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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Annie June 17th, 2015


lipsofdust June 16th, 2015

We disappeared

Listening the cold wind

Silently with no excitation

I finally find myself paralized

With quiet desintegration

The stone cracked

And with clarity I feel

The universe still

Moving around with his circle

Tragedies, memories and desolation

Passing faster than a clock

Soon I realised how life is a fork

Between life and death

I feel myself fading

I feel myself losing

I feel myself tired

I feel myself exhausted

My shoulders are outworn

Of resisting for passenger things

I realised that I am not a human being

And I should never have been born

Looking for the stars

I see the last beauty out there

I see how is bright

And more a glimpse I saw dying

Annie July 10th, 2015

@LipsOfDust, I love this!!heart

Raylen June 16th, 2015

It's really amazing Zach and I like it so much !

This post has been deleted
funnyMango399 June 16th, 2015

wow. this is heartbreaking. but so beautifully written!

Raylen June 16th, 2015

Anytime Zack ! ^-^

invisiblemadness June 16th, 2015

Little girl messed up inside
Wished that she had wings to fly
Away from sadness
Away from pain
Away from all the things they said
But when the darkness comes at night
She tears down the walls inside
Little girl messed up inside
Told me there are reasons why
She takes the blade into her skin
Killing demons deep within
But when the sunlight sets to rise
Still she wishes she could die
Little girl messed up inside
Cries and pleads, asking why
Some just die without their will
But some can't even settle, stay still
Without the urge to end it all
Only wanting to crash and fall
And when the darkness comes at night
She's sure what she does is right
Little girl messed up inside
Writes down the words tears in her eyes
"Mommy don't cry it's not your fault,
No one could've helped me, now I am gone"
Breaking down she closes the door
Leaving behind the world she knows
And when the sunlight sets to rise
She is dead, out and inside.

Poetrylover14 June 16th, 2015

SO amazing and insightful! I love it <3

invisiblemadness June 17th, 2015

Thank you! Means a lot (:

calmingSunshine81 June 17th, 2015

No words can tell the pain you feel,

No remedy,no nostrums,no medicine to heal,

A heart you have, bleeding with tears,

Your voice imploding, self not hears,

you feel you are dead in and out,

now neither you smile nor you pout,

I know not what is it that eats you in,

what sorrow, what curse, what grief so grim,

I cannot say more but this my friend,

Life has broken you, but yourself you mend,

I do not meanit will be easy to do,

Neither I say I have stepped in your shoe,

But some one might smile to see you alive,

But some one might live because you thrive,

Give up not dreams, they are your shield,

They are the seeds to be sown in the field,

And a day shall come when they shall flower,

Till then you will have to protect them and water.

enlightenedSun June 17th, 2015



calmingSunshine81 June 18th, 2015

Earnest Thanks Sun.

lovelephants June 16th, 2015

Are you there

As I sit here

anxiously awaiting your

i begin to rehearse

the conversation in my

headplanning every single ......

I pick up the phone

dial your number

the beating of my heart

becomes visible to me

as now it's trying to

escape my chest ..

NERVOUS it rings

and rings and rings but

no reply

questions fill my mind

then the worry comes

soon after

what If youre

drowning and I'm unable to save you

what if what if what if what if

what if you are no longer able to smile

and act like you are stronger

tears fall down these windows

I call my eyes like rain

I am unable to stop

because I will never be

able to forgive myself if

that's the case are you okay

talk to me give a sign universe

god Allah Buddha nanny grandad

someone higher thanI

Just one that's all

I ask for because I no nothing

and feel that nothingness

too with out he

I am

are you


Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @lovelephants,

This poem is amazing. The words yield the desperation of waiting. Well done.heart

Poetrylover14 June 16th, 2015


Into the darkness she steps.

She weeps, she weeps.

Towards a ray of light she's drawn.

She takes one leap. She falls.

Bang bang. Shots. Chaos.

The darkness seeps through

the light that's so overcoming.

For God she sang,

though the devil she sees-

breathes in.

She breathes out love.

She's running low on,

she's running far, for life.

