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Racism & Suicide

CatPlum24 January 2nd, 2016

I finally found something as proof that racism is damaging on

Usually when I bring up racism here on 7cups, Im brushed off because its not that big of a deal right? WRONG! WRONG WRONG!!!!!

I have suffered from social anxiety first and foremost because of the racist country I was raised in and still live in today. The fear of being different and being hated for it. This fear has affected my relationships to the point where I developed depressed. This ofcourse occurred when I was around 10 years old. Now that im 25 and totally alone due to my issues, the least I can do is bother the people whos intolerance has led me to be so unhappy.

King0fclubs January 2nd, 2016

I can relate to the issue of racism. It is still an issue of the world and a terrible blight on our world. While there has been progress we still have a long long way to go.

Thank you for making this post.

squib January 2nd, 2016

Catplum surely knows this already... and its something white Americans like me need to recognize. John Metta wrote,

... here is the irony, here's the thing that all the angry Black people know, and no calmly debating White people want to admit: The entire discussion of race in America centers around the protection of White feelings.

Something like this is often going on when the impact of racism is denied, or minimized, on this site. And it can't be up to those hurt by racism to do all the work of educating everyone else, calling for change, etc. Metta later states,

White people are in a position of power in this country because of racism. The question is: Are they brave enough to use that power to speak against the system that gave it to them?

Akela Lacy expresses as a frustration that I think Catplum is experiencing:

If a black person is too angry or "too aggressive, they are shut down. Theyre playing the race card. They "always want to talk about race.

MonBon January 23rd, 2016


Hey there! I think @squib was adding commentary to the article by quoting some people of their own and generally adding to the discussion in a respectful way. While you are free to disagree, I'd like to remind you to be respectful of all users on the forums, and that includes all ethnicities and many countries as this is an international site :)

Also, please be careful with generalizations as they can contribute to stereotypes and turn a discussion into a negative environment :(

TransAm85 January 25th, 2016

@MonBon Yes I was wrong for saying that. I just hear/see this stuff everyday .. the city I live in is very segregated and the killings/fights are always race related .. But I should have kept that thought to myself. I'm sorry

This post has been deleted
JBlue January 23rd, 2016

@TransAm85 You have a lot of questions!

Are you truly serious? Of course!

Do you pay taxes? Of course!

Do you know where your tax money goes? I do, in fact, based on actual government figures, as opposed to the overheated rhetoric one may hear on talk radio or any of various partisan sources. BTW, I'm going to assume that you are in the US like I am (which I think is true based on what you say and how you say it).

Food stamps, government assistance, project housing, social security, and welfare ..

This is quite a mix of very different programs, funded in very different ways at different levels of government.

Social security is funded by working people for their own future benefit. It is not a handout. Indeed, the only reason it's perceived to be in financial trouble is that lawmakers have been dipping into those funds to serve other purposes.

Food stamps cost $76 billion in 2014 out of the $3.5 trillion the US government spent that year, a whopping 2%. The entire HUD budget was $33 billion. Housing and Human Services spent $78 billion, including Medicare and Medicaid. For comparison, the outlaw for the Department of Defense was $526.6 billion. So my conclusion is that the main place my tax money goes is to supporting the US military.

and who takes most of that? In my state and city .. the black people.

I don't know your state or city, but if what you say is true, it seems likely it's because you have a lot of black people in need. Nationally, whites receive more food stamps than any other racial group (over 40%) - not surprising, as whites are the largest racial group! I'm not aware of any category of assistance for which black people receive a majority of the benefits nationally.

They believe they deserve repercussion for being slaves, so they can lay back and relax and suck off the government.

This is a a broad generalization that is, at the very best, inaccurate. (I believe the word you wanted was "reparations," by the way; they're already living with the repercussions of slavery). There are, of course, some people of all races who might not want to work and are content to subsist on whatever aid they can receive, but in my experience most people of all races want to be productive, do something meaningful, and more than merely subsist but do things like raise families, make a living working with dignity, etc. - just like you.

Yet people want to talk crap about immigrants!

I'm confused by this change of subject. Immigrants want to do all the things I just described as typical aspirations for people of all races.

My husband is Mexican/Italian, half my in laws don't speak English, but they work their butts off!

Good for them! I see no conflict whatsoever in saluting their hard work and aspirations and acknowledging that racism exists and is a genuine problem. And when I think of the voices that disparage immigrants, they tend to emanate mainly from white mouths, in my experience. So I'm not sure why you seem to be pitching this a black people vs immigrants conflict.

Black lives matter? Yes. But get a job!

Again, I'm not sure I follow. It sounds a bit like you're suggesting the lives of the unemployed matter less, somehow? As if police misconduct is OK provided the victim has no job? I guess I don't see the relevance of "get a job" here.

Moreover... you're also suggesting that there are jobs to be had for anyone who simply asks. Jobs that let you make a good living. Opportunity is not equal for everyone in this country, and never has been. Indeed, I think that's a huge part of the problem we're talking about in this whole thread! You could probably find individuals who are exceptions, but for the most part if you were to ask the people you are chiding for not having jobs if they would like one, the most common answer, by far, regardless of race, would be, "Yes, please!"

Don't take my tax money!

My brother-in-law (who pays far more in taxes than I ever will) is fond of saying that taxes are the price he (happily) pays for living in a civilized society. Personally, I'm far more offended by my tax money going to bail out Wall Street bankers (who reaped all the rewards of their irresponsible gambling but dumped all the risk on us) than to help out someone who cannot work, is between jobes, etc. But I suppose you may just have different values.

TransAm85 January 25th, 2016

@JBlue You don't have to justify anything to me. I know what I hear/see everyday. I apologize for what I said.

meaculpa January 8th, 2016


Racism and Discrimination is a big deal because it is designed to crush the 'significant other'. It's brutal and predatory. Creating a YPC section is a good thing done by 7 Cups.

Tyler143 January 8th, 2016

Racism: you can't stop shallowness,just lay-low

Suicide: why?

Itsacrazylifewelive January 8th, 2016

Being an African American Female, I support this post and am glad you found support for your claims.

thoughtfulEyes6463 August 17th, 2016

@CatPlum24 I think many people don't understand this. Especially at the intersection of racism and sexism, there is so much stress, depression, etc. I became depressed at 9 years old, also. I know I will find people who support me some day, and I understand your struggle.

generousMoon9614 October 24th, 2016

Racism is not new. Racism has been here since the beginning of the time. It's all how you react to a situation. Most people do not understand due their environment and the media. I grew up around all races due the school district grew up in. My whites thought it was their right to advise they didn't like us due to our president. Folks do not realize our republicans in congress started the hate that we are in today. The Republicans decided block every bill that President Obama tried to pass. Since, they were not able to stop Obama from being elected the 2nd term. There difference in today's society is that more people are standing up and speaking.

Tazzie August 24th, 2018

Moving thread to Share your Story: People of Color Experiences in Everyday life sub-forum.

TheWanderingMind08 February 3rd

So I've been watching blogs about Denmark because I've heard that this is one of the best places in the world, amazing weather, free education, healthcare and all... Is it true that they are cold and r4ci$t?