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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

introvertednerd March 31st, 2015

So, umm..hi. This is a short one. I hope you like it!


I hope you?re still on that guitar,

?Cause trust me,
I?m sure you?ll get far.

I hope you?re still holding those sticks,
?Cause hearing you play,
Used to be my fix.

I hope you still smile so wide,
?Cause you make it easy,
For people to come inside.

I hope you?re doing fine,
I might never forget you,
Even though you were never mine.

Jack March 31st, 2015

I like this poem, it feels like there's a large story behind those words. Keep it up <3

funnyOcean63 April 1st, 2015

Yeah I agree

minim April 1st, 2015

put in the first black mark
form a symbol, pure black, dark
echo an echo so so thin
rip out symphonies, let them cringe

life goes on, doves fly on
we can't catch them
they're far gone

the desperate die far along
who cares what's going on
inside, we fight the good fight
flight, no flight in sight
fight to the death, sin then rest

here's to those who lay down to soon
here's to those who thought blood, need
here's to those who were crushed by us
and here's to those who live, must

- nat

minim April 1st, 2015

stomach sinks in
empty, uneasy, feeling queezy
this aftermath of my heart attack
my mind wraps around you
I lose then and you cover mine
I can't see, you are in front of me.
I'm still left feeling missing
my body can't help but search it
frantic I can't find the piece
where is it, what is it
I need you with me.
I need more than this
you are the completion set forth
without you I collapse in pressures
the unknown winds out and whips me
and still... my heart looks for you.
my life can't be finished alone
no, my life can't be without you
I understand... I love you
I love you.

funnyOcean63 April 1st, 2015

The curse By Tamanna Once an old beggar had said 'One day you will beg like me.' I shreiked and ran home Trying to hide From his spite His dirty clothes The crooked bowl And the ugly words. Today I have everything a person needs Food -more than enough to eat Clothes - clean n overflowing the closet A roof over my head with all modern features Yet I beg. I beg for love. My crooked mind is the bowl Dirty words my attire I knock from door to door Begging for love When refused I curse too 'Your daughter would face the same fate as mine, you rascal' And the cycle continues.

straightforwardPenny802 April 3rd, 2015

Mists of melancholy permeate my being and I am rendered helpless

unable to fight the force that sucks all light form my sould

my weak attempts at valor are to no avail

and I surrender to the darkness

Annie May 20th, 2015

Dear @straightforwardPenny802, this quiet,rhythmic poem is lovely. Haunting. An amazing picture of melancholy, depression.

You might enjoy reading Keats' Ode to a Nightingale, in which he describes a similar sensation of being depressed, and he considers what he might do to drown the pain.. (In addition, there is his Ode on Melancholy, which you might enjoy.)


KJR12 April 3rd, 2015

Fun. Bubbly. Sociable. Wild and free. That is the girl I used to be. Hopeless. Sad. Numb. Fearovercomes. This is thegirl I have become. Mind racing a million miles per hour. It is way past my power. Chest tightens, gasping for air. I'm flustered by their stares. Shaking, sweating, my ears explode, POP POP POP. Is this ever going to stop? My heart is pounding...I'm restless....I think I'mdying. Everyday I want to give up, I want to stop trying. This demon, thismonster, whatever it maybe. I'm begging and begging for it to set me free. But for now I'll hide under the covers in my bed. And fight this battle inside my head.

Zaz April 3rd, 2015

This is really great!

amusingWater2853 April 5th, 2015

Love this**

r3w1teit June 12th, 2015

your formating is to die for.

TheoreticallyINTP April 3rd, 2015

May you find purposefromtaking time toexplore inopenness of learning newthings everyday,

however,wherever, whenever,


May you findability to inspiregrowth ofothers,

Creatively applying wisdomone only attains through struggle and pain.

May the each new things learned bring growth to your world,

to those blessed by comfort,

learning that knowledge is power,

livingin a world of I CAN.

May you learn despitetemptationto dwell in what if'sor what should's.

May your adversitiesprovide couragerather than fears of fallingagain.

May you live in a world of I CAN,


mmadiiiii April 4th, 2015

This is absolutely beautiful! Wonderful job, darling. Thank you so much for sharing!

