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Kindness Crusaders of 7 Cups!

December 5th, 2023


Kindness Crusader Nomination Form

Any mentor / mega member or moderator of the community may nominate any member or listener using this nomination form. A member or listener who receives nominations by 3 or more will be awarded the Kindness Crusader badge and will be celebrated in this forum thread.

If you are a mentor or a moderator [former or present], please feel free to use this form to nominate anyone in the community whom you see being consistently kind to others in their community presence. You may use this form any number of times any time to nominate the kind members and listeners of 7 Cups!

Baron of Big-Hearts [for receiving 100 positive text reviews from members] may also nominate using the nomination form!


Time to come together and spread the message of kindness at 7 Cups!

Want to join the Kindness Project (KP) team? Read the info about it here!

YourCaringConfidant January 5th

What does a "blissful" day look like for you? For me, it's a day like today where I get to proudly announce that the very loving @BlissfulBue has received their very first nomination. 

@Kristynsmama has generously taken the time to fill out the nomination form to express some pretty sweet words for Bue. Her words of appreciation contain just the perfect amount of sweetness-- enough to make anyone's day!

Here's what Kristy had to say...


Awwww, pure bliss! Kristy I am so glad you have someone like Bue in your life. ♡ Thank you for taking the time to share the amazing, wonderful qualities about Bue. I also couldn't agree more with you-- Bue definitely does make some pretty great graphics and is just so full of talent and creativity. ♡ 

Bue, I am so happy to see you getting recognized for the kindness you bring to the lives of others. ♡ Good job on receiving your first nomination. 1 down and 2 more to go then the kindness crusader badge will officially be yours. Have a great day. 

BlissfulBue January 7th

@Kristynsmama 😭😭😭this really made my day, thank you so much. You're really sweet and I appreciate this so much. I'm so so happy our conversations meant something to you Kristy♥️😫😫 and I know that you definitely have my back too, simply because of the wonderful person you are❤️

@YourCaringConfidant the graphic😫 the added kind words👌🏾♥️ the word play 😉 (pink and the heart😏)

Y'all really really made my day🙏🏾♥️💕 thank you so much♥️

It means so much hearing you both say my graphics are cool because coming from two amazing graphic makers, all I can do is celebrate💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

Woohoo! 2 more to go✨

HealingTalk January 7th


I owe you so much, Bue!

I feel ashamed and guilty for my delay in answering you.

I consider you my friend here, You are a brilliant, interesting and caring person, you really care about other people. I feel I am one of those fortunate souls in your path.

I ask your forgiveness. I have reached 60 unopened notifications and 10 PMs waiting to answer. Things will get better in the future, or I will start cutting down things. I don't like this.

Thank you for your friendliness and for all the good moments you have given me in CUps!

Hope to see you around Cups soon!


BlissfulBue January 8th


Please do not feel ashamed or guilty because of me, I completely and truly understand! I appreciate you, and the interactions we have whenever we have them. And I know you are such a lovely person, and you do so much for the community, it makes sense that you would have a lot of notifications and messages, and it can be a lot sometimes. Honestly, you are truly amazing and there is nothing to forgive! 

I'm really happy to have you as a friend Marcelo! And, actually, I think I'm the fortunate one here, to have run into you. You, Kristy, Desiree, Sun (just to name a few). It's really such an honour. Thank you for the continued support!

HealingTalk January 9th

💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 


amiableBunny4016 January 5th
❤️Hi! Today we have @Daf8 nominated by the lovely @Katedoskcoliva <3 This is a well deserved nomination for a caring, lovely human being who we all miss very much ❤️

❤️Here is the message the lovely Kate has written:❤️

❤️Kate: thank you for being so appreciative towards your peers! You are such an important part of the community helping to support the LGBT+ community and being so caring and considerate towards your fellow teens. You are a wonderful presence in the chatrooms. Thank you for helping me appreciate the amazing Daf ❤️

❤️Daf: you totally deserve this! you are amazing and always so caring and lovely to be around! you brighten my day all the time and your support means so much to so many people. we miss you very much and hope your doing okay! keep being your wonderful, lovely, supportive self. you got this! ❤️


HealingTalk January 7th


Daf, I miss you!

For some reason, we don't cross paths on Cups anymore.

You are a wonderful caring and clever person, with such a thesaurus of appreciative words!

I hope to see you soon around Cups.

Hasta pronto!


Rui00 January 5th
As the nominations continue to come in, I am pleased to announce that @ReganL has received another one! 

The awesome @Katedoskocilova sent a beautiful nomitation for Regan!


Text in image: Regan is a kind, sweet and loving listener. They are always fun to talk to and light up any room they are very funny, too! Their typos are honestly very funny, too and it's fun seeing them try to correct their mistakes (especially when the words are difficult to understand with the typo). But i love it cause it makes them who they are!

I completly agree with Kate! Thank you Regan for being who you are 💙!

