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Opiates Created Paranoia
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by TransAm85
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March 13th, 2020
...See more In my late teens and early 20's, I experimented a lot with opioids. I was a rebellious teenager because I was raised in a single parent household by a mother who didn't pay much attention to me. I felt the energy from the pain pills were exciting for those years unfortunately. Now I am 34 and have some health problems, but the narcotic abuse has also mentally disturbed me. Opioids trigger the nerves in our brains and that is what stops the pain, but also the euphoria. Abuse of these drugs damages these nerves also. I suffer from a lot of paranoia, unnecessary worries, and a lot of anxiety. I am no longer doing drugs and have been clean for about 7 years, thanks to my husband, but I share my story to help others. Narcotics do nothing but damage.
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Do Alcoholics Eventually Lose It?
Addiction Support / by TransAm85
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July 26th, 2019
...See more My husband and I have been together for almost 8 years. I was 26 when we started dating so I was still a little too young to notice his alcoholic tendencies. At that time, I liked to go out on weekends and drink myself, so I never paid attention to his drinking so much. After we got married and moved in together, things changed. I started working with him at his auto shop. I see how some of his friends come by around 4 pm and bring an 18 pk almost everyday. He is a high functioning alcoholic. He is not a very big person either, so him drinking a whole 18 pack himself sometimes is killing his liver! My grandma's best friend died from cirrohsis at only 50. My husband is 42 now. We met in 2011 and through the years we have had many ups and downs, but I think his alcohol addiction has had the most impact on his mental functioning? Do people lose memory and concentration? I think he is also starting to go a little nuts. He said to me last night he has been having dreams about dying! I understand that a person's subconscious carries what bothers us most and it can make us have vivid dreams, but that is extreme! He should start seeing a psychiatrist? I cannot help him until he wants to help himself of course. That is causing me some pain though. :(
TransAm85 profile picture
Mentally Abuse Causes Anxiety
Anxiety Support / by TransAm85
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March 15th, 2020
...See more Has anyone ever grew up with a mentally and/or emotionally abusive parent(s)? I was raised with a single mother and two brothers; one younger, one older. My little brother has Autism/ADHD, so my mother babied him a lot and he was more of an inspiration to me. If it wasn't for my little brother, I don't think I would be as strong as I am today. Growing up, my mom was very emotionally and mentally abusive to me, but as a kid/teen I got used to it and didn't realize the effects until I got older. Now I am 33 years old and have serious anxiety issues, don't know how to express my feelings, and always have a hard time making decisions for myself. Even simple decisions, like, what do I want for dinner? I wonder if I have Childhood Emotional Neglect problems? In the back of my mind I can still hear her nagging and criticism. I still keep in touch with her b/c she has no one else. (surprisingly!) She was divorced twice and my older brother turned into a heroin addict. So, I feel extremely guilty often if I don't help her. I want so badly to get rid of these guilty and angry feelings towards her. I want to have the courage to stand up to her. I also need to learn how to express my feelings! My husband is getting sick of me being so .. empty. :(
TransAm85 profile picture
Toxic Relationship?
Relationship Stress / by TransAm85
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September 27th, 2018
...See more I am 33 years old now, but I think I am still suffering the consequences of the toxic relationship between my mother and I. I have read the definitions of a "toxic" relationship and she falls in that category. Now as an adult, I still have a deep feeling of guilt if I don't call her back or respond to her texts and when I see her, I just feel extreme anxiety. On holidays, I feel like having a panic attack because I cannot stand being around her for an extended period of time. My little brother just loves our mother because she babied him, but I was the tortured one. So, how does a person overcome this? I am an adult, but still afraid to stand up to my 64 year old mother! Sounds funny, but .. she's mean. :(
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People Pleaser Syndrome
General Support / by TransAm85
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February 27th, 2017
...See more I am interested in learning more about the People Pleaser and I was wondering if anyone was familiar w/this kind of person? I am curious b/c I think I am co-dependent/people pleaser, but I have not been technically diagnosed. I read that it originates from childhood and I do know that my mother wasn't emotionally available, so I learned from an early age how to keep my mouth shut and just do as told. Other characteristics of a People Pleaser include: never saying "no", cannot set boundaries, low self-esteem, and difficult to relax. I am so tired of feeling guilty for not making everyone happy, but what about myself? Does anyone know more about this issue? Or does anyone have experience with it?
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