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Safety Patrol: Cheers and Top 5 Flaggers! ✨

Rebekah December 11th, 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well 🌞

This will be our main forum thread detailing when cheers have been awarded, and our Top 5 Flaggers! It will be updated every so often with new Top 5 Flaggers (I'd like to aim for once a month, but I have a feeling it'll be a bit more sporadic than that), and when cheers have been awarded for flagging.

So, this space is quite important for Safety Patrol team members.

Maybe 'subscribe' to this page and keep an eye on updates from Safety Patrol leaders!

PPC (Primary Points of Contact);

- Community Manager: Heather225
- Admin: EvelyneRose
- Ambassador: Rebekah
- Mentor Leader: tommy

Heartsandrosesandpaws November 11th, 2023

Keep up the good work

purpleSea7109 November 11th, 2023

Yes keepgood work and we all champions.

tommy December 2nd, 2023

Hi everyone,

Happy December! I hope you have had an amazing past month and hope this month brings you lots of joy and happiness. Welcome back to our monthly top flaggers post 💛

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers:

5th Place - @Daf8 with 27 flags
4th Place - @Hamstermum with 34 flags
3rd Place - @tommy with 36 flags 
2nd Place - @AffyAvo with 52 flags
1st Place - @Dystopiatae95 with 89 flags 

Together we flagged 332 profile violations. Thank you to you all for flagging and helping keep 7 Cups safe. You're all shining stars! Cheers will be awarded shortly.

Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so that you can be in with the chance of being a top flagger (and so we can award you with your cheers) - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • Our role is to flag inappropriate profiles (bios, profile pictures and usernames), not chat topics or 1-1/group chat messages. If you are in doubt, please check the guide or contact @tommy or @Rebekah. 
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out! (SPOT team: if you have been trained to outreach then you do not need to flag the profile. You can instead log your outreaches on the relevant dashboard as stated in the outreach guide)
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM. 

Top 10 Flaggers
Please find below the top 10 flaggers for November:


As always, if you ever need anything whatsoever, we are only a PM away. 

Have an amazing December!


@EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @AuRewolf @KristenHR @KindnessMatters2020 @Lunaire00 @LightsFromDark @positivePumpkin22 @iPHOENIX @Comphi @EmotionsListener @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou  @kindheartedlily @richuyulin @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @jundaee @pandanfe @Artalistens @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @Suryansh @SparkyGizmo @rubyjane00 @niamh333 @lovelyApple6441 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @Rui00 @Ralien @fantasticJet1739 @Grace3012 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @LoveMyMoonflowers @OllieRNLI999

KristenHR December 2nd, 2023


Thank you everyone for keeping our site safe!  Thank you for all you do.

SparkyGizmo December 2nd, 2023


Hi Tommy! 😊❤️ Thank you for the forum post! 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️ team! 

pandanfe December 2nd, 2023


Can you guys share tips on how you effectively check out for the red profiles? 

AffyAvo December 7th, 2023

@pandanfe For everyone - online listeners, newbie listeners, people we see in the forums or group chats. I will also switch over to listener side and check active listeners, GR list. New members used to be an option, but that feature isn't around anymore. I also make use of the search with browse listeners, sometimes I come across something on one profile that I haven't seen before that gives a search word to try.

pandanfe December 7th, 2023


Thank you for sharing your tips of doing these stuffs 😊 I'll give it a try. I usually use "random words" in browse listener sections at badge 57 (because i feel like badge 57 usually look for newer accounts). That's why I was looking for some specific functions of the site that would be useful with deep searches. 

Heather225 December 6th, 2023

Thank you for being so attentive to our community's safety!

tommy January 4th

Hi everyone,

It's 2024! Woohoooo. I hope you have had a fantastic few weeks (including a nice break!). I'm happy to announce our top flaggers for December.

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers:

5th Place - @
Hamstermum with 25 flags
4th Place - @AffyAvo with 28 flags
3rd Place - @Dystopiatae95 with 42 flags 
2nd Place - @Daf8 with 44 flags
1st Place - @tommy with 59 flags 

Together we flagged 278 profile violationsThank you to you all for flagging and helping keep 7 Cups safe! Cheers will be awarded shortly.

Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so we can award cheers and track activity - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • We cannot flag users for inappropriate behaviour on the forums, chatrooms or within chat topics. Our role is to only flag those users who have inappropriate profiles. Please refer to the helpdesk (or email to report any users who are going against the community guidelines.
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out!
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM. 

Top 10 Flaggers
Please find below the top 10 flaggers for December:


As always, if you ever need anything whatsoever, we are only a PM away. 

Have an amazing month!

@EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @positivePumpkin22 @AuRewolf @KristenHR @KindnessMatters2020 @Lunaire00 @LightsFromDark @iPHOENIX @Comphi @EmotionsListener @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @richuyulin @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @jundaee @pandanfe @Artalistens @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @Suryansh @SparkyGizmo @rubyjane00 @niamh333 @lovelyApple6441 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @Rui00 @Ralien @fantasticJet1739 @Grace3012 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @LoveMyMoonflowers @OllieRNLI999 @sweetmikayla @DanCat1128

Optimisticempath January 6th

thank you to everyone for keeping us safe 👮‍♀️👮‍♂️🤗🤗

Rebekah OP February 14th

Hello! 🌞

I hope everyone is well -- I just wanted to express my apologies for being behind on cheers and our top flaggers. It has been a very busy month for SP/ST, but that doesn't mean that I should essentially neglect my other important duties, and that's on me. I will do my best to keep up with posting on the 1st of every month with cheers to be awarded 💙 thank you.

Keep an eye on this thread -- I am awarding cheers and working out our top flaggers as we sp- I mean, we're not speaking, so as I type this, at 4:46 am 🌞

Thank you so much for your efforts. As soon as I'm finished awarding cheers for December 2023 and January 2024, in addition to making posts of our top flaggers, I will update this post 💙

Thank you for reading! I don't want to bombard you all with a million tags, so I'll tag everyone as soon as this post is edited for the final time.

🌞 December 2023 Cheers 🌞
December 2023 cheers have now been awarded! Special congratulations to everyone who correctly flagged profiles in December:


As we can see, our top 5 flaggers are...
5th Place - @Hamstermum with 25 flags.
4th Place - @AffyAvo with 28 flags.
3rd Place - @Dystopiatae95 with 42 flags.
2nd Place - @Daf8 with 44 flags.
1st Place - @tommy with 59 flags!

🌞 January 2024 Cheers 🌞
January 2024 cheers are now being awarded! Special congratulations to everyone who correctly flagged profiles in January:


As we can see, our top 5 flaggers are...
5th Place - @blissart and @fruityPond7887 with 12 flags.
4th Place - @tommy with 13 flags.
3rd Place - @Dancat1128 with 14 flags.
2nd Place - @AffyAvo with 15 flags.
1st Place - @Hamstermum with 61 flags!

Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form, found here 🌞

@EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @AuRewolf @positivePumpkin22 @KindnessMatters2020 @LightsFromDark @Rui00 @iPHOENIX @EmotionsListener @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @pandanfe @Artalistens @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @Suryansh @SparkyGizmo @rubyjane00 @niamh333 @lovelyApple6441 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @Ralien @fantasticJet1739 @Grace3012 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @LoveMyMoonflowers @OllieRNLI999 @sweetmikayla @DanCat1128 @izzyy528 @dreamIcicle8467 @KateDoskocilova @El2002snow @Aristotle01

Lou73 February 14th

Thanks for posting @Rebekah No worries about the delay, thank you for the cheers and leaderboard 😊 

Well done everyone 🤗

Heartsandrosesandpaws February 15th


Rebekah OP March 2nd

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that cheers are being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from February 1st, 2024 - February 29th, 2024! 🌞

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @SparkyGizmo with 8 flags. +20 extra cheers!
4th Place - @kindheartedLily with 10 flags. +40 extra cheers!
3rd Place - @AffyAvo with 12 flags. +60 extra cheers!
2nd Place - @Hamstermum with 16 flags. +80 extra cheers!
1st Place - @Kristynsmama with 57 flags! +100 extra cheers!


Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form. Thank you 🌞💙

[ @EvelyneRose, @Rebekah, @tommy, @AuRewolf, @positivePumpkin22, @KindnessMatters2020, @LightsFromDark, @Rui00, @iPHOENIX, @EmotionsListener, @blissart, @LittleBirdie30, @SolaceCares, @SirenOfSerenity, @Lou73, @Jenna, @MistyMagic, @fruityPond7887, @Hamstermum, @MelodyoftheOcean, @AffyAvo, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @kindheartedlily, @florablossom3319, @blissfulSky8162, @sereneMirage8103, @courageousDreamer8927, @Jiminycricket91, @kyan1, @Raspberrycheesecake, @MattForHelp, @radiantLight33, @TabbyCat97, @LandOfHopesx3, @Daf8 @Optimisticempath, @coco128, @pandanfe @Artalistens, @Bunnylovesyou, @WatermelonLover22, @Suryansh, @SparkyGizmo, @rubyjane00, @niamh333, @lovelyApple6441, @LOOPHOLE, @azuladragon34, @Ralien, @fantasticJet1739, @Grace3012, @Mahad2804 @HachiBee, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @OllieRNLI999, @sweetmikayla, @DanCat1128, @izzyy528, @dreamIcicle8467, @KateDoskocilova, @El2002snow, @Aristotle01, @magicalTree4461, @Endure777, @Antonio7Cups, @Kristynsmama ]


Yay, thanks for sharing!

Keep it up, wonderful team!💗

Lou73 March 2nd

Thanks for posting @Rebekah , well done everyone! 💙

kindheartedLily March 2nd


Thank you for sharing!!😊

Rebekah OP April 1st

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that cheers are being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from March 1st, 2024 - March 31st, 2024! 🌞

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @Lou73 with 12 flags + 20 extra cheers!
4th Place - @kindheartedLily with 13 flags + 40 extra cheers!
3rd Place - @blissart with 14 flags + 60 extra cheers!
2nd Place - @Rebekah with 23 flags + 80 extra cheers!
1st Place - @Hamstermum with 41 flags + 100 extra cheers!


Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so that you can be in with the chance of being a top flagger (and so we can award you with your cheers) - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • Our role is to flag inappropriate profiles (bios, profile pictures and usernames), not chat topics or 1-1/group chat messages. If you are in doubt, please check the guide or contact @tommy or @Rebekah. 
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out! (SPOT team: if you have been trained to outreach then you do not need to flag the profile. You can instead log your outreaches on the relevant dashboard as stated in the outreach guide)
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM.

Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form. Thank you 🌞💙

[ @EvelyneRose, @Rebekah, @tommy, @positivePumpkin22, @KindnessMatters2020, @LightsFromDark, @Rui00, @iPHOENIX, @EmotionsListener, @blissart, @LittleBirdie30, @SolaceCares, @SirenOfSerenity, @Lou73, @Jenna, @MistyMagic, @fruityPond7887, @Hamstermum, @MelodyoftheOcean, @AffyAvo, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @kindheartedlily, @florablossom3319, @blissfulSky8162, @sereneMirage8103, @courageousDreamer8927, @Jiminycricket91, @kyan1, @Raspberrycheesecake, @MattForHelp, @radiantLight33, @TabbyCat97, @LandOfHopesx3, @Daf8 @Optimisticempath, @coco128, @pandanfe @Artalistens, @Bunnylovesyou, @WatermelonLover22, @Suryansh, @SparkyGizmo, @rubyjane00, @niamh333, @lovelyApple6441, @LOOPHOLE, @azuladragon34, @Ralien, @fantasticJet1739, @Grace3012, @Mahad2804 @HachiBee, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @OllieRNLI999, @sweetmikayla, @DanCat1128, @izzyy528, @dreamIcicle8467, @KateDoskocilova, @El2002snow, @Aristotle01, @magicalTree4461, @Endure777, @Antonio7Cups, @Kristynsmama, @Takitoteka, @daydreammemories, @ThoughtLight, @calmstrawberry0608, @WeEarth, @PurrfectlyFine, @Sponge2 ]

Lou73 April 1st

Thanks so much for posting @Rebekah and yay I got top 5! 

Well done team! 😊


Optimisticempath April 2nd



Lou73 April 2nd

Aww thanks @Optimisticempath!!! 😄😄

LoveMyMoonflowers April 2nd

Thank you @Rebekah (: 

HealingTalk April 3rd

@Hamstermum @Rebekah @blissart @kindheartedLily @Lou73


Lou73 April 3rd

Thank you @HealingTalk 🤗🤩😄

HealingTalk April 6th

You are welcome, Lou, congratulations!