Peaches1 April 4th, 2015

If only time could stop and I could change,

Those days when clouds had kept that light away,

If only tears could wipe the pain of day,

Because looking at you now felt so strange.

If only I knew that you would not have stayed,

And left me thinking of you in this way,

Each breath would not have been like this today,

Feeling so left alone and so betrayed.

If only I could hide the light from you,

Today would have been brighter than yesterday.

If only I could keep the storm astray,

Those days would have made all our dreams come true.

If only I?d known that you would turn away,

And leave me alone bleeding this way...

Annie May 20th, 2015

@Peaches1, Wow. Some very powerful lines here!! Thank you so much for sharing your work.heart

Timeladywhohelps1600 April 4th, 2015

I can see kindness in your eyes,
I can also see pain.
I can see you have so much to talk,
And so much to hide.
You smile at others,
But you are desperate inside.
You try to hide your feelings,
Well you just hurt me, that's right.
You make me jealous,
You make me cry;
You make me shiver whenever I see your eyes.
Your curly hair, your quiet smile,
Make me feel like I am floating,
Floating with the stars.
You don't know I love you,
You see me as a friend...
I hope you soon find out
that I will always be there.
Ummm hello! This is a poem I've been working on... Hope you like it

r3w1teit June 12th, 2015

Its beautiful..

Timeladywhohelps1600 June 23rd, 2015

Thanks! I love it when people like the stuff I do 😘😉

Exceptionallyrainytuesday April 4th, 2015

The Bad Never Rest
We are tangled in streetlight glare/drying tears from our eyes/we turn to each other and grip tight/to let go is to burn and to burn is to sleep/fire fights fire and we are caught in between/we try to shield each other from the light/but the cold is not quiet/it steeps in with stentorian tranquility/we are so afraid of flying away into it/we paint with fingernails/ blood spills but still we are one/ there is a myriad of ashes dancing on our scorch marks/they sing as they sting and we embrace them/promises of forever roll from our tongues/fear of nothing creates chains from hands/

enlightenedSun June 13th, 2015

@exceptionallyrainytuesday Love this poem. Very powerful.

thehashslingingslasher April 5th, 2015


I'm here in this,
Unfamiliar place.
I'm not just here,
I'm locked in,

This is a whole new
A routine.
Wake up, school,
Then back to sleep.

As a prisoner,
I am restricted.
Restricted from
Anyone and

I've been alone before;
The last kid in the hall,
The only one home,
But nothing compares to
How I feel now.

Ive been sitting alone,
For months on end.
No words can explain
The feeling of


r3w1teit June 12th, 2015

That's so have no idea how much I love this.

enlightenedSun June 13th, 2015

@depressedswitch, This poems captures emotions so human, so fundamental! I'm glad that you posted it.

AfterWorn April 5th, 2015

Gambling is Dangerous for My Heart
Let's play a game
It's really easy, allow me to teach you the rules
I say: I love you/ You reply: I love you too
(Though any answer would cure my blues)
We should practice a lot
You can raise the stakes as high as you need
I would bet on the stars for you to stay
Though I'll rather bet on you
(But you won't keep still)
I'll admit, I'm cheating
I'm poisoning myself
Not playing for the prize, just for you
(What is the prize anyway?)
You're in the lead, dragging me behind
Remind me later to clear my eyes
For our twined hands blind me from the truth
That im a distraction from your main game
(Just keep playing me a little longer)
Are you having fun yet? I'm not
For the game's drawing to a close
And though I chose you as my competitor
I can't help but to feel like I'm falling behind
(Am I really this easy?)
I compared my cards to yours
Did you know you'll win with a royal flush?
My straight holds you as victor
And somehow I know you've swindled me
(Is it sad that I hope you are happy?)

nina50 April 6th, 2015

what have i become where are my feelings why so numb

where is that smile that use to shine for it is no longer mine

when will i ever see that person that was once me

who is this tortured soul that i feel i must behold

how can i let it go i guess i'll never ever know

affableSouth9549 April 6th, 2015

I need to get back up but I've been pushed down so far I can't see the sky anymore

scarletNorth5069 April 6th, 2015

The softly gentle purrs, soothe the frownings and stirs of a flawed mind and soul

that got burned by jokes, stoking the rage of a beast in a cage, that was softly asleep and happy in the deep, in love with life, oh whata strife to be back to square one

In a building all striving for the ceilings of broken glass made of diamonds and champagne in mansions of big brains

slamming glass ceilings without any feelings, these are the traps of luxury that we can't enjoy when we are money's pride and joy.

