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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

mytwistedsoul September 30th, 2022

I noticed today that every once in a while a page freezes. I get a bell and a dot over the cup beside the home button and I can't go any where. I can't open my notices or my path. I have to hit the back button and then it goes away. This happened on laptop and phone - two different browsers. Anyone else have this problem today?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Meeee! noticed too a couple of times 😮

mytwistedsoul September 30th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Sorry it happened to you to Sun but really glad it's not just me 😬

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul haha so sweet, I get this "darn this is an awful place to be in, but glad atleast we are in the same boat" lol, I saw it a couple of times and switched tabs, then it didn't show up in the new tab. 😮

Thanks for bringing it up, certainly is nice to be not alone with such hehe!❤ Hope it is resolved soon, now that the tech team be aware of it too! :P

mytwistedsoul September 30th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Yes! Exactly! 😃 No fun boating alone lol
Tbh - when I first saw it I thought it was a new feature 😂 and then when I couldn't do anything or go anywhere - it was an oh no moment Yep! Gotta have some faith in the tech team 😃

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul hahah sameeee xD I was using a mobile device and kept tapping on the screen until the "oooooh🧐" moment too lolol! Fun times (not😛).

Yasss, we definitely do. *sends beams to the tech team tackling all the technical issues*❤

AffyAvo October 4th, 2022
Unpinning a thread doesn't work. The option is there, it appears unpinned when I go to it. It stays in the highlights though.
Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 4th, 2022

♡ I feel it'll be really awesome if an upvote notification could lead us to the exact post (like how tag notifications work), or even the page our post was on (in case it is a crowded thread), would be useful enough to navigate.

Sometimes I notice that people don't tag in the reply to a post (it could be a deliberate attempt for xyz reasons or just them being unaware how tags work), but it then is fairly easy (and understandable) to miss such replies (to our comments/ posts in a thread that's not ours or not subscribed by us), so it may help on a later date if someone else upvotes one of these posts, for us to see (/ revisit).

♡ I'm still facing the recurring issue of not getting tag notifications (even when my username is spelled correctly and the tag "should have" worked), anyone else still losing them also?

mytwistedsoul October 4th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou YES! Yes yes! Lol wholeheartedly agree! I would love to see the upvote tag go to the actual post that was upvoted! I'm not getting notices either :/

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 5th, 2022


Yayy hopefully the tech team agrees too, it really would be helpful to many!😮

And darn Soul, we end up being in the same boat always haha, loving it, while we are at it, picnic on a boat, what say? :P *shares pizza and cookies*

Hopefully this too is resolved soon. Missing notices is never nice. :/ 🤞

mytwistedsoul October 6th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Maybe if we share pizza and cookies with them they'd be quicker to agree? Totally not a bribe *wink wink*

A picnic sounds awesome. You've come prepared lol 🙂

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 6th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Yasss two of my pockets are full of pizza and cookies always. 😛

Aw Haha *winks back* xD ;) that sounds good, since we are so generous, we definitely should offer them some 🍪🍕. @TechTeam if you see this, nom away. 🥰

mytwistedsoul October 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You must have very big pockets! Sun got a stash of cookies and pizza! Woo hoo! 😁

Hey tech peoples! Lookie what we got!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 7th, 2022



Omigoshhhh this gif 🤤 not even embarrassed to admit I opened my mouth for once lolll like "yes pizzaaa, slice innnnn" hahah! xD

I'm sure this will work for the tech team. ;) 👀

mytwistedsoul October 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Lmao! 😁 The dog put a nose print on the monitor to sniff the pizza 😂 she was like yummmm me some too!

Hey we can sweeten the deal if we have to and throw in a couple cookies 😉

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2022


Hahaha that deffo sounds like me lol! Don't blame the doggo, blame the pizzaa!😛

And yes yes good idea.👀


mytwistedsoul October 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Yummy goey chocolate chip cookies 😋 Dessert is served!

SleepyShyCat October 5th, 2022


Yep, I'm no longer receiving tag notifications after the update 😮

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 5th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Oh noes 😮Guess what haha xD I didn't recieve this one either lol!

SleepyShyCat October 5th, 2022


Lol, neither did I 🥲 I have the notifications on for this post though and strangely I receive those notifications still, for the main post, it's just nothing for anything I'm tagged in, specifically with replies

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 5th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat Aw lol same xD glad we atleast get the subscribed thread notices hehe! 🥲

AffyAvo October 8th, 2022

Featured threads - so we can still make them, but it doesn't mean we can get to them easily. I find it rather annoying when I click on the black notification and the thread isn't near the top of the thread list. Can we have the notification link go right to the thread instead of community?

CheeryMango October 20th, 2022

Hey @AffyAvo. This is currently being worked on and should be resolved within the next two weeks.

AffyAvo October 20th, 2022

@CheeryMango Thanks!

calmMango9611 November 29th, 2022

@CheeryMango There are posts on the home page again, that are coming up twice.

Not sure if it is a bug or what the issue is, I flag it.

Here is the link to the home page

Just wanted to make you aware of this problem again.

