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Kindness Crusaders of 7 Cups!

December 5th, 2023


Kindness Crusader Nomination Form

Any mentor / mega member or moderator of the community may nominate any member or listener using this nomination form. A member or listener who receives nominations by 3 or more will be awarded the Kindness Crusader badge and will be celebrated in this forum thread.

If you are a mentor or a moderator [former or present], please feel free to use this form to nominate anyone in the community whom you see being consistently kind to others in their community presence. You may use this form any number of times any time to nominate the kind members and listeners of 7 Cups!

Baron of Big-Hearts [for receiving 100 positive text reviews from members] may also nominate using the nomination form!


Time to come together and spread the message of kindness at 7 Cups!

Want to join the Kindness Project (KP) team? Read the info about it here!

InsightfulPhoenix January 12th


CalmRosebud January 14th

That icing is still there!!!!! Rose quickly licks off all the icing and grins mischievously. 💜♥️🩵🦁♥️🩷🖤🤍💙🤎❤️🧡🧁nom nom nom.

PatienceImpatiens January 14th


Typical Rose. Patience wrestles the rest of the cupcake away from Rose and gives it back to Caring Confidante where it belongs. Sorry for the crumbs.

YourCaringConfidant January 14th

@PatienceImpatiens Lol, omg! 😆 Why did this just make me laugh and smile at this same time. Awwwww, what a sweet and kind gesture from you. And while I appreciate that, you and @CalmRoseBud and anyone else is welcome to gobble up the cupcakes. There's more than an adequate amount to get us all satisfied. After all, sharing is caring. Hehe. ♡

@InsightfulPhoenix @AuRewolf Where are yall at my sweet friends? It's time to join in gobbling the cupcakes. Ready? 🧁 🧁 🧁 🧁 I know I am. Lol. 


January 14th


*steals two cupcakes and noms* 🧁🧁

YourCaringConfidant January 14th

@CalmRosebud I just had to! You've been caught! 🤣 Look at you!


CalmRosebud January 14th

@YourCaringConfidant Just the icing though! I left the rest of the cupcake for you!

ChromaticFinss January 12th

InsightfulPhoenix January 12th

*drum rolls* I would like to present @PatienceImpatiens with 2 nominations from their fellow peers! Congratulations Pat, I hope you enjoy the sweet messages from your friends/ fellow peers!


@BenittaJ said: Pat... I like the way you supported a fellow peer long ago, when she was really down, the perfect advice even we all know tat we can't advice each other, when it's in need of time, you just broke the barrier, to advice the girl and you personally cared, dint want her to end up in the wrong way with wrong decision. I understand, Yes ! you follow the rules, you just wanted to help the fellow peer by crossing the rules.


@InsightfulPhoenix said: Pat has a wicked since of humor and I love it.. They always have a way of making everyone laugh even when they don't want too. Pat really is a sweet person, even in the comical moments, because they make it sharing circle friendly. Their puns are next level xD and I enjoy knowing Pat


PatienceImpatiens January 12th

@InsightfulPhoenix @BenittaJ 

This is me, Patience, smiling at both of you Sweeties for your Cute Nomination. Nom, nom, nom. 


January 13th

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

We have a new candidate for the Kindness Crusader badge, and it’s @Powerandsunset25

Power, you’ve received your first nomination for the Kindness Crusader badge, and it’s from @Kristynsmama 😄

Kristy has written why you deserve the badge!


You have two more nominations till you get the badge, so keep spreading kindness everywhere on 7 Cups! 😊

January 13th

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

we have another awesome listener who has received their first nomination for Kindness Crusader badge!

Guess who? 😀

It's @Shadow

Shadow, your first nomination is from @LittleBirdie30

Birdie has written the sweet reason why you deserve this wonderful badge:


Shadow, you have two more nominations till the Kindness Crusader badge (plus 100 cheers) is awarded to you! After that, you can continue to get nominations for your awesome work on 7 Cups!

So, keep being kind 😊

YourCaringConfidant January 13th


You have received a very heartfelt nomination expressing nothing but gratitude and appreciation. When it comes to you, you clearly deserve all the best and when I say this note is the absolute best read, it is. 

@Comraderuhi didn't play any games when they sent in the most beautiful note for you. The words you are about to read are sure to make way into your heart. Without further ado, here's what your nominator Comraderuhi had to say:


What did I tell you? :) Just an absolutely beautiful read that was. You sound like an amazing amazing, wonderful person and so deserving of this nomination. Good job on receiving your first one. The kindness crusader badge will officially be yours upon receiving at least 2 more nominations. Keep being that wonderful, shining person you are. Have a great day filled with lots of smiles. You deserve it. 

YourCaringConfidant January 13th

It's such a sweet day for the sweetest 🐝 we know! @BeeCake has received a kind nomination from @Lovelilly letting this very special 🐝 know how valued their presence is in the happy room. 


