed home today, i moved into a new office so he bought a new that works beautifully, the one i had in my old office sort of worked, but it gave only a bit of cool air so i would still get warm on very hot days. It is bolted into the wall so i don't get to take it home πŸ˜• but it makes working much more comfortable.

Yes i live in a smallish town which is nice in some ways, my husband grew up on a farm, but his family sold up and moved overseas.

Unfortunately the animals although you got to watch out that you don't knock them over etc tou also have to be alert for humans, because some humans are more dangerous then the animals and that is a very sad thing to acknowledge.

We have 3 dogs and two budgies, we used to have hamsters and fish but as they past on to "greener pastures" we didn't get get more of those, very wise not getting your own animals it would be nice when you go away, and of course the poop thing.

Hugs Ames πŸ˜€

AmalieAnne OP February 6th, 2019


Oh no *Sounds the Bells* Avaray has the lurgies keep away. I will send an army of spider to give you hugs, not really Winking with tongue I think I have solved the heat problem and climate change maybe, all we need are some spacesuits. Do you know NASAs or the ESA email address? They must not be that expensive, maybe second hand ones or ones they just have left over. Take your antibiotics and get better soon, I think you get broken more than me and I ran into a door not so long ago. If we could paint them as well that could be fun.

Some animals can be dangerous, as well as some humans but hopefully (and I think I am right) most humans are safe. Unless they have the lurgies of course, then we need to keep our distance for awhile. Three doggies and two budgies is nice, they have someone to play with. The doggies with each other and budgies together, not sure if they mix or not. A long time ago I had two stick insects, they maybe died, kind of not sure. They are very good at pretending to be sticks and you cannot really play with them. Any who, feel better soon *hugs you in my Spacesuit* one cannot be too careful.

Avaray February 6th, 2019


You are funny, and made me smile...i needed that... Thank you kiddo xx

Spacesuits now you talking..... Hmmmm...

My dogs would eat the budgies, they got hold of the neighbours chicken and well.... I say no more. They were repremanded big time!! And they chased someone's cat up a tree.... I know it's bad to laugh about the cat but it just was so cartoonish if there is such a word. These 3 pooches tearing after this cat and that cat i think had never run so fast in it's 9 lives and then up the tree... well he/she? Escaped to live another day, poor thing.

When i was little we used to have silk worms and we would make cardboard shapes and they would spin their silk sort of on the pattern, we had zebra ones (they were stripped like a zebra, donr know the correct name) and then the pLain white ones. We used to feed them mulberry leaves. My mom used to sometimes make mulberry jam that was so delicious.

Any how I'm feeling vrot as they say in afrikaans, so I'm ending off for now.

Hugs Ames (and not an 8 legged one πŸ˜€)

AmalieAnne OP February 8th, 2019

@Avaray *Starts [Flemish] French accent* I am Mlle Amalie, you better not be laughing at me or will tickle you until you surrender. *Ends French accent but starts taking over a radio* It is one step for Ame, one giant leap for Amalies *Ends all accents and back to my normal voice* I think spacesuits are the way forward but according to NASA they cost US$2 million. So maybe we kind of need save up for a long time and they do not even make them in my size, with it not weighing 140kg. They even take two years to make so ok… for now pretend spacesuits. It should provide me with some protection from the germy Avaray.

Your doggies had chicken dinner, poor chicken! Then bad doggies scared a poor cat, no treats for them for a while. They can get along together just fine, although the cat is always the boss. Your silk worms sound really gross sorry, it is just ok Spiders I can deal with, snakes as long as they are far away but silk worms and caterpillars – me is running. S. got some chocolate ants and she ate them, she is a weird girl because she did it and liked them. Any who, I am hoping you feel better *spacesuit hug with just the two leg version of me*

Avaray February 9th, 2019


Hey earth to astronaut Ames ... You can come back Avaray is feeling a lot better, I sorted those germs out.

I held a chameleon before there little padded feet are too cute but also a bit weird to feel them wrap around your finger/hand.

And I signed up for my next exam..write in May . Did i tell you that already πŸ˜• my brain has been stressed and taking flu meds so you'll have to forgive me if i did xxx

I was brave i watched the monkeys at my son's school I took some photos so are so mischievous!

