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Is it a trauma or not? To me, it kinda feels

givemecoffee August 25th, 2017

I don't know what exactly to count as 'trauma' besides bullying because that was something that I can say the word and everyone will say "yes, that can hurt". Everything else is.. 'you're just too sensitive'. I'm in therapy and I am constantly questioning if I'm even worth of being there. Not only over this but everything.

I remember good points in childhood. But also remember points where I was scared and unsure. One moment my dad was amazing and friendly, the other if I did something wrong even if small - it was things thrown all over the house, my room turned upside down, things thrown against me, shouting, names. And then an apology and back to friendly funny dad. Where my mother was in all this? I don't know, when my dad got angry she didn't make it better. She'd trembling telling him to calm down or even shout "calm down" which made it worse. I'd just sit quiet and take it, say "sorry", do what I was told. But he was friendly otherwise, so no one said a thing - probably only my neighbor actually knew because she heard the shouting.

I started to obsessively check if everything was safe. Sometimes if I felt a knot in my stomach half hour before my parents were due to get home, I'd go frentically around the house, checking if nothing was out of place. I was 12 and symmetrically organizing things on desk or making kitchen clean, not because I was told to.. but to avoid making him angry. He never hit me.. too hard. I just felt something on my left cheek wow I guess those are the 'body memories'?

But he apologized. After all years, after me having break downs, him founding out about self-harm, etc he one day sat down and said "I was trying to control my anger when you were growing up on my own, and sometimes didn't work out, I'm sorry". I know how hard it's for him to admit he's wrong or apologize. The resentment is wrong but.. I don't know, I guess I still have that thing in my mind that says "what if he snaps one day like before" even if he hasn't. So I'm still careful.

I'm blabbing now. The bullying was verbal, physical and.. sexual harrasment? I'm still not sure. I've tried asking people "can it count as sexual harrasment" probably a couple times online, but no answer is good. I feel disgusting, that's for sure. Couple years after bullying, my classmates in new school noticed I'd flinch whenever someone touched me and I didn't realize. One day I had an anger outburst and shouted at my friends, when they hugged my from behind and touched my neck, I stormed out in tears. I was panicking and didn't want to shout, but did. All because was something they did in middle school, during bullying - hit me on back of my neck, specially after some lady at school warned them that's a dangerous area.

I really feel I'll never be able to feel close to someone, specially as a romantic relationship. I don't trust guys, I don't trust men. I want to, but have little evidence so far. And someone touching me, freaks me out. I also feel I am overreacting over something SO small. I'm here complaining while someone out there is having a really rough life and keep it to themselves. Well, I only complain anonymously or in therapy. I can't ever admit these things outloud to anyone, specially not in real life.

Umm guess this will be a good place to share? These thoughts have been coming back at night. Had one or two flashbacks in past months. Hadn't experience flashbacks in a long long time. That way they're released, out there - somewhere- and out of my mind. Oh well, i'mma end it for now.

givemecoffee OP October 19th, 2017

@wizeakre Thank you, means a lot

EmOnTheGo November 2nd, 2017


Thank you for sharing everything you wrote in this forum.

I can relate to several parts.

Thumbs up for your bravery in facing and admitting all this and in recalling the memories, and for your perseverance in getting better.

May life give you what you need.


givemecoffee OP October 21st, 2017

I feel strange when I feel okay talking to my mother. Yesterday had a good morning, I mean I went on my own to solve a situation that involved talking to someone I never talked to before, and it went good - I didn't panic, it got handled and I didn't give up. So after that, I had to wait with my mother for half hour, until my dad came to meet us and I was okay. Truth be told, I couldn't stay quiet. Being silent with her, feels more awkward. I don't know, it was as if I felt I was lying on everything above, but how could I be lying if felt real?

I actually went on a long rant about something that happened on wednesday, and deleted it twice - not sure why, but I don't feel is necessary to rant.. Maybe because it sounds more like family issues rather than trauma-related. Actually, I don't know if I can pin point where the differences lay.

I am a bit on the edge, but not much. Tomorrow have to be with my grandfather and only reason is because we're going to a party afterwards, so to save time, me and my dad will have to face our worst ngihtmare (aka lunch with my mom's family) to get the reward. The reward will be being with the best side of the family, they're really kind and they actually make me feel seen. Although, they would never believe all the crap my mom's family has done, because they feel they are good people - they are okay. They never made hurtful jokes nor criticized me just to put me down, of course I don't connect that well with them because the people closer to my age are either 14 or 35 - and I'm in mid 20's. Can't expect much.

Birthdays are triggering to me. And it's a birthday party. Last time went to a birthday party was there, and I ended up feeling pretty anxious - I was having flashbacks all night, which was a weird feeling, because I was in that state where not only were the memories popping in my mind, but I felt stuck in past. And it was near my birthday, which is also a triggering time of year. Not sure if I have ever mentioned why I hate my birthday. I think I'll just say it, since I think I may go through those emotions tomorrow:

Umm it's quite hard saying it because I can't explain it in short words and always fear people see me as overreacting. In short.. I never got my spotlight. Not even as a kid. When I turned 16, I broke down crying in front of my parents saying "no one ever made me feel special, it was never my day, it was always someone elses" and my mother's response was "that's a lie! we even made you parties, when I was your age, I didn't even get a gift, you should be grateful"

The parties she refered to were family dinners. Dinners she would force us to have, and invite only family - even if I asked for a friend, the reply was always "we don't have a big house, family comes first". Adults would eat in the big dining table in living room, with music and/or tv loud. I'd get physically pushed into the kitchen, to eat with my cousins all younger than me. I'd have to help them eat, and if I opened the door to try and interact with the conversation, some uncle would get up and close the door because "the day isn't about the kids". Mind you, this happened every year until I was 13 and pretty much demanded and refused to eat in the kitchen.