Hamstermum April 3rd

@HealingTalk- thank you, I am not sure how I am managing this but I am doing my best!

HealingTalk April 6th

You are doing awesome!

You are top of the podium!


kindheartedLily April 3rd


Thank you so much! Go team!🎊

Heather225 April 1st

congratulations you safety champions! thanks for your diligence! @Lou73 @kindheartedLily @blissart @Rebekah @Hamstermum

and thanks to everyone looking out for our community's safety! your contributions make a huge difference every day. 

Optimisticempath April 2nd

Congrats to everyone 💕💕 


Rebekah OP May 1st

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that cheers are being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from April 1st, 2024 - April 30th, 2024! 🌞

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @AffyAvo with 5 flags + 20 extra cheers!
4th Place - @Lou73 with 6 flags + 40 extra cheers!
3rd Place - @Hamstermum with 7 flags + 60 extra cheers!
2nd Place - @
kindheartedLily with 14 flags + 80 extra cheers!
1st Place - @Kristynsmama with 20 flags + 100 extra cheers!


Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so that you can be in with the chance of being a top flagger (and so we can award you with your cheers) - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • Our role is to flag inappropriate profiles (bios, profile pictures and usernames), not chat topics or 1-1/group chat messages. If you are in doubt, please check the guide or contact @tommy or @Rebekah. 
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out! (SPOT team: if you have been trained to outreach then you do not need to flag the profile. You can instead log your outreaches on the relevant dashboard as stated in the outreach guide)
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM.

Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form. Thank you 🌞💙

[ @EvelyneRose, @Rebekah, @tommy, @positivePumpkin22, @KindnessMatters2020, @LightsFromDark, @Rui00, @iPHOENIX, @EmotionsListener, @blissart, @LittleBirdie30, @SolaceCares, @SirenOfSerenity, @Lou73, @Jenna, @MistyMagic, @fruityPond7887, @Hamstermum, @MelodyoftheOcean, @AffyAvo, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @kindheartedlily, @florablossom3319, @blissfulSky8162, @sereneMirage8103, @courageousDreamer8927, @Jiminycricket91, @kyan1, @Raspberrycheesecake, @MattForHelp, @radiantLight33, @TabbyCat97, @LandOfHopesx3, @Daf8 @Optimisticempath, @coco128, @pandanfe @Artalistens, @Bunnylovesyou, @WatermelonLover22, @Suryansh, @SparkyGizmo, @rubyjane00, @niamh333, @lovelyApple6441, @LOOPHOLE, @azuladragon34, @Ralien, @fantasticJet1739, @Grace3012, @Mahad2804 @HachiBee, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @OllieRNLI999, @sweetmikayla, @DanCat1128, @izzyy528, @dreamIcicle8467, @KateDoskocilova, @El2002snow, @Aristotle01, @magicalTree4461, @Endure777, @Antonio7Cups, @Kristynsmama, @Takitoteka, @daydreammemories, @ThoughtLight, @calmstrawberry0608, @WeEarth, @PurrfectlyFine, @Sponge2, @Kyoshi, @tuffattack, @Rainboho, @sky2Ocean20, @SweetAurora77 ]

Antonio7Cups May 1st



Heather225 May 1st


i love seeing these!! congrats to our top flaggers and thanks to the whole team for helping keep our community squeaky clean!

Lou73 May 1st

Thank you for the cheers and update @Rebekah! Well done team! 


kindheartedLily May 2nd


Thank you so much! 😊

Rebekah OP June 3rd

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that cheers are being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from May 1st, 2024 - May 31st, 2024! 🌞

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @SparkyGizmo with 9 flags + 20 extra cheers!
4th Place - @blissart with 12 flags + 40 extra cheers!
3rd Place - @Kristynsmama with 14 flags + 60 extra cheers!
2nd Place - @
AffyAvo with 17 flags + 80 extra cheers!
1st Place - @Hamstermum with 35 flags + 100 extra cheers!


Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so that you can be in with the chance of being a top flagger (and so we can award you with your cheers) - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • Our role is to flag inappropriate profiles (bios, profile pictures and usernames), not chat topics or 1-1/group chat messages. If you are in doubt, please check the guide or contact @tommy or @Rebekah. 
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out! (SPOT team: if you have been trained to outreach then you do not need to flag the profile. You can instead log your outreaches on the relevant dashboard as stated in the outreach guide)
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM.

Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form. Thank you 🌞💙

[ @EvelyneRose, @Rebekah, @tommy, @positivePumpkin22, @KindnessMatters2020, @LightsFromDark, @Rui00, @iPHOENIX, @EmotionsListener, @blissart, @LittleBirdie30, @SolaceCares, @SirenOfSerenity, @Lou73, @Jenna, @MistyMagic, @fruityPond7887, @Hamstermum, @MelodyoftheOcean, @AffyAvo, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, @kindheartedlily, @florablossom3319, @blissfulSky8162, @sereneMirage8103, @courageousDreamer8927, @Jiminycricket91, @kyan1, @Raspberrycheesecake, @MattForHelp, @radiantLight33, @TabbyCat97, @LandOfHopesx3, @Daf8 @Optimisticempath, @coco128, @pandanfe @Artalistens, @Bunnylovesyou, @WatermelonLover22, @Suryansh, @SparkyGizmo, @rubyjane00, @niamh333, @lovelyApple6441, @LOOPHOLE, @azuladragon34, @Ralien, @fantasticJet1739, @Grace3012, @Mahad2804 @HachiBee, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @OllieRNLI999, @sweetmikayla, @DanCat1128, @izzyy528, @dreamIcicle8467, @KateDoskocilova, @El2002snow, @Aristotle01, @magicalTree4461, @Endure777, @Antonio7Cups, @Kristynsmama, @Takitoteka, @daydreammemories, @ThoughtLight, @calmstrawberry0608, @WeEarth, @PurrfectlyFine, @Sponge2, @Kyoshi, @tuffattack, @Rainboho, @sky2Ocean20, @SweetAurora77 ]

Antonio7Cups June 3rd



Lou73 June 4th

Thank you for posting @Rebekah 🤗

Well done team! 💙💙

Rebekah OP July 4th

Hello everyone! I'm happy to announce that cheers are being awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from June 1st, 2024 - June 30th, 2024! 🌞

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @SirenOfSerenity and @Rebekah with 4 flags + 20 extra cheers!
4th Place - @WeEarth with 5 flags + 40 extra cheers!
3rd Place - @blissart with 13 flags + 60 extra cheers!
2nd Place - @
kindheartedlily with 16 flags + 80 extra cheers!
1st Place - @Hamstermum with 47 flags + 100 extra cheers!


Some reminders...

  • Please remember to fill out the flag form found HERE so that you can be in with the chance of being a top flagger (and so we can award you with your cheers) - if you fail to log your flags here then we'll assume you are inactive. We kindly request that everyone aims for 5 flags as a minimum each month. If you are unable to make any flags during a month then please let either tommy/Rebekah know.
  • Our role is to flag inappropriate profiles (bios, profile pictures and usernames), not chat topics or 1-1/group chat messages. If you are in doubt, please check the guide or contact @tommy or @Rebekah. 
  • We are actively looking for members to join our outreach team. Let us know if you are interested in helping out! (SPOT team: if you have been trained to outreach then you do not need to flag the profile. You can instead log your outreaches on the relevant dashboard as stated in the outreach guide)
  • The safety team is evolving! If you are interested in supporting our expansion as a Project Agent please contact either Rebekah or tommy via PM.

Well done to all of you! If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form. Thank you 🌞💙

[Taglist: @EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @KindnessMatters2020 @izzyy528 @LightsFromDark @Rui00 @positivePumpkin22 @iPHOENIX @EmotionsListener @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @Raspberrycheesecake @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @Suryansh @SparkyGizmo @rubyjane00 @niamh333 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @fantasticJet1739 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @LoveMyMoonflowers @OllieRNLI999 @sweetmikayla @DanCat1128 @dreamIcicle8467 @KateDoskocilova @El2002snow @magicalTree4461 @Endure777 @Antonio7Cups @Kristynsmama @ThoughtLight @WeEarth @Sponge2 @Kyoshi @tuffattack @sky2Ocean20 @Rainboho @SweetAurora77 @Arie3 @Ivy229 ]