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Oreo Game!

24Help1 July 18th, 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome to an icebreaker! This wont be the traditional icebreaker 🤭 This will be a game!

To start, answer the following questions:

1. How many Oreos would you take from a never-ending bowl?

2. How many cookies (of your preferred flavor) would you take from a never-ending plate?

3. How many strawberries would you eat from a never-ending box?

Once you have your 3 numbers, add them up!

What number did you get? Thats the number of interesting facts you have to share with us about yourself/your roles on 7cups!

I cant wait to hear everybodys answers!

SuniStorm July 25th, 2020

4 oreos, 5 cookies, 3 strawberrys 4+5+3=12

1. I have a HUGE stuffed animal collection

2. I care for 13 community cats that basically live in my yard (3 are my inside cats previously community cats) and they all gave names and have been spayed/neutered

3. I'm homeschooled

4. I have glasses

5. I am getting a lip-piercing when covids over

6. My eyes are such a deep brown they almost look completely black

7. I plan on being a kitten foster parent soon

8. I love candy especially skittles

9. I enjoy swimming and art (even though I'm bad at it)

10. I want to learn ASL and maybe guitar

11. I have 2 younger brothers 3-5 years younger

12. About all of my favorite shows and movies are eathir cartoons, horror or crime category's

24Help1 OP July 18th, 2020


I'll start! I'd take 4 Oreos, 2 cookies, and 3 strawberries. 4+2+3=9

1. I have 3 beautiful dogs!

2. I also have 2 cats

3. My favorite book is All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

4. I love the color green!

5. I'm a group support Project Agent on 7cups!

6. I have a fabulous boyfriend.

7. I have 8 siblings!

8. I like to do yoga

9. I'm a forum supporter in our lovely self-harm recovery community.

TaranWanderer July 18th, 2020

@24Help1 I would take 5 oreos, 3 cookies, and 4 strawberries. 5+3+4=12 :o that's what I get for having a sweet tooth 😌

1. I've had almost every colour hair before

2. I grew up with a lot of pets

3. I've almost been to all provinces/territories in Canada

4. I have a fake tooth

5. I started being a forum supporter for the LGBTQ+ subcom during my internship and loved it so much I've stayed with the role for a while now :) even though I've always been afraid of forums on every other site!

6. I love seafoam green

7. I wear Christmas pj's all year round because I get a new set every year from my dad :p

8. I have 3 siblings and 2 step siblings

9. The kitty in my picture belonged to my dad and lived her whole life without an official name, everyone called her something different :3

10. I've had both very long hair and very short hair (currently long!)

11. I'm LGBTQ+ but choose to not use labels ;)

12. I love black tea with milk and sugar! Drink it almost every day~

24Help1 OP July 19th, 2020


Haha your darn sweet tooth!

I love pets and hair coloring, that sounds so fun! Being involved in the LGBTQ+ Community is fabulous, and choosing not to identify with labels can be just as empowering as choosing to! Keep doing you! Christmas pajamas are an all-time-favorite. Thank you for responding!

Hydrangea03 July 19th, 2020

Ohh what an interesting icebreaker!! Thank you!!

1 oreo, 5 cookies and 5 strawberries = 11 facts!

1. My favorite reptile is crocodile - but I also really adore snakes~

2. My favorite amphibian is frog!!!

3. I have read more than 170 books in my life

4. My sleeping record is 14 hours

5. My favorite book genres are classic and contemporary Japanese!

7. I love art history, but Im the least artistic person youd ever meet :)

8. Im more of a science person! I like generally most fields of science, but I love biology the most

9. Although, Im absolutely Horrible at maths TwT

10. I...cant ride the bike *hides and cries*

11. I can read in my dreams. Everyone says thats impossible, but I swear I can, and I almost always read something in each dream I have...

24Help1 OP July 19th, 2020


I'm glad you enjoyed!