No one ever realized where I was. If something made me upset such as family ignoring me and appluading my cousins instead of me (when we were doing the same thing), I'd go in my room and cry. It could take hours until someone noticed I was there, and was usually to call everyone for dinner, and not because they were looking for me. People called me "cry baby" because I literally spent all my birthdays crying. They called me "selfish" as well, for demanding a day about me.

When you're a child, when you're 8, 9, 10 years old and always told to look after others, it hurts. It comes a day where it's just too much. I had many of those days, but no one cared. No one ever thought to say "oh look, she is always being a listener to her mother problems since she's 6, and baby-sitting her cousins almost weekly since she's 9, she maybe could use some time to rest". NO! Even at my own birthday, people would drop their babies on my lap and say "deal with it", or go in my room and touch my stuff, and tell me to "share, not be a spoiled child". Even if it meant turning my room upside down, punching my things, breaking them and then saying "oh but don't be spoiled, you can share". YES, I can share if you take good care of them. Punching a keyboard won't make it play the music louder, on the contrary. -breathe in-

I am going to end it here, because honestly, I have spent a good time starring at this page and I have stuff to do. I want to paint my nails for tomorrow, and also draw and plan my week. Planning makes me relax, same with drawing. I need that. I need relaxation. This nervous feeling won't leave. Sorry. I ranted.

givemecoffee OP October 24th, 2017

I don't believe my mother's "illness" speech, anymore. I realized today, I get cold when she starts coming near us saying she is almost dying because of a pain, when happens to be because she ate bad food or forgot to eat, or because she slept too much and is dizzy. It probably has something to do with how she used to it when I was a kid and teen, crying wolf and saying she was almost dying. She would literally cry and look up the ceiling saying "mother, am I seeing you today" mentioning my grandma that died when I was 8. While I kept reminding her if she ate lunch she wouldn't have had a blood pressure drop and feel sick. I mean I was a teen when everytime me or my dad told her "can you please do this instead of that, so it ends better" in the kindest of ways so she wouldn't freak out at us and ignore us - she'd start yelling and put her hand on her chest saying "the doctor told me stress can kill me, oh my, you both want me to die" and having an anxiety attack, so we'd have to calm her down. A person eventually gets tired of it, after 10 years of same thing every few days.

But not only that. I tend to be suspicious of people crying wolf about illness. Not everyone, but certain people - so I automatically assume anyone going to everyone saying "I'm ill i'm ill i'm ill" is faking. May have to do with how, when I was 11, my best friend at the time came to the school telling everyone how she had cancer and 2 weeks to live. She first told me and then a couple more people. I came home and cried that evening. My mom's best friend had just died from cancer (or so I thought - was suicide, I found out years ago) and was still recoverying from my grandma's and teacher's death from 3 years ago, and she knew very well because we had been classmates since pre-school. Couple days later I found her grandmother at school and asked her "is true X is dying in 2 weeks? I'm so terrified for her, what can I do?". "She is not dying, she just went from regular blood tests and they're alright".

I spent days crying. Nights barely sleeping, afraid for her. Planning my life without my best best friend, reading any book I could find on what can help people with cancer (not many). Maybe I overreacted as a kid, but after my grandma died, I got told people's heart could explode at any moment, and feared sleep for years. Only recently stopped having panic attacks when found myself sleeping, afraid I wouldn't wake up. So for me, at 11 years old, to be told the person I was closest to was dying. It shocked me. So I became suspicious after it. Doesn't help I always read a lot about science and health, so I pick up on people's lies really easily. Especially family members. Especially my mother. Though I'll treat them as if they're telling the truth, helping them slightly - I will remain cold, when naturally I'm a really empathetic person and wanting to help, to those people and situations, I'll keep my distance and emotions shut.

Maybe I am a bad person. Meh. I'm having chest pains now, so I can't really bother to care.

Hoping4Harmony October 29th, 2017



I can relate to the drama about health with my mother, who would say we were trying to make her have a stroke/kill her. I think, though, she really believed it. Ive had times where I felt calloused to my mother.

Maybe your mother really believes it and doesnt have the inner strength to take care of herself the way you and your father suggest.

As for your friend, there are two things I wonder about with her. First, it reminds me of when I was 9 and my mother was sure I had cancer and took me to the doctor. It wasnt cancer. I had nothing wrong with me.

Second, maybe she knew it wasnt true and was just doing it because she needed attention and didnt have the foresight to understand the ramifications of her lie. Maybe she even wanted her lie to be true. Her home life might not have been as ideal as it seemed.

People do things not because of us but because of themselves.

It doesnt take away the pain that theyve caused you. But maybe it will make it easier to understand if you come at it from the perspective that they werent doing it to hurt you but because of their own mental struggles.

givemecoffee OP October 30th, 2017


I doubt she doesn't have the strength to take care of herself, but agree she may believe it - her friends and family members feed into it so why wouldn't she? The problem is she doesn't WANT to take care of herself. She only wants to take care of herself in the way she feels is the "right" one. Eating right, drinking water, sleeping well - those are not the "right" ones in her mind. Those don't matter. And it's SO hard to not scream at her when she is making a scene, but that'd only make it worse.

Yes, my friend did things for attention. She brushed it off right after, and she did similar things a few times the two years later, such as lying about moving countries, making rumors about her family, etc. Her home life wasn't nice, I mean I always knew that and tried to tell myself "oh it's okay, she is struggling, she will stop doing it". And to be honest, what hurt me most wasn't her doing it, was her only using me for pity and support. It's similar to how my mother was when I was a kid. No one likes to feel used. Nor do I like feeling sour about people lol

Thank you though, means a lot you replied! Sorry you can relate

gluey October 30th, 2017

@givemecoffee I can totally understand how you feel whenever someone cries wolf over their disease. After what you've experienced, it's natural to have suspicions

givemecoffee OP October 30th, 2017

@gluey Thank you

susie17790 October 30th, 2017

@givemecoffee Some people would say that none of what you went through was traumatic...these people should never be a shoulder for anyone to cry on!

