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Next Week - New Reviews Features!

Laura July 19th, 2018

Hi All -

I am excited to make this announcement! Did you know that the 7 Cups review feature has not changed in over 4 years? That is a long time! Today, I am excited to announce that we are going to tweak the review tool functionality! The goal is to make it easier for members to leave more helpful reviews for listeners and to ensure the reviews generated are fairly delivered.

Here are some of the changes we are thinking of giving a try -

Timing of reviews:

For every L-M connection, the member can only leave one review per 48-hour time frame. The goal here is to reduce duplicate reviews and ensure that members know that each review matters. If you are going to leave your listener a review, you need to make it count.

If something goes wrong in the chat after a review is submitted, the member can always use the block feature or wait 48 hours to leave another review.

Star ratings & text reviews:

We were able to look at star rating data on the whole and determine that star ratings are misused by members. At present they are not the best tool for determining the quality of the listener. We need to tighten them up to better reflect each listener's skills. We did some research on how to best collect star ratings and what other sites do. And we thought about how to incorporate that information into 7 Cups star reviews.

We will remove the 4-star rating categories (helpfulness, response time, empathy & professionalism). Instead, it will be one-star rating measure out of 5. Members will choose one of the above:

1 Star - This was not a helpful chat

2 Stars - Could have gone better

3 Stars - It went okay.

4 Stars - I liked it, helpful chat

5 Stars - Loved it! Awesome chat!

The Review box will have these directions:

Help others select a good listener by leaving a review. If you liked the chat, say what was good about it.

If you thought the listener could improve, please mention your feedback here.

Depending on which star they choose, a different pop-up text will appear in the text box.

If rating <=3 stars, show this modal on submission-

We are sorry your experience was not great. Click here to connect with a verified listener.

If rating >= 4 stars, show this tip-

Thanks for your feedback! We are glad you are getting the help you are looking for!


Please share any feedback on the ideas mentioned above. As always we want to try something new and see the impact on the site and in the community. Your feedback and ideas are welcome!

LetsCherishLife July 19th, 2018


I like a lot about this and also soulsigns' suggestion that they need to say why they give a bad rating. This should maybe not be published but showed to the listener as a critique they can learn and improve from. Only I really don't like the idea of replacing the categories with one star rating. I really liked the categories and I'd rather support something like where you have the option to leave a comment on any category . I also like the idea that they fill out a form in reviews like :

Category that best describes the chat :

I talked to the listener :just once/ several times

This was good about the chat /the chat was helpful because :

This was bad about the chat /the chat was not helpful because :

The listener was helpful :yes /no

The listener seemed professional: yes /no

The listener showed empathy /I felt understood :yes /no

The listener replied in an acceptable time :yes /no

I recommend the listener (for this category ) :yes /no

I give the listener.. Stars (1-5) or I'd prefer :I give the listener... Points (1-10)

electricLily13 July 20th, 2018


I support the system @LeftistFreedomdighter mentioned.

Dawn04 July 20th, 2018


I also like the idea of just a negative review being visible by the Listener. Depending on the person, someone may choose to leave a negative review just based on how they felt that day and not over how good the listener actually was. I also like the categories and don't mind the 5-star system we have in place now. The only change I would be cool with is for someone to have to wait 48 hours to give a listener a second review since it would cut down duplicate reviews.

LetsCherishLife July 20th, 2018

@LeftistFreedomfighter And what I want to add I totally think that listeners should be able to review lsiteners as well.

They might not be as mean sometimes and they cant judge from a different point of view like if the listener sticked to rules and active lsitening skills. Mabye there should even be a different form for listeners if we had something like I described before.