Hugs kiddo

And i held this strange stick creature that almost looks like a scorpion but is not at all like one

AmalieAnne OP February 15th, 2019

@Avaray I am glad that you are feeling better and kicked the germs bottoms (they do not have them but you kicked them anyway). It is good that you are going to do your next exam in May, you know if your hand still hurts you can ask to do it by talking. See how you are though but I have always had the option of talking rather than writing so it is recorded or having someone write for me. I am dyslexic so I guess that is why I get those options but you could if you hand will hurt you. You were very brave and thank you for the pictures. I like those monkeys but they look could be trouble… the chameleon looks so sweet but the stick insect I looked it up and is called Extatosoma tiaratum. It says All adults have glands under that spray a colourless toffee like odour which is pleasant to humans and they cannot bite or sting you. I would still prefer to hold the little chameleon though Grinning oh.. is it someone's birthday soon?

Avaray February 15th, 2019


Hey Ames xx

I wonder who that could be πŸ˜œπŸŽ‚

Saw the o.t. today and she was happy with my progress, she had some interesting machines that measure your strength of your hands, i squeezed the handle thing on my left hand and that said it could lift 35kg with that hand and then did the hand they operated on an that said i could lift 12kg with that hand, so i need to do my strength exercises to build up the strength and also flatten out the palm of my hand because my thumb doesnt lay flat yet so have to work on that.

Unfortunately i need to think by writing so i need to try write my exam and P.O.E. but i might ask for extra time like with my last exam.

Also saw my psychologist today so it was a busy and emotional day, but it does help i suppose but it's not easy working through stuff, I'm sure we'll all agree to that one 😰🌹

Any how I'm off to the land of nod, it's raining outside, i love the sound of rain, we have been having such beautiful rain and the dams are starting to fill more, an answer to prayer.

Hugs Ames, hope you are doing ok..... πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP February 20th, 2019

@Avaray You are still the birthday girl in Canada Grinning It was only -4 today so that is kind of warm, only three pairs of gloves, ten coats and all of my socks/tights. Almost kept me warm. It is good you are making progress with your hand and it will take time to get all better, even though you could still pick me up with both hands, your getting better hand will be ready for monkey battle soon. Still, please do not use me to strengthen hand, Amalies do not like that Squinting with tongue On one of the occasions I broke something it just took time and it is not like you are ready to ring the bells. *bells bells bells of Notre Dame* Get the extra time for your exam and remember it is just an antiquated method of testing if you know something. Not sure what P.O.E. is I ask google and he said Path of Exile or Power over Ethernet either way it does not help! I do not know what those mean.

Seeing a psychologist or therapist (or other name) can be difficult, I think I do it differently then most people. Unless you have a cuddle before you start, then do some painting and then my garden. But it makes me tired, so you are right it must be emotional and difficult although I would not use those words. Just keep going if it is helping you, it helps me a lot. Even though S. (my psychologist/therapist) is sometimes sneaky and she gets my mouth saying things I do not know I am saying. She also knows French in case I accidentally forget English, see sneaky! Any how, you are in bed, a WHOLE year older hehe and hopefully it is raining. I am going to try to stay awake until my bedtime, it can be difficult and I have to stay away from more mommy cuddles because then I will just fall asleep Squinting with tongue Be good *hugs*

Avaray February 20th, 2019


Hey Ames xx

Thank you for my lovely birthday surprise, it made me feel very special, thank you.. Hugs ❀

I had chocolate cake my daughter baked for me, for breakfast, totally allowed on birthdays, I'm sure it's a law written somewhere... πŸ˜ƒπŸŽ‚

You guys are warming up that side β˜€ -4 ., i got a feeling we are going to get very cold this winter, not as cold as you there, but for us here. It's still hot here but during the night lately i have been pulling on the comforter cover to take the chill off while i sleep so i think the weather is thinking about thinking to changeπŸ˜€ i love winter even though i say it's so cold, we don't put our heaters on in winter electricity is too expensive for that, so we bundle up in warm things and socks and then if watching tv we sit under blankets. But give me winter anyday over summer.

