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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

MistyMagic January 30th, 2023

@RarelyCharlie Do you have any idea about how to actually scroll to the bottom of the message list on the left without it rebounding and snapping closed again? Is it just me?

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RarelyCharlie January 31st, 2023

@MistyMagic I'm not seeing that happen at present, although I remember it happening a long time ago. I assumed it was fixed.


MistyMagic January 31st, 2023

🙀@RarelyCharlie It's baaaaaaack! 😳 Maybe I am noticing it more because I am scrolling frequently to find the messages I need?

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Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 4th, 2022

I see a new icon "zigzag downward facing arrow" below the original post in threads, that says "downvote this thread".

Unsure what exactly is its purpose? 😮

Judging from the sound of it alone, it seems like the opposite of "upvotes" (a tool that helps us show we acknowledge someone's post, and/ or we support them, liked/ loved what they said etc all in a positive connotation).

I may have downvoted a thread for no reason, because I was hovering on it and trying to see what this icon really is, and I feel bad about how it sounds oof. Don't want to do the opposite of "upvote" to anyone's posting here: on a platform meant for emotional support. :/

RarelyCharlie November 4th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I don't see that in the production website yet (but I see it in beta). Upvote was changed to heart, of course, so downvote doesn't exactly make sense now. Maybe "dislike"?

Although the platform is meant for emotional support overall, plenty of threads are not support-seeking, and a way to express dislike without starting a fight could be good. There isn't any way for the system to protect support-seeking threads from this, though.


MistyMagic November 4th, 2022

It would be great to have a search by user name on forum posts, please. It can sometimes be impossible to find people's posts.

And also a 'Merge', and a 'Lock' function tool please too!

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mytwistedsoul November 18th, 2022

I'm sure this has been brought up before but it would be really nice if when a new featured thread notice pops up if clicking it actually took you to the post.

Still dealing with a horrible stutter on pages and it often doesn't go to the latest reply but stops halfway down the page.

mytwistedsoul November 18th, 2022

And sometimes an API error pops up when trying to post something?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 28th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Shook my head for all three lol. 🥲

It'll definitely be nice to have the notification directly linked for the featured threads also.

Several others and I have been facing this error code too while trying to post an image or even a YouTube video directly in a post. :')

Putting it here again, and inviting some responses for this one particularly xD In the forum restructure meeting held recently, I got to know that apparantly many people get the direct notification of the post that's upvoted for them? And not just the notice taking one to the first page in a thread (like it does for me and a couple of others). How does upvote notification work for youuuu? 😮

Any way to ummm solve this?

I've tried suggesting this many times that it'll be nice for the upvote notification to take us to the exact post/ comment/ reply upvoted (or hearted) and not just the original post/ first page of a thread, would be a "funny" thing if it is something already there and just me facing a bug lolll! 🥲😅

Any updates on this one yet? @cheerymango @Chocpastry9516

Also tagging @bookworm274 (as I remember you mentioned the same thing)

RarelyCharlie November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou On the website I just get the link to the first page in the thread, not the specific post. I wonder if it works properly in the app 🤔

And does it still say upvote instead of heart? I'll try to remember to investigate the next time I get one.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 28th, 2022


Yes, I meant for the website too. Unsure about the app either. :O

Using forums on the app is something I'm admittedly scared of loll. XD

Says upvote or heart where? The notification(s)?

The app notification is still "xyzamazinghooman upvoted your post" and the website notice is still "Your post was upvoted" also.

Upon hovering on the heart icon though, it says "heart to show support".

RarelyCharlie November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for the heart 😉 I used it to check the app, and it doesn't work properly either!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 28th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Hehe you're welcome. XD

calmMango9611 November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I got the API error as well, when flagging a post, sometimes.

Does anyone know, what an API error is?

Or what do the letters mean?

I have some background in computers, but I have never heard of an API error before, that is until I came to 7cups.

Some explanations would be helpful.

RarelyCharlie November 28th, 2022

@calmMango9611 An API is an application programming interface, and that is a formal internal interface between one part of an application and another part. 7 Cups has an API that is currently in version 2, which interfaces between the user interface in the website or app, and the database. You can go to and it will respond with an empty object in JSON format. (I have no idea why it does that, because it's completely useless.)

I suppose an API error is an error that occurs inside the API, but the user interface doesn't have a specific error message for that situation, so it just tells you the internal error number…or something.


calmMango9611 November 29th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Thanks for your help.

mytwistedsoul November 28th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Upvote notices just go to the first page for me too. I've never had it go directly to the post that was upvoted since I've been here so it must be a big bug

The hearts - I have something I'm wondering about but I'm not sure about it. I'm pretty sure there are posts I'm upvoting but days later I can upvote it again? But it could just be that I'm not remembering correctly 😕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 29th, 2022


Oof same again haha :') I was pretty shocked when some mentioned they get direct notices for upvotes also. One of those "whatttttt???" in capital letters-moment. xD

I hope this big bug gets resolved for the rest of us soon. :/

Not just you again, Soul, I'm able to heart again too after a couple of days. I dunno if it's a bug too or just some intended "update" Or that, if it registers as a new upvote in our stats or not.😮

