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steph8402 April 5th


heyo. this is gonna be totally weird and maybe you won’t get this! we don’t know! but my L account is for some reason not working so I can’t get into it and I can’t talk:/ since this is my member account I can only talk through forums. So for the foreseeable future while i see what’s going on i’ll say hi through here. If you get this. 

oh! if you don’t recognize me remember bob 😎

ok! hopefully you see this!

steph8402 OP April 8th

i know it’s hard. but those are things we can work on then. to be more confident and to be less insecure

steph8402 OP April 8th

also we can start by saying three positive things you did each day even if it was a rough day. so we can do that starting tomorrow(:

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 I’m sorry I didn’t see that it made a 4th page. But yeah maybe that could help

steph8402 OP April 8th


you’re good! yeah it won’t be like oh wow night and day difference but it’s a nice habit to have

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 Thank you though. I wish there was something like a task to work on just so I could work at it and do it but yeah it’s gonna be a time thing. But thank you for helping 

steph8402 OP April 8th

yeah i know it’s hard but it is a time thing and i believe in you a ton and i know you can get there. you got this you gotta start believing in yourself too.

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 Thank you we can do that tomorrow 

steph8402 OP April 8th


yeah we can start tomorrow :)

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 How do you feel about going to school tomorrow?

steph8402 OP April 8th

@Hilltop9394 bleh. i don’t wanna go. just more stress and the last stretch of the end of high school. which i’m kinda sad and nervous about. buttttt i’m bringing Boulevard to school with me tomorrow so that’s fun

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 what’s boulevard?

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@Hilltop9394 Oh yeah and I saw your pictures your trip looked so cool!

steph8402 OP April 8th

my turtle! haha i dont know if you remember me talking about him

steph8402 OP April 8th

oh yeah!! the pictures! thank you! i was looking at the ones i sent you and i saw that one of them i sent has me in it whoops lol but like you can’t really see my face so i guess it’s ok

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 well you had a bunch of people lol

steph8402 OP April 8th

haha perfect you’ll never knowww

Hilltop9394 April 8th

But still really cool photos especially the ones of the ocean 

steph8402 OP April 8th

:) that was my favorite day. thank you. i tried haha.

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 but all of them looked really fun! I’m glad you enjoyed your trip 

steph8402 OP April 8th

thank you. and thanks for letting me tell you about it

steph8402 OP April 8th


well it’s getting late. i hope you have a really good night and thank you for trusting me. i really hope i helped im some way:) have a really good day tomorrow too!!

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 Thank you for listening and letting me talk. I hope your nights good and your day tomorrow is good too. Have have at your day back and get plenty of sleep. Bye!!! (:

steph8402 OP April 8th

byeeee (: