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Building Self-Esteem Series: Self-Love letters

Hope February 29th

Hi everyone! Thank you for following our series and working on your relationship with yourself. I know it is quite the challenge but it's a big effort and a big reward exchange! The world treats us differently when we learn our worth and insist on upholding our standards. 

These past 8 weeks we have been laying down the foundations on which we can stand and start to take more direct steps towards building our self-esteem. This specific exercise can feel challenging but if you have been following the series and have put in the foundational work then I believe you have what it takes to show yourself some wholehearted love and compassion. Even if this is the first post you come across, give it a shot! You may be surprised by this one. 

Today we will be writing self-love letters! 

It is a letter that you write to yourself, usually addressing yourself as you are a separate being. It will make sense in a bit! 

Try to create a relaxed environment. Smell something calming, and make a soothing beverage. Try to find a private place and keep the tissue paper ready for the upcoming tears. It is perfectly normal to find yourself crying. 

Talk to yourself as you would talk to someone you love wholeheartedly. Think of yourself as this dearest friend who you know intimately and want the best for. Here are a few things you can talk about:

  • Note down how proud you are of all the work you have done. All the progress you have made. 
  • Highlight all the ways you are growing as a person or how life has improved
  • Give reassurance for all the worries you hold. For example ‘I know you are worried that you will fail at X but remember when you thought the same about Y and that worked out Silly!’
  • You can use any tone you like but it should be compassionate.
  • Apologize to yourself for all the wrong you have done
  • The letter can be pages long or a paragraph long. It can typed or written. 

Example of how it can look like:

Dearest Me,

You work so hard, even when you feel unseen. I'm sorry for the harsh words I've thrown your way, for neglecting your needs. Remember how worried you were about moving to a new city? We faced it together, and just like with starting that new hobby, you came out the other side, braver and wiser. I know you have doubts and anxieties, especially about finding a stable job. But listen to me – you've overcome so much already. You have the strength, the resilience, and the kindness to navigate this too. Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember that laugh you have, the way it lights up your eyes? And your kindness, the one that extends even to strangers? Today, I want to celebrate those things. You are worthy of love, even from yourself. Maybe especially from yourself.

Your loving self,

(Your name)


Write a letter to yourself following the above instructions. Once done, read it and come back to this post. Answer the questions:

  • How did writing the letter make you feel? 
  • How was the overall writing experience for you?

You are not expected to share your letter with us. If you are participating with a listener account, please be mindful of listener account boundaries when answering these questions. You can keep the answers general. 

I encourage you to schedule the letter as a future email to yourself using email's scheduling service. It can be a nice gift for you from you! You are also encouraged to write one letter every day for 7 days. Somedays it will be a page, other days 3 lines and that’s okay. Whatever you write, you can keep scheduling for a future date. It can be a nice exchange of sending and receiving letters for yourself. 

This post is part of the Building Self-esteem series! You can find all the posts of the series linked here. 

intuitiveHickory85 March 4th


This series has been an incredible journey, and writing the self-love letter was both challenging and liberating. It made me realize the importance of acknowledging my growth and celebrating the strengths I often overlook. The overall writing experience was cathartic, like a warm embrace from within. Thank you for guiding us through this transformative process. I've scheduled my letter as a future email a little surprise gift awaiting me. Excited to continue this practice for the next seven days💖

Hope OP March 4th


 Love that you embraced the challenge and discovered your strengths.  Cathartic and a warm embrace - that's powerful writing.  A future email surprise is a wonderful idea!  So glad you'll keep this practice going. I am glad you are benefitting from the series! 

intuitiveHickory85 March 4th

@Hope Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredibly kind words! Your support means a lot to me. Embracing this challenge was indeed a cathartic experience, and discovering my strengths in the process was both empowering and enlightening.The idea of a future email surprise resonates with me, and I'm excited to continue this practice.  Your encouragement fuels my motivation to delve deeper into this journey of self-discovery and growth. Grateful to have your positive energy along the way!

Apeatrice March 4th
The letter full me with love and the positive hope of the future. It help me to see the world & myself without the judgement of the past"In the mirror, l saw this beautiful young girl with those bright eyes fuller with determination & hope. " it's helps me to believe in things will get batter even though it's really hard right now. 
Zeraphim March 12th

I wrote the letter to myself. It was a real struggle. I found it hard to feel authentic saying it to myself from myself. I found myself needing to pretend like it was someone else who just happens to have similar problems in order to have some distance so that the words and compassionate feelings could come to mind, to break through the discomfort. I did find the forgiveness part somewhat relieving. It was helpful to reflect on worries that turned out to be not the case. The overall writing experience was a challenge.

