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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? πŸ’•

Hit send, then hit a tree

OldSerendipityBoat March 17th, 2020

Are we wrong about Big Bang?...

juliak1968 March 17th, 2020



coffeethoughts12 March 17th, 2020

Chokehold on my soul lonely void

Rebekahwriter13 March 17th, 2020

we never ever got to meet

juliak1968 March 17th, 2020

My life hinges on her dissision

integrityblues March 17th, 2020

Slowly sicken and starve for weeks.

OldSerendipityBoat March 17th, 2020

@integrityblues really?πŸ™„

integrityblues March 18th, 2020


It's a sad story with six words. I have to ration all of the food I have in my pantry right now and I'm at a greater risk of contracting coronavirus because I already have a chronic disease. If I'm smart I'll make it till my next check.

OldSerendipityBoat March 18th, 2020

@integrityblues I am sorry you feel weak and scared and constraint...I suffer from chronic conditions though I do not fear the virus and when I was depressed as a teen I did not eat in three weeks...

Take good care of yourself and after the virus passes, you will breathe a sigh of relief and then look back with a hearty laugh and regret you worried about it...

mikenaiwc March 18th, 2020

when to wake up to reality

OldSerendipityBoat March 18th, 2020

Shivers, shush, sobs, smash, sudders...spite...

juliak1968 March 19th, 2020

Progress yesterday equals crippling pain today

Rosemary1212 March 19th, 2020

Got maths test tomorrow. Didn

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


Fingers crossed for you, life is not about a math test stressing you with guilt that you did not prepare for it...I did not prepare for mine and got A+...a test or grade does not define who you are...just live life...

ouwillbefound March 19th, 2020


Ah yes, the true tragedy.

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

Pain's a reminder that you're alive

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020



but wait. it is real? wait. does it sound like matrix? or am i overthinking about things?

pardon the impolite-ness.

but i won't deny the fact that you are not wrong to say that. its a good reminder if oneself can keep remembering it.

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


I always liked eo in Matrix, he learned to master both fiction and reality and he was strong...

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

@OldSerendipityBoat He was awesome!

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


He had friends😢...

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

@OldSerendipityBoat That he did - people who trusted him and people he trusted

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


You understand...

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020


actually in true honesty of mine, i still don't understand movies, music, games, etc well.

so inclusive of matrix - the movies/trillogy/etc. I dont really understand.

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


It is fine, you do need to...

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020


i do need to?

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


I misspeled, my appology, you do not meed to...

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020


Don't need to understand them...

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020


oh. okays. received.

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

@mikenai22 Would you take the red pill or the blue pill?

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020


erm twistedsoul. now's probably not a good time to question me that. because my response will be.

My body yearns for truth, My mind yearns for the other.

truth, the real world - Non-ED mindset

experience, the now world - ED mindset

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

@mikenai22 You're right Mike - I'm sorry

I get it though - we're kind of torn between whats real and what isn't - what we want and what we can't have

mikenaiwc March 19th, 2020


dont be sorry twistedsoul. it aint your's fault to be.

remember like i been saying, its how my mind has crafted things that led to how things turning out this way.

i so yearned for the other yet something else drives it another way.

seeing how @juliak1968 overcame it which was very commenable and i am proud of.

mytwistedsoul March 19th, 2020

@mikenai22 It was very commendable - Gives us a glimpse of what perseverence can do :)

juliak1968 March 19th, 2020

@mikenai22 @mytwistedsoul

😊My ears were ringing, they say our ears ring when somebodys talking about us lolz

I usually assume its bad gossip lol, but was so happy to see you both gave me credit for my long struggles, thank you. In a strange way my doubting mind tries to trick me to a perception of in some way i gave up, but i had to let go if what wasnt working. So i didnt give up, but i rather finally gave in to trying something all new to me. Its hard to let go of our ligic, in order to try to make a logical choice. I finally have been given this oppertunity, so i have to stay mindful not to find all the reasons not to allow the changes to happen. My stubborness kept me going so ive grown fond of it, but my stubborness may have been the leading cause of all my prolobged suffering all along. So i cant over think it now. I must be pateint and go through the medication process open minded, it may take 6 - 8 weeks on one med, then find i need to try a different med. I have to stay active talking about it with an opened mind so i can find the little good parts as i also need to deal with any stress, like the added stress of the virus scare we all must bravely face. You both are really on the right path, try not to be so hard on ourselves so we can try to let ourselvses evolve and keep moving forward. Being vulberable may be the hardest part we must learn to be ok with. But bits and pieces of peace are the small rewards we must acknowledge and try to enjoy. Peacefulness is the goal. With wonderful freinds sharing this path together, its a win win πŸ€—πŸ–’πŸ€”πŸ‘£πŸ’•πŸŒ·πŸ–

mikenaiwc March 20th, 2020


My ears were ringing, they say our ears ring when somebodys talking about us lolz

Maybe i stepped in just that right moment...

I usually assume its bad gossip lol, but was so happy to see you both gave me credit for my long struggles, thank you. In a strange way my doubting mind tries to trick me to a perception of in some way i gave up, but i had to let go if what wasnt working. So i didnt give up, but i rather finally gave in to trying something all new to me. Its hard to let go of our ligic, in order to try to make a logical choice. I finally have been given this oppertunity, so i have to stay mindful not to find all the reasons not to allow the changes to happen. My stubborness kept me going so ive grown fond of it, but my stubborness may have been the leading cause of all my prolobged suffering all along. So i cant over think it now. I must be pateint and go through the medication process open minded, it may take 6 - 8 weeks on one med, then find i need to try a different med. I have to stay active talking about it with an opened mind so i can find the little good parts as i also need to deal with any stress, like the added stress of the virus scare we all must bravely face. You both are really on the right path, try not to be so hard on ourselves so we can try to let ourselvses evolve and keep moving forward. Being vulberable may be the hardest part we must learn to be ok with. But bits and pieces of peace are the small rewards we must acknowledge and try to enjoy. Peacefulness is the goal. With wonderful freinds sharing this path together, its a win win

I'm happy for you. To be exact I did not intent on teasing nor giving credit. But rather felt the strength you presented that feels great.

And wow. you wrote multiple hit points. I dont really know how or what to comment. But I highlighted them in another color.

juliak1968 March 20th, 2020


It was nice to red them again highlighted 😊

Good to remind ourselves of what weve learned because learning the same lessons over and over might happenπŸ–’

Ive been doing lots of that - im more convinced now

mikenaiwc March 20th, 2020


Yea, sometimes some form of repetition helps in making a habit better. - Of course definitely aim for better healthier habits.

Glad you found it useful juliak.

juliak1968 March 21st, 2020

@mikenai22 πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ€—

OldSerendipityBoat March 19th, 2020

No more sad stories for me...(had enough...)

juliak1968 March 19th, 2020


Cant read one more sad story right now or my eyes might pop out?

I hear ya brother, we needed a gifπŸ–’πŸ˜Š