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What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups

User Profile: Hope
Hope March 21st, 2021

Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups'

enlightenedWhat have you done to prevent burnout today?

This can a variety of things like:

• Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate

• Taking part in self-care activities

• Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups

User Profile: considerateParadise6717
considerateParadise6717 March 23rd, 2021


I didn't take a member chat today and focused on school work.

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User Profile: gentleLight37
gentleLight37 October 26th, 2021

@considerateParadise6717 Nice job! :) Sometimes we have to decide what our priority is right now.

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User Profile: InquireWithin
InquireWithin March 26th, 2021


I have reduced my hosting of Sharing Circle to a more reasonable frequency and I am sticking to it. :)

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User Profile: gentleLight37
gentleLight37 October 26th, 2021

@InquireWithin That's awesome that you've figured out what your limits are and what you can reasonable stick to. :)

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User Profile: fairyava
fairyava April 3rd, 2021

Today I took a break from my 7cups roles to take care of real life issues. It was nice taking care of my IRL needs and being able to accept that I needed a break!

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User Profile: gentleLight37
gentleLight37 October 26th, 2021

@fairyava It's important to take care of your own needs! :) Good for you!

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User Profile: SupportCat101
SupportCat101 April 3rd, 2021

I didn’t take on any member chats so I can focus on coursework and my business

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User Profile: gentleLight37
gentleLight37 October 26th, 2021

@SupportCat101 Nice job :)

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User Profile: FlourishingDimensions
FlourishingDimensions April 30th, 2021


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User Profile: FlourishingDimensions
FlourishingDimensions April 30th, 2021

@FlourishingDimensions Sorry! I hit the enter button too quickly :D I took today as a personal growth day and concentrated on reading and other types of personal training.

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User Profile: IceCream4IceCream
IceCream4IceCream May 3rd, 2021


Set boundaries on how much work I will do today: i.e. what tasks I'll be doing and how much time I'll spend on each.

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User Profile: kindLemonade
kindLemonade June 17th, 2021

Again, thank you for introducing this growth path. This Burnt out preventation path is really helping me to have a clearer perspective.

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User Profile: IceCream4IceCream
IceCream4IceCream June 17th, 2021


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User Profile: kindLemonade
kindLemonade June 17th, 2021


These are what I have done over the past few days:

• Write down all of my current roles + time commiment + evaluate my roles using the given form.
• Make clear to all my members and leaders that I'm having a self-care weekends break.
• Asked to reduce my current workload
• Seek help from peer supporter
• Log onto my member account for further supports.
• Encourage other listener peers to self-care together such as reminding each other to meditate, drink water.
• Taking part in self-care activities such yoga, drawing, eating healthy.

How about you? @Star996 @
theriverissinging @richuyulin

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User Profile: theriverissinging
theriverissinging June 17th, 2021

@kindLemonade thanks for tagging me, kind!

Something I have tried to do is to note down what I'm supposed to do on here. It really helps me stay on track and not let myself sink in too much and zone out xD (it's because I love being here!) Thanks! ❤️

User Profile: theriverissinging
theriverissinging June 17th, 2021

@kindLemonade those are so many lovely ways to prevent burnout! ❤️ You're awesome 😊

June 17th, 2021

@kindLemonade Thank you for tagging me in this. For me, I've backed away from all my optional hosting sessions for focus on my two sessions for 24 hour support marathon event. And probably will take it easy on hosting this weekend as I need to get LDP course 5 done. :)

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User Profile: NinaBee
NinaBee July 20th, 2021

@Hope I've taken frequent breaks and narrowed down my tasks to only the most necessary!

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User Profile: kindLemonade
kindLemonade July 20th, 2021


yay to self care 👌

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User Profile: onlylove00
onlylove00 October 11th, 2021


To prevent burnout today, I cut myself short on my time talking to members and focussed on school work.

User Profile: gentleLight37
gentleLight37 October 26th, 2021

@Hope Today I plan to go to sleep instead of taking chats tonight or instead of doing another Guide. I really like the guides though! So much that I want to do, so little time when I have the energy for it... :( But I think that makes it even more important for me to get good sleep, so that I will have the energy to continue tomorrow. :)