What is happiness but a few laughs in between being vampires of technology aiming for efficiencies, crackberries in a furied hurry toward the American Dream.

Creme fraiche cooked by the finest chef in a town selling sexuality and roaming thighs while wives smack husbands' eyes.

Fighting the shocks of life, the cancers and depressions when we all end up between hell and heaven as we assume our daily tasks without the hopes of heart attacks, rising pressures all get the best of us. Constantly moving is what we must be doing. God knows we try for we all must claim our prize for the success for which we strive.

Getter our foot in the door without crawling on the floor like the babies life makes of us at times.

Learning to be an adult again with years of bad choices, one day rejoicing against them. Getting off our chests the illogical ramblings of things we all remember in our darkest of decembers.

The world is but only a stage where we make our plays against our competition seeking financial nutrition.

Contributions kindly accepted, provided by sweet hearts. healing damages is a but a sad part of existence. Earthquarkes and snakes only simple phobias compared to the exhibitions of all our follies.

Best meds are the good and jolly people who help us cope. Fine friends are like dope that retsore our hope to exterminate the regrets and missteps we make while we'd rather cool off in lakes. Our teenage tendencies never quite evolve, for we are all gossips in our race horse stalls. Being ship wrecked, as grandma would say "Oh feck"

The best part of the show is remembering good times, the gentle roses caress as we win our games of chess

Making new memories and being in the present is but a gift to ourselves.

catbug April 7th, 2015

When hugs aren?t enough to squeeze away the pain,
when visits to counsellors are all in vain,
when this terrible sensation throbs through your veins.

Who do you go to
to help pull you through?

When lyrics of songs make you cry
and you can?t block out tears no matter how you try,
when you feel like you?re falling into the sky.

What would you pay
to make it all okay?

RhapsodiesRhetoricsRipostes April 7th, 2015

Malice seen,

As they scrutinize.

Pieces gleaned,

When we socialize.

What all means,

Failed to recognize.

Truth as deemed,

Instead were false lies.

Lost our keen,

And curious minds.

So kill dreams,

Leave no compromise.

Bare fangs beamed,

Deliver demise.

Cease their screams,

By closing their eyes.

FreeHerSoul April 7th, 2015

Chatmonchy7 April 8th, 2015


Of pressed hearts

And vomiting sensations

Of hate and love

And in between lust

Of words that were never spoken

But felt?deeply

Of distance

And dark spaces

Of sensual whispers

Heavy set breaths

And violent screams

Of skin and skin

Against each other

Of raging curses

And suppressed longing

Of scorching tears

On cold cheeks

Of passing time?




Of death

Through arrhythmia

tearroses April 9th, 2015


It never sleeps, always in a wanderlust ecstazy.

Like the beaded sweat form by the heat of

the laptop on my leg. It has a mind of it?s own

Forming, and slowly dropping to his fate

To one day become a cloud.

To pass through every organism

simple ticks on his bucket list

It goes to school with tomato juice

College with Vodka and

marries grapefruit

The sweet wedding, I taste through my lips

One sunny morning, nestled in clean sheets

funnyStrawberries5996 April 14th, 2015

(My inner demon)....

What it feels like to be me

my brain feels stung by a million bees

i can't think straight no more

i wish I could just close that door

my inner demon never stops

she keeps antagonizing me till I pop

i don't know when this is going to end

i wanna be right but she goes left till I bend..

all I want is peace in my mind and heart

it's all I ever wanted from the start ...