What you suffered was definitely trauma and so many empathetic people will agree. You've been through so much. If something happens to you in your childhood, and it still affects you now even to the point of flinching if someone touches you then you really DO deserve to be in that room having therapy. Without therapy it could badly affect your life, relationships with partners, friends and family. I was sexually abused as a child and i've been having therapy for 2 years. At first i hated it, why am i here...there are people who need this more than i even deserve to be here, not just in this room but living, breathing...everyone deserves to have a nicer friend, a nicer sister, a nicer daughter in their lives...not someone like me...

I still really do suffer so badly with low self-esteem, depression and PTSD but therapy has given me so many useful coping tools. I also freak out when i am touched in anyway at all.

You are not alone, i promise you. It will get easier!

Thankyou so much for sharing your story with us! :)

givemecoffee OP October 30th, 2017

@susie17790 Thank you so much. It's hard to think of it as being traumatic because I don't want to indirectly minimize someone's trauma by calling my childhood "traumatic". But thank you. Sorry you endured that, I'm glad therapy has helped you.

susie17790 October 31st, 2017

@givemecoffee but you aren't, I promise. No-one who has had a traumatic experience will say you're diminishing them. We are all survivors one way or another ☺

Hoping4Harmony November 3rd, 2017


This reminds me of something I heard once - hard is not a competition. Sometimes my husband has compared my its not as bad as X so my pain isnt legitimate statements to someone with diabetes saying they dont deserve medicine because its not cancer.

susie17790 November 3rd, 2017

@Hoping4Harmony exactly! and we always like to say 'there are people worse off than me', or we compare pain to emotional pain that we felt back then. We are so worthy. I feel like a preacher! by the way, i don't actually listen to my own all! :)

givemecoffee OP November 2nd, 2017

warning: lost post ahead

I hate how hard depression can hit me, in a moment. earlier today I was happy, having a great great day. now I'm crying, because something reminded me of how I'm never loved.

I don't say this lightly. maybe there are people in the world who felt more unloved than me, but I hate how people make it seem like I'm lying. like I was loved. I wasn't. not even in a romantic level, because that's out of the question. when not even boys look at you and the few that looked at you were to harass you or hit you, or spread hurtful rumors, that's not even a possibility. but friendship level, family level. my dad isn't one to show love, he is funny and caring, but isn't one to show affection like other parents do. I never ran into my parents arm for a hug, I can never remember it. I always felt uncomfortable in a hug with my parents. not sure if it's me, or the relationship. maybe me. I hate touch. but also crave it to some degree

as a kid, my birthdays weren't my day, they were someone elses day. people told me that as a kid: that I shouldn't make it about me. that I souldn't be "selfish". so pretty much, no day was about me. if a day was about me, all about me, no one was around. just my dad. I started being the laughing joke in school when I was 7. I moved homes but not schools, and the neighborhood I moved into made my classmates call me names. not lighthearted names. not only poor and disgusting, but also drug addict and stupid. just because of where I lived. and the neighbors where I live, also made fun of me. called me spoiled, ugly. they avoided me, pushed me aside and didn't want me to play with them. I got hated in school. I got hated at home. plus, being an only child meant when I wasn't hated, I was alone. the few friends I did have would leave me bit by bit because I wasn't popular.

around family? just scroll up my posts. I wish I was lying. I wish things like these weren't true. I wish I was exaggerating. Because YES I had good moments, but how were those moments? well I can assure you 70% of them include my dad and only my dad - how he'd take me on hikes and take pictures of nature with me, how he'd buy me art books, and play piano with me even if we both are zero at playing instruments. 10% include moments with friends before they turned sour. And 20% are on my own, of having fun on my own and without anyone to share.

I don't know. I seriously never felt loved or wanted. maybe I was? but no one made me feel that way. my mother says all time how she always wanted me. how my being born was planned and expected. but does she mean it or does she say it because she wants me to believe she means it? because how can someone want someone and not want to care about the good things they have to share? how can someone truly care for someone, and despise their own belongings as "you can buy another" when it gets broken? how can someone truly love someone and then ignore their own pain as "well it doesn't hurt me so it's stupid that hurts you" and minimize every pain and humiliation as "well and how about ME?!"? how can a person that does those things call themselves "a great parent?" "a mother?"

Sorry. My mom died when I was 8. You're not my mom. A mom cares to say more than the same 3 things when a daughter is sharing something great 1. "hmm hmm" 2. "that's nice" and 3 being giggling. Because that's all my mother does. When I share how my studies are going, when I share how my art is, when I share a movie I saw, when I share anything. That's all 3 things she says. Nothing more. Not a question, not a proof of how she listened to me. She repeats it on and on and on, as if I'm so stupid I'm not realized she is using the same speech as when I was 9 and 12 and 16 and 18.

Sorry.. I ranted. I just wanted to get it out. I need to study. I can't study feeling like this. This had everything to be a good day and now I'm having urges to self-harm. Well how nice. I don't want to go sleep now, but.. I think the day ends now.

Hoping4Harmony November 3rd, 2017


Im sorry to hear those kids were so awful. You deserve better than that. Kids can be so cruel and that cruelly can stain us for years.

As for family ... I can relate to feeling unloved.

The Enneagram personality classification says that each of has has an internal tape we play, or a mantra we tell ourselves over and over. The one for my personality type is, I am unloveable therefore I must make myself loveable.

One day I realized that my feeling unloved wasnt because Im unloveable but because my mother cant express love to me in a way that I need. Shes a narcissist and all her actions are about her and protecting her carefully crafted image.

Im not saying your mother is a narcissist. Im saying- what your mother does sounds more about her than you. You are loveable even if you dont feel loved.