Lilly is such a lovely nominator and here's the note of appreciation she left:


The note reads: "Bee was such a fun person to chat with in Positivity Corner during our open chat session. Supported everyone and although wasn't in a grateful mood still managed to be positive and grateful about fries! Can't wait to see Bee in PC again!"

What a sweet note that was! BeeCake, I am so proud of you and happy for you receiving this nomination. You are such a wonderful person and we in the happy room all love you. You deserve this! 👏 

PS: You will earn the kindness crusader badge once you receive at least 2 more nominations. Keep on buzzing around spreading kindness. 🐝🐝

BeeCake January 13th

@YourCaringConfidant I'm very bad at accepting compliments especially when they're so sweet like this one ;-; 💕💕 thank you so much lilly 🌺 :') you're so nice 💕

YourCaringConfidant January 14th


You are a kindness crusader in every single way, simply because that's who you are. I am proud to announce that another nomination has come in just for you. The most amazing @WeEarth wanted to send you a beautiful note of appreciation to let you know what a gift you are. ♡ @TinyWhisper11


The note reads: "Your kindness and warmth brighten the lives of those around you, and your friendship is a true blessing. Your positive energy is infectious, and I am grateful to have you in my life."

I, personally, couldn't help but smile seeing one amazing, sweet person appreciating the other. Friendships are truly something special and I am so glad that you both have eachother. Continue to value and appreciate the good in each other. It's such a beautiful thing. May both of you have a blessed day! ♡


WeEarth January 14th


Thank you Desiree for making this post amazing and lovely✨💖🤩 

Tinywhisper11 January 15th

@YourCaringConfidant @WeEarth awwww you two😍 this is sooo sweet. Thankyou both so much ❤❤ I love you both ❤ look earth that's us in the picture, it's me stood in you😁❤ yaaaay

WeEarth January 18th



YourCaringConfidant January 14th

What a bright and beautiful day it is! The very sweet @BenittaJ may have already been deemed a kindness crusader, but that doesn't mean the nominations stop coming in. 

Today's nomination for Benitta is from the incredible @InsightfulPhoenix who has taken the time to leave the following note of appreciation. 


IP, my friend, you got it right! Benitta sure is a lovely nominator who sees the good in people. It's such a noticeable and beautiful trait to have. That's for sure. Thank you both for being such amazing, supportive people. The kindness project would not be what it is without the amazing people like you both, so thank you. ♡ 


BenittaJ January 14th

@YourCaringConfidant and @InsightfulPhoenix This made me smile, a smile in a bad day, a smile when I'm having headache, a smile which eases my stress and I'm sure I'll cuddle up n sleep with my kitties. You guys made me smile. Thanks Thankyou so much for your time, efforts and support.

January 15th

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

We’re getting lots of new nominations for awesome listeners who are giving it all to foster a supportive and kind environment here at 7 Cups!

Their efforts have been spotted by our Kindness Nominators and they’ve been nominated for Kindness Crusader badge! 😄

@Mindfuljourney22 you have received your very first nomination for Kindness Crusader badge!

And your Kindness Nominator, @Weearth has this to say about you:


Actual text:
"Mindful is a compassionate individual, always offering support and kindness to those around them."

You have two more nominations till you get the badge, so keep spreading kindness everywhere on 7 Cups!

Oh, and here’s a quote to help you out through the new week:

"When kindness is your compass, you will find guidance to the right path in this life and the next."
WeEarth January 16th


Thank you rewolf for this post 💞

YourCaringConfidant January 15th


You have received another nomination and this time it's from @WeEarth who wanted to send you a note of appreciation your way. Appreciating the good in others is one of the many ways to show kindness to others and this one is for you...

Here's what 🌎 had to say about you, 🐈‍⬛️.


I would like to remind you that once you receive 3 nominations, then you will officially be badged as the kindness crusader you really truly are. 1 more nomination away from that badge being yours. Stay amazing @SadCat13 because people really notice that about you. Have a good day. ♡ 

sadcat13 January 15th

@WeEarth thank you for nominating me. It made my day, you are so kind to me 💚🌻

@YourCaringConfidant thank you for the cute graphics 🥰

WeEarth January 15th



WeEarth January 15th


Thank you Desiree for this post 💞

January 16th

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

Today, we have a new first nomination for @OllieRNLI999

Ollie, your first nomination for Kindness Crusader badge is from @Kristynsmama 

Kristy has written the reason why you were chosen for the Kindness nomination:


"Ollie is a wonderful listener and always brings a smile to my face! Every time I come to the listener support room, Ollie is the first one to greet me! I always look forward to chatting with Ollie!"

Here's a little kindness gift for you too:

"Kindness is spreading sunshine into people's lives regardless of the weather."
- Raktivist

You have two more nominations till you get the badge, so keep spreading kindness everywhere on 7 Cups! 😊

OllieRNLI999 January 18th

Nawhh @Kristynsmama !! It is always a pleasure to interact with you. You also bring nothing but smiles to my face. Thank you so much for all of the hard work you do on Cups, and thank you for making the community a happy healthy place. 🤍

YourCaringConfidant January 16th

You know I absolutely love seeing and reading the sweet nominations that come in, because it's like I get a glimpse at seeing how just wonderful the nominee really is. However, in this case, this recipient is a full blown kindness crusader already but that doesn't mean the nominations have to stop.

The very lovely @Kristynsmama has sent @ASilentObserver the sweetest note of appreciation! So Obs, put your  🎧 on and get ready to enjoy the beautiful sound of 🎼.


Kristy, thanks so much for sharing how amazing of a person Obs is and for always making the time to acknowledge the good in people. You couldn't be anymore right. Obs is supportive, kind, hardworking, and deserving of all good things. And your beautiful nomination note here is just that good thing that I am sure will brighten Obs day. Let's make today a great one. ♡ 

ASilentObserver January 16th

@YourCaringConfidant aww thank you Confidant. it is such a beautiful graphic. Also thank you @Kristynsmama for appreciation. I am grateful for us and the work we do together to support and encourage our community. Thank you for being encourager and inspiration to many including me <3 I appreciate you both

Kristynsmama January 16th


i feel the same about you.  :)

YourCaringConfidant January 16th


Today is such an exciting day and I'm here to deliver good news to you. You have received not 1, but 2, nominations from @InnateJoy9602 and @BenittaJ and are well on your way to earning the kindness crusader badge. 😃 

Your nominators both want wanted to show you appreciation for you being such a kind and supportive person. Here's what lovely words they had to say for you... 


[Click here to view image larger.]

Awww, what sweet and kind words those are for such an amazing you, Michael. Great job for being so supportive of others. That's such an admirable quality in you and I'm really glad Joy and Benitta acknowledge the good in you. Continue to shine and keep spreading kindness.

Also, I just wanted to leave a friendly reminder that upon receiving 1 more nomination, you will officially be badged. I hope you have a great day! 

YourCaringConfidant January 16th

I'm pleased to announce that we have our newest nominee for the title of kindness crusader. @Boe has received their very first nomination. Whoooooo hooooo! 

💚💛💚 BOE 💚💛💚

Your nominator is one who's name is very well known in the kindness project. She's someone who always sees the good in others and takes the time to appreciates them. Recently, she has taken the time to nominate you and has left these most beautiful words just for you. Happy reading, Boe. 


I am so happy for you for receiving your first nomination as this is something worthy to celebrate. In case you are not familiar with how this works, upon receiving nominations that total 3 or more, you will officially earn the title and a pretty new badge to match. ♡ Have a nice day. 

YourCaringConfidant January 16th

@BenittaJ Pardon me for not tagging your name. I got too caught in the moment I didn't even notice until I read it again. ♡

BenittaJ January 17th

@YourCaringConfidant No issues.. Tats k mistakes happen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

YourCaringConfidant January 16th


Your buddy @InsightfulPhoenix wanted to brighten your day some by returning some of the kindness to you that you frequently give. IP has sent in a note of appreciation for you nominating you for the kindness crusader badge. You are officially a nominee and now only 2 nominations away from earning the badge. 

I hope your day is going well so far, Working. I especially hope it's even better after reading IP's note to you. Enjoy the smile that's to follow. ;)


From the read of that, you really do sound like an amazing, kind person who uplifts and supports others. That's absolutely beautiful, and it's no wonder why IP had the genius idea to nominate you to brighten your day. It's only fair that you get back what you give. Smile big, Working! ♡ Have a happy day. 

InsightfulPhoenix January 17th

Congratulations to @Kindnessmatters2020 for getting their first 2 nominations towards the kindness crusader badge, we know that it has to be 3 but this does not stop us from celebrating this milestone in your 7cup journey. I hope you enjoy the artwork and the sweet messages that have been left for you!


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou said: Their name even mentions it hehe, kindness indeed matters and I'm so grateful for people like Sophia here who continually try to remind us about the same.❤ Sophia, you're one of the most caring, thoughtful, patient, open-minded and perceptive people I've come across and I'm genuinely so grateful to be working with you on different teams and being able to witness your brilliance in action so closely. You're absolutely amazing and certainly deserve all the badges that honor your awesomeness!❤


@Kindheartedlily said: Their username says it all! Kindness is extremely kind, caring, and always willing to help out. She has such compassion for others!


KindnessMatters2020 January 17th

@InsightfulPhoenix @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Kindheartedlily

Thank you soooooooo much for this beautiful post and the most lovely and generous words! This made my entire month! I appreciate you all more than I can convey and feel honored and humbled to be part of this incredible community! Sending lots and lots of love, hugs & good vibes 💞

InsightfulPhoenix January 17th

@Healingtalk, we know that you have a Kindness Crusader badge! However, this does not mean we can not shine the light on you for your Honorable Kindness Mention! Here is the sweet message and beautiful art works as a surprise gift from us to you! 


@Kristynsmama said: HealingTalk always goes above and beyond. They are really supportive and have great ideas to support the grief & loss forum. I have enjoyed working with them.