Yes our psychologists seem to be good at getting us to talk about things..... Yours speaks french as well... Very sneaky 😁

I like my psychologist, i have learnt to trust him quite a bit over the years, it's nice to be able to say things and you know it's ok to say it even if it's hard things, it's difficult to sometimes get those words to come out your mouth, but eventually when they do come out it helps and makes you trust more. I feel safe in my psychologists office, as old as i am when i get there i wish i could just snuggle into the cushions on the couch and have a very long sleep. But i can't do that, maybe he could give me the keys to the office and leave me in there and i could have an avaray hideout and a good long sleep. But that amazes me, that even though i still get nervous going there, i still feel so safe there. Sometimes I wonder what they are really thinking thoughπŸ˜•


Is short for Portfolio of Evidence.

It normally consists of about 3 or 4 assignment type things that you need to complete and take with you on the day you go and write your exam, they are quite important to do as well as you can because they count for 30% of your final mark. Normally quite a bit of work so you need to start as soon as you can. Once you pay and book for your exam then they start processing your poe and get the poe from them about 2 weeks later and then you can get working on it. Mine is meant to arrive by the end of this week.

Thanks again Ames.

You are a very dear soul, hugs my friend ❀🌹

AmalieAnne OP February 22nd, 2019


It is written in the UN charter on human rights section 145, subsection 12, point 14 says that chocolate must be eaten for breakfast on your birthday. I checked, could not believe it was in there but there is no point you looking up, I have already looked so.. err.. take my word for it. It was very nice of your daughter to make you a cake. I would have to call the fire department first if I did that just in case. Kind of still learning how to cook without burning the house down. So, did you have a nice birthday? Maybe some wine or something.

It is warmish today as well but then the weekend I will be frozen once again. I think oldies like it better when it is cooler at nights so you can sleep and are not so grumpy during the day. How cold does it get for you in the winter? Trust me if the heating was not on here, I would have to be defrosted in the summer. Not sure why you do not go the Spanish way and have an afternoon sleep when it is hot. Not sure how that would work during the winter though. You can always share my blanket, I have lots Grinning

My psychologist is very sneaky, I might mix some Spanish in was well but mostly speak English and French. She speaks very good Amalie which is kind of a weird language itself. As for words coming out, maybe you should start painting and then your brain would forget about the words coming out. It also helps when you are not sure when what the words are or if things do not have words to explain things. It is good that you trust your psychologist and maybe ask the monkeys to see if they will let you to their hideout. Or maybe go at the end of the day, so he can go home and you can have a little sleep. It is ok to get nervous because you are (painting and) talking about bad things which are not nice. Do you mean sometimes you wonder what your psychologist is thinking? If so, then just ask silly.

So, your portfolio of evidence is coursework and then you have an exam. Exams are kind of pointless because they do not measure things really but you sometimes have no choice in the matter. It is kind of weird though because I would do some coursework and then get feedback so I know how to improve it and what I was good at. You should have your coursework by now, so get to it oldie lady! At once Squinting with tongue Ok have a nice weekend first and then start working.

Avaray March 7th, 2019


Hey cheeky chop my sleeping going to kick in soon and then i have to catch some zzzz, i stsrted studying tonight and stoll as ting fotmr my poe might come tomorrow, eeks i almost dropped my phone the meds are kicking in....hugs my little amazin Amalie ❀

AmalieAnne OP March 8th, 2019

@Avaray Sometimes I talk in three languages using words and different structures interchangeable when I am tired but wow... that medicine must be strong. I got you are falling asleep and you started studying.. stoll, formr and stsrted are not words Miss Avaray Squinting with tongue 'formr my poe' is an amazing thing to say if you want to confuse someone, I like it. *hugs* I hope you get some sleep and awaken refreshed, ready to enjoy the day or has your people say formr my poe stoll. Maybe an earlier bedtime for you is necessary and it is good you have started studying Grinning

Avaray March 8th, 2019


I Just read that again ...... That was kind of awesome pill speak πŸ˜‚ oops

I shall try interpret, I have started studying, but I am still waiting for my POE to arrive. That's the English version πŸ˜œπŸ˜„πŸ’•

Hugs my awesome little friend 🌹🌹🌹

Eish and that was only half a pill, I had better check the strength of the dosage on that box.

My son fell down stairs at school on Monday we thought he had broken something but xrays show no breaks just swelling and pain he's not been able to walk on it properly and is using crutches.