Fighting, killing, souls

that could be,

but they're not.

For she fought. She lost.

One more step she takes,

as her foot burns off the ledge.


The cost

Annie July 10th, 2015

@PoetryLover14, Another intense piece. You find energy in words and release it. heart

forgetmenotforgetmenow June 16th, 2015

My identity is not made up of the parts

of the people who planted flowers

in the cracks of my ribcage and

then murmured into the curve

where my neck meets my shoulder.

The flowers are still rotting. I'm sorry

I smell like a decomposing person.

My identity is not made up of the time

I conjured up a mistake so stomach churning,

I couldn't even look my own

god damn reflection in the eyes.

I'm sorry for not being what was expected.

My identity is not the violent whispers

of a generation with stone cold eyes

and tongues like vipers who are willing to

skin their own kind alive just for simple satisfaction.

My identity is not made up of the people

I unintentionally hurt.

I swear when I carved my name into your heart

with the tip of my baby fingernail,

I didn't do it to stain your bones with

memoryof my laughter and the slight scrunch

of my nose.Forgive me, I'm learning.

My identity is not made up of the tasteof pity

people feel sliding up their throat

when I ramble too much or when they

know me too well. I am a forest fire!

And I will fight and I will rise

out of my own ashes like a Phoenix.

I will not be stopped. What I'm trying to say is,

I'm not a reflection of the people I have

loved and have lost and of the people I have hurt.

I am not a reflection of the time. Neither are you.

I am a piece of art and the world has not tainted me.

I am made up of every experience.

Every experienceis an atom floating

around and being drawn to the desperate pounding

of the blood in my veins. Every sweaty palmed

hand shake, every awkward stumble, every cry,

every laugh, every smile. Each tiny atom is building me

up until I'm about to breach my limit.

I am unfinished business.

But so are you.

[media contacts redacted]

Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @ForgetMeNotForgetMeNow, I love the poet's strong voice in this poem. The voice has strength. I like it.


calmingSunshine81 June 17th, 2015


I start, you start,

on a journey of miles,

turn by turn we keep on,

spreading happiness and smiles;

Misery is here, misery is there,

Everything is drowned it SEEMS,

But youstillhold on to your hope,

Everything's broken but dreams;

The dream shall live, for it has to,

It is the only sane way on,

if you must then cry a bit,

but overshoot the night till dawn;

The dream's real, soon you'll see,

The illusion will have to leave,

A dream it is, a life time to live,

if only in it you believe;

Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @calmingSunshine81, I absolutely adore the theme. Inspiring. More, more!


amusingBeach3673 June 17th, 2015

I, here, have a cigarette held tightly between my past and my present. And i can see my future in the smoke.

NataliaNectarine June 17th, 2015

So, I thought about posting a song by Horatio Ferrer, set to music by Astor Piazzolla in his tango operita Maria de Buenos Aires.

The afternoons in Buenos Aires have this? well, you know.

You leave your house down Arenales Avenue.

The usual : on the street and in me.

Then suddenly, from behind a tree,

he shows up.

Rare mix of the next to last tramp

and the first stowaway on a trip to Venus:

a half melon on the head

a striped shirt painted on the skin,

two leather soles nailed to the fet,

and a taxi-for-hire flag up in each hand.

Ha ha! But only I can see him:

because he moves among the people

and the mannequins wink at him,

the traffic lights flash him three lights sky-blue

and the oranges at the corner grocery stand

cast their blossoms at him.

And that this way, half dancing, half flying,

He removes the melon to greet me.

He gives me a little flag and he tells me?

l know I?m crazy, crazy, crazy?

don?t you see the moon rolling through Callao;

a second line of astronauts and children

waltzing around me? Dance! Come! Fly!

I know I?m crazy, I?m crazy, I?m crazy?

I see Buenos Aires from a sparrow?s nest;

and I saw you so sad? Come! Fly! Feel!?

the crazy desire I have for you:

And so saying, the crazy invites me

to ride on his super sport illusion,

and we?re going to run over the cornices

with a swallow in the engine.

