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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Annie June 12th, 2015

@Seth7, I agree. A compelling story in less than 30 words. Amazing. heart

Seth7 June 13th, 2015

Thank you soo much!

HannahCoffee98 June 12th, 2015

πŸŽ‡πŸŽ† Play Under the Stars

Accessories of the night
Out shining one another's light
Gazes fall on them in the dark
Many a lost and found heart
Love plays its act out below
Stars accompanying, cued to go
Taking its place in the velvet sky
Shimmering, like passion in people's eyes
The scene is set for an audience that is glowing
Dreams drifting, relationships rekindled, flowing
An ongoing story with so much to be told
Witnessing joy, fulfilment and unfortunate woe
Played out under the night, half its canvas a bejewelled ceiling
The carpet the play, the people, afraid in the day no longer concealing

Hey I'm Hannah and I'm 16 I love writing and I use poetry as an outlet for my emotions when my anxiety and depression is bad. Thanks :)

Annie June 12th, 2015

@HannahCoffee98, This poem is lovely. The images of the night are beautiful, evocative, wonderful.heart

HannahCoffee98 June 12th, 2015

Aw thanks you :)

inventiveHouse2965 May 30th, 2018

@HannahCoffee98 you are truly gifted

beautifulmystry June 12th, 2015

she is me by Tiffany(beautifulmystry)

for the past two decades I've been looking for she
only to realize that "she" is me
this girl is strong and intelligent you see
but only to realize that "she" is me
this girl is beautiful and trustworthy you see
but only to realize that "she" is me
this girl has a voice and confidence you see
but only to realize that "she" is me
this girl I wish that I could see, is right in the mirror looking back at me

Monarda June 12th, 2015

This is amazing, @beautifulmystery! I am in love with this poem.

beautifulmystry June 12th, 2015

awww thank you! that made me smile!!!

Turtletadpole June 12th, 2015

Staying quiet.

I love you
You don't feel the same
It's alright for you
But me its not okay
Watching you love her
As I stand alone
Breaking my heart
Even more than you know
I smile politely
As you wave towards me
then turn away quickly
As tears plead to leave
I try to forget
But the feelings stay true
Walking away
To guard myself from you

Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @TurtleTadpole, this poem beautifully captures the pain of trying to appear unhurt when the pain is racking us. Wow.

I especially admire the striking assonance in this line: tears plead to leave.heart

r3w1teit June 12th, 2015

I can hear breathing.

Inhales and Exhale.

Of dark sorrowful things...

Lost Hopes and Dreams.

Repeatingly taken.

I can hear Loving and

Caring.What a lost art

indeed. So I stay

along thesedeep, dreadful

hearts,souls, dead things.

My Heaven, My Hell...

Your Heaven, Your Hell...

I see those breaths

hot, against the glass.

Smoke, pain, nothingness.

There is nothingnesshere.

I realize the pain.

The goneness of it all,

what a long . . . goneness.

What a long story.

What a long nothingness.

What a long . . .Go alone

to the deep woods.

Where I stand awaiting.

Where I stand pleading.

The hopes are there.

The love is there.

Yes it is I,

insaneI, love,

I know. But go.

There is life waiting

there. Just life.

That's what you've

been waiting for.

What I have been waiting

for...What we all are for...

Goodnight,my dear,

goodnight,.Yet I must

warn you. There are no

lights in the deep woods,my dear.

*Sorry I know itsucks I just wanted to write...something, anything.

Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear@r3w1teit, I think this poem is really good. Seriously. There is an elusive rhythm, and a deeptone of voice. A sense of mystery, part of the story untold. There is . . . gravitas.