Either way, I like hearting so this might be one of these 'tolerable-ish' bugs for me lol.😆

mytwistedsoul November 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I'm glad to know it's not just me. I just thought I was forgetting to heart things. Like you though I don't mind hearting things again

No way! It goes right to upvoted post? Sounds mythological lol 😂 half the time it doesn't even go to the newest post for me and I have to go on a treasure hunt

Definitely agree and hope they get things fixed soon too

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 29th, 2022


Aw it's never you, and always the forums. (Atleast that's how I comfort myself haha) Yay to more hearts though! ❤

Lolol Soul I cracked up at "mythological" for real haha xD I had the exact same shocked pro max reaction too because yes lol, this is unfair xD why do we have to go on these treasure hunts *always*. :')

Me too, keeping my fingers crossed (and hoping they don't get stuck🤣).

mytwistedsoul November 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I like your thinking! It's not me it's the forums! I can make good use of that lol 😂

I hope your fingers don't stay crossed too! It would make it hard to do things

Maybe if we can annoy someone enough they'll fix things? That squeaky wheel thing? Because our cookie bribes didn't work 😕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 29th, 2022


Haha I know right? XD

Oooh yes, our cookie bribes didn't work, maybe they don't like cookies. :')

We need to deffo come up with something new and stronger, yes. 😮 Squeaky wheels? Lol!

mytwistedsoul November 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Who doesn't like cookies?! That's just not right! 😁

Isn't there a saying that the squeaky wheel gets oiled first? So we just have to make alot of noise? Maybe lol. Then they fix things just so we stop making noise about it 😂 *hint hint tech peeps*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Less cookies for someone else means more for us. It's a win-win. 😛

Lol yes, that makes sense. xD

CheeryMango November 30th, 2022

Hello everyone. I have caught up with all of your feedback that was left in the last two weeks and have passed it on to the dev team for further investigation!

@mytwistedsoul @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @RarelyCharlie @calmMango9611
mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thank you very much Mango!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 30th, 2022

@CheeryMango Awesome yay. Looking forward to some positive update! ♥️

calmMango9611 November 30th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thanks for doing that.

Thanks for listening to us.

It means a lot.

calmMango9611 December 29th, 2022

@CheeryMango Just wanted to let you know, there are posts on the home page, that are showing up twice.

I have flagged a few.

I hope this issue gets fixed soon.

calmMango9611 April 6th, 2023

@CheeryMango Not sure, what is going on, but some of the post, when people reply are coming up twice. Also it is happening in the chatrooms, where some people, who post messages, are coming up twice. Just wanted to give you a heads up on this. I am not on the 7cups app. I am on the website. I am fine. My post and chat messages only post once. The chatrooms, that I saw that happen, were the Sharing Circle and the 24/7 Support Room-Adult Member Side, so fair. It might be system wide, but not sure. I hope someone can look into this, and get this fixed. Thanks.😊

MistyMagic December 4th, 2022

I have noticed that even after removing content and editing posts there is a long lag, sometimes days before it is removed from the feed or shows the edits, but they do show faster in the actual post. I was wondering if there is a set time for alterations to take effect or if there is anything we can do to speed this up?

@Chocpastry9516 @CheeryMango

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MistyMagic December 6th, 2022

Please can we have the ability to tag/link to the original post, I can see the post link top right on all the other replies, but not on the OP?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie December 6th, 2022

@MistyMagic Oops, I think that's my fault 😖 The inline editor provides those post links.


RarelyCharlie December 6th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie This is now fixed in version 4.5. (7 Cups had positioned the top post differently, which caused the link icon to be hidden.)


MistyMagic December 6th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie AWESOME that is fixed - one to check off on my list of 'to do' thanks Charlie!

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GreenWoods December 6th, 2022

@MistyMagic do you mean something different to using the forum page URL?

MistyMagic December 6th, 2022

@GreenWoods Yes! I took a quick screenshot of your reply to me and circled in green the link I mean, This corresponds to the actual post so right-click on it and then 'copy link address' and then you can paste that into a pm or post and it will take that person straight to this post.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie December 8th, 2022

Suppose I see an interesting thread (maybe someone tagged me, or maybe I noticed it on the Community Home page). Now I'd like to see other threads in the same topic. At the top there's a link to the thread's community, but how can I discover which topic it's in, if any?

How can I filter for threads in the topic General (which I assume means "no topic").


MistyMagic December 8th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie Hey Charlie I made a rough thread here in Hobby Zone to explain some of these things. You are totally correct in your assumption about 'General' That is the default topic that threads get posted to in most sub-communities, but some don't actually then seem to have the topic 'General' in the filter list on the right hand side. We are hopefully getting a new system of 'tag identities' so they will work more like the sub-forums we used to have. Until then it is tricky to find things.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie December 8th, 2022

@MistyMagic I haven't seen any that have General as a topic. For example, in the General Support community I can make a thread in the General topic (no topic at all , presumably) or in the New General Entries topic (an actual topic).

It's good to know some kind of tagging is going to be used in future. I hope the tags will cross community boundaries so that people will less often feel the need to post duplicates.
