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Kindness Crusaders of 7 Cups!

December 5th, 2023


Kindness Crusader Nomination Form

Any mentor / mega member or moderator of the community may nominate any member or listener using this nomination form. A member or listener who receives nominations by 3 or more will be awarded the Kindness Crusader badge and will be celebrated in this forum thread.

If you are a mentor or a moderator [former or present], please feel free to use this form to nominate anyone in the community whom you see being consistently kind to others in their community presence. You may use this form any number of times any time to nominate the kind members and listeners of 7 Cups!

Baron of Big-Hearts [for receiving 100 positive text reviews from members] may also nominate using the nomination form!


Time to come together and spread the message of kindness at 7 Cups!

Want to join the Kindness Project (KP) team? Read the info about it here!

LoveMyMoonflowers December 8th, 2023


awwe, thank you sunnie bean! Me so glad you liked it! 🌈 love you so much 🥺💕 *huggle wuggle if okies* 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 8th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers *huggle wuggle back* love ya more, bestest Niibuddybeaann!🤗💛

LoveMyMoonflowers December 8th, 2023


hehe. 🌈

YourCaringConfidant December 8th, 2023

Hey everyone! Desiree here and I am back with another announcement. Please join me, y'all, as we celebrate our newest kindness crusader! 

🐳🌊 @AnnaSilverberg 🐋💦

Anna, you have received 3 nominations and have earned yourself a brand new badge. One that suits you quite well actually. I am so proud of you. But enough with all that, let's get to the good part...


Your nominators/appreciators are: @Fristo @Suryansh @YourCaringConfidant and here is what they each had to say. 🥰



[Click here to view images larger.]

Awwww, how sweet these notes are. Anna, you are such a special and valuable person and it brings me so much joy seeing you get all the recognition you deserve. I hope you have a great day, you beautiful kindness crusader! 

LoveMyMoonflowers December 8th, 2023


desiree :0 this post is so gorgeous and absolutely perfect for sweet Anna! 🥺🌈 I especially love the first graphic 💕 it’s so so lovely. 💜

thank you for making this beautiful post for Anna 🥰 and for nominating her too (: she truly deserves it. 💙

YourCaringConfidant December 8th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers I couldn't agree more with you. She's pretty amazing! No need to thank me for doing my "job". Lol. 🤪 I absolutely love this whole initiative because there are so many wonderful, kind hearted people who deserve to be recognized. Thanks for always being so sweet. ♡ 

LoveMyMoonflowers December 8th, 2023


awwe hehe, still, a vvv big thank-you because your doing so well and you really do make the sweet messages extra special for the nominees!🥰 and i agree 🌈 this project is as awesome as the peer appreciation programme (: it’s always so lovely to see people being acknowledged for their efforts in making our community the beautiful place it is 💜 

AnnaSilverberg December 9th, 2023
🌈 @YourCaringConfidant 🌈

💙 Oh, my heart! 💙
💚 My heart! 💚
💓 It melts from all this kindness, care and love! 💓
😊 Thank you for your nominations, oh wow! 🤗
🌟 This brings me so much joy and the graphics are so very beautiful! 🌟
💙 Thank you 🌟
@Fristo, 😊@Suryansh and 
🌈Caring, my colorful twin of joy! 💙

YourCaringConfidant December 9th, 2023

🐶🐾 AuRewolf 🐶🐾

You sure are quite spectacular and your nominators wanted you to know! Big congratulations on qualifying and earning the kindness crusader badge! You deserve it! 

The amazing @BlueRivercares @Fristo @blissart all took the time to send in such sweet notes of appreciation for you! I hope by reading them that it lets you know just how truly spectacular you are. Happy reading!



[Click here to view images larger.]

Thank you a great deal for all you do on 7Cups, Wolf. You are very much so appreciated. 💙🤎

December 9th, 2023


Wooow 😮 a perfect way to kick off my weekend with this lovely post and a new shiny badge!

@Fristo @BlueRivercares @blissart

Thank you so much for nominating me.
I will continue to spread kindness in rooms, in forums, and everywhere in 7Cups!

