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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

FreneticThoughts614 May 18th, 2015

This is wonderful! I love the way this is written. I can so relate to your writing. I hope to see more From you!

Monarda May 19th, 2015

Thanks, I really appreciate that! I'm working on writing more poems right now

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015

I really like this poem. Its filled with feelings.

Monarda May 21st, 2015

Thanks :) I wrote it to cheer myself up when I was near crisis. I wrote it because I needed to remind myself that recovery is possible

GentleKiteFly May 13th, 2015

When is now.

Is it forever?

It is not.

How old am i?

You are now 19

You think growing older means that you will not be remembered?

I hope not

Let's go in deeper to find which one of us is really the one

Who is it that you need?

I am looking for you indeed.

Why are you coming to this place?

Because i lost my pace.

Goodbye for now.

Annie May 23rd, 2015

Dear @GentleKiteFly, thank you for sharinjg your poem. I found the opening two lines to be ouitstanding! The question appears nonsensical, almostoxymoronic -- which gives the question its power, I think.

decembernight0608 May 17th, 2015

Beauty, I never thought I had Confidence, I never thought I get. Butterflies, I never thought I catch but, you I never thought I lose.

Alacatron567 May 17th, 2015

Living in a cemetry
With tombs of positivity
Winter passes but I still feel cold
For misery has strangled my soul

Wait for love, people said

Never too late to ever get laid

People say but they don't know

That I've waited till summer's snow

Be yourself, remove that mask

Or you'll be tired from dawn to dusk

But I'm a puzzle that can't fit in

Being myself is like the greatest sin

A banshee knocks on my door

Desperately waiting till I say no more

Darkness flowed into my soul

Is life really such a big black hole?

Annie May 25th, 2015

Dear @alacatron567, Thank you for sharing your poem. For me, these two lines stood out:

. . . tombs of positivity,/ Winter passes but I still feel cold.

I enjoy the complexity of the metaphor followed by the starkness of the simple language in the next line. And I lovedthe oxymoron of summer's snow. heart

decembernight0608 May 18th, 2015

This city, these lights. The moon that shines so bright. The stars at night and the birds that take flight. The sudden jump in my heart when I hear your name knowing it never be the same. The little details that I find outside that bring me alive they all point in one direction... You.

optimisticVillage7708 May 18th, 2015

Lost By: Dee dee I'm lost in a spectrum No where to go just wandering Hoping someone can guide you You start from the middle and, Slide back a fourth until You feel where you belong Hopefully somewhere along the spectrum You find the ONE and where you are Most comfortable. (Sorry it doesn't rhyme , but hopefully people can connect to it.)

Annie May 19th, 2015

Dear @optimisticVillage7708, I enjoyed the concept of this poem, the idea of a human being lost on aspectrum, and sliding backand forth. Very interesting.smiley

optimisticVillage7708 May 20th, 2015

@Annie thank you very much. I was trying to make the spectrum any thing you can imagine, like good or bad , sexuality etc. Thank you for your comment.

OQuinn May 18th, 2015

I never wrote about self-love but one day a member complained about something and it inspired me so here you go :D -------- Let the arms hold your sorrows -- and the chest, your sobs like -- shattered glass.-- Let the shoulder embrace your tears -- and the kisses atop your forehead -- steal your paleness. -- Hold you head up and embrace,--
for, you are no less than the -- tremendous magnitude of strength -- and courage of an empire and the -- brilliance and magic of the rising sun. -- Now, blow the dust atop your heart -- of the broken past and RISE.

Annie May 19th, 2015

Love this. Beautiful work. heart

(Fyi, people reading the poems on a smart phone have a very difficult time when the text is large and bold.)

Annie May 19th, 2015


OQuinn May 20th, 2015

@Annie Awww thanks babe heart And I'm so so sorry like i legit only wanted to make the word RISE big and instead got the whole post in the large writing, but i never write things THAT large <3

Annie May 20th, 2015

@OQuinn, of course. I should have realized that.smiley

I do love how the energy rises up and bursts out. Nice work!!

OQuinn May 20th, 2015

@Annie thanks for understanding ! But what about you ? Do you write ?? x

Annie May 20th, 2015

@OQuinn, I'm enjoying your work. Thank you for sharing it.

Yes, I write. For years, I earned my living as a writer, but it was technical writing. But I do love poetry. When I was a little girl, my father would read all kinds of poetry to me, and it was clear he loved it -- Robert Frost, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Shakespeare, Keats. AndWordsworth: The world is too much with us -- late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers, Little we see in nature that is ours.We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon.At least that's what I remember . . . it's been a long time.

Like many kids, I first wrote poetry as part of a school assignment.It was haiku in 4th grade. Mine were gruesome, but I still remember. (Sample: Death stalks stealthily/ Shrouded in deep mystery/ Reaching out his hand . . . /) Ha!

