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7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!

Hope August 6th, 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth.

We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience.

mailYou can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here

* Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here.

To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps:

enlightenedDownload the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it.

enlightenedLeave us a review on Amazon or Good reads.

enlightened Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits!

We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.

softMusic9759 August 28th, 2020

@Hope I wasn't able to download it on Amazon, but I downloaded it and read it! While reading I had a warm fuzzy feeling because it was amazing to see how people in this community - a community that I'm so proudly part of - was able to write an entire book! The thought spots sprinkled throughout the book were really cute and helped me gather my thoughts! I will definitely be recommending it to people :)

JaimieF August 29th, 2020

I've read the book and reviewed it on both Amazon and Goodreads!

I loved the opening story, and I loved the part that focused on school. I hadn't considered getting good grades as a distraction system before.

SynSavory August 29th, 2020


Left a review. My fave part of the book was the chapter about understanding love and that it can mean different things for different people.

UltimateUnicorn1000 September 11th, 2020

@SynSavory me too

Aayla August 31st, 2020

Done! My favorite was the part about acceptance

positivePumpkin22 September 3rd, 2020


did step 1 & 2

left a review on good reads

my favourite bit was chapter 6, share what is on your heart with another caring person

Rebekah September 7th, 2020

@Hope, I would love to do this, though it seems like we need an Amazon account to rate/review, is that right?

7motivation October 5th, 2020


Yes Amaxone account required and

also more important Amazon requires $50 purchase history over last 12 months to be able to leave a review.

I tried to leave an Amazon review and just got this message because I only spent $25 over last year at Amazon.

We apologize but this account has not met the minimum eligibility requirements to write a review. If you would like to learn more about our eligibility requirements, please see our community guidelines.

which says


To contribute to Customer features (for example, Customer Reviews, Customer Answers, Idea Lists) or to follow other contributors, you must have spent at least $50 on using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months. Promotional discounts don't qualify towards the $50 minimum. You do not need to meet this requirement to read content posted by other contributors or post Customer Questions, or create or modify Profile pages, Shopping Lists, Wish Lists or Registries.

DreamTouch September 7th, 2020


enlightenedDid Step 1 and 2.

enlightenedI really loved this book, Especially the part where it talks about reaching out and the story, as well as the distraction part! Simple and well explained

quietFriend2164 September 7th, 2020

@Hope I downloaded the book on Amazon and left a review. I have to say, I felt a bit weird reading the bit about using online/social media/games as a distraction and a way to deny feelings while using 7 cups everyday. I did find the book easy to read and hopeful.

September 8th, 2020

downloaded, thanks

DayDreamWithYou September 8th, 2020


Ooh, I actually read this book twice (once through an email sent to my gmail and the other time through the training guides), and this is my third time reading (more of scanning) it through again because I seemed to have kind of forgotten what the book was about. Either way, I have read the book and left a review on Goodreads. I think my favorite part was honestly the whole book that was pretty relatable, and I really enjoyed reading it. The welcoming message really conveyed the whole purpose of 7 cups (supportive, nonjudgamental, respect, etc), which was pretty deep as well. I really liked how the book started off with a story, which was very eye-catching. After the outlines of just basic problems, the whole book moved on to about the the 7 cups of values basically, and even though it was pretty broad, it really made me feel oddly understood and loved? Anyways, thank you for this book :)

Textingpals September 9th, 2020


Done with the first and second step i.e downloaded and left a review. My favourite part?

The whole reaching out part, the understanding love part and how it varies from person to person, these parts were the magically amazing ones; the whole book was fantastic.

amandavya September 10th, 2020

My favorite part of the book is chapter 6:

Sharing is a scary thing to do and finding safe people is challenging, but we can't do 'life' alone.

jamesjose September 13th, 2020


peachybby0 September 10th, 2020

I downloaded on Amazon and have left a review on Goodreads.

Though I have just started the very first chapter(almost onto the second), I already found it very informative. I spent sometime to read in school today, and I think the best part was that there were explanations after every after question that I myself have had them for a very long time now.

conscientiousNest615 September 10th, 2020

Where can I find the book to read.

Hope OP September 10th, 2020

Hi @conscientiousNest615

mailYou can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here

* Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Dont see your country listed? Weve got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here.

TortueDesBois September 11th, 2020

I did it

XxJoesphxX September 11th, 2020

Read it and it was great

YourCaringConfidant September 12th, 2020

@Hope I hope it isn't too late to get this badge. I have been away but now I am back.

Steps 1 and 2 done. I would rather not tell you so much about my favorite reading because, sadly, reading this book has opened my eyes and makes me realize that I have a lot of changing to do for the betterment of myself. I am guilty of doing so much and I am not proud of that. Thank you for this book. I only wish I read it sooner.

empathicM September 12th, 2020

I really enjoyed the information in this book. Lengthy to read online, but accomplished! Very well written, and excellent explanations. Loved the quadrant explanation as well!

Endure777 September 13th, 2020


I have read the book and posted a review on Amazon. Such an amazing read! So many helpful tips on how to help others and ourselves!

bookworm274 September 13th, 2020


Read and reviewed. I liked the part about asking for help.

freshMint9376 September 13th, 2020

Read and reviewed. I liked the part about the authour taking the time to stop writing the book and play games with their children.

BookChunky September 18th, 2020


Hey! The book was really great, loved reading it. Thank you for the suggestion.

I posted a review on GoodReads as well.

hopedreamlove September 18th, 2020

Downloaded and left a review!

My favorite part of this book was how it was very straightforward and easy to read, and it was extremely informative, but it wasn't boring, the entire time I read it I was filled with interest and looking forward to read the next page.

September 20th, 2020

Did step 1 and 2

FinleyTews September 30th, 2020

I did steps 1 & 2. My favorite bits are the little anecdotes serving as easy-to-digest examples.

TogetherForeverAlways October 2nd, 2020


Just did steps 1 and 2! :)

bubblyJulie October 4th, 2020


Step 1&2: Done!

It's hard to pick a favorite since every chapter has its own unique lesson. If I have to pick, I'd say either Chapter 1: The Story or Chapter 9: Cup 4. Chapter 1 serves as a wonderful introduction for the rest of the book. It opens my imagination, makes me reflect about the reality, and leads me to the upcoming chapters. Chapter 9, on the other hand, relates to me the most as it gives me all the advice that I personally need right now.

Anexmos October 5th, 2020


I loved the book <3 I reviewd it.

unique73 October 5th, 2020


Just read the book and loved reading it.

It is a great book. Straightforward and informative and interesting to read.

Highly recommend. :)

hopebeyondpain October 5th, 2020

I've just read this book, and left a review. It was really helpful and informative, and it was written in such a clear and understandable way. I never had trouble understanding any of the concepts or anecdotes. My favourite part was about the chapter on love, and how love is all around us, as long as we're willing to notice it heart

cuteeeezombieeee October 5th, 2020

Easy to understand and contains a lot of extremely useful informationsmiley...I (being a fast reader) finished it quickly and efficientlylaugh...overall, loved itheart

Psychstudies13 October 5th, 2020

Its a brilliant book. I have recommended it to all my friends and family <3

curiouscat210 October 5th, 2020

Completed the step 1 and 2

My favorite things about the book are that it was informative and an easy read.

GabrielFelipe October 5th, 2020


JaneAH87 October 5th, 2020

@Hope done and done! :)

October 5th, 2020

I have no idea what book are you talking about. There reviewed.