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What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups

Hope March 21st, 2021

Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups'

enlightenedWhat have you done to prevent burnout today?

This can a variety of things like:

• Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate

• Taking part in self-care activities

• Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups

bestBraveheart57 October 12th, 2023


Today i only take growth path

WayJay October 26th, 2023


I did breathing and meditation, as well as took some time to spend with family that I would have otherwise spent working. 

JoyfulPumpkin October 28th, 2023

I did some self care activities, such as mindfulness.

Grace3012 October 29th, 2023


I focused on self care and I'm currently not taking any chats and purely focusing on school work.

JoyfulPumpkin October 29th, 2023

I am trying to do self-care activities such as meditating today

Athenalu November 15th, 2023


Didn't take a member chat and focused on myself

Shannon1996 November 24th, 2023


What have you done to prevent burnout today?

I've put myself first this morning, and taken a step back from 7 Cups for a bit of self care as I have been super stressed today. So I'm going to have a cup of tea, a hot bath and try and de-stress!

CaringSub November 29th, 2023


I did my breathing exercises & meditation today :)

Soul576 December 3rd, 2023


I took this morning off to get a proper breakfast and a hot chocolate. I didn't have any chats while eating to I could properly enjoy it

ABrightBlueHeart December 4th, 2023


I went on a looong walk with some friends :)

CaringSub December 7th, 2023


What have you done to prevent burnout today?

Today, I took on in real life (irl) self care tasks of breathing exercises, playing guitar, and visiting with a friend!

Lillom December 11th, 2023

I took a break by chatting with friends and by scheduling other volunteering commitments.

starryCandy6123 December 12th, 2023


I have taken some time out today, to catch up on my. goals LDP, Forum supporter, i am using the time to finish them all off

starryCandy6123 December 12th, 2023

@HopeI have taken a step back, today.  To allow me time to do other tasks.

Comfortablesmile December 16th, 2023

I normally take a break from 7 cups, meditate and remind myself about the reason why i'm here. It helps a lot 

starryCandy6123 December 17th, 2023

I always keep member to a one hour slot

MusokeHere December 20th, 2023


During my brief journey within 7Cups, I was initially looking forward to keeping my mind occupied while trying to engage in pleasurable activities, like this one. I did my best and, as @Hope accurately pointed out, my burnt out levels increased and, somehow, I became 'addicted' by the innumerable list of possibilities and roles which I was offered. I am coming from a background when it has been a really tough journey, especially, these previous three months, so, that was added as an extra pressure.

Nowadays, I decided to give myself a self-care break and prioritize the interactions and activities which I feel I am able to do without burning myself out so much. I have been taking advantage of my formation so that I can improve my well being and I am looking forward to work on those small, tiny habits. I recognize that I need help and I limit the time that I spend with my members. Some of the have been so kind to the point that they have offered me their lending ears, although I know they are not bound (and cannot?) do that somehow. Now, I am finding myself in a sort of emptiness which I am trying to navigate.

I'm encouraging everyone to take the Path 'Preventing Being Burnt Out at 7Cups' as well as taking good care of ourselves. We all need our safety masks in order to help others.

Lots of compassion!

Ele xo

MusokeHere December 21st, 2023


I went back to take a chat again which ended up being triggering for me. My mind was telling me all the time to stop myself and, since I have been through an ongoing tough time, Christmas is one of the most traumatic periods for me as well. So I refrained myself to continue to the chat. I have received peer support and I have met an amazing person today.

As of my own self-care, today I managed to run some errands, attend my session with my therapist, dance and sing. I will keep working towards getting to journal my thoughts, focus on my CV and keep accountability of my self-care patterns. There is a part of mine which wants to go back to the 'caregiver' mode, as an addiction, but I need to say 'no'. And I need to diversify my own sources of entertainment as well. I think I want to try again yoga!

NewYorker11 January 7th


in order to prevent burnout today, i took some breaks to relax and play some video games, which always makes me happy. i also did some exercise, which helps me to relieve stress and regain composure.

NewYorker11 January 10th


today, in order to prevent me experiencing burnout here on 7 Cups, i took intermittent breaks between the LDP course material, 1 to 1 chats and reading. during my breaks, i listened to music, practiced music, played some video games and exercised. also, i helped my mom with chores. so, my breaks were practical and from time to time. in this way, i did not get burnout or fatigue.

NewYorker11 January 10th


in order to prevent burnout today:

1) i did some exersize

2) i played some video games

3) i communicated with friends and family

MusokeHere January 16th


Hi there, my fellow community! It's been a while since I have come back to this forum in order to remain accountable while respecting and nurturing my own needs and limitations. I am finding myself taking control of this downhill of mine as soon as I am focusing on basic self-care needs and being gentle with myself by taking one step at a time.