Such cool animals! And it sounds like your dreams and sleeping are very fun! I love reading, I hope I've read that many :P Ah the bike, I didn't learn until late either, you can still do it haha!

throwthemaracas July 24th, 2020


hnghng dont worry i am a fellow non-bike rider. I never learned how toooo and my friends always make fun of me for it u-u

Hydrangea03 July 24th, 2020

Oh a fellow non-bike rider!! We need to form a union to rival the bike-riders :p @throwthemaracas

itidc July 19th, 2020


4 oreos, 4 cookies and probably 8 strawberries they're so yummy!

1) I have a dog named Auggie

2) he's 3 years old

3) I have a cat she's 7 (my husbands cat)

4) I have a husband lol

5) We've been married for 5 months and everythings perfect

6) we were in a ldr for 2 years but we've ben together for 3 years

7) My favorite color is pink but I also like purple and blue

8) My favorite show is criminal minds, the office and svu

9) My fav cartoon is spongebob

10) I've always wanted to travel the world

11) I have 3 siblings

12) I grew up with my mom and stepdad and siblings

13) Im in my early 20's

14) Many people say I act mature

15) Me and my husband are 11 years apart

16) I actually don't quite know my dogs breed I thought I did but I'm not sure now lol

24Help1 OP July 19th, 2020


I agree with your love of strawberries, but they really rank up the facts! Your dog's name is so cute, almost like mine! I'm glad everything is going well with your husband! It sounds like you have a great family! And those are fabulous shows. Thank you for participating, take care!

itidc July 19th, 2020


Thank you sorry I hope it wasn't too much, awww what's their name??? And thank you again have a nice day! heart

24Help1 OP July 19th, 2020


It was a fabulous amount, I enjoyed getting to know you! My dog's name is Annie, I'm sad I didn't put that in my post!

itidc July 20th, 2020


Awww such a cute name!!! I'm sorry :(

24Help1 OP July 20th, 2020


Haha don't worry, and thank you! I think it's quite cute too :P

itidc July 20th, 2020


You're welcome and okay!

Invisibility101 July 19th, 2020


3 Oreos + 5 triple chocolate chip cookies + 2 strawberries = 10. Oh boy! Here we go 😁

1. I love spoken word poetry- listening, writing and performing

2. I rather read than watch tv.

3. The beach is my favorite place.

4. My favorite colour is magenta.

5. I'm terrified of monkeys 😭

6. I am obsessed with everything chocolate- seriously chocolate is my kryptonite!

7. I live on an island.

8. I think the smell of rain is the best thing ever.

9. Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year 😊

10. Music calms me and really helps me when everything feels out of control.

Yay, I did it!

24Help1 OP July 19th, 2020


I love how you specify the cookie type, triple chocolate is the kind we all need! I can definitely tell it's your kryptonite haha. Music and books are fantastic, I can see why you like it! It sounds like the island is a great place to live if you love the beach, I hope you have lots of rain there too (and a lack of monkeys)! Thank you for participating, have a nice day!

throwthemaracas July 24th, 2020


your fear of monkeys is totally understandable those things are absolutely terrifying u-u

WhiteLighthouse July 20th, 2020

1. An infinity...

2. An infinity...

3. An infinity...

Oh boy, what am I going to do now?...😶

24Help1 OP July 20th, 2020


You just have to give us an infinity of fun facts! I'm kidding, you can give as many as you want!

DayDreamWithYou July 20th, 2020


Ooh, this is very very interesting. Thank you Mary!

3 Oreos, 3 cookies, 10 strawberries = 16 (I absolutely love strawberries omg)

1. I used to live in Singapore and Taiwan.

2. I have 2 dogs.

3. I moved at least 8 houses in 5 years in Singapore.

4. I play cello.

5. I used to be in choir, but then I moved to the US

6. I used to foster a labador retriever (a drug detection dog).

7. I love animals a lot and volunteer at local zoos.

8. I hope to pursue a social psychology or philosophy career.

9. I have a younger brother that is a few years younger than I am.

10. I consider myself an introvert, and just like many people, to my closest friends, I am absolutely loud and crazy.

11. I can finish a k-drama (16 episodes that are all more than an hour long) in one day (let's just say, I fast fowarded a lot).

