how long have you been self harm free? (possible trigger warning: SH)
I've seen this sort of thing on a couple of other sites.
It's to put your accomplishments, relapses or anything you want it to be
you could post every day if you need to or once a month, no accomplishments too small.
and if you relapse, you are strong. and you can do this.
I will try get back to as many people as I can and if you need message me on here.
if this doesn't work oh well, but id like to see it work.
Hope you are liking all the cute cat pictures! [v] here is your next clue, where can you introduce yourself if you're new to the subcommunity this month?
6 days. Would have given in earlier but thankfully had no oppurtunity. Now feeling great about having lasted the day!
@BerryHugs I am so happy to see this! You are so strong for staying SH free for 6 days, keep gping, keep fighting!
4 months, its my new personal record :)
@IceCreamPants cool! :) try 2 beat that record and make it 6months... :)
@alexaners7734 I'll do my best Alex :)
You are doing amazing, @IceCreamPants! 4 months, a new personal record - it is something we need to celebrate!!! *dancing*
I believe in you, I believe that you can take even longer! 6 months as the goal sounds great, right?
11months 18days
7 days. Been very up and down, earlier today I had decided that I was going to SH later when I had oppurtunity, even stayed up late to do it. Strangely though the acceptance that I was going to was very calming, as much as SH would have been and by the time oppurtunity came around I found I didn't need to anymore. That and I said in the SH support session today that my new goal is to make it to the next session without harming, so I feel I need to give that an honest try.
@BerryHugs I am really glad to hear that you was able to avoid self harming today! 7 days is something, it's first and really huge step in your recovery and I am happy that you have setted up this new goal - I believe in you, you can do this!
0 days *sigh*
I was making breakfast and realised the the oven glove had some holes in it. Rather than be sensible i saw it as oppurtunity and used it anyway burning my hand. Its not terribly bad only a surface burn really but im counting because that was the intention. So pee'd off with myself what a stupid reason to have to reset the timer
@BerryHugs I am sorry to hear that you are feeling in this way, but do not blame yourself for relapsing. It is ok to relapse sometimes, it's the part of recovery. As long as you are picking yourself up and trying to count away - it's wonderfull! I am really glad to hear that you understand it was wrong thing to do - it's a huge part of recovery. Stay strong <3
@RaCat thanks for this, really helped me to not cave in again this morning when i had oppurtunity. Part of me was thinking 'well my timers already at 0 so whats the harm' but your post made me think otherwise. Hugs and much love <3
@BerryHugs I am so happy to hear this! You are so strong for staying clean today! I am really proud of you my dear!
4 days ... I know it's not long, but the longest I went was 7/8months
@hollyyerin congratulations, 4 days is a progress, it's a huge step in your path of recovery! No matter how small or big the victory is - it is a victory! Keep counting, keep doing the progress! I believe you can take even more <3
I celebrate 2 years tomorrow and I am very proud of myself. I still have very bad urges till this day but 2 years ago I realized I could channel my feelings into art, bought myself a tattoo kit and starting learning tattoos. I put all my energy into learning and anytime I had an urge I just practiced. At my 1 year celebration, I did my first tattoo on myself which is a lotus because lotus are known for rising up from dark places and it was the most fitting. I now reward myself at random when I surpass the feelings with a tattoo and have a total of 12 now. Art has saved me more than I could have imagined.
@AngelWillDestroy first of all I want to congratulate you for staying two years self harm free! It's a huge vicotry and your story is inspiring. I am so glad to hear that art saved you in the darkest moments in your life. That's what must be doing - every of us should fknd a way to express emotions in different way - painting, creating music, doing sport - nevermind. And creating tattos must be really interesting as it is permarent, you can't make them disapper. That's why I love the idea of lotus - it will always remind you your victory! Stay strong and keep being so positive <3
11months 19 days.
It's been minutes. I'm sorry, I wish I could have been stronger.
@IAmNathan do not blame yourself for relapsing. It's the part of recovery, it doesn't means you are weak or failure, it just means you need to pick yourself up and try to stay clean again. As long as you want to get better - you are fighting and you are winning the battle inside you <3 I am very proud to see that you came here and shared with us your relapsion it makes you stronger.
@RaCat Thank you <3 That really means a lot. <3
A year and five months as of today! :D It took a lot to get to this point because I have relapsed in the past. But not this time, because I'm determined to keep the streak going! :)
@safeandsoundta I am really proud of you, girl! And your motivation makes me smile, you are such a strong person! Keep going, keep fighting and keep being awesome!
@RaCat Thank you so much for your kind response! It really made me smile. I'll definitely continue to keep fighting and stay strong :)
@RaCat I'll keep being awesome. Don't Forget To Be Awesome (or DFTBA) yourself!
Thats really great! Keep going and don't give up!! @safeandsoundta
@lovelySunshine13 Thanks, hun! :)