THANK YOU for taking the risk to post it and share it.heart

greenLion4881cat June 12th, 2015

Love it is not real it is a fanticy we can all live in a fanticy if we find the right one

brightEyes8025 June 13th, 2015

there is power in mistakes; there is love in the coals of the dying flames

we are, all of us, flawed

separated into a million tiny fragments

just glass shards of what we once were

we are, all of us, united

by such common imperfections

such beauty in our design

we are, all of us, intended to be broken

our purpose is to shatter

to crash and burn and self-destruct

so we can, all of us, rebuild

recreate and redesign

empires of mistakes

shrines to our flaws

there is god in our missteps

there is power in every broken whisper

as we try again to fix what we destroyed

we are, all of us, ruined

we were destine for the fire

we were car crashes abandoned and deserted

on the edge of the woods

the plants grow wild around the jagged ruins

of this accident and

there are creatures living in hollowed skulls

in the mangled back seat of a teenager's pleas

we are, all of us, alive

in our death and in our birth we are heartbeats

strung across the world like christmas lights

our pulse dangles off the roof of skyscrapers

and drags and loops through the universe

we are the red thread tied around fingers

we are the blood pumping in veins

we are tired

we are weak

we are small and

we are sad

but we are so so alive in our mistakes and in our failures

we are repurposed, recycled, and reused but we areworth it

in our eyes there is desire and in our palms there is a choir

we are.

all of us.


Annie June 13th, 2015

Oh my god. What a majestic, BEAUTIFUL poem.heart

snowybunny June 13th, 2015

So nice poem.. just so good..

enlightenedSun June 13th, 2015

@brighteyes8025. Wow, your poem is really good,. Awesome!!

CaringSusan June 13th, 2015

I'll show you

how to be creepy

You'll know the a-z

of being insane

Do you remember

that scary faces

All the photos,

that most beautiful dream

Falling in love with you

was beyond my control

A person like me

should never be

with a person like you

Acting all giggly aroundyou

Just to hear your voice

on that high note

I never said

we're a couple

Just collecting beautiful memories

Just telling you that

sooner or later

a boy and girl as best friend

will fall for each other

Guess what?

You're my favourite love poem.

Annie July 10th, 2015

Dear @CaringSusan,

This isBEAUTIFUL. It portrays something so human, so real . . .(deep sigh).

Thank you for sharing it.


earlgrey99 June 13th, 2015

When the cold comes,

I am stripped bare of my soul.

Left to face this emptiness.

Upon this black canvas,

My leaves once glowed,

and the starts had envied me so.

But now I've nothing.

I long to join them.

And find the pieces of my soul.

Annie June 14th, 2015

Dear @earlgrey99

This poem is wonderful! It has an interesting pace, rather slow and ruminative. The reader truly feels the longing.heart

earlgrey99 July 5th, 2015

Thank you so much!heart

funnyMango399 June 13th, 2015

This is my first post in the poetry thread, kinda scared, but i felt like i needed to share this with someone and i need opinions. so shout!

Warning tho: It is very very very sad and might even be triggering. (depression/self harm) so just scroll past if you don't want that, i don't want you to get hurt!

when i was fourteen i started crying as silently as my arms started bleeding. i never understood why i always felt too heavy, like i was buried under bricks and no matter how much weight i lost, i?d always feel like i took up too much space in the room, in the house, in the world.

i never understood why i pushed the word sadness out of my mind and convinced myself i was fine, even when i was sitting in a bathtub filled with my own tears and blood.

i never understood why i walked around with a mask that some people called a smile and why i always felt like a fraud at the end of theday.

i never understood the way happiness was supposed to feel and how people could call it a choice. because heck, if it'sa choice i wouldn?t be staring at the wallwondering why i?m even stillbreathing.

i never felt loved or wanted and i thought it was somethng i?d feel after letting him into my bed, but after kissing boys whose lips i knew better than their personality, i still felt nothing but numb.

i never understood why i wasafraid of the doctor and afraid of being told i was clinically depressed. the day the news broke i still didn?t quite understand, was i going to be like this forever?

ten years later, medication, psychologists, therapy sessions, my arms no longer bleed but my soul does. i?m twenty four now and i still don?t understand.

HannahCoffee98 June 15th, 2015

That was that was very emotional poem and I connected with lots of different aspects of it , it was moving. Poetry is sometimes the best and most beautiful way to express our sadness. Stay positive!

Poetrylover14 June 14th, 2015

her heart
cold as ice
hard as stone
frozen to the touch
burning to the soul
she's on her way there
to the place
to hell, to nowhere
she's ready to jump
only, she's not quite there
a few more steps to take
a few more hurdles to crawl under
is the end approaching?
if only she cared
helplessly she gets by
running, crying
faking, lying
for this girl, what is near?