When it comes to my own burnout prevention, I have decided not to enroll in further general requests as well as limiting the time I spent supporting 1-on-1 chats. I have discovered I can offer support while staying active within the rooms as well as keeping an eye on both members and listeners as well. I want to focus my attention towards engaging myself in different sorts of training (including the ones which tackle crisis services and boundaries).

I am still procrastinating my own responsibilities to send my own weekly check-ins since I believe this experience so far has been quite rocky and with several obstacles which I would like to mention in advance. I also hope to communicate these decisions soon within my own pace.

@Daf8, if you are seeing this post, I do hope you are taking good care of yourself. Sending you a great big hug. My thoughts and my heart are with you. Estoy para vos. 💖

In the meantime, take good care of yourselves. Sending my warmest thoughts filled with compassion and gentleness.


Comfortablesmile January 16th

I read a book today 

luckylistener January 17th

@Hope Today, I only spent an hour on member chats to prevent burnout. I get really drained and overwhelmed when I spend too much time listening. I also plan to do one more hour tomorrow so that I have Friday & the weekend to recharge. 

MusokeHere January 19th


Hi pals, how are all of you feeling today? Fun fact, did you know that we have a Care team within the Listener Journey community? Do check it out if you are interested within this link.

As I get reminded of how my physical and emotional health are correlated, I decided to introduce some changes from now on within my 7Cups schedule. From now on, I will be taking two days off a week, mostly Fridays and Saturdays. That would ensure me to distribute my energy levels wisely. I have realized that, while completing the electives for my internship when it comes to fulfilling the criteria for my internship, especially, while focusing on chat rooms. I will also have to reschedule my chats as well as the times I check in with members as well. Finally, I am planning to talk to my mentor about all of these changes so that they can support me the best.

As of my own physical and emotional care,  I've been engaging myself in activities which sort of asked my own energy, which is why I am feeling somehow prone to burn out but not quite yet. Therefore, my first priority is attending my therapy session while not procrastinating it. From now on, I will focus on listening to music, singing, getting out of home for an activity I like, learning to swim or a language, for example, as well as connecting with people face-to-face who nurture my own self. Writing consists in a personal coping tool as well.

Besides, physically speaking, according to this week,  I want to take a shower this week, take care of my sleeping cycle, keep on drinking water and eating three meals (done!) try some yoga and ask someone to get my nails painted. I always find this ultimate activity one of the most draining ones which my current mental state can't afford.

I will be posting this as a reminder for myself so that I can hold my accountability and see how much I managed. I wish we could have a thread to encourage ourselves and keep accountable of our needs while supporting others.

Take care everyone!

ChromaticFinss February 3rd

I have been going to help my sister for her work. Due to that my workout routines were messed up and also I had no time to check on courses here that I was supposed to. So today I took off from her and did my workouts earlier, had food and now I'm going through the course. 

WishUponAStar968 February 12th


As a global mod who is often in chat rooms, I did not log on for a few days and instead took some time off or just went on M account to share and chat with members without having that "mod" role.

WishUponAStar968 February 12th


I did not log in as a Mod/ Listener and instead took some time off then went on as a M to vent and share with other members.

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@Hope I took time out for myself today because my body was exhausted and I knew I would wouldn't have been my best self

sunnyKoala8176 February 20th


I journaled and took today off of school work 

4Jasmine February 22nd


I learned personally, a long time ago, that failing to say "no", caused me to become overwhelmed & experience burnout. I have learned to give myself plenty of self-care and take personal time breaks as needed.

Renjik8013 February 23rd

I only completed the growth path today due to my recent heavy schoolwork and hoping to reach more listening hours after this weekend!

4Jasmine February 24th


Saying "No" and taking self-care and personal time breaks are very important.

4Jasmine February 24th


I have already answered this twice. 👍

4Jasmine February 24th


I am taking time in self-care activities later today. 

TheOnlyChresser February 26th

Today I said no to spending 1 hour with someone.

4Jasmine February 28th


I did my physical therapy exercises while enjoying music, and spent some fun time with my grandchild.😊

daydreammemories March 12th


Im trying to take part in listener support room more rather than taking requests. And im also focusing on studying for my uni. : )

daydreammemories March 12th


focusing more on my studies and spending time in the listener support room 

creativeBraid1383 April 4th

I have felt unmotivated and have not got any time to talk with anyone here on the chats but I have focused more at university.