And thank you Kate for your beautiful nomination!
ReganL January 5th

thank you Kate 💜 you are an amazing person and an amazing addition to the room. I am glad my spelling mistakes cheer you up 😝 thank you for having great spelling and playing my games with me 💜🫣


InsightfulPhoenix January 5th

Congratulations @Recliningfate for your first 2 nominations towards a Kindness Crusader badge, we know it takes 3! However this does not stop us from displaying our gracious appreciation for your amazing kindness to the community! Your friends also left you some surprise messages! 


@Lou73 said: Fate is always kind and supportive to fellow members, offering encouragement and kind words. And their knowledge and enthusiasm for plants is always a joy to hear about for everyone :)


@InsightfulPhoenix said: Fate it one of the best members to ever have around. They are kind, positive and very uplifting. They share some much knowledge within each share. It makes me happy to see someone be so uplifting and respectful about everything.


recliningfate January 5th

Oh my !! This brings such a smile to my face! Thank you to those nominating me, I was not aware of this! I hope to be there for those who I have shared my journey with on here and I am grateful to the kindness some of you show when your own resources are available. Big hugs.

InsightfulPhoenix January 5th

@recliningfate You are super welcome fate, you are naturally a very sweet person and I love having you in the SC you are such a pleasure to be around and your presence is very important to the community. Thank you for being so kind! 🤗

recliningfate January 5th

Thank you for all the time you put into the community, Phoenix! 🤗 Your sessions are well appreciated. Big hugs.

CalmRosebud January 5th

Fate! I have just now put in a tgird nomination for you, which I hooe will result in a badge for you. Love and courage, Rose

recliningfate January 5th

Oh my! I am humbled, thank you! I am not sure what it means, I am reading up on it now, I appreciate it a lot, I am mostly fulfilled I have touched the lives of some 7cups.

Lou73 January 6th

@recliningfate Big hugs fate, I always enjoy seeing you in the rooms 🤗🤗🤗

recliningfate January 6th

Big hugs, Lou 🤗🤗🤗

InsightfulPhoenix January 5th

It is my absolutely upmost pleasure to bestow @Recliningfate with a full nominations post for their Kindness Crusader badge, all of your nominations will be featured please enjoy the artwork and all of the precious words said by friends!


@Lou73 said: Fate is always kind and supportive to fellow members, offering encouragement and kind words. And their knowledge and enthusiasm for plants is always a joy to hear about for everyone :)


@InsightfulPhoenix said: Fate it one of the best members to ever have around. They are kind, positive and very uplifting. They share some much knowledge within each share. It makes me happy to see someone be so uplifting and respectful about everything.


@CalmRosebud said: Fate has been a steadily Kind Member of Sharing Circles. They’re not only insightful, but also actively supportive of other Members during Sharing Circles. I value Fate’s input and hope they know their kindness does not go unrecognized!


recliningfate January 5th

Thank you so so much! I am honoured to receive this, I want each one of you to know you have supported me as much as I supported you, we are on this journey together and you are some of the reasons that I keep coming back to the Sharing Circle. Much love and a huge hug from me. I see you in the SC soon.

CalmRosebud January 6th


Phoe, I love the graphic you chose here to represent Fate. It's indeed how I imagine you reclining, Fate. (((((Super huge hugs))))))).

Love and Courage, Rose

YourCaringConfidant January 6th

Hi everyone! I've got some wonderful news! I'm pleased to announce that the BEST Walker Snail has received their 2nd nomination. Whoooo hooo! Yayyyyy! Y'all know what this means, right? This means that Walker Snail is now only 1 nomination away from officially being badged as a kindness crusader! 

Those of you who know Walker Snail... know just how special they are! That's why seeing @Walker7957 getting the recognition makes my heart so happy. 

When I seen that @CalmRoseBud nominated Walker Snail, I just smiled! I instantly wanted to go and hug Rose because they are a person who values and loves Walker Snail just as much as I do! Walker, your buddy Rose has left you the sweetest nomination/note of appreciation and it's sure to make you smile! Happy reading.


[Click here to view image larger.]

Awwwww, didn't I tell you? I told you, Walker Snail! ♡ Rose's note to you is just absolutely beautiful in every way-- just like them! 🌹🦁 Thank you, Rose, for taking the time to nominate this most special 🐌. 

PS: Guess what, Walker Snail?! I hope you love the snail graphic with shoes on. It's a special request gift from Rose just for you! Such a thoughtful gift. ♡

CalmRosebud January 6th

Awwww, Desirée, you made this so cute and pretty! Thanks so much! 💕🐌💃🏾🕺🏾😃

YourCaringConfidant January 6th

@CalmRosebud It was my pleasure. I was so happy to do it. :) Xoxo. 

January 7th

@Kristynsmama and @Yourbuddy30 have sent their nominations for none other than..

@Dancat1128 😍


Click me for better-resolution image!

Graphic by @YourCaringConfidant

I have nothing more to say for Dan Cat, other than.. "Keep being more you, you are wonderful for the earth and for us 😄"

DanCat1128 January 7th

@Fristo @YourBuddy30 @Kristynsmama 

Awww thank you guys so very much 😊😊😊😁😁😁😄😄😄

January 7th

This one is from Desiree @Yourcaringconfidant

For @Melonmeloncholy !


The graphic above is saying: View me better here!

It's made by Desiree!