It sounds like your mothers whole identity is in being a victim of her health. Even if she seems physically capable of doing things ... she may believe her identity so firmly she doesnt have the mental or emotional strength to do anything else.

My therapist has said depression and self-harm are anger redirected at the self in a negative way. I hope youfind a way to express your feelings without taking it out on yourself.

givemecoffee OP November 9th, 2017

@Hoping4Harmony I have to agree with your therapist, I always felt so much anger inside me I just couldn't express it. I was the type of child that never complained, all was well even if I felt unwell but when things hit my "limit" I'd explode. And my self-harm started to prevent that explosion, plus I tend to lose control of my emotions a whole lot but oh well.

Thank you, and yes - seems like she just can't set priorities in her life well, to me. Like, she wants the attention and feels everyone has to be on her side. Not narcissitic, to me people who are nascisitis know they do it and don't care. She doesn't care, because she doesn't realize she is doing it. Oh well, what gonna do.

Hoping4Harmony November 10th, 2017


self harm was something I found control over when I felt out of control. As horrible as it sounds, its stress relieving for me and soothing in a way. Ive had to find other ways of maintaining control and self soothing that are better for me.

One thing I did for a while was wear Jamberry nail wraps. Theyre not expensive and people would compliment me on them, so it made me feel pretty. They adhere with heat, so Id use a blow dryer and there was something soothing about listening to the blow dryer for so long. When theyre ready to be removed then you peel them off (hot enough water melts the glue) so that felt cathartic too. I know that sounds lame but it helped me.

Ive tried my best to forgive my mother. Most of the time I do feel peaceful, but lately Ive been around her too much. I need her help, so I have to swallow my reactions. Theres a quote I read about forgiveness and how it sets us free. I think thats true.

When Im having a difficult time forgiving, I tend to meditate about the offense until it no longer bothers me. Its kind of like saying a word so many times it looses all meaning. After one of these very long meditations, I feel at peace. I really need to do this again and soon.

givemecoffee OP November 18th, 2017

When I doubt my situation (points to title, if you're confused - it's like the basis of this apparently) I tend to go search things online. Not sure if that's helpful, or not but trying. And 6 out of 10 times I find myself in Kati Morton videos. Now I'm watching "What does being traumatized mean" which was a video I watched many months ago.. and I don't know. Makes sense? Because my family (my mom's family, I mean, which is the one we're closest to) is not a good family for children that are more sensitive. And they don't see anything wrong, even though I have more people in my family that exhibit signs of mental illness not only me. And I probably have said this multiple times. Something I notice is anyone that doesn't have the same mentality as them and grows up among them, or that is more sensitive emotionally than them - tends to suffer. But they don't care, it's OUR problem even if it's their children in pain. And considering everything, makes sorta sense I'd be traumatized. As a baby, my dad was working out of home, not sure if I said: but he got a job when I was a small baby, that meant he would only come home on weekends. But then became that he'd only come home one or two weekends a month. Of course, I was 1-2 years old, I don't remember. But my grandparents would try to keep me away from him, thinking I didn't recognize him. They would, according to what my dad says and my mother confirms: take me away from his arms or yell at him, to a point where I started crying and then say is because I didn't recognize him anymore.

Something you need to know: my dad likes children. My mother "says" likes children. I say this because my dad is the type of person to play with kids and act like a child among them, which my family finds "ridiculous". My mother is the type of person to tell children to pray and touch their head, but never play with them. She never played with me, not even with dolls.

But that situation when I was 1-2 years old was "normal". Then when he quit his job, because of me (his words) my family found other ways. The problem is they're a bad-narcisistic family. They want to be number one in everything and when they aren't or what they want isn't happening, they throw poison via words - but that fails. They aren't carismatic enough for it to work. But because they're family, I have to be around them.

And Holidays are coming. I am trying to find ways to manage it, without breaking down and freaking out. Because I am already sensing 2 terrible weeks in December. And I keep trying my best to make it "work" and I don't know why anymore. I mean, I know. Because my cousin (aka my "sister") is coming as well, and the girl deserves a good Christmas. Her father family isn't that nice either, but they're carismatic which is how people fall in the prey more. Her mother has once told me how no one in the family plays with her, that she is lucky to have friends in school or else would have no one to play with. That I'm the only cousin she has that likes to play with her. And the girl is amazing!

Seriously? What's up with these screwed-up families and not liking to play with children? Is there a book somewhere that says "how to be a TERRIBLE family: step one! don't play with children"? Because if there is, can we burn it down? Like.. now?

EmOnTheGo November 18th, 2017

@givemecoffee Thank you for your words heart

givemecoffee OP November 18th, 2017

Just saw that today is "International Survivor's of Sucide Loss Day" (thank you 7cups notifications) and I'm confused if I get included or not in that.. because the two people that I have lost due to suicide weren't directly close and I was a child. For some reason I feel shouldn't upset me. But I thought I'd take a moment to remember them, because it's two people I remember a lot even if memory fails me.

I to this day wish to find the news article on my teacher's death, so I could remember her name. It's something that I can't remember, and considering I blocked that memory for years - it's not wonder. But I do remember the other person's name. I won't say, because of privacy issues, but I'll never forget because took me so long to pronounce her name well. But I don't think she ever noticed. Actually, the biggest memory I have from her is one time she invited me and my mom for lunch with her, and looked me in the eye smiling and saying

"Well I don't care if you like soup or not, but you're eating soup, young lady" to which I replied I did like carrot soup and she hugged me saying "that's my girl! you deserve a lollipop after!" - I mean, I was 10. That meant a lot. She was like a mother figure to me. Same with my teacher, and my grandmother. And all died. Well, let's not dwell in that. Not today!

From my teacher, I don't remember much. But I think she was a music teacher, it plays a part in my memories because after I was 8 we had to get a new music teacher whom I never liked. And if it is, I think I remember her name. Wow. I do. Her name meaning was "happiness", and she was the type of person to always be smiling. I liked her, because she saw me and always told me hello. That meant a lot to my 8 year old self.

