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7 Cups for the searching soul book - Read and review to get a badge!

Hope August 6th, 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well. Some of you may be aware that we have our very own book! It's called the 7 Cups for the searching soul. There is even a training /self-help guide based on the same book. The book focuses on helping you understand your behavior better, provide you with tips and tricks to grow as a person, and provides in-depth information about how our platforms can support you with your journey of growth.

We encourage everyone to read the book and reflect on its contents. The admin team and I have read the book and we have really enjoyed the overall experience.

mailYou can download your copy of the book on Amazon for free here

* Please note that the book is available in the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands.

Don't see your country listed? We've got you covered! Please find PDF and MOBI versions here.

To get the Soul Searcher badge please follow the following steps:

enlightenedDownload the e-book from Amazon (if your country provides it) or use the second link and read it.

enlightenedLeave us a review on Amazon or Good reads.

enlightened Respond to this thread, let us know you did step 1 & 2 and tell us what were your favourite bits!

We will appreciate your support in downloading and reviewing the book as more downloads/reviews help us reach and support more people.

Kitt2594 November 8th, 2021


I did steps 1 and 2

MoonChild1206 November 8th, 2021


Read and reviewed the book. What a great read! I learned a lot about being a listener and even general mental health for myself. Thank you for sharing.

wittyBalloon8000 November 8th, 2021


Zahraa000 November 9th, 2021

أناt’s a very nice book, Iam in my 3rd cup and i feel i learned a lot from it to change my life for the better.thank you all🌱💜

fruityHoliday63 November 11th, 2021


Thank you for making the book available! It was a soulful reading experience.

Completed both steps: got the e-book and wrote a review on goodreads.

My favorite bits were the rabbi story, the explanation of the four quadrants and the cycle of distractions and the exercise on true values. Thank you for making it available for free x

HearingIsHealing November 11th, 2021

@Hope I just read the book and left a review on Amazon. Thank you so much for providing this free resource to us. There is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in this short book. I love how clear and concise the information was presented. My favorite part was about 'need.' I hadn't thought of it in that context before. Thank you again.

Faithmagic November 11th, 2021


DarkPiT23 January 11th, 2022

Step 1 and 2 done!!

YourDigitalFriend January 13th, 2022

Amazing book with heartwarming examples. Reading through all the steps makes me feel like I truly have immersed myself into each step wholly.

rrretsuko January 14th, 2022

@Hope the book was so well written <3 i did steps one and two. the book itself, you can tell, can be useful to anyone who needs support <3 anyone can read it and it's easy to understand. i think that it really gives the reader a feeling that they're being heard and so many people can connect to it just as i did.

Erato January 28th, 2022

Done with steps 1 and 2 c: I've been trying to read self-help book and this is a good one!

Wildarkberry February 3rd, 2022

@Hope I've read the book and left a review on Goodreads. This book is such awesome self-guidance. My Favorite is Chapter 4 Problem, Aunt Maggie analogy.

00Michelle00 February 3rd, 2022


Read and reviewed. Very enlightening.

This is a fantastic read. I'm overjoyed that it was written. I had a sense of what I needed to hear but was uncertain that I would receive it. This book, this discourse, and the way it impacts you in ways you are rarely aware of was a wake-up call and has the potential to be a truly transformative experience. I advise everyone to allow it to speak to them and to open themselves up to the possibility of healing, of realizing their own pain, and attempting to be kind to themselves and others while reclaiming their power and restoring their soul. This is a book that everyone on earth should read. This book has the potential to initiate us all on a path of healing. Healing is something that we all require, even if we are unaware that we do. We are scared individuals living in a damaged society. This book provides insight and hope for recovery. It was illuminating for me.

Livingtohelplive February 4th, 2022


Hello there!

After doing steps 1 and 2 I want to say and mention that i am so glad that i discovered this book. It is easily readable, affordable for everyone and it can make an impact. This is something which is amazing and neccessary for todays society, so Thank you!

Sending energy and strenght!

Lots of love,


AliveandAlive February 10th, 2022

@Hope Yes, Reviewed on Amazon. My fav from the book is explanation on the infection – Denial and distraction. Amazing book with amazing insights. Loved reading it.

greenAvocado14 February 13th, 2022


I downloaded and read the book. Left a goodreads review.