And my bible I ordered for my birthday arrived, it's called Battlefield of the Mind Bible the amplified version and my daughter and i have started reading and doing some bible journaling together. I'm thinking I want to play my guitar again, I don't care if my hand is sore, because a part of me wants to.

Anyhow Ames I need to get myself ready for work xx

Ibwf b mpwfz ebz 😁 that one does have a proper coded sequence... See if you can work it out πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP March 8th, 2019


Maybe it was not all the medicine that you took, it could have been that you were very tired as well so perhaps a little bit of both. It is good that you have started studying I hope that your POE gets to you soon. I want to do an accent Eish… what

Avaray March 8th, 2019


Gllllllll......πŸ˜€ xnt bddbx bno 😜

Gzud z mhbd vddjdmc jhccn

You are too kind about the sleeping pill thing, but i think you are right though, i have been exhausted and so busy, so I'll be kind to myself and agree πŸ’•

I don't like religious things either, I go with the relationship with God/Holy Spirit/Jesus, someone I can talk to, who loves me regardless of what I do, He may not like it when I mess up, but that doesn't take His love away. I think people can mess it up for others because they take what they think should be the proper way to be religious, I don't think Jesus would have liked all that suff either, I think He was like in the bible and really loved people.

For myself, there is a lot of things I don't understand, questions I have and was really angry and felt hurt with God. But even in those times, deep inside I knew/know He gives me peace, I know, deep inside that I probably would not probably be here if I did not know inside that God is real and cares deeply for me, for everyone.

I talk to Him, I have shouted at Him too, but I think I said sorry, but even then I think He gets it. So I see it as a relationship not all this complicated stuff people try make it to be. I don't know how to explain the knowing inside that in all my crazy and in all the trauma which i do not understand, He is my place I eventually turn and it's there thst I get peace, deep inside my soul.

I like the title Battlefield of the mind, because the mind is where everything that we do starts in the different places in the mind.

One day when I'm in Heaven, and I'm not saying this as a joke or disrespectfully, I would really like to dance with Jesus for a while, and then curl up on God's lap and have a good long cry and then fall asleep there for quite a while knowing I am safe in His arms and He loves me. Just something I would like to do.

.any ny eyes are starting to drop, it is 1:41 in the morning 😴

Hugs my little friend


Avaray March 8th, 2019


Avaray March 9th, 2019


My bible snd beginning of bible journaling, ran out of washi tape

Hugs Ames

AmalieAnne OP March 10th, 2019


Firstly, Sgzmj xnt. My Granddad was a very famous spy during the second war which was kind of the reason he got caught so quickly. Sorry, Granddad told me that joke yesterday and I thought it was really funny. Hopefully you got some rest over the weekend and some sleep, plus no one jumping on you to wake you up. Oldies you get worn out so quickly. My weekend has involved lots of things but annoying my bestest friend was at the top of the list as it normally is Winking with tongue I find myself in a place of trying to be honest but at the same time not waiting to take anything away from you. God (in the Catholic monotheist sense did not write the bible) and it was written post-scripted mostly in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek then translated into Latin, losing parts and then in vulgar languages which explains why there are other 200.000 versions of Christianity. I do not say things to upset you, to cause you doubt or uncertainly or as I said before to take anything away from you.

So, I will talk of a peculiar individual called Father Benedict, the most content person I have ever meet in my life which was frustrating if I am honest. He like to sit in the courtyard in the shade watching the fountain while the birds were feeding on the seeds put out there for them, the same courtyard that I had Sunday school in for too long because it was a place I often got into trouble. He also has distinction of being one of the few members of the clergy I did not want to, try to or actually managed to kick. He could see my frustration and I caught him smiling at me one day after an β€˜outburst of sheer lacking indigence of the bible. So, I did something I knew I should not do, I was not very good at walking at the time but I gathered my legs as bests as I could with the intention of confronting this man, to demand an explanation. I do not remember what I felt but it must have anger because being a shy introverted person I confronted a man 10 times my size, of many years of existence who was wearing symbol of β€˜God. I blurted out some words but to be honest I do not remember what I manged to say or what caused the outburst but he replied [I am translating badly here], β€˜I was smiling because you were right. I lost all anger in that moment along with it my ability to stand, I still remember hitting my arm and it hurting a lot and all the blood rushing to my face in embarrassment.