12. I am not a big fan of movies :o ikr, I can't believe it myself either.

13. I almost forgot, but I swim!

14. There is no air conditioner at my house, and it is legit burning in the summer.

15. I am a peer supporter on 7 Cups, recently finished the room supporter training, and am waiting for the results on the verifiers team application :)

16. I honestly wish that I found 7 Cups earlier. Glad I found it the way I did though!

24Help1 OP July 20th, 2020


Sounds like lots of moving, I hope it was all fun! I love animals too, that sounds so fun. Being a peer supporter is fabulous, thank you for contributing to 7cups! And I hope you get your response soon! Thank you for participating, have a nice day!

M4GIC July 20th, 2020

@24Help1 @bouncySalamander26

So I'd pobrably take 5 Oreos 12 Snickerdoodle Cookies and 19 Strawberries So 5 + 12 + 19 = 36 Facts cheekysurprise *uh-oh!*

Thanks, Mary for nice post xD *realizes that's a lot of facts about myself* | *tries to think of 36 random facts about myself*

1. I love dogsheart

2. I love catsheart

3. I love the book War Dogsheart

4. I like to wear dark-colored clothingheart

5. I've always grown up with a few petsheart

6. I'm a 7Cups intern (intern grad if this is read after July 27th 2020)heart

7. I have a life-sized stuffed animal of a dolphincheeky

8. I'm a forum supporterheart

9. I don't prefer being labeled xDheart

10. I'm an introvertheart

11. My Enneagram is a type 6 (If you wanted to know xD)heart

12. MBTI: INTJ/INFJ (I took it a few times xD)heart

13. I don't have much appetite for chocolateheart

14. I can bing watch 7 Seasons of pretty much any TV show in about a 2-7 daysheart

15. I'm a welcoming team memberwink

16. I'm lactose intolerantsad

17. I've never had a sunburn in my entire lifelaugh

18. I was in a bandheart

19. I'm a peer supportercool

20. I own a hoverboardheart

21. I love bike ridingcool

22. I love swimminglaugh

23. I love TVheart

24. I like movies as wellheart

25. I love stuffed animalsheart

26. I love Nikeheart

27.. I love Adidasheart

28. I love UAheart

29. I host discussionsheart

30. I host some GTKY'ssurprise

31. I like foodheart

32. I think Unicorns are radblush

33. I love kayakingheart

34. I don't like to be coldcrying

35. I think rabbits are lit 🔥🔥

36. I play sports ⚽🏀🏈⚾🥎

24Help1 OP July 20th, 2020


Poor magic has so many facts! I love animals too, they're fabulous! Your roles on 7cups are very cool, including your internship! Ohh I'm glad to know your personality type :P Haha I love food too, but I'd be sad without chocolate and milk 🙁 You sound like you have a lot of activities you like! Unicorns and rabbits are just *chefs kiss*. Thank you for participating, I hope to see you next week!

rebecca947 July 20th, 2020

I LOVE this game, @24Help1!!! Creative and original, and very misleading :p


1. I have a German Shepherd doggo

2. I have extremely sensitive ears, so sensitive that if you touch them for one second, they'll turn burning red and hot for a good 5 minutes. I have limited control over it unfortunately, and hated it as a kid! So uncomfortable.