BlueRivercares December 9th, 2023

@AuRewolf i know you will do rewey :)🤗🫂 *hugs super tight*

YourCaringConfidant December 9th, 2023

It's a beautiful day and I am happy to announce our most recent kindness crusader.

💛💚 @HealingTalk 💛💚

The fact Marcelo has been nominated 3 times and earned the badge does not surprise me in any shape or form. He is just the kind of person who speaks kindness, does kindness, and is kindness. I am so grateful for those nominating him because he truly deserves it. 

With that said... Marcelo, this is dedicated to you. I am so proud of you.


As you can see from the graphic above, your nominators are @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Fristo @YourCaringConfidant and here's what they had to say...



[Click here to view images larger.]

Stay amazing, Marcelo, and please do not ever change. You are well respected, kind, empathetic, genuine, supportive, and more. Thank you for all you do to bring joy and spread kindness all throughout the platform. 

HealingTalk December 12th, 2023

I fear that I am changing for the worse, Desiree... I have taken so much time to thank your award, your words, and your wonderful congratulations, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Fristo and @YourCaringConfidant

As I told Desiree by PM, this recognition took me totally by surprise, never ever would I have expected this. I don't see myself as an exceptionally kind person. Good intentions, yes. Trying to do my best within my many limitations, yes. But not particularly kind at all.

Your words are among the most beautiful I have been told in my whole life. I can't remember anytime anybody referring to me in those loving terms. 

I am extremely grateful to you all for this. It had a great great impact on me, trust me on this one.

From time to time, life might surprise us with something wonderful, and this was very much the case with this amazing gift you gave by awarding me the Kindness Crusader recognition, which I deem so significant, and I will treasure forever.

Much love to you all!  💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 18th, 2023


"I fear that I am changing for the worse, Desiree... I have taken so much time to thank your award, your words, and your wonderful congratulations, Sunisshiningandsoareyou Fristo and YourCaringConfidant"~ Always okay to take your time. 💛

"As I told Desiree by PM, this recognition took me totally by surprise, never ever would I have expected this. I don't see myself as an exceptionally kind person. Good intentions, yes. Trying to do my best within my many limitations, yes. But not particularly kind at all."~ It amazes me how this came across as a surprise to you? You were literally the very firsts names I had in mind when I read this post/ was ready for form-filling lol. But I guess that's the thing, often times, we don't see ourselves a particular way, or perhaps haven't been used to a certain "lens", that's where the kind people come our way and help us see in a light we haven't stepped in. I'm glad you have people here who see you in the beautiful light you emit without even you realizing, and I'm grateful they don't hesitate to remind you about it, often! 💛

"Your words are among the most beautiful I have been told in my whole life. I can't remember anytime anybody referring to me in those loving terms."~ Always a time for firsts, and you deserve to hear and believe in the most beautiful truths about beautiful you! 💛

"I am extremely grateful to you all for this. It had a great great impact on me, trust me on this one."~ Super grateful to *you*, and of the massive impact you have in our community. (Which truly is an endearing yet honest "snapshot" of the world we share) 💛

"From time to time, life might surprise us with something wonderful, and this was very much the case with this amazing gift you gave by awarding me the Kindness Crusader recognition, which I deem so significant, and I will treasure forever."~ Aww I'm sure you'll wear this badge with gratitude in your heart, and you'll continue crusading through cupstown with your kindness~ which is honestly the truest honor this badge could ever deserve from anyone who receives it (I feeel), to be consistent at it. You totally deserve it, Marcelo, keep being you. Much love back to you! 💛

kindheartedLily December 9th, 2023


I love this! Thank you, Fristo!

December 13th, 2023

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

We have another new Kindness Crusader in town!

*drumrolls* 🥁

It’s @Lou73 🦋

Lou, you’re the recipient of wonderful nominations which speak a lot about your commitment and work on 7 Cups!

Here are what your Kindness Nominators think of you



"Lou73 does such a good job of making sure the sharing circle runs smoothly not only with us moderators, but the members as well. They are always flexible and receptive to hearing more than one side of a situation. They are a great leader and inspiration."