The words on the graphic say:

"Melon is more than "just a melon" and I mean that with everything in me. I got the pleasure to participate in a discussion hosted and it was really needed. This was not a first either. I do not mind showing up and showing support for such a kind and sweet melon who gives freely of their time to others. Thanks Melon, for all that you do and for being the sweetest melon of all that you are."

So heartwarming nomination, lovely to read this note for you, Melon!

melonMeloncholy January 13th

@Fristo  @Yourcaringconfidant

Aww, making this melon smile, Desiree! Thank you. You brighten every room you enter.

InsightfulPhoenix January 7th

Big congratulations to @Zenarashi for getting their first 2 nominations towards the kindness crusader badge, we know it takes 3 but that doesn't keep us from helping you celebrate your major milestone! Please enjoy the art work and the beautiful comments left by your friends! 


@CalmRosebud said: Zen-tastic, as I like to call Zen Arashi, has been a participant of Sharing Circles for quite some time now, and unfailingly has words of wisdom and comfort for others in the Sharing Circles. Zen impresses me with their warmth and kindness towards others. They are also very consistent with being kind and generous with their words. I'm so glad Zen is a part of the Sharing Circles.


@InsightfulPhoenix said: Zen is super sweet, they always come in with such an upbeat energy. An it really does lift the room, they bring life into the sharing circle a lot. An it puts a smile to my face when they make small jokes from time to time. They are very whimsical and spontaneous!


ZenArashi January 7th

@CalmRosebud @InsightfulPhoenix

Thank you so much for the nominations, much appreciated. I have been part of Sharing Circle since its inception and albeit my sporadic appearance these days, Sharing Circle fam has a special place in my heart. 

Here’s my token of appreciation which I have created for both of you, phoenix surrounded by rosebuds 😄


CalmRosebud January 7th


InsightfulPhoenix January 7th

Omg thank you so much this beautiful! 💖💖💖

YourCaringConfidant January 7th

@ZenArashi Whoooa! This is supppeerrrrrr pretty! 😍 

YourCaringConfidant January 7th

The day has come where the sweetest 🐌 around has officially received the kindness crusader badge! Yayyyy! I'm literally jumping for joy that I get to announce that @Walker7957 has received yet another nomination.

Please everyone join me in congratulating the snailiest of all-- the best Walker Snail. *claps*


Whoooo hoooo! The nomination is coming from the amazing @Fristo and here's what Fristo had to say...


*joins Fristo in making happy sounds* Yayyyyy! Thank you, Fristo, for noticing all the joy and smiles that Walker brings to 7 Cups. ♡ *smiles*

[If you would like to check out Walker Snail's past nominations you can do so, here and here.]

Walker, look! You did it. I'm super proud of you and so happy to see you getting the love and recognition you deserve. Fristo got it right here-- you really do spread smiles all around and it's only right that you get the same in return. Smile 🐌, because this time you're the one who Snailed it! Xoxo.

CalmRosebud January 7th

@YourCaringConfidant @Fristo @Walker7957

Walker the Darling Snail,

You surely deserve this Award and many other Awards. Many hugs and best wishes for a life filled with Beautiful Awards just as you are a Beautiful Person.

♡ Love and (^=˃ᆺ˂) Courage, 𓇢𓆸  Rose 

YourCaringConfidant January 7th

@CalmRosebud Just saying I love your pfp. The lioness is soo pretty. ♡ 

CalmRosebud January 7th

Desirée, hugggggggs, you’re sweetness personified ♥️💕⛄️❄️⛄️

HealingTalk January 7th

Congratulations Walker!

YourCaringConfidant January 7th

I absolutely love days like this where we get to congratulate and celebrate multiple people for officially earning the title of kindness crusader and getting badged! It's with much joy that I get to announce our newest kindness crusader.

💙 @Spongbobishappy 💙


Wow!!!! Look at you with your shiny new badge! Way to go, Mike!

Mike, this go round your nominator is @BenittaJ and here's what she had to say... "Why not Mike? Who doesn't know they way he supports and cares for his fellow peers, from the day i joined 7cups till now , every time I share in Group rooms he makes me feel comfortable, cared, safe, and mostly i really how he responds, sometimes we just need a ear, sometimes we need a mouth of advices too 😂 Mike exactly knows when to listen and support the convo and when to advice or just put down his suggestion. This is the quality i admire in him."


[Click here to view image larger.]

Big congratulations, Mike. We are all so proud of you! *sighs* Ahhhh, what an absolute good day! A beautiful day! Have a good one. 

BenittaJ January 7th

@YourCaringConfidant yeahhhhh mikeee you deserve it 

YourCaringConfidant January 7th



You have received your very first nomination and this is something to be so proud of. The very kind @InsightfulPhoenix sent in a sweet note of appreciation for you, so now you're a nominee for the kindness crusader badge. :) 

Here's what IP had to say:


What an incredibly sweet note sharing how wonderful of a person you are. I can see why IP nominated you. ♡ If you receive at least 2 more nominations then the badge will officially be yours. For someone like you, Pat the Cat, I have no doubt your day is coming. Continue to be the kind person you are and keep spreading joy around. Have a great day!