3. I have an extremely leaky nose in winter, daily in the mornings. It SUCKS.

4. I have a scar right next to my eye- I was very lucky to have fallen how I did and have the scar where it was.

5. I was originally a forum supporter on Cups, then forum mentor, then support session leader, then support team leader and now community mentor leader! I've been a part of a few teams- Healthy Living, Student Support, Family and Caregivers and my favourite, Self-Harm Recovery! I love you all. ❤

6. I'm directionally challenged. Like, VERY directionally challenged.

7. I love bullet journaling and have been doing it for nearly 3 years (will be 3 years in September!)

8. I have the same birthday as a listener I'm close to on here and my cousin also! He's exactly one year younger than me.

9. I was a naughty child lol very naughty, but figured out why through therapy last week. Therapy is so worth it for those breakthrough moments, challenging the way you've been thinking for over a decade or two.

10. I'm a shopaholic when I need a stress relief. The only time I splurge is when I'm in a bad mood, so let's hope it's not too often anymore as my bank account is hating me right now... 😅

24Help1 OP July 20th, 2020


I have to be misleading! How else am I going to get @optomisticMagic0014 to give 36 facts??? Dogs are so nice! Your nose and ears really seem to have a mind of their own though! Your roles on 7cups are fantastic because I get to interact with you :P I too can't tell left from right 🤷‍♀️ I love that you know how to express yourself and have outlets to do so!

bouncySalamander26 July 23rd, 2020


Ooooh-I have an extremely leaky nose too-except that it acts up only when exposed to sunlight (as opposed to winter).

We're quite a lot complementary!Astonished

aesonnn July 21st, 2020

@24Help1 this is such a hard gameeee like i would take wayyy too many cookies, but because I don't have a lot to tell about myself I'll say 1 oreo, 4 cookies and 4 strawberries. I want to take soo much more, but i really don't have that many facts

1. I'm pansexual

2. non-binary

3. i have a cat

4. i have a little brother

5. I do boxing

6. I care too much about people

7. I live next to a river

8. I love swimming

and finally,

9. I like drawing

soooo that was ittt

24Help1 OP July 22nd, 2020


Darn you should've gotten more cookies haha!

I'm glad that you have labels you identify with and a fabulous cat! It sounds like you do a lot of physical activity, and I'm glad that you live next to a river if you love swimming! Thank you for participating, take care!

Oxymoron6demon July 21st, 2020

5 oreos, 10 cookies, and 2 stawberries! So 5+10+2=17! 😜

1. I have a pet fish named Dorian.

2. I want an australian shepherd!

3. I love reading (a lot!)

4. I am an only child.

5. I love pastel colours.

6. I'm currently writing a book.

7. My favorite Shakespeare play is Hamlet.

8. I have 4 semi-close friends.

9. I am a teen member in 7 cups! :)

10. I want to travel the world.

11. I have anaphylaxis.

12. I have a skin condition called dermatographia where my skin swells up (sort of like hives) when I scatch it.

13. I am going into the IB program.

14. I play the piano and the flute.

15. I have been learning music since I was 5 years old.

16. I have been taking art lessons since I was 4.

17. I love swimming!

Thanks for this game @24Help1 ! It was fun to do. Stay safe everyone, hugs! ❤❤❤

24Help1 OP July 22nd, 2020


Aw those animals sound fabulous! I've seen that some people like having dermatographia, do you? Ohh reading and writing sound like it's fun for you! And you're artistic with music and art, I'm jealous! (You have to keep this on the down-low but teenies are pretty cool). I'm glad you enjoyed this, thank you for participating!

BenevolentFish July 21st, 2020

1. How many Oreos would you take from a never-ending bowl?

5, after that I may get sick (haha)

2. How many cookies (of your preferred flavor) would you take from a never-ending plate?

6, I really love good crispy chocolate chip cookies, TATES IS THE BEST!

3. How many strawberries would you eat from a never-ending box?

However many is 1 pint (15?) - an unhealthy amount for sure!

What number did you get? Thats the number of interesting facts you have to share with us about yourself/your roles on 7cups!