I'm not a religious person, nor really spiritual. I'm more what's considered a "skeptic" but I do believe in remembering people's lifes in every way we can - I believe in people's good intentions and each person leaving their imprint for others to remember. So I think I'll set one candle burning before bed today, while I do mindfulness, in their memory.

I'm not sure if it's wrong that I see myself as someone that "lost a loved one" because they were not friends in my age group, nor family members, but they were people that saw me, that heard me, that cared. I may one day search more on the definition of a "loved one" because honeslty.. I don't know what that expression means.

And if anyone reading this has lost someone to suicide, stay strong. I'm not sure how much this fits into "trauma" but grieving was something I did struggle with and that indirectly tied into it so I guess it does. Either way. I shall light that candle. Can't forget.

Hoping4Harmony November 21st, 2017


Im sorry for your losses. At times I struggle with feeling as though no one would miss me, so reading your story was affirmation that we can make a difference in peoples lives even if they arent immediately related to us. Sometimes I think that the people who would miss me would be better off without me - I wouldnt be able to continue to cause them pain.

If something was traumatic for you, then who has the right to tell you otherwise? I lost a teacher to a car accident as a child. I adored her and was so sad at her loss. I missed her and didnt like her replacement.

The world can be dark but the light from some lives is felt by more than just their immediate family.

givemecoffee OP November 21st, 2017

@Hoping4Harmony thank you, and glad you found something positive in what I said, I guess we all need those affirmations

givemecoffee OP November 21st, 2017

Warning: may be triggering? Mention some physical 'abuse' on the bottom. Just thought I'd say

Okay, so I just had a memory couple days ago, and my brain is still trying to process it. I couldn't talk about it in therapy today (because all session was me crying over how I am not getting better, but that's a different story). So I thought "why not post it here". I don't think I did yet.

Basically, it's from when I was around 11 or 12. A hot summer day, probably 30 C or more, and my parents were getting ready to go shopping downtown, to enjoy the afternoon all 3 which is a rare thing. I had picked a denim skirt since was that hot, and was grabbing my phone when my mother instantly yelled "are you wearing that? That's too short, go get something else". And I told her, calmly and confused: it's hot outside, and this skirt isn't even flowy nor short. She started saying how I'd make people assume the worst of them, saying I'd get people calling them names for letting me going out like some "random women in a corner" and to put a pair of long pants. My dad came in and calmly told her "let the girl wear a skirt, it's not even a short one and it's hot outside - you don't want her to burn inside some long jeans".

By then she was saying how we never cared about what she had to say, and for us to hurry up. Mind you, at that time I wasn't spending much time with my mother, we weren't close and she'd mostly spend all afternoons sleeping and taking painkillers. So I valued any time I could have with her talking, since I didn't "know" her. Plus, I think was that summer that a month later I ended up going on a 3 day trip with some kids from our town, a camping trip, and spent a night crying in middle of a party, because was only day in the week I saw her, and I was away and didn't have my phone. Some kids ended up finding me crying on some steps, all by myself, and asking me what's wrong. It still hurts to remember that.

After that, with my dad saying that yes I was taking the skirt, he told us to meet him in the car and I went to grab my phone and wallet, and my mom went to the kitchen I think drink a glass of water. When I went to the door (near the kitchen), I stopped and asked her if she was coming, and she replied in such a hateful way it shook my bones:

"You can consider yourself a really lucky girl because your mother never hit you, but you can bet I was pretty close to smack you accross the head, you were so rude and had no right"

And then I went in the car, sat down in the back seat, she came after and had a smile in her face asking my dad where we were going. I guarantee you, I never felt so confused in my life. My mother is not one to do that, to speak in such a hateful way - I mean, she does talk in a mean way when talking on the phone with family, but it's more in a "fun mean" way. I think I blocked that memory for some time, I didn't want to remember but I had snips of it. Just yesterday did I get the whole thing and shocked me.

I didn't know her as a person, only what others told me from her but lived with her everyday. And suddenly, we're going shopping and for ice cream, and I'm just so happy for us 3 to be together, and she says that. I don't think those were her exact words, but I do remember her saying she was pretty close to hitting me and even lifting her hand at me and

I think she did slap me

Okay I think she did, because I'm getting the memory and now I remember why I was so shook, she either slapped me or tried to. Okay this isn't what I expected, but my mind is confusing me. As I was typing this, I felt something on my cheek and remember her saying "you're lucky I never slapped you before" so I'm kind of confused.

But that was the memory. I also got another one, but from another time, when my dad got really angry at the fact I said I didn't want a shirt. Because the shirt was too small on me and he felt I said I didn't like it because was cheap, and he lifted his hand to slap me and she yelled while crying "hit her on the hands, not the face, on the hands not the face!" as if that was better. I'm having flashbacks now, feeling it on my arms and hands. Why is this happening. This doesn't happen. Not for long time. Okay. I should probably sleep or do some mindfulness or idk what but something because I'm about to cry and feeling overwhelmed. I'm okay. I'll be okay. I'll be okay. I'll just put a warning on top, idk how triggering this might be to someone, my hands are shaking a bit, can't type well. I'll be okay, I'll breathe and be okay.

EmOnTheGo November 23rd, 2017

@givemecoffee Hi, how are you now?

givemecoffee OP November 24th, 2017

@EmOnTheGo Okay-ish. But waaay better than that

Booklover95 December 29th, 2017


First of all I have to say I LOVE your picture (I'm addicted to anything tim burton, specially corpse bride! heart )

But now moving on to important things. You know trauma happens in many different ways. The point isn't if she slapped you or not, is how you kinda repressed pain in your life. Emotional abuse is a thing and the way your mother acted leads me to think (again just my view, I might be wrong!!) that she really didn't care for children, wasn't a matter of being you. Some women are cold hearted and are beyond cruel to their children, yet can kiss their husband's feet.