Annie July 10th, 2015


The headlong energy in this poem, and the uncertainty -- it'sintense.


lipsofdust June 14th, 2015


Seeing the darkness

And the wind screaming

I embraced your body

As my soul was singing

The darkest music I listen

Static and perplex with his depth

My fear loses his meaning

And no longer I felt threat

So beautiful is your simmetry

Let me feel your pain

Let me feel your mistery

Let me feel until the end

The grey clouds hunts my body

With your enthralling morbidity

Let me hear the echoes of tragedy

As the moon see me fading.

makithemonkey June 16th, 2015

Just...WOW especially the singing soul got words left just beyond beauty

Penk04 June 15th, 2015


If eyes of all the heavens
were peering down on me.
I've got a love inside my heart
not even they can see.

not really a consideration
hesitation; a deadly sin. In my book, no matter what you can never win.

The bible tells me so.

My book tells me no.

a reeling mind; a reeling heart y
an illness of the soul

teeth like a battalion
eyes glow-headlights in the night
feet stuck in the mud
childlike in delight
a specialty in sadism, for myself
self-loathing-a deadly flu
A clover may well help my luck,
but a crimson heart beats true.
all the flies-oh lord
mosquito; a subtle killer
Betrayal is unescapable.
malaria-a death ridden pillar
pretentious, it may be
but clever none-the-less
creeps upon me like a plague
a satan-ridden bless
painted blue in varying shades
a dot in the abyss
a light upon my endearing cage
A life through hit and miss.

Penk04 June 15th, 2015

I'm sorry,I don't know why it came up like that and the stanza separations disappeared.

Annie June 15th, 2015

Dear@Penk04, Thanks for sharing your work-- lots of people have difficulty with formatting hereand their work does not display as intended.

And, I must say --I really, really like this poem. I love the rush of images --excellent images of fears and self-doubt. Very perceptive.And the last line isterrific.

Wonderful work.


Penk04 June 15th, 2015

Thank you very much, Annie!

anonySea8114 June 15th, 2015

Gone They left

I don't know

where I am

I could be anywhere,

I was deserted

All alone, Isolated

No one to speak with

Silence is unnerving

It is deafening

Roving up and

around the pavement,

mocking me


The shadows moved


Wanting to take me,

to devour me

They had tricked me,

What kind of sick joke was this?

They were going

to come back, right?

Right? Right?


I let out a breath,

ignoring the persistent

lump in my throat

A short breath

No one was coming

back,it hit me

The short breath

tasted bitter-sweet

No need to answer me

I already know

what your retort

would have been

Hurling the truthful words

at me as if they

would have physically hurt

Why does anybody even try?

It's all useless

Useless We should all

give up, we won't ever

win No one is coming back

for me No one

Ever .......

I did this for a prompted Halloween contest on last year.

anonySea8114 June 15th, 2015

Sorry about the format - the app messed with the spacing, I suppose. The beginning of a line always starts with a capital letter in the poem.

Penk04 June 15th, 2015

Lovely poem! I could feel the desolation, loneliness, hopelessness and inner turmoil in your poem. A similar thing happened me with the formatting.

aluminumskies June 15th, 2015

Sometimes I stand there and wonder

Why me?

But then I realized something.

It could have be anyone.

This bomb that was dropped on my quiet life,

It could have happened to anyone.

No one was safe from it,

no one could run from it.

It was going to happen,

so it happened to me.

I learned to smile through the pain,

because if I didn't then what would be left of me?

And now when I look in the mirror,

I don't ask Why me?

I ask Are you ready to take this on?

And the answer is yes.

enlightenedSun June 17th, 2015


Just amazing. Beautiful. So much truth.

HannahCoffee98 June 15th, 2015

πŸ•‘2 am

It's2 amthe world is silent
But I feel so alive
I'm awake
All these stupid questions swirling
the anxious replies whirling
The images of the past
creation of scenarios, fast
Made up judgements from others
Worrying so far into the future so far ahead
A new problem, there, another
my eyes have bled, the terror spreads
A chaotic process
Which will repeat every night
The same things thought
Like a broken record
It plays through dark till light

Annie June 17th, 2015

Dear @HannahCoffee, This poem speaks to me. Thanks for posting it!