I also have always had the idea on a kind of listener observation team based on my partly negative experiences as a member. i am a difficult and critical one for sure but that's because i know how it's supposed to be and the more it upsets me when listeners do things they arent supposed to like judging, assumptions, dangerous advice etc. My idea was that there is a team who does moc chats but at this point the listener doesnt know they are having one even if thats a bit sneaky. I've had verified listeners trying to do s*x ch*t with me and it's only logical they don't act like that in mock chats. After that the person from the team should have to write a detailed feedback report. That could be sent to the listener or even better published as a highlighted review or something like that. And if not published they should at least be able to get people banned if they find out rough rule breaking.

I know I am dropping a lot of idea that have bad as well as good aspects and would be difficult to realize confusing whole 7cups. I just thought I share my ideas and thoughts specially to see if there are people feeling similar.

LetsCherishLife July 20th, 2018

@LeftistFreedomfighter + I see the opinions if it's a good idea or not to remove the categories really vary in this thread. Maybe it'd be a good idea to make a voting about it unless it's already firmly decided. But I actually fear it'll make ratings go down because people might give 1 star for not being satisfied with either one of the categories not even considering the others. I believe I as a member would probably be doing this without realizing. When I think back I can tell I gave listeners an average of 3 stars (2*2, 2*4) wich i would have given one star if it was only the helpfulness scale cause despite they were very profesional and quick responding I felt not understood by them and therefore not helped.

brightPlane9640 July 23rd, 2018

@LeftistFreedomfighter I as a member loove lefty's suggestions. Specially that form to fill out would make rating /reviewing a lot easier for me and I find the idea to make a voting very good to make things more democratic. The idea about the new team is kinda weird and maybe doesn't fit exactly in this feed but I feel it makes sense cause my experiences with listeners are similar in many cases .

inventiveHouse2965 July 20th, 2018

@LeftistFreedomfighter is there a way to leave reviews regarding old conversations?

Katheryn July 20th, 2018

@Laura This seems like a great update. The thing that worries me is that even with the star categories and written reviews, too many of the written reviews are still vague (e.g. "nice" or "not helpful"). It seems like the most helpful and effective reviews are ones that provide adequate feedback (either positive, negative, or even both) so the listener knows what worked for the member, what didn't work, and what could be improved upon. I think it could be hard to tell why a person got a 3 star rating or lower- there are too many potential reasons, including simply not being a good match. I think it's beneficial to try and find a smooth way to elicit these types of responses without asking the member for too much or making it so hard it becomes off-putting to leave the review/ rating (such as a form or survey).

It's plain to see how hard everyone works on these improvements and these are just my thoughts.

EvelyneRose July 21st, 2018


I really appreciate hearing your opinion! :)

soulsings July 19th, 2018

@Laura maybe a simpler rating process will be more helpful and accurate ratings.

Why can they rate every 48 hours? Do they need to have a new chat to rate again? or can they just keep rating the old chat? If they keep rating the old chat then they may just keep giving bad or fabulous ratings. That makes ratings not real.

What about if they rate 3 or less the member has to give at least a certain length explanation of what went wrong?

AffyAvo July 19th, 2018

@soulsings I think the rating timings are still as they were in the past - we can still rate every time we connect with someone new with the minimum # of messages.

@Laura is this correct? Reviews have the 48 hour time limit, ratings do not?

OpsTops July 19th, 2018

@AffyAvo reviews and ratings will come together now, in the same modal. Much like how amazon and yelp do them. so there is no chance of trolled ratings.

OpsTops July 19th, 2018

@soulsings good points, we will make sure the exact same chat doesnt keep getting rated repeatedly

soulsings July 23rd, 2018

@OpsTops thanks for that.

Jenna July 19th, 2018


This is super! I like the idea of a 48 wait time for reviews. Not only can this give fair advantages, but also help lead to more timely process reviews and less stress with the number of reviews that are in need of being processed. With the new star rating feature, I think that can only be fair as well in learning where our listener quality stands and how the member can rate the listener in a straightforward way.

bear228 July 19th, 2018


Great idea but I'm wondering what will happen to the current star ratings on our profiles and how we will change this to make it the same on the new rating as I worry perhaps it wont be the equivalent if there is a completely new system.