Aputik March 31st


I find it interesting how you changed perspective to be able to write the letter. Just out of curiosity... now that you've done the exercise once would you be able to do it again but this time writing it to yourself?

Zeraphim March 31st

@Aputik I wrote it as if I were a separate person, addressing it to myself as the instructions outlined. I needed distance, because I am often overwhelmed with turmoil. It sounds counter intuitive, but it helped me connect better to let some of the words through to myself with this approach, rather than trying to find words to say directly, from within that turmoil where it feels like false, forced words.

I don't know if I could do it any other way than how I did it for now. Perhaps some day, that will be different.

Aputik April 1st


Perhaps it will! I'm glad you found your own way to writing the letter

Suen00 March 12th

This isn't the first time I write to myself. It always feels enlightening and warm. I always feel loved by the end of it, proud and forgiven for the things I've always criticized myself for. This time was mostly thought of for my teenage self and it was marvelous.

LouisPythons12 March 14th

Dear Prof

I am aware that you don't know where to start about all your emotions and feelings, but this letter is meant to show love to yourself.

With the ongoing mental and emotional challenges you have been going through, I know it hasn't been easy showing the love you deserve for yourself. I am not here to judge nor blame you but I am here to let you know that I love you and care about you so much. Things might not be going the way you desire, wish, or dream but you're still a wonderful and amazing person.

I am proud to let you know that everything you ever prayed for has happened the way you wanted it to happen, but because of the ongoing challenges you have struggled to see that. I am aware of the journey you still want to take and it's not an easy one, but I know you will conquer and be successful in the change you want to see.

I want to encourage you to hang in there and keep fighting to see it happen, eventually, you'll get there.

IchooseLife79 March 14th
  • How did writing the letter make you feel? 

I felt encouraged. It was nice to put to words some of my feelings. It helped to clarify my thoughts.

  • How was the overall writing experience for you?

It was a little of a struggle. Hard to think of what to say. Then I just wrote down some passing thoughts as an outline. That helped. I'm glad I did it. 

orangish March 30th

it felt a little bit awkward to write the letter at first. i didn't know what i wanted to talk about or what i would say to myself. it took quite a bit of effort to be vulnerable and give myself the love i deserve. being told all those compassionate words felt a bit foreign and i realised i want to love myself better, be self compassionate often. i felt peaceful and calm after writing the letter.

ChanteM8683 March 31st


How did writing the letter make you feel? 

Writing the letter made me feel upset because I had to think about all the mistakes I have made, but it was good to reflect on the positive things I have achieved because I don't focus on that enough. 

How was the overall writing experience for you?

It was a good experience to  do overall because I can use it as a tool to look back  on when I am feeling low. 

Harmony8682 March 31st


How did writing the letter make you feel? 

Writing the letter made me feel upset because I had to think about all the mistakes I have made, but it was good to reflect on the positive things I have achieved because I don't focus on that enough. 

How was the overall writing experience for you?

It was a good experience to  do overall because I can use it as a tool to look back  on when I am feeling low. 

SilverSeastar March 31st

Write a letter to yourself following the above instructions. Once done, read it and come back to this post. Answer the questions:

How did writing the letter make you feel? 

I was melancholic at first, and then I felt uplifted and inspired.

How was the overall writing experience for you?

It was an amazing experience and especially more satisfying by physically putting a pen to paper. I will practise it more. This activity taught me to be my own friend and to be more mindful with how I talk to myself.


How did writing the letter make you feel?

I was really confused at first and I didn't know what to write. But I figured out something to say after a long time. And I think it made me feel really emotional. It was hard to write. But I do feel a little bit better afterwards, kinda like a relieved feeling. I got something off my chest.

How was the overall writing experience for you? 

It's not easy to write myself a letter a compassionate letter when I'm not usually so compassionate with myself. But yeah, I did it. I think it's been worth the effort because I feel a bit relieved now. I do hope I'm able to be around till the future date for when I've schedule sent the email. I wonder what reading it will be like

4Jasmine April 10th


I want to get to this point! That means I have to start at the beginning of this course. Is there a way for me to work through this, considering that the group has already completed your course? I never considered how difficult this area is for me to thoughtfully consider and address.

Hope OP April 12th


Hi Jasmine! The series is available for everyone to complete at their own pace. The only difference is that now there is no badge attached to it. You can take your time and do post by post. All posts are linked here. 

4Jasmine April 12th


That's great. I don't need a badge to benefit from the course. Thanks for letting me know.