From Vieytes they applaud: ?Hooray! Hooray!?,

the nuts who invented Love,

and an angel, a soldier and a girl

give us a dancing waltz.

The beautiful people come out to say hello.

And the crazy, my crazy, I don?t know!;

he causes a stridency of bells with his laugh,

and finally, he looks at you, and sings softly

Love me this way I am, crazy, crazy, crazy?

climb up into my insane tenderness,

don a wig of larks on your head and fly!

Fly with me now! Come! Fly! Come!

(I hope it looks ok when it's posted :) )

Annie July 10th, 2015

@NataliaNectarine, I didn't see this poem until now, weeks after it was posted, and think, this is amazing. How did I miss this one?

It creates a strong, vivid, real persona. It sings!


invisiblemadness June 17th, 2015


You call the shots so I pour
The twisted taste twisting my brain
Making a way down my throat through my stomach
You close your eyes
Throwing your head back
Lighting up a cigarette
Just like you light up the party
and my life
but let?s not talk about that,
because the poison turned my emotions off.

enlightenedSun June 17th, 2015

Wow-- Draws me in to the story. Vivid. Ironic. Love it.

invisiblemadness June 17th, 2015

Thank you!

NinjaJosh427 June 18th, 2015

Now and Forever

Where did you go?
I miss you so.
It seems like a million years ago,
When I could talk,
And laugh,
And joke,
And smile.
Those days were the best,
But they are over now,
They have taken their bow,
And I shall never see,
My beautiful queen.
She is gone now,
Ripped away,
By the beast I couldn't slay.
Where did you go?
All i ask,
Is one more laugh,
One more smile, one more kiss,
One more day,
One more.
But this desire
Will die with fire
Because you've been ripped away,
By the monster I couldn't slay,
Who has taken you away.
All the shining armor,
It couldn't save the day.
It's over now,
Those days have taken their bow.
Our love is dead,
Just like me, laying in my bed.
The tears are falling down,
Past my ever frown,
Because I can never smile again,
Not without you.
Where did you go?
I miss you so.
And when i think of you,
I can't breathe.
Can't move, can't smile.
My beautiful baby girl
Is gone.
And I shall never forget
The times we had,
Laughs we shared,
Smiles we made.
Because you are part of me,
Can't you see?
I need you,
Now and Forever.

NinjaJosh427 June 18th, 2015

"I'm ok"

"I'm ok" i lie.
Because I wasn't ready to say goodbye.
And i scream "why?" Into the sky,
And i try, and try,
But only die, hoping you come by,
But you never do,
I lie because nobody wants the truth,
They want to hear "i'm ok"
They don't care it's a lie,
They don't care you had to say goodbye,
And i try,
I say "i'm ok",
But i'm not.
Too bad happiness can't be bought,
It must only be sought,
But I have forgot,
What it feels like to be happy.
But i think of you, my beautiful Aurora,
And when i wore your fedora,
And I remember.
I remember you,
I remember love,
I remember smiles,
I remember happy.
"I'm ok." I lie.
Because i'm not.
I'm prepared to die.

Annie June 18th, 2015

Dear@NinjaJosh427, These two poems paint a picture of terrible loss and suffering. The subject matter is such that I cannot approach them simplyas art.

When you say that no one wants to hear what you really feel, I want you to know that there are Listeners here at 7 Cups of Tea, day and night, and you can tell them the truth, what you are actually feeling and suffering. It's anonymous, confidential. I am often online hereand would be happy to talk with you.If it?s not urgent, you can leave me a message?just click on my name below.heart Otherwise, please go to Browse Listenersif it's urgent, and find a listener who's available immediately.

I cannot tell if your line in the poem about being prepared to die is an expression of being suicidal, or whether it is a poetic description of intense sorrow, perhaps a persona or character using powerful language for poetic effect.

However, in the event that you may be preparing to harm yourself, I hope you will understand that I want to provide some resources, just in case. an online crisis chat service, for anyone anywhere in the world. helps you find online chat, emergency numbers and crisis hotlines for many different countries in the world. helps you find help-lines by country List of suicide help-lines

​Please forgive me if there was no riskand I was being overprotective, overzealous, and overanxious.smileyI just want to do what I can to help you be safe. Just in case.