OpsTops July 19th, 2018

@bear228 you will start at your present overall rating, there will be no reset there :).

LetsCherishLife July 19th, 2018

@OpsTops and we also keep the old reviews ?

Laura OP July 20th, 2018



cloudySummer July 19th, 2018

@bear228 I wondered the same. Also I wondered if the different categories helped improve the quality of ratings, in relation to what is asked from listeners.

AffyAvo July 19th, 2018

Help others select a good listener by leaving a review. If you liked the chat, say what was good about it.

If you thought the listener could improve, please mention your feedback here.

So is this feedback now separate from a review? Or can I only write something about a listener every 48 hours if it's not a block?

It always seemed to me like we were being encouraged to leave more reviews, so I'm confused as to why suddenly it's only 1 every 48 hours. Some people will only listen to 1 listener in that time, others might connect with many.

InternalAcceptance July 19th, 2018

@AffyAvo It seems like one review per listener in 48 hours so that there aren't multiple reviews for a listener being piled up within those 48 hours. I think that connecting with more than one listener would still allow for a review per listener. smiley

OpsTops July 19th, 2018

@InternalAcceptance yes it is a pair wise idea. so you can review more than one listener in 48hrs.

AffyAvo July 19th, 2018

@InternalAcceptance I reread the wording. It's still not clear but I can see how it can be interpreted that way too. @Laura can you clarify all of this better? Is it a rating every 48 hours per listener?

Also, please clear up the rating/review/feedback and the timing.

InternalAcceptance July 19th, 2018

I think that having the sections for Helpfulness, Professionalism, Empathy, and Response Time is still a good idea, personally, since they all are separate and members may not think to mention them individually.. I do really like the idea of more of a prompt for text reviews and only allowing reviews in a certain amount of time.

I'm also wondering if members are able to rate the same conversation, though, since that does feel as though it could be an unfair advantage? It seems like it's limited to when a Live Chat is ended, which would have to be for separate conversations, though, which seems fair.

LetsCherishLife July 19th, 2018

@InternalAcceptance totally agree with you in every point!

AmethystUnicorn July 19th, 2018

I like the idea of improving the way reviews work!! This all sounds wonderful!

BeautifulBreeze July 19th, 2018

The more time I have spent here, I wanted to see the elimination of the four categories, and have just a good ol' plain Overall Helpfulness category with up to 5 stars. Helpfulness is what really matters here, the bottom line. Was this individual helped or not. Granted, not everyone can be helped but we all can sure try our darndest to do so. I'm not going to get into the [inherent] pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses of the other three categories.

Also, I would love to see, have longed to see, negative reviews simply sent to us via email, albeit with the author(s) of it not identified/kept anonymous, so we can see for ourselves what went wrong (and also determine its validity or not, and contest it accordingly) in the chat and make the necessary improvements. The [cumulative] pre-printed, vaguely-worded, auto-generated emails sent out when negative reviews are sent in, I feel have always been quite inadequate in helping us to improve Listener skills in 1-on-1 chats.

Rate/Review enable: programmed system feature. Epic Fail!

Additionally, the ability to rate and review (that flashing star indicator coming on) us after a mere three messages are exchanged really needs to be changed back to at least the way it was before, like if I recall correctly, 30 messages are exchanged...or even beyond that. smileyenlightenedyes

LetsCherishLife July 19th, 2018

@BeautifulBreeze I liked the categories but I totally agree that we should be able to see the bad reviews and it shouldn't be possible to leave a rating that quickly. lovely wishes to you hope you're holding up as best as you can .