I will say your father seemed reasonable and kind. Besides only made sense you wearing a skirt in hot weather.

From what I read here not only was she agressive in her way of speaking to you, but she had one of those weird medieval mentalities that women will "have what they ask for" with a simple piece of clothing.

And since I don't know if you heard this from your mother or not I'll say: I'm sorry.

No one deserves pain specially as a child. breaks my heart to know you went through so much at a young age.

However remember now you are safe here. You are surrounded with love and acceptance here on 7cups.

As long as you rely on the support and also on your therapy (which btw good job! Even if it doesn't seem you're getting better, just reaching out shows improvement!) you can absolutly get a new life and a happy future.

Sending you so much love heart

givemecoffee OP December 29th, 2017

@Booklover95 thank you. Really, thank you so much for that. I actually think it's opposite: she loves the idea of a baby and children, but doesn't have the patience or mindset to be a mother besides giving birth. She loves buying clothes for babies and loves baby stuff but won't play a game with a child or tell them a story, nor care to listen stories.. I don't know, it's what I tell myself that she just has a wrong idea of what a mother is, and is too stubborn to care there's other descriptions.

Tim Burton is the best! I relate so much to Victoria in way of talking that she is my favorite character of Corpse Bride lol

givemecoffee OP November 24th, 2017

They say best way to fix a hole from not having a 'mother' emotionally present is finding a mother figure - I mean, from what I read. And truth be told, I've had many mother figures as kid. Like my grandmother, until she died. Or my mom's best friend. Who also died. So after I was 11 I kind of gave up on mother figures, but never realized it. Only now, trying to see if I find someone I can 'use' as mother figure and can't. My mind doesn't trust the person will "live" or be around me.

I can't trust women because of this. I can't trust girls my age either.

I can't trust guys my age because of bullying. I can't trust men either.

The moment I get close to someone, my mind yells "RUN" and I hide. I want to make friends, but can't. Not only over this, but have no one to even 'get to know'.

How can I actually get friends, be in a relationship if trusting is so hard? I mean, can't even trust my therapist. Being honest to her is a struggle, and I'm supposed to be there to get over struggles. Has anyone went through this and got over it? Because honestly I don't feel I can. I feel I'll have to pretend for rest of my life, and hurts. Because I already pretend. I pretend all the time. I pretend I feel loved. Fake it till you make it, you know? But I never feel loved. Just keep pretending and don't tell anyone. And when I do tell.. I back away when I notice it hurts them. I can't trust, I can't feel loved - but I'd rather people believe I feel loved than hurt them and be without them. Even if I don't trust them, I don't want them out. I'm a walking and breathing paradox.

Booklover95 December 29th, 2017


I'm really sorry for what you're going through.

Hopefully the future is full of wonderfull things because you deserve it!

Also is not the same as a "real life" friend but if you want a friend around here I'll gladly by your friend :)

givemecoffee OP November 25th, 2017

I can't believe I admited it. I can't believe I called my incident in school "sexual assault". I can't believe I told it. But now it's posted to that thread and I can't delete it. Should I feel ashamed? Scared? Relieved? I don't know. I feel numb. My mind is ignoring it happened, to not even process it. I just went with the impulse, said it to not regret it later.

givemecoffee OP December 7th, 2017

I am scared for this month. You betcha I am. Because my mind is already BURSTING. Self-harm urges off the rough, mood swings are quick to the point I can be laughing and if one small thing goes wrong, in second and half I am yelling and about to break stuff. Depression hit me so hard with all these emotions that I've been fighting numbness and derealization. Yesterday I kept zoning out, I was doing my homework for today's tutor session and I am so glad I didn't have much left, because I kept confusing letters and numbers and getting lost. I didn't remember what day of week or month was, so much that I almost forgot to set things for todays and thought I had already had tutoring and paid for december. I was taking a bath, and I just remember sitting on the bath tub after who knows how long and thinking "why am I here?"

I hate when that happens. When my mind is so overwhelmed and turned off, that even things that I usually worry about, seem unreal. And as much as I hate to say it, the only way I was able to get out of it was by hurting myself. It helped me get back on earth for some hours, at least.

And all because.. family. Because I have to see them, be around them and can't avoid them. I mean, in theory I can. But in practic, not really. Not only that, it's a time that tends to remind me of my grandma a lot. Her birthday was around christmas time, on Christmas day and New Years' Eve, my family used to mention her a lot whic hurt, and some other things. I know handle the grief way better than years ago, but always feel alone.


But I guess this is a rough time for everyone, right, so it's stupid for me to worry? I mean, it's always what I here. "it's stressful for everyone, nobody like family drama, your family is just like any other yadda yadda". Well, could be. But since I am 13, December is a month where my depression hits hard to the point that in high school, on the first day of winter holidays I used to cry all day. And I mean, all day. Also my "anger/dissociaton" episodes would happen a lot, and when I woke up from there I was surrounded in broken things and burnt things, unsure how it happened - with ashes on my hands and scratches I didn't even remember doing.

So wasn't a nice thing. I mean, it's not the type of holidays a typical teen wishes for, but for me was normal. I never scheduled plans with friends on first days of holidays because I knew I'd be super depressed and in bed all day. The only times I'd shower or brush my hair was for parties. And would take me 3 hours just to get ready. 2 of those, to shower.