Annie June 18th, 2015

Corrected link: BROWSE LISTENERS

NinjaJosh427 June 18th, 2015

First of all, thanks. Second, i'm not suicidal or planning to die. Planning and being ready are two very different things. And I've already got several listeners, and some of them actually said more than two words! But yeah, "i'm ok"

Annie June 19th, 2015

@NinjaJosh427, Thanks for the nice reply!heart

And now I can read your poems with unalloyedenjoyment!!


NinjaJosh427 June 19th, 2015

I'm glad you like them.

reservedHuman7124 June 18th, 2015


I know you! Who am i to u

Why do you care! Im nothing!

If you took the time you would run!

I am broken I am drowning

Hear me!! Im screaming

why dont you listen!? I am nothing

Im spoken over Im the tool

you use when handy I am fighting!

Listen to me!! I suffer for you

I make you better Il give you my last breath

Just look at me! I am breaking

I am disappearing Im leaving!

Let me go! --- why wont you just...

Im sorry... i couldnt be strong anymore...

i didnt know you would cry you never listened

i didnt want to be alone anymore...

my head was a hell fire that could not stop

burning! Im sorry... i saw no future...

i saw no me...

i decided to become what i was.

i was nothing!

expletive deleted by forum mentor Annie
Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @ReservedHuman7124, Wow, this poem is strong-- the energy screams out.

I'm thinking, some poems are art, some poems are a direct message to the world, and some are both. If this poem is a message, please feel free to click on my name below and talk, okay?Or talk with another listener perhaps. It's great to pour intense feelings into art like this --good for you! And it canalso be good to talk it out sometimes.heart

lavenderCity2506 June 19th, 2015

Insanity? (Happy fathers day ) Daddy , I'm sorry for all that I've done The things you've found out Even for what you're oblivious to See i said it , now its your turn . i just cant watch us crash and burn I'm sorry daddy but I can not forgive you for what you've put me through . The agony , crying , hurt and conniptions The fear , the shame . its all too much now . don't you understand how!? , don't you understand what you've done!? Take a look at you're first born , take a look at me , you've created a monster from insanity Please say your sorry , and we can go home . Back to the home , back to the place that we use to know

NataliaNectarine June 19th, 2015

Anna Akhmatova - The Willow

(The translation is bad, Russian speakers will know why)

And I grew up in patterned tranquility,

In the cool nursery of the young century.

And the voice of man was not dear to me,

But the voice of the wind I could understand.

But best of all the silver willow.

And obligingly, it lived

With me all my life; it's weeping branches

Fanned my insomnia with dreams.

And strange!--I outlived it.

There the stump stands; with strange voices

Other willows are conversing

Under our, under those skies.

And I am silent. . . as if a brother had died

А я росла в узорной тишине,

В прохладной детской молодого века.

И не был мил мне голос человека,

А голос ветра был понятен мне.

Я лопухи любила и крапиву,

Но больше всех серебряную иву.

И, благодарная, она жила

Со мной всю жизнь, плакучими ветвями

Бессонницу овеивала снами.

И ? странно! ? я ее пережила.

Там пень торчит, чужими голосами

Другие ивы что-то говорят

Под нашими, под теми небесами.

И я молчу? как будто умер брат.

18 января 1940,

Lyra June 19th, 2015

Good to see you bringing your beautiful taste in poetry to the forums @Natalianectarine - I know that you're always a breath of fresh air in the chatrooms, and it's lovely to have you here

Lyra June 19th, 2015

And if that's a bad translation, I can't even begin to imagine how beautiful the original is!

milse18 June 19th, 2015

My mind is tortured
With my thoughts swallowed by pain,
Lost in my own head, stuck contoured.
Screaming out loud
For a searching lighthouse.
My ship is sinking
With my sanity overboard,
Lost in the sea, unforgiving
Strangling grasps
For a farewell word's rasp