"Lou73 has been such a wonderful mentor and friend to me. She has helped me/collaborated with me in figuring out many different solutions to challenges we face, she has created a very positive and useful hosting guideline that all hosts can use and benefit from! She is very sweet, understanding, empathetic and such a dedicated person."



"Lou is kind, empathetic, and a very good person in general. A great company for anyone to spend any little moments with. I feel so happy to have Lou as part of the 7cups community and get to meet them here. I wish them best of things in everything in life!"

Those sweet nominations are the reason why you’ve been awarded Kindness Crusader badge!

Keep spreading kindness in and around 7Cups 😊

Lou73 December 13th, 2023

This is really sweet, thank you so much @InsightfulPhoenix @WishUponAStar968 and @Fristo ! I appreciate you all and your very kind words ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Thank you for posting @AuRewolf 😁


December 13th, 2023

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou you have received a nomination from @YourCaringConfidant 

Desiree has sent in a sweet note here:

This nomination note speaks for your Kindness Crusader badge! ✨

P.S. Sun, you’ve been shining down beams of kindness everywhere on 7 Cups! Keep shining ☀️

CanisMajoris117 December 13th, 2023

@fristo I am honoured that you have tagged me.
I am happy to help on 7cups.

I am grateful for all the other listeners here on 7cups who volunteer their time to help out our members.

December 14th, 2023

Hey hey everyone! 🩷

Did you know that kindness can boomerang back to you, once you send it to others? 😮

This nomination post is dedicated to the very one who came up with the wonderful idea to spread kindness through Kindness Crusaders - @Fristo 

Fristo, you have received 3 nominations from @Sunisshiningandsoareyou , @WishUponAStar968 and @YourCaringConfidant 

From @Sunishiningandsoareyou


"What the what? Reason again? Nahhh xD Fristo is one of the kindest people to have ever graced our community, they are quite literally the loudest and proudest supporter of positivity, gratitude, kindness and compassion. I'd so love to see the badge on Fristo "officially".🥰"

From @WishUponAStar968


"Fristo is a smile spreader. Whenever someone enters the positivity corner, they are greeted with a welcome, and made to feel inclusive! I love how open minded Fristo is, sometimes very silly and creates a happy atmosphere for all. In fact, the gratitude questions/quiz and sharing we do really helps bring members and Listeners together in a safe environment. Fristo ensures that we continue to spread our love for each other and how appreciate we are of each other and ourselves! Thank you Cookie Monster!"

From @YourCaringConfidant


Fristo is one of the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He is wonderful in many ways and is so very passionate. Fristo has this special way about him that brings out the best in others. He believes in others and is so accepting of people. I admire the fact that Fristo is always dreaming. He is a kindness crusader in every single way. I am so grateful to be able to call Fristo my friend. <3

These 3 nominations are the reason you have earned the Kindness Crusader badge! 😀

December 14th, 2023

@AuRewolf Really lovely post and heart-warming nominations!

YourCaringConfidant December 14th, 2023

@AuRewolf Thank you for delivering our messages to Fristo. You have done the most beautiful posting and I appreciate you. It's so neat and tidy the way you have it, lol. And I love the graphics you made too! You are so talented and I'm glad to have you as a teammate. ♡ 

HealingTalk December 14th, 2023


Congratulations, Fristo! 

You certainly deserve hundreds of nominations!

Only laziness and procrastination delayed me to nominate you for this award.

You are the god of Kindness at 7 Cups! 😇
💜 💜 


Thank you, AuRewolf, for this wonderful and very significant post that you took so much care to write and design!

GoldenRuleJG December 14th, 2023


YourCaringConfidant December 14th, 2023

Today is a beautiful day and it's all because we've got ourself another kindness crusader. And if I'm being honest here, this person is truly out of this world!

Nominators @Kristynsmama @Fristo @Bubbles2025 @YourCaringConfidant have traveled far and wide to be able to appreciate this most amazing person! And it is a pure honor to be able to!

🌌 💜 @Jenna 🌌 💜

This special posting is dedicated just for you to let you know how appreciated and valued you are. 


Kristy, Fristo, Bubbles, and Desiree have written these notes of appreciation for you. Happy reading, Jenna!