Well I'mma stop here, my mind is going to a negative space and today derealization is OFF so I'll enjoy it for rest of today. Though I didn't study or did anything besides shower + wash hair and do my nails. Have a party tomorrow with family, but the good side of family. Though it's a birthday and birthdays are triggering for me so.. yeah. Also, I hate using the word trigger because I don't want anyone to think it's me over using, but I only use it when I mean it. Going to birthday parties can lead me to flashbacks and panic, maybe even a depression episode or anxiety/panic attacks at max. Okay off I go

givemecoffee OP December 9th, 2017

Everyone has traditions. I have my own, and I started it when I was 9. The first Christmas after my grandmother had passed away, I was feeling really alone and sad - my parents were working and because she had died, I couldn't spend holidays with her. So instead, cried all days. Around the 21-23rd of December, I was watching TV when a movie came on - Anastasia. I don't know how to explain it, but something about it called my attention. And after the first scene, I started smiling and crying, and sat in front of the TV heart

The next years, around those days, I'd stay in front of the TV waiting for the movie again, switching between channels - but never came. Nor did I remember the name. Took about 5 years until I found the name and got the movie again, and after that (so when I was 14), every December around 21st, I watch that movie. It's my comfort, it's what makes holidays somewhat tolerable, I know all lines, I know all songs, and to this day the line "Soon you'll be, home with me. Once upon a December" gives me chills each time.

It's was that movie that made me feel understood. As a kid I felt I didn't belong anywhere, so it made me have hope. There aren't many movies that give me this feeling. And yes, most of them are animation/cartoon but big deal. If I love a movie and I watch it multiple times, it's not because I just love the story, but because means something to me. And for most people, they would never guess why. Or probably would find the "why" ridiculous. But considering as a little girl I felt no one understood me, feeling a movie character was "me" was all I needed.

And Anastasia.. just the fact it's December, my mind is already waiting for that time to watch the movie - and it's something I always watch alone (with tissues). But I don't cry because makes me sad, but because makes me feel okay. Because that first Christmas I was so sad, and that movie made feel less alone, sometimes it's as if I can feel my grandmother or someone around me - I know it's just my mind feeling better, but it's a great feeling

Too bad our TV is broken.. So I'll need to watch in my laptop, or maybe in our old CRT TV: get that old feeling when I first watched the movie haha

givemecoffee OP December 12th, 2017

My mom works on Christmas and pretty much any holiday that isn't on her work-free days. So as a kid, it was mostly me and my dad and he isn't one to enjoy celebrating holidays. We'd pick her up from work around 5 pm and then go to my grandfathers which was a mess, by time we got there, and arguments. I didn't want to go spend lunch there, but I also felt a bit "strange" being home with only my dad. I'd wake up and open gifts when I wanted and alone. I mean it's not as if I got many gifts, but I really cared for anything. After a couple years, my dad really started to try and make it 'special' which was nice. He'd make pancakes for breakfast, I'd watch the movies or the circus on TV, and then he'd roast some chicken and french fries for us - my favorite food as a kid.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this incident, but when I was 7 there was an argument. Was our first Christmas in our new apartment, and my mom had the day off, so my dad tried to get us all 3 to have lunch at home and then go visit family. At 7 am, my aunt came in.. all I know is I woke up and she was there, telling me I had to go with her to see my gift. Told me to get dressed quickly, and I was asking if my dad had said was okay, if he knew (he was still asleep). She just ignored my questions and said "they'll meet us both there, come on, you'll love it". My mother heard the conversation, wished us a good trip and didn't say a thing.

When we got to my grandfather's house, my dad was frantically calling them and saying how it was unacceptable she took me out without saying. I just stood there watching my grandfather shout and say he was rude for not "sharing me" as if I was a toy. My grandmother was crying and when my aunt picked up the phone, all went downhill from there. Both were arguing on the phone and I was sitting there, feeling invisible. Next thing I knew, my aunt grabbed my arm and pushed me into her car, calling my dad multiple curse words and taking me back home. My mother was crying saying she "didn't know", and my dad was pretty upset.. I just remember not saying a word until I was alone with my dad (my mother was so 'sad', she hid in her room praying until lunch time) and I apologized constantly, saying it was my fault that I didn't say no. Of couse he told me wasn't my fault, that my aunt manipulated me. But that day we didn't visit my mom's family, my dad thought was the right way to teach them it wasn't okay what they did. And the next year he didn't as well. And that was the last christmas before my grandmother's death.

May sound stupid me getting sad about this, I know. Now I don't feel as bad, it's a memory that comes around this time, yes, but it doesn't hurt me as much as did few years ago. I used to laugh it off with people "the day my aunt almost kidnapped me" and make it fun.. but wasn't fun. I was so scared, I felt guilty, I felt I ruined the Holidays for everyone that year.

I mean, it's tiny things. But this in an example of how bad things can get in my family. This is an example of multiple other events that happened in holidays with my mom's family. So when I say "I hate christmas because of my family" I don't mean they cooked the wrong food or didn't give me a nice gift. I mean pretty much taking me out of my home against my will, or bullying me and my dad over small things like the fact we're atheists, or having so many arguments that people start getting drunk and throwing their stomach contact everywhere, getting headaches over shouting and loud music, then we getting calls some uncle crashed his car on a wall or got stopped by police. I mean.. this is what it was about. Do you think this is a nice place for a kid or teenager? Have you knows any 10 year old that wishes this as a family celebration?


I don't know, the first memory camed in and I just thought I'd let it out. My mom is home today, so my mind is going everywhere. Already had nightmares, now i'm sorta okay. About to draw a bit, make lunch and then work on some christmas cards. I am doing christmas cards for some family members. I was going to give one to my therapist, but I'm only seeing her in january. So it's just going to be for my cousins and the people I feel care. I need to buy some supplies though but have 2 almost done lol

givemecoffee OP December 15th, 2017

Just remembered something. In high school some students started a rumor I was victim of domestic violence. I couldn't remember exactly why it started, but now I did. Mainly some classmates used to come behind us and touch us without us knowing for fun - you know, typical teenager fun! But when they did that to me once, I screamed loud and started shaking so bad and hyperventilating. Panic attack. Cried. It shocked them, because I had to grab my stuff and walk away to the bathroom. But not only that. One time I was in class, randomly talking to this girl and somehow family came in the mix. I started talking about how if one day I went to my neighbors house because my parents were late, and when they got home at 10 or so pm, I wasn't there. When I came, my dad was shouting over how I was irresponsible for not being home or cleaning my school bag, so he flipped my bag over open and threw it across the room, not caring if my phone hit the ground or my calculator broke. I was around 12 I think. She looked at me shocked "what?" "Oh that's nothing, all parents do that" I said "at least he didn't slap me" and then I laughed.