I really enjoyed it. I like how it breaks down the steps as a cup of tea. Very insightful. The exercises were good and the thought pauses I liked. I will likely refer back to it again when I need a reminder of how to live a more fulfilling life. Everyone should read this book.

CaringEzra February 17th, 2022

I read and reviews it! I loved getting to read this. it was very well written and very insightful! I thought each chapter was amazing and helpful. hard to choose just one <3

glowingSoul93 February 27th, 2022


I did 1 & 2 the book is amazing can't wait to read it more when I need it in the future.

SleepyKitty96 March 7th, 2022


i have completed step 1 and 2

i really appreciate how the book breaks down important advice and makes it digestible for everyone. It really provides the opportunity for anyone and everyone to benefit.

MilaAvery March 8th, 2022


I have downloaded the pdf version of the book and left a 5 star rating on Goodreads.

My favourite part of the book would be 'Chapter 6 - Open'. It shows the importance of opening up your honest thoughts and feelings to a caring and understanding person. This might make us feel vulnerable since we are sharing a low point in our life with someone else. However, sharing it with someone, who cares for you and understands you can actually do the opposite. It makes us feel assured that there is someone backing us up. Bottling your feelings can take a toll on your mental health. However, sharing it with someone you trust, makes life a lot easier and enjoyable.

cups2877 March 8th, 2022


Rodeogal March 10th, 2022

I did a review but I didn't receive a badge?

Imhereforyou2291 March 11th, 2022

All done!!

It helped me to understand things that I never did before. Thank you!!!!

March 12th, 2022

@Hope downloaded and reviewed

HealerWithin March 13th, 2022


I reviewed it on amazon as well as goodreads. I really loved the book and my favourite parts were the short stories in between of the city called ancora and the monk story. It is definitely a book I would love to go through again some time in future. :)

magicmango26 March 20th, 2022


Completed steps 1 + 2!

I really enjoyed this book, and I would say that it has definitely aided in my self-care journey.

I really enjoyed reading Chapter 12, 'Live According to What is Important.'

This chapter was really interested as it emphasized that time management should be called life management, because time = life and life = time.

Overall, this was a really good read, and I recommend this book to those who are looking to enhance their overall well-being!
magicmango26 March 20th, 2022


**I also reviewed on GoodReads!
ASilentBunny March 27th, 2022


I learnt a lot about 7cups, being a listener and generally about mental health! Thank you :)

selflessSpruce1515 April 11th, 2022


Hey Hope! Nice to meet you. I have reviewed the book on Goodreads, the concepts in the book are so well thought out! I recently started reading it, and I’m hooked. Thank you, @GlenM , for publishing this book. It’s amazing! ❤️

My favorite part was the poem, “7Cups of Tea.” It encompasses each and every chapter in this book, which provides a whole new meaning to the metaphors highlighted in the poem. 😊

funnyLion1148 April 11th, 2022


ThoughtfulBlossom April 11th, 2022


I looked through this book, and I gave it a great review. I really enjoy how each chapter tries to convey ideas of personal growth, responsibility, and compassion. ❤️

Zion21x April 12th, 2022

This gonna help my behavior

LindseyLobotomy April 14th, 2022

I did steps 1 and 2. I left a review on good reads. I found the book empowering. The book offers an interesting perspective on life and the many interpersonal challenges one may come across and how to overcome those challenges.

LalaLives April 15th, 2022


I really enjoyed this read. It helped me get clearer on where I am these days and how to start getting unstuck.

Dallady April 16th, 2022

The book isn’t free. So I think amazon link is broken or something.

Hope OP April 17th, 2022


Hi! The book is free. Please check this link for amazon if that does not work, you can view this link as well.

diamondintheROUGH2022 April 17th, 2022

Did step 1 and 2 downloaded and read omg how I related to so many sections of the boom very resourceful I can relate to chapter 3 distractions is a huge thing for me thank you for this book much love

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 17th, 2022

@Hope I like 'the Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck' you should check it out. I looked at your book...😉

YoursMAD April 20th, 2022


Hi, I am done with both the steps. Provided my review in amazon.

"One of the great challenges that humans face is that we will continue in relationships that are bad for us if they feel familiar and predictable" - Absolutely true.....

Dan76 April 25th, 2022

@Hope done. I really enjoy the message of personal responsibility, and how denial can prohibit that