EvelyneRose July 19th, 2018


I enjoy this idea! This is my personal opinion: The only thing i personally think is a obstacle is that by sharing negative reviews, the listener has to actually be able to accept that feedback, and I know that can be hard to do. For example, say I left a review that said they werent empathetic, but they contested (as you indicated in the process stated above). Who is right? Who is valid? Am i right that i felt they werent or are they right that they felt they were? Sometimes people just arent a good fit. Also, say they were able to see that feedback when it came in. They could then narrow down who wrote it based on time frame, which may make members feel reviews are not confidential. It would have to be done not in real time.

Im mostly thinking outloud here, but my point i think is if they did let listeners see the member left constructive feedback and listeners can see it, the listener should be able to accept it (as long as it is reasonable), and not everyone is good at accepting feedback.

Reececup1986 July 19th, 2018

@Laura, I feel this change wil be for the best, and wow its a shock that one thank on 7cups that hasnt been changed was the rating. Whom would have thought of that needing to be updated. Know i cant wait to see the new rating in play and see some new reviews i get

Thank you for the heads up

SensitiveAndMore July 20th, 2018

I'm sad to see the five start go on multiple catagories. I liked that fearture.It helped me figure out what was going well make some adjusments to my style as a listener when I was first here. This new rating systems seems to simple to me. I think it is better for members to reflect on the chat and think about diffrerent componets of what went well. I think it stops people from just saying things like bad, when it didn't go the way they wanted. They need to explain what was bad or didn't work.

LetsCherishLife July 20th, 2018

@SensitiveAndMore absolutely agree yes

Yukihiko July 20th, 2018


Woah, an update on the reviews? This is great!!

I see that the rate-the-listener pop up text time is not changed? Like, after a few messages into the chat, there's a pop up for asking to rate the listener. I think that pop up is too soon.

I've seen many cases where the pop up appears in the middle of the chat and then the member would just fill it with no effort because the chat isn't done yet/they haven't gone far into it yet (too soon).

For example:

The member chats with a new listener. The listener gives a not-so-good first impression to the member, that causes the member to rate and review the listener "meh" or just "good" with an 'okay' ratting star following up. But after exchanging more messages, the member is actually happy with the listener.

Also, I never knew we could give more than one review to a listener until now :0, does the other members knows it too?

My ideas/opinion:

- I think that the individual ratings (empathy, professionalism, etc) should stay, but send it anonymously only to the listener (not for public display).

- Link a "How to review" thread to the pop up so new members can review better

- Put a message somewhere in the pop up that the member can review the listener again after 48 hours (Not quite sure about this one, I'm just putting all of my ideas)

LetsCherishLife July 20th, 2018

@EmikoKokoro I like the ideas, specially leaving the categories for individual feedback

Yukihiko July 20th, 2018


Awhh thanks :3 heart

bgdave July 20th, 2018

Since the website has been updated 7 cups has deleted a large chunk of a chat log I have with a fellow mbr which is quite disturbing to find. WHY??? I find it a bit frustrating when I login to be directed to the Los Angeles County support system?? I have lived in Utah for over 3 yrs? The website now has me back at step 1???? I don't know who did the upgrade but 7Cups needs them to correct some issues please! I give them no stars as I personally don't appreciate what has been done to my account!

Dawn04 July 20th, 2018


I also have seen some of my chats disappear. One day I couldn't even connect into any of them at all - I could get the emails people had messaged me, but I wasn't able to see it at all.

Also wasn't the site supposed to have updated to save the last 100 messages versus 10? I still only have the last 10 or so saved per conversation and it deletes any older ones.

All of this not to mention Noni hasn't worked for me in forever.

AffyAvo July 20th, 2018

@Dawn04 There was actually an update since then, where it is now supposed to be for a year. That's not working for me either, the number of messages saved is small and the rest actually disappear during the chat.

Dawn04 July 20th, 2018


While I hate to hear it's happening to you, kind of glad I am not the only one. I really think instead of doing more and more updates, they should be working on fixing all the bugs from previous updates. Like I haven't gotten anyone to be able to tell me why it both took me a good month or two after everyone else to get Noni and then she disappeared a couple weeks later on me.