Days later, some classmtes were asking why I didn't sneak out to go to a party. "My dad would probably hit me if I did *laughs*" and some girls starred at me. And before I knew it, my best friend was telling me the first girl told everyone I was being victim of domestic abuse. I got pretty upset. I started yelling in school and shaking, who was she? Speaking bad about my family?! She didn't even know me! I didn't talk to her again, I hated her.

Then I remembered, how the day after that bag incident, I went to my neighbors house to help her. She was same age and her father was semi-abusive, plus alcoholic - and she had to look after her siblings, cook and clean. So usually I'd go in and help her clean or play with her siblings so she could do her homework before her mother came home. And she asked me if I did hear her parents shouting and them crying, and we laughed a bit about how "thin walls". Then she said "your dad screams too". "You heard?" She shook her head in yes. And we stayed in silence, doing the dishes. We both knew each other lifes, but we never spoke much. And truth be told, I always thought my life was easy and hers was hard. Even when she invited me once for a party, and when my parents got home I asked them - I had cleaned the apartment from up to down, so I could go. My dad screamed pretty loud, called me names, and I stood there in silence.

Don't get me wrong, I don't feel resent against my dad. Yes, I feel hurt but from all my previous posts I guess the trend is simple - I forgave him. I am still hurt by it, but for other reasons.

Now that I think about it. The times he shouted at me and went on rants, was as if my brain "shut down". I just stood there, words coming through me and didn't move. He'd yell at me if I'm listening and I'd just nod, but I was out of it. Feeling of dread. And after the storm went, I'd look around and assess damage. And get cleaning, in auto-pilot mode. I remember sometimes my eyes would even lose focus while he talked, and I'll just stay there seeing the image go blurry and unable to move my face as if I was a statue. Then I'd move, eyes back to working.

I know may seem like i am soooo stuck on it. Maybe I am. But it's just these pieces of memories and stuff come up, and I feel the need to write them down. i'm not sure if this is even a good idea. If fits here. I no longer read it up again, check if it's too long or not, and if yes start over or delete. I just write.. write.. and then post. Because yes this is how it felt, and somehow i'm reliving it. But I'm writing it for when I feel wasn't real or I made it up, so I can read and see this is how it really felt. And it's okay. Because it's over. And because it's over, doesn't mean never happened or doesn't matter.

Bad parents are a thing. But they aren't black and white, bad or good. I feel a good parent is the one that admits mistakes even if they screwed up pretty badly. A bad parent is the one that isn't willing to even say they did a bad thing and will fight it. To me, someone who does a bad deed, even if years later admits to such bad deed and says will change and DOES change, means a lot. Means they're a good person. Good people aren't only perfect people, that only do good things and never a bad thing. But someone who will be real and admit they did wrong and learn.

It's why it hurts me so much when I tell someone my story and they're so quick to say "your father is a TERRIBLE person" or "you need to leave your house" and when I tell them the fact I forgive them, then it's me that have feelings for an abuser or whatever. No. That was me as a child. Saying he was best dad ever when he wasn't. And then I went into full "you're the worst person ever" because people told me to. You know what, it' better now because I force myself out of black and white. At times yeah I get scared he'll do same reactions. I get pretty scared. I got scared of asking him to go out, and his reply was laughing and saying "you're a 23 year old, you can go out if you want to - you don't have to ask, you're not 16 anymore" and you know what: I CAN'T yet go out on my own at night, because of fear I'm doing something wrong. That and fear being alone in a crowd will make me have a breakdown and roam the roads with negative thoughts like last time. Two years ago.

Okay I'mma end this here, it's pretty long. Not sure if anyone is reading this anymore, or not but meh. I'mma grab a drink, watch a tv show and sleep. today was a hard day, numbness hit pretty hard most of day. Depression. I got stuff to do, but I guess tomorrow I'll deal with it. Even if it's a LOT. At least numbness is over. I hate that thing.

EmOnTheGo December 16th, 2017

@givemecoffee I'm still reading what you write.

My father also scared me many times (shouting, breaking things, ranting while I stood frozen etc.) In the first years he had said 'sorry' several times, but didn't change. But later he said 'sorry' AND changed too, so it made it easier for me to get along with him. Gradually it got better and better (I'm 37 already).

Thank you for sharing your memories and how you deal with them. You often make me feel empathetic and inspired. From what I see you are really on the way to get better (from my experience it can be a bumpy road, not always shiny but it's worth it). I wish you the very best heart

givemecoffee OP December 17th, 2017

@EmOnTheGo thank you

givemecoffee OP December 17th, 2017

@wizeakre yeah

Hoping4Harmony December 18th, 2017


Theres a quote from Lewis Smedes that has become part of my own healing:

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.

Forgiveness is liberating. It doesnt mean you have to forget or even set yourself up for future incidents. It just means you can let the things that are wearing you down are needed and loved.

givemecoffee OP December 18th, 2017

@Hoping4Harmony Yeah, it is. I mean, if I hadn't allowed myself to forgive him, I wouldn't feel safe with anyone in my family and would probably struggle more. Because everyone needs that one person or space that's safe. But there's so much more that's happening, so it's tricky lol Thank you, beautiful quote

givemecoffee OP December 17th, 2017

I hate me. I hate my life. I am unloveable. I am worthless. I am useless and ugly inside and out. They were right. They were always right. Why keep trying to pretend, "fake it till you make it" doesn't work if it's not true in the end.