I flag 2 so fair, that was coming up twice, in the home feed.

I hope you can work on this and get it corrected as soon as possible.

IsayUncle October 15th, 2022

Testing to see if my paragraph alignment is working and if i could paste a png file.

My paragraph alignment justification is not working. Does anyone know why? Very dissapointing because I enjoy that technique to emphasise a piccture or statement.

I have hundred of hand picked emoticons, icons, etc. It faile to post in my last messege so I will try it here._1665841936.image.png The .png picture showed up here BUT NOW to post.....???

theriverissinging OP October 15th, 2022

@IsayUncle some forum features like alignment and color broke with the update. hopefully they'll be fixed soon

IsayUncle October 15th, 2022


Thanks for such a fast reponse. Good morning. Have a great day! (Yea I forgot to mention the color too) Cya and thx again.

IsayUncle October 19th, 2022


Hey, how's you day? Good I hope. The COLORS and the ALIGNMENT are fixed. Thanks very much to all involved and hard work.💜. _1666188348.image.png

I forgot to check the STRIKETHROUGH.... lets see.... hmmm, Shows up on the prepost. Will be on the post?

IsayUncle October 19th, 2022


Nope on th strike through... just checking. Good Job on everything else, thanks again😃

IsayUncle October 15th, 2022


The .png worked here... good. _1665842156.image.png

What about the paragraph alignment? Any Ideas or anyone else having the same problem?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 2nd, 2022

Hi hi, it's me again! 😛 With more feedback.

♡ Still pretty much not-fully-onboard with the removal of the sub forums and the changes in forums, there's topics (yes, exact same names, I know) now but it doesn't feel as convenient as the sub forums earlier still, lots of clicks and scrolling to reach somewhere!

>> Not sure if anyone mentioned this before, but it'll be nice to have "topics" hyperlinked too, like how we could navigate to a specific "sub forum" alone in the past.

> Currently if someone needs a particular topic for instance, Someone needing a space to make a Birthday thread, earlier it was more convenient to simply and *directly* share the "Cupversaries & Birthdays" sub-forum with them, now you gotta explain it all (which is not an issue ofcourse, but from usability perspective, having the links direct and handy is always helpful): "Go to P&G, filter search through topics, make the thread" or if someone is needing to find a particular thread, that's even more of a hassle; if the sub forum was known, it was much easier to hop over and manual search in minimal pages within a particular sub-forum, now you gotta mix and match with other filters available, not very convenient again. :')

♡ Could we request an update from the team, on the feedbacks and suggestions being mentioned here (in general, from everyone, not just mine lol), it is always more encouraging to give more feedback and offer more suggestions, when it's more visible that the sharing matters, I feel. ❤

MistyMagic November 2nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I totally agree with your post. It is pretty frustrating that we can't just link to the correct sub-forum/topic especially when we want to give that link easily in discussions.

I am also having an issue with making posts, when I click on a busy thread to make a reply the forums shudder and then I have to scroll to the top to find the reply box. It's not just me as others have noted this too.

Also, the necessary changes to adding pictures are causing a few frustrating minutes too, but not sure if I should bring that up here or not?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie November 2nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I agree. The topics do need to be linkable. Curiously, each topic is still identified by a forum Id number, just like in the old says. Making links would be pretty simple because the numbering is still there.

A related issue is that the main links on the Community home page don't work. For example, doesn't take you to Recent the way it should. (And doesn't work either.) Again, these are simple things to fix.


AffyAvo November 2nd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Agree on the topics being linked. I find many of the resources across the site do not work now because of this. It also helps to see what topic a post is in at times.

As for information yes. We had an updated presented to us that seems to be split into 2:

- the forum formatting changes

- a bunch of new communities

So the first has happened. Then we got an update with style changes that wasn't announced and seems to have a lot of bugs. The 2nd part that we were informed about doesn't seem to have an ETA.

I feel like the community description and resources that I am partially responsible for need updating due to changes. They will need it again fairly drastically when the community splits into 2. It would be helpful to know how far away that is.

There have also been moderating challenges recently. I feel like there's not great information about how things as supposed to be running. I can understand the need to keep certain safety tools private. It's difficult to know what to report as not working when I don't know how things should work though.

theriverissinging OP November 3rd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @MistyMagic @RarelyCharlie @AffyAvo

the topics are going to be linked (get their own URLs like what was with sub-forums previously) in the future~

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 4th, 2022

@theriverissinging Thankyouu! 🥮🥮

MistyMagic November 3rd, 2022

One thing that has been brought to my attention is that we can no longer see the age of a user when we hover over their name, we used to see member/listener and adult/teen. This makes moderating the forums harder as we have to click on the profile to see.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

RarelyCharlie November 5th, 2022

@MistyMagic Yes, it's annoying—so annoying that I wrote a little script to fix it 😉

You need Tampermonkey to be installed first. Then install the script from here: 7 Cups - Forum user cards


MistyMagic November 5th, 2022

@RarelyCharlie thank-you that works perfectly and makes it so much easier!

Listening - One Step At A Time!