Then my father died suddenly when I was a senior in college, and I poured out my sorrow in poetry. Death was no longer a poetically grim spectre. Anyway, the university literary magazine published the poems, and the illustrator chose one for a full-page drawing. It meant a lot. I still have a copy . . . .

Nothing published since then, except a few book reviews for Readerville magazine. And loadsof technical stuff all over the internetformy job!smiley

OQuinn May 21st, 2015

@Annie wow that's amazing ! And you've got a fabulous job right there and im sorry to hear about your day :( And speaking of haikus ... in 4th grade i couldn't even speak proper english and here you are writing haikus like a 7th grader !! Keep doing what you love ! xx

Annie May 25th, 2015

@OQuinn, funny you should say that. Now that you mention it, I think it was 7th grade.blush

OQuinn May 25th, 2015

@Annie nooooooo hahahahha

FuriousAngel May 18th, 2015

"This is Me"

Shyly aware
Somewhere about
Here I am
I go by Angel
Sometimes by Death
And when it's to much
I go by the name Crystal
My other worlds of thought
They know only the little things
I believe I am one of three people
One of depression
The other of anger
And the third is just a child

Annie May 20th, 2015

@Furiousangel, good poem. I am especially drawn to the last four lines. Thank you for sharing your work.

Annie May 20th, 2015

Dear @furiousangel, I just realized one of the reasons I love those last four lines. The meter, the metrical pattern!

In the first of these lines, we have strong anapestic meter (~~/as in the words understand, contradict, in the blink of an eye).

I believe I am one of three people ~~/ ~~/ ~~/ ~

Then there are two lines of dactylic (/~~ as in the words carefully merrily).

One of depression,The other of anger /~~ /~~ /~~ /~

Then back to anapestic and a shift to two-syllable iambic inthe final line

And the third is just a child ~~/ ~/ ~/

The metric patternhas the effect of giving punch to the last four words, is just a child. I also find thatthe repetition of "one of" gives emphasis and rhythm.

Although the words and structureare simple, thepatternsgivepower. The abrupt change at the end--both metrically and breaking out of the repetition of one of-- ismarvelous.

FuriousAngel May 21st, 2015

Thank you. I honestly didn't even know I did that. I just write and let the words fall together on their own.

Annie May 21st, 2015

@FuriousAngel, that's what good writers do!They love language andhave a natural ear for the music and rhythms of language.heart

Feather12345 May 19th, 2015

Leave Whenever Her body is scarred all the time From things that never happened Nobody can ever know or see The bruises she will never reveal "Kill me already!" She cried to God ever night But nothing would change The Lord won't help now Where are her parents? Where are her friends? Gone. All gone, gone, gone. Whether they're really ead or jot We'll never know For I'm simply rewriting What she once wrote Her blood imprinted the envelope Her tears crippled the letter Her handwriting filled the pages That she write to me Her suicide note said, "We'll all leave eventually So why not leave whenever?" Why not leave whenever? Why not?

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015

Be brave

Shine bright

and if you are feeling

bad tonight

speak to me

all night long

and nothing you say will be wrong

Annie May 20th, 2015

Dear @ILoveBubbleGum49, this is absolutely wonderful. I wish all the listeners would read this.It encapsulates what we do. Simple and touching,Bravo!

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015

Secrets to keep

Never keep up

Stories to tell

Never tell well

Love to hold

Left in the cold

but you still have me

the true heart of gold.

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015

I was there

Now I'm gone

What to think

No one knows

growing worried

Kicked to the dust

Fragile, now tough

I was found

and now is lost

only to be found again

Standing strong

Being brave

Venture to new lands

a new life

NatalieLuvsDogs May 20th, 2015

This is beautiful.

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015


Softly beating down

On the surface of the roof

Like my tears

On the surface of the book


Shining happy rays

On the bright green grass

Like my smile

On the new and old of my friends


Pounding, loudly

On the concrete

Like my anger

Pounding down on the world


A rollercoaster of craziness

On a summer day

Like life

The ups and downs

Annie May 20th, 2015

Dear @Ilovebubblegum49,

I enjoyed this poem somuch! Wonderful.

ilovebubblegum49 May 20th, 2015


optimisticVillage7708 May 20th, 2015

Against you : by Optimisticvillage Laying down wondering Beating your self about all the things You told one person preciously. Held hostage to hostility of words Wrapping around you and dream. Dream of massive waves crash at your Very face and you think of the very day When all being used against you For the satisfaction for anothers "Fame". I waiting for they day that person will be Put to shame. For a crime against morality , karama is here I... Just... Can't...wait.

Monarda May 23rd, 2015


The moon shines bright,

As the stars peek out from the


The sky is dark,

As the flying lights start to


As the fireflies peek from their


The sun is hiding away,






Annie May 23rd, 2015

Witty. Lots of fun!