26 (oh thats a LOT)

1. I love tik tok, I cannot get off of it

2. I delete the tik tok app when im busy

3. But i red-ownload tik tok every 2-3 days

4. I have a cute cat

3. My cat is siamese

4. My cat has a birth defect :,(

5. BUT dont worry she is healthy

6. I was born and raised on the East coast

7. I go to school far from home

8. But my school is still on the East Coast

9. I actually love cold(ish) weather

10. Fall/ ealry winter (before its TOO cold) is my favorite season

11. My favorite holiday is Christmas

12. I really want to move to New Zealand one day

13. I am thinking of getting my first tatoo soon!

14. My favorite pokemon is Togepi

15. Im currently watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix

16. My favoite movie is Finding Forrester

17. BUT Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone is CLOSE second

18. It got bumped down because JK Rowling is being problematic :(

19. My favorite broadway muscial is Miss Saigon (10/10 would reccomend)

20. A CLOSE second is Phantom of the Opera

21. Im thinking of being a psychcology major

22. I have MANY ideas for a minor

23. I want to study abroad

24. but covid got in the middle of my summer travel plans

25. ive never been out of the USA, so I was very sad about that!

26. This was a LOT to write

26. Im on the community internship track!

24Help1 OP July 22nd, 2020


What can you say, you love cookies and strawberries! I love how you spread all the facts out :P

I like TikTok too, it's too fun! Aw, I'm glad your cat is healthy! I like the fall too, it's not too hot! The southern east coast is so hot 😣 Ohh tattoos are lovely! Any idea what you'll get? Movies and musicals are definitely fun facts worthy! Harry Potter was written by Dumbledore, haven't you heard? 😮 Psychology is so cool, I can't blame you for wanting to study it! Haha it definitely was a lot to write, but you did fantastically! We love internships on cups! Thank you for participating!

VickyP July 21st, 2020


OMG I saw the oreo cookies on the title and clicked the notification. Good thing I don't eat strawberries, heh.


1. Nu strawberries

2. I've kind of subscribed to all sub-communities' forums, but I click on the notifications only when I see oreos. jk jk

3. My first role on 7Cups was a discussion writer of the Anxiety Support team.

4. There is a reason I picked 3 cookies from the bowl and 4 from the plate... I imagine the plate square!

5. I love cats

6. I, more than often, sing without noticing it.. while walking, on the bus, definitely at home, more when it's raining.

7. @rebecca947 I'll join the directionally-challenged team xD I blame confusing right from left on being left-handed, but then again I got lost every day for two weeks trying to get home from my uni.

rebecca947 July 22nd, 2020


omg the last one 😂 thank goodness for the invention of GPS specifically for people like us, hey 😂

VickyP July 22nd, 2020


hehe yess! I can't imagine going anywhere without at least knowing I have a way to go home if I get lost lol. I used to have this phone whose GPS confused right from left too. The arrow kept going in circles. It was sooo frustrating.

24Help1 OP July 22nd, 2020


The Oreos had to be there for clickbait!

Discussion writers are so underrated, thank you for doing that! Cats are fantastic, and so is singing! @rebecca947 is being tagged whenever someone forgets directions lol! Thank you for participating!

rebecca947 July 22nd, 2020


😂 I've gotten lost on this site before too but I just always clicked the home page and started over xD wish it was as easy as that irl lol

reservedAcres8109 July 22nd, 2020


I'd take 3 Oreos, 3 cookies and 2strawberrys.=>8

1) ive 2 dogs a German shepherd named Major and a Jack Russel named Suzy.

2) i play 2 sports and I'm very good at them

3) I want to be a teacher after college.
4) I'm not great at focusing in class so it takes extra effort for me in school

5) I'm 5"6

6) I have a great boyfriend

7) I'm a Leo ♌️

8) and my favourite foods are bagels, chips and donuts

24Help1 OP July 22nd, 2020


Doggos are the best! I'm glad you're good at sports! Being a teacher sounds like a very rewarding job. I'm glad your boyfriend is great! And carbs for the win haha :P