He then told me a story which I listened to, sitting on the floor with my arm hurting but not willing to admit it was really hurting. To retell the story would be somewhat difficult because I do not remember parts of it plus it was in my version of Spanish which perhaps worrying, I am noticing is more different than the Spanish that is spoken outside the area of Spain I am from. Still, his conclusion was that I already had everything I actually required (I am assumed at the time it was my anger but later not so much but it is part of it) and suggested perhaps with subtlety that the bible was not really of any use to me. The second part of that is the most difficult thing to explain but when your brain makes everything into colours enabling me to see connections few can see, there is some kind of unknown force connecting me to everything else, even to you. Thanks to your toothbrush song I know what you look like and as long as you are talking, I could find you in a crowd. I do not need some unhelpful words when I have something much more beautiful.

I might be wrong, so you will have to be the judge here if I am making any sense. Avaray everything in my soul tells me what you are looking for is what I have, a parent, someone to protect you, to have absolute trust, the comforted from self-doubt, unconditional love, for someone to be perfect past the point of being human, someone that would have prevented certain things from happening or to make them go away easier, to make them better when they were discovered. Now I am neither content nor an old man called Father Benedict but I have that person she is called person mommy and you have it too, she is called Avaray. Neither are you are perfect but I am one for allowing a level of discrepancy in such matters. In the words [sort of] of Father Benedict, Avaray you have everything you require you just do not know it yet. Yea… I do not for a minute think you will buy that! Please be kind and look around at the connects you have with others. If I were Freud, I would be smoking my cigar and saying in my Austrian accent β€˜My dear Avaray, you cannot be a child again. I would say to Freud do you think that the cigar kind of is like a boy part considering your [his] obsessions! Any who, you have won the battle and now it is time to stop fighting. You have conducted yourself with nothing but compassion with me. You have what to me is an amazing connection with your daughter who might at times be angry at you or do stupid stuff but will always love you. You have expressed the ability to correct mistakes you make. You express guilt about your son but you value the difference such as I do in an uncomplicated manner. You are the parent, you not only protected yourself to the best of your ability but are a protector. You have unconditional love in your life, you are perfect enough for me. You confront self-doubt such as your willingness to start studying again. I trust you. Life has four seasons and your have not yet got to summer.

Without taking anything from you. I do not need to refer to a bible, a collection of post-scripted stories to know where the answers are. On matters which your mention, I already know the answers. Of course, I have more questions as you do. Still, I believe one day you will be sitting in the shade watching the birds feed on seeds content in peace maybe even smiling at a stubborn short girl who sees the world differently and is angry enough to express it with no regard to getting into trouble. Waiting for her to gather her legs and to confront you. Now that is worthy beautiful goal and it holds no battlefields. Now you have to be the judge here on what I say but Avaray in my vision of your future, sitting in the shade although it might be difficult, my final words are these GO DO IT BECAUSE I KNOW YOU CAN.

Avaray March 11th, 2019


Hey Ames that was beautiful, you had me smiling and a tear or two threatening to escape. Thanks for your kind words and beautiful caring heart. You never cease to amaze me with your depth of insight and sense of humour, mixed with being a cheeky chop.

You were right in a lot of things you said, but I'm not upset with you and won't cause me to not believe because something that is real and deep and part of me can't be separated from me, because it's part of who I am.

It must be amazing to see and feel in colours, I find I sometimes see things in cartoon version (not everything, but a few things) and I find myself almost grinning because, well it's funny (well in my head it is anyway πŸ˜•πŸ˜)

I also find I express myself better writing then talking, even when I'm talking and I have a pen and paper in front of me I start to scribble or draw lines or boxes, it's like I can express better if my hands are doing something. Not good if you have a document in front of you at work and the phone rings, cause I start to doodle and before I know it I could have started to "decorate" the page.

In therapy it's embarrassing cause I always fiddle with things, if I try keep my hands from doing that it won't last long. I should try time myself next time, see if I can talk and how long for πŸ˜€

Father Bennet sounds like he was a wise soul that probably spent time talking to God in the garden, I can almost picture the scene in my head ( you should try draw it, I think it would be a lovely pic)

As for Freud... That guy something about him gives me, well I can't think of the right words πŸ˜•

I wonder what made him decide to work out why people think and do what they do?