Congratulations on earning the kindness crusaders badge! You sooo deserve it! Have a great day! ♡ 

Bubbles2025 December 14th, 2023

congratulations @Jenna very well deserved 💛

Jenna December 15th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant @Kristynsmama @Fristo @Bubbles2025

🩷🩷🩷 I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude. Your kindness and support mean a great deal to me, and I am truly thankful for this nomination and all of your sweet messages. Your generosity has made a positive impact, and I am fortunate to have you in my life. This will stick with me for a very long time. Thank you once again for your thoughtfulness. I appreciate it more than words can convey. 🩷🩷🩷

HealingTalk December 15th, 2023


So well deserved! 

You are pure goodness and authenticity.

How can you be so sweet and strong at the same time? 

Your unwavering steadfastness, deep love and utmost loyalty to 7 Cups for so many years and in many different roles, Communities and spaces are inspiring. 

Now and then I stumble upon amazing threads you wrote many many years ago, written with so much dedication, and each reply answered with so much love! 

And this has continued until now when we see you taking demanding responsibilities, always promoting new initiatives for improving things, and also writing relevant, content-rich, useful articles on many different topics. 

That's a lot of work, even for someone as bright and energetic as you are!

On top, you are a Leader in the most complete sense of the word, a role model, an enlightened guide for new generations of Listeners in 7 Cups, and a developer and coordinator of effective teams.

All with the ultimate purpose of supporting people the best possible and doing the most good you can through 7 Cups.

A Crusader for goodness indeed!

Heather225 December 15th, 2023


what cool aesthetics oh my gosh gorgeous and so befitting of @Jenna!!! congrats!

YourCaringConfidant December 15th, 2023

@Heather225 Thank you so much. I used this ai create thingy. 🤣 I just tell it exactly what I wanted and it generated it for me. I love it. I do think it is sooo pretty looking too. I am so proud of Jenna! 

Georginahowe December 14th, 2023

I was nomminated but not got badge 

Kristynsmama December 14th, 2023

@Georginahowe I would follow up with Fristo since he’s in charge of this program. Well done my friend!

December 15th, 2023

@Georginahowe You have the Kindness Crusader badge, Georgina. Just checked your profile(:

InsightfulPhoenix December 15th, 2023

@WishUponAStar968 Here a special message from Lou73 on why you were nominated.🤗 Congratulations on your nomination for the Kindness Crusader Badge. 

@Lou73 said: "Summer is so present in the chatrooms and is always kind, compassionate and empathetic to everyone she meets. She gives thoughtful and supportive comments that show she has listened intently and welcomes everyone :)"

Enjoy the artwork that was created to display our gratitude for having such a beautiful soul like you on 7cups.✨


WishUponAStar968 December 15th, 2023


This is so beautiful!!! On top of the world reaching for the stars! Rising up from the ashes!

@Lou73- you are also such a sweet and amazing person I've come to know, hugs to you Super Powers Lou!

InsightfulPhoenix December 15th, 2023

@WishUponAStar968, you have another special message from Fristo on why you were nominated for the Kindness Crusader Badge 🥰. Please Enjoy the artwork as gratitude for how beautifully sweet you are, containing the special message from Fristo as well! 

@Fristo said "This person is amazing. They go by Summer and if you want to feel warm in chatrooms, do meet them! They care for everyone and are always up for spreading more kindness in the community."

@Fristo thank you for nominating @WishUponAStar968, your kindness and compassionate message for them is super sweet ✨


InsightfulPhoenix December 15th, 2023

@WishUponAStar968, I (@InsightfulPhoenix ) also nominated you and here is what I said "WishUponAStar968 has been an excellent fellow moderator, she utilizes her active listening and has great sense of moral code when she navigates the sharing circle. I am happy that I have been so honored to be in her presence."

I hope you enjoy each unique art pieces as a token of appreciation for you being here 🤗congratulation-2_1702645416.png

December 15th, 2023

@InsightfulPhoenix Mesmerising graphics, so very wonderfully done! You totally are a kindness crusader, summer star!!

InsightfulPhoenix December 15th, 2023

Thank you for your kindness @fristo 🫶🏽

December 15th, 2023


Wow, your graphics are sooooo beautifully made!