snowybunny April 14th, 2015

Fate Beside the dried lake, At the end of that dark road.. Where nobody bothers to pay a visit.. There lies A lonely garden.. Her every bush and thorn and tree.. Covered an inch with dust.. Tender rose bushes.. Crushed by harsh thorns Yet, once, not long ago It was in full bloom.. Unlike any other.. She was fed and groomed And trimmed with adore By the hands of a gardner.. Who cherished her With his life Visitors from faraway would Tredge down the difficult roads.. Just to behold its beauty.. The garden shone with bliss So happily in her humble way.. Radiating love all around.. Her caretaker beaming With pride.. His eyes welling with happy tears But tragedy broke.. One by one the leaves Withered away.. Defeated in face of The cruel drought.. She stood alone as the crowds thinned.. Hoping for a drop of rain To quench her sorrows.. Each day, she withered An inch more.. And crumbled slowly down.. Her hopes for life Dimming with each Setting sun.. The gardener aged Witnessing her decay.. Her feeble attempts For her revival Failed in vain. Yet now and then, His trembling fingers Would gingerly touch A withering rose with love Hugging it to his Heavy heart.. In near future.. Both of them Would cease to be.. Unknown to a busy world.. And rest in peace clinging warmly In a final embrace..

snowybunny April 14th, 2015

Doesn't come as i wanted to..

snowybunny April 14th, 2015

Fate Beside the dried lake, At the end of that dark road.. Where nobody bothers to pay a visit... There lies A lonely garden.. Her every bush and thorn and tree.. Covered an inch with dust.. Tender rose bushes.. Crushed by harsh thorns Yet, once, not long ago It was in full bloom.. Unlike any other.. She was fed and groomed And trimmed with adore By the hands of a gardner.. Who cherished her With his life Visitors from faraway would Tredge down the difficult roads.. Just to behold its beauty.. The garden shone with bliss So happily in her humble way.. Radiating love all around.. Her caretaker beaming With pride.. His eyes welling with happy tears But tragedy broke.. One by one the leaves Withered away.. Defeated in face of The cruel drought.. She stood alone as the crowds thinned.. Hoping for a drop of rain To quench her sorrows.. Each day, she withered An inch more.. And crumbled slowly down.. Her hopes for life Dimming with each Setting sun.. The gardener aged Witnessing her decay.. Her feeble attempts For her revival Failed in vain. Yet now and then, His trembling fingers Would gingerly touch A withering rose with love Hugging it to his Heavy heart.. In near future.. Both of them Would cease to be.. Unknown to a busy world.. And rest in peace clinging warmly In a final embrace..

snowybunny April 14th, 2015

My elegant mother.. Only once in a while When rain pours out with such joy.. Like tonight.. memories return.. to embrace a heart With their warmth.. Would it be too weird.. If i wear that 4 fleeted uniform.. Shining bright with virgin white And sit on that bench by the cafe.. Under the roof of the mara trees.. Gazing at the rays of sunsine.. Smiling through the leaves.. Are the long sunny corridors.. still roofless.. Allowing the little rascals To play about in the rain.. does da ledge which gazes The serinity of my lord buddha.. Still cherish with loyalty.. secrets of two bestfriends.. Three best friends.. four.. nah.. Five best friends.. Listening to their.. tearful sobs and little conspiracies.. If i were to just enter "The Bodhiya" With reverence Heavy in my heart.. Would itz soft sand still greet me warmly.. As it did 6 years before.. Heart aches right now.. As greed for yesterday.. Creeps inside.. Yearning to walk freely.. Holding the warm hand of My dear amigo.. To kneel before.. The sacred boa tree.. Who once witnessed the tears Of a foolish young girl.. Who did bad at the exam.. And weep again.. Again like a little child Crying for the motherly embrace.. Such is love for you.. My mother.. Such is the love.. In the heart of this stupid girl.. With the tough journey I went through.. Not a moment I want to change.. In my memory about you.. May you always shine proudly The elegant pure lady.. As you always have.. Gifting a nation with Proud young lasses..

DyllanOwlglass April 16th, 2015

It wasn't that he accepted my offer for a slice of orange.
It was that he met my eyes with his as he used his teeth to pull a piece from the whole.

Orange-flavoured memories mixed with whisky-mash
and the fizz of Coca-Cola,
a taste of summer in Winter's night --
winter calm and cold reflected in steely,
fremd-blue eyes
with a smile and secret knowledge
of having seen into my soul
where orange-flavoured memories
forever burned within me remain
in stark contrast to the steel-winter blue
of his eyes

Annie May 25th, 2015

@DyllanOwlGlass, Can't believe I didn't see this poem until now. For me,the first two lines and last two lines areintensely, magicallyvivid!heart