I got my port folio of evidence today, eish.....! Got lots to do and study, but have been good have been studying.

I think your grandfather sounds like a really nice man, with a big heart, and sense of humour, yeah I caught the joke and it was funny

Anyhow my amazing Ames (yes you are, no arguing, I'm sure we have had this discussion before... )

I need to go catch some zzzzzzs it's 23:15 that leaves me about 6 hours, ok half and hour for pill to kick in (or it takes forever to go to sleep 😳) so that gives me about 5 and a half hours.

Hugs my little friend, and thanks again for those kind words they meant a lot πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP March 13th, 2019

@Avaray Hey I am not a cheeky chop, I am a cheeky monkey lady! As I said I did not want to take anything from you and that was meant but promise me one thing. Try to be at contented peace with yourself in this world before you die. To be honest I do not know what comes next, maybe it is Heaven but I would settle for an awfully good adventure. I will try the same but as for how Father Benedict did it, sadly he died some years ago when we lived in France. Every year I light a candle in his name around Christmas to remember him in the place near the place he loved so much. In a sense it holds a connection to me and that annoying old man. How dare he be so content? See he annoys me even now Tongue I think I read this somewhere we are the sum of people who we have interacted with, so he is somehow imprinted on me. He was content because he was, it can be that simple, I think. As for bible study at least you and your daughter have something special there, that is really special relationship and I love who you are.

Soon I leave for therapy but you made me think of something, about your hands. When I pick up the violin and play something I know, my brain does not think about what my fingers and hands are doing it they just remember. So perhaps let your hands speak they might have something important to say. Clearly you have never seen to Spanish people in an argument, hands are all over the place. Still, therapy or counselling no matter which you call it is a place that you are allowed to do such things. So, experiment by letting them talk even if you feel a little bit silly. That fact you see thing in a cartoon way is interesting because I cannot think of how that works. At school I often get told off even now because I will start laughing because of images in my mind doing weird stuff. If I can do really embarrassing stuff all the time, at therapy you are in a safe place for your hands well. I would suggest handstands to stop your face going red but wait until your hand is better.

Eish.. it almost time for me to go, it 14:35 hours DRILL SERGEANT! Get to your school work and *enter sports metaphor here*. Sports are not for me, take football why do they not just decide who is the best and then it is over with. Eish… these people! It is my time for therapy hopefully I will survive but one cannot be too sure of such things. *hugs*

Avaray March 14th, 2019


Hey cheeky monkey xx

I hope therapy went ok xx

After therapy I find is normally difficult as well, not sure if you feel like that too? Hugs kiddo

I would love to know what goes through psychologists minds, what they are really thinking in therapy sessionπŸ˜•πŸ˜°

I hear you, how when playing your violin how your fingers remember where to go, similar with the guitar.

I also want to be content with life before I die, I believe there is Heaven.

I don't like football either, especially on t.v. watching my daughter play is different, but on t.v no. I prefer to watch rugby or cricket if i had to choose. I got hit on the head with a cricket ball when i was much younger, that may explain a few things πŸ˜‚

I've been trying to study, by the evening I'm so tired but you have to push through, i have put which chapters i need to study on which days on my calendar app. To make sure i get it done in time. My son is doing much better although he fell at school again yesterday so he's a bit tender on his leg again but he gets around fine now just a bit slow and stiff in that leg.

Today on my drive home we had some rain and sun at the same time it's strange when that happens and then a beautiful rainbow. Maybe cartoon is the wrong word because that makes it sound like a comic strip, maybe more animated would be a better word, it's like I'll be talking about something and then a picture comes into my head of the situation like me climbing ontop of a horse my mind would probably picture this poor horse on his tummy with all 4 of his legs spread to the sides because I'm too big to be on him, that would be like an animated picture not so much a real picture of a horse

I also combine words when I'm really exhausted like for example, not an actual word i combined, if i was saying brown dog, i might say bog, only with some words or swop the words into the wrong sequence also only sometimes, like instead of saying the man rode the bicycle down the road it would come out like, the bicycle rode the man down the road, fortunately it doesn't happen too often, but it's amusing how a persons brain can almost short circuit when you're tired. (combine that with a sleeping pill...eish we both know the result of that πŸ˜‚)

Any how I'm going to catch some zzzzzz's as they say (not sure who they are)

Hugs Ames πŸ’•

Avaray March 14th, 2019


Yeah I have taught you a word from South Africa, eish..... It has a way of just expressing things.



A South African word derived from Xhosa, now used in all languages within South Africa and some neighbouring countries.

Eish is one of the reasons South Africa is so great, it can express anything from excitement to horror.

AmalieAnne OP March 15th, 2019


Hey lady who you calling a cheeky monkey, you cheeky chop. Only joking Winking with tongue I looked at the link for Eish and is kind of means everything excited, horrified, angry and happy. Eish... that is a lot of meanings for one word. Therapy went ok for me, some talking and then some painting, other things and then kind of got tired so I fell asleep. That is kind of normal though but I am not sure what goes through my therapists mind normally I just ask though, it is simple that way. That is why I said let your hands do some talking because talking is sometimes too difficult, I do not know the words or I do not want to say them. We use paint but your hands could be saying something important, you said you trusted your therapist so make that eishing leap.

You seem to have worse luck than me, bitten by a monkey and hit by a cricket ball. Eish lady what you been up to! Although it is kind of creepy your son fell over because I did on Monday not badly just hurt a little but is kind of better. Kind of ruined some tights though but I hope that you son gets better soon with an additional owww. Most of the time I have been able to get out of sports because reasons but I played rounders before. If someone throws a ball at me, I move to avoid being hit by the ball, then get mad at someone throwing a ball at me. I did once throw the bat thing but luckily for everyone else it was heavy and I cannot throw. Your daughter likes football? I guess it is good to play sports cannot think of a single reason but if she is likes it then good. I will get good at stairs first then maybe sports (or not). I am told by papa I support Real Madrid, I think that one is football. Eish who knows!

I once saw a perfect picture of a rainbow, a beautiful circle. I think that you will be ok with studying just go through it one day at a time and forget about what tomorrows work is. If you get stuck just move on or give yourself a good shake. I can combine random words and language structures when I talk more so when I am tired. I think that is a sign we need a little sleep so you are correct, silly brains need sleep. Oliver Sacks (I think) describes how when some people, maybe even himself but I am not sure, close one eye the world become two-dimensional. That must be really weird but I guess they would consider thinking in cartoons or colours a little weird themselves. Any who, I do not think you would squash a horse but have a nice weekend oldie.

Avaray March 17th, 2019


Hey Ames xx

Done some studying the weekend, trying to be good.

I have also been caught in a strong current in the sea, got swept sideways down the beach, been flung in a amusement park ride because they started the ride before I had chance to adjust my strap, a kid had sat in that seat before me, then i had to stretch my legs to try lodge myself in the capsule cage thing and hold onto the grid for the rest of the ride not a nice experience, and chased by a rugby team, fallen off a horse and bitten by a dog πŸ˜‚

Hugs kiddo xx

Off to zzzz land πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP March 19th, 2019

@Avaray Ok ok let's slow it down a little... Eish... some of this I can understand. Why did you get chased by a rugby team? That is the only one that I cannot work out but I think that maybe you actually did something to them first, you know being a cheeky chop. You might have not but the rest is... always swim between the flags, I have been thrown from a horse but that ride people send them to me. They need to be 'dealt' with for such behaviour *hugs* good on the studying and try not loosing a finger or toe in the process ok? Be careful using pencils and never put them in your ears lady trust me that will never turn out well. I thought I was bad, you most certainly are worse.

Avaray March 22nd, 2019


I plead the 5th i think they say πŸ˜‚

Found something that made me think of you.

Hope it sends you a bit of sunshine for your heart kiddo.

I hope this old bird managed to copy the link correctly xx

AmalieAnne OP March 22nd, 2019

@Avaray No no no... you cannot plead the 5th or section 7, you will tell me lady or I will raspberry your tummy until I cannot raspberry anymore *looks mean* Thank you for the video kind of made me cry but good memories Grinning rather than bad ones.

Avaray March 22nd, 2019


Hmmm pulling out the big guns, not the raspberries!!! 😜

Sorry It made you cry... πŸ’œπŸŒΉ

AmalieAnne OP March 27th, 2019

@Avaray You need to be careful Avaray or your tummy will be getting it! Speak or the raspberrying will never stop. It was a good cry, I can tell she was really happy after lots of practice that she got it right. That is a good feeling andshe is dancing around Grinning Without her teacher having to throw things at her. So happy memories.

Avaray March 30th, 2019


Hey kiddo

Sorry I've been feeling a bit fluey again so sort of feeling like a bad word 😳

I'll tell you xx

This rugby team teenage boys (I was also that age group) came to our town and were going to play a match or something like that, anyway they were in their change rooms and the windows were high so you couldn't see in but they had hung their clothes that they were drying out over the window sill. My friend and i were walking around the sports ground area and saw this so we decided to play a joke and pulled their clothes out the window. We thought it was very funny and went off before they could notice, so while we were enjoying our moment of mischief we turned back and to our shock they had come out and were running after us, we ran like crazy and finally outran them and sat and hid on a bridge and laughed. To our horror we had outran them but 2 continued the chase and we got such a fright when they appeared around the wall on the bridge, they just wanted to chat and be friendly etc, but that was my story πŸ˜ƒ

I also went into a cave, I would never fo this again, I don't do small spaces well at all, but this cave had an entrance that was quite big but dark so you could hardly see anything and then at the back was this tunnel and to get through this tunnel you have to sort of wiggle through as you couldn't even sit up inside because it was to low and narrow, to make matters worse it had water inside the cave and tunnel so you had to turn your head sideways to keep your head above the water and you couldn't see because it was dark.....NEVER AGAIN... anyway it opened up into this underground cave where we sat for a bit, it was an amazing experience although you had to go back the way you came in..... Eish!!

I have grown wiser with age... I think😁

And then there was this time....😜

You're awesome Ames always remember that..... No arguments accepted on that subject!!

Hugs xx

AmalieAnne OP April 2nd, 2019

@Avaray EISH... what was going through your mind and your friends mind when you decide to pick on the ruby team? They can run and do that thing when they get a person to get the ball. Sports not my thing as you might be able to tell. Although I kind of want to tell you off for stealing their clothes which is naughtiness to the highest degree, to be honest I am kind of impressed. You are such a bad influence on me!! As for the cave it is only when you are are an oldie when you think about all those things like getting trapped. You were exploring, I once climbed down a well and got told off but I was exploring as well. Still, that is what an explorer does me thinks. I read this account of a lady who husband died (they were both kind of really really old) but they used to do cave diving. The lady decide that she would not give up and went by herself but she got lost and could not find the guide rope. After she panicked because of the whole running out of air thing she felt her husband taking her to the rope. She found the rope and followed it out. So she got out and was not harmed in any way. Not sure why I am telling you that... maybe I found in interesting is all. Maybe it is because you said you have grown wiser with age just remember sometimes you have to be silly Open mouth or do something crazy like going into a cave because it can be fun (and scary).

AmalieAnne OP December 13th, 2018

Please come home again,
before you disappeared I never…
I hoped you would come home,
to be with me again.

I never thought one day,
things would simply end.
If I knew perhaps things…
could be different but
then again.

Things could have been different
dreams though because…
Now you have disappeared.
It feels like this will never end.
Having no hope again.

Because there is one thing,
that I need to say.
I love you until the end.
Please come home again,
Please let this not be the end.

Avaray December 13th, 2018



AmalieAnne OP December 23rd, 2018

Merry Christmas, thank you to The Amazing Rarely Charlie, The Loving Lovable Avaray, The Political Renegade Kite. Moitrois I hope that school is going ok for you. Also, to Jane (the main one), KLM3278, Bee and anyone who I have forgotten or reads this. Thank you support and have a nice Christmas.

pinkSailboat9801 December 23rd, 2018

@AmalieAnne Hi, just want to say you sound like you are very strong and I wish you a happy holidays too.

AmalieAnne OP December 25th, 2018

@pinkSailboat9801 Sometimes strong, sometimes not so much. Happy holidays/christmas to you smiley