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steph8402 April 5th


heyo. this is gonna be totally weird and maybe you won’t get this! we don’t know! but my L account is for some reason not working so I can’t get into it and I can’t talk:/ since this is my member account I can only talk through forums. So for the foreseeable future while i see what’s going on i’ll say hi through here. If you get this. 

oh! if you don’t recognize me remember bob 😎

ok! hopefully you see this!

steph8402 OP April 6th


its ok you’re not being annoying at all. i know the feeling of people just ghosting me without like no notice so it is scary and that’s why i got so scared yesterday about it because i didn’t want you to think that i just left you like that. you’re really awesome and cool and you deserve the best of the best!

Hilltop9394 April 6th

Is it ok if we talk here my words are running off the screen. It’s like a typewriter lol

steph8402 OP April 6th

lmaoo yes that’s ok just restart it whenever you need to i have the app so it’s like easier to read for me

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 Ok. But I just don’t want you to be upset with me and mostly I don’t want you to stop talking to me. I don’t wanna bother you though either. I know you say you enjoy talking to me but I just don’t believe it. And I’m sorry but that my fault. I just have trouble with people being nice to me. 

steph8402 OP April 6th


yeah i know i get that. it’s ok it’s not your fault it’s the people around you who made you feel that way about people. i won’t stop talking to you(: you can “bother” me as much as you want. which like isn’t bothering whatsoever but yeah.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 But you’re really nice and I don’t want to ever be a burden to you. I’m sorry I don’t really know what to say I’m just really upset and feel bad about myself. But I don’t wanna turn this into a session of self deprecation because it always turns to a loop for the rest of the night. So let’s just talk about something else please. I don’t know what else to say about this

steph8402 OP April 6th


ok yeah we can talk about something else. just know i’m always here for you. good or bad.

cage the elephant took out a new song today! have you listened to any cool music lately

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 that’s so fun! Is it any good? But I haven’t really listened to anything new lately. But a friend was talking to me about a band called title fight so I’m excited to check them out 

steph8402 OP April 6th


ooh sounds cool!! yeah their new songs pretty dope i liked it it’s definitely more rock and stuff but honestly i just got excited for the concert this summer! i’ll have to check out title fight too! the band name sounds really cool.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 she only played one song and it was really cool. It was called head and the ceiling fan and it was very interesting. The concert is gonna be super fun! What about you? Have you listened to anything new?

steph8402 OP April 6th

that’s still super cool she showed you. not really. my friend asked me to go to a concert with her next week on thursday of a band called Mickey Darling. so i’ve been hearing him and sounds very indie i like it! she’s paying for me so i said yea haha. cos i’m very broke at the moment after san francisco. and i heard Artemas which is a singer he has cool songs but i’ve been listening to him for a while but he has a song that’s trending on social media called I like the way you kiss me. but yeah nothing really new.

steph8402 OP April 6th

sorry that was really long

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 No it’s fine it wasn’t that long anyway. But it’s really cool you’re discovering a new artist by going to their concert. I hope you guys have a good time. 

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 But yeah over heard the Artemas song somewhere before. Probably in sta. Thats really cool 

steph8402 OP April 6th

thanks!! she recently just broke up so she wants to do all these fun stuff which like i don’t blame her haha. but i’m her only friend who’s gone through a breakup before so she told me i’m going to end up being the person randomly doing stuff with her. which honestly not complaining because i haven’t been doing much with my life lol. but yeah. hopefully it’s a cool concert.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I’m sorry I hope she’s handling it well. But it’s nice you two are doing fun stuff together. So it’s kinda like a positive to it.

steph8402 OP April 6th

yeah! she’s doing ok. i guess breakups are just kinda sucky in general. butttt yes we are doing fun stuff. always look for positives in the negatives. even though it’s hard it is good to do

Hilltop9394 April 6th
@steph8402 Yeah your right! It’s best to try and be positive. I’m sure the concert will be great and you guys will have a good night.
steph8402 OP April 6th

yes! it will be. alsooo i finally uploaded all my san francisco photos from my camera to my phone! so i can show you them!

Hilltop9394 April 6th

Yay!!!! I’d really like to see them!

steph8402 OP April 6th

ok ok! gimme a second!

steph8402 OP April 6th

you don’t have to see all of them but here are a few of my favorites haha

steph8402 OP April 6th

also sorry it took forever they weren’t uploading fast enough

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 it’s ok it’s just gonna take forever cause I can’t just click them lol. But yeah its a ton of photos

steph8402 OP April 6th

ugh i know i’m so sorry. you can do it later. i don’t wanna make it a million times more complicated for you.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 it’s okay I’ll check them all tomorrow. If anything it’s good cause it will give me something to do haha

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 Something to do at work typo

steph8402 OP April 6th

oh hahaha yes do it! it will take a hot sec lol. but they’re cool pictures! at least i think so

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 Yeah I bet!

steph8402 OP April 6th

haha yeah. well i’m still really sorry we gotta talk like this for the foreseeable 7-10 business day response. i know it’s not technically my fault but i still feel bad.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 But it’s getting late and we should probably get some rest. I hope you have a good night and a good day tomorrow. And hopefully your account gets back to normal soon.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 It’s not your fault at all. It just sucks I gotta reload the page to see if you send a message 

steph8402 OP April 6th

same here it does suck fr.

steph8402 OP April 6th


yes! have a goodnight and a really good day tomorrow(: thanks for putting up with this. sleep well! (:

steph8402 OP April 6th


hey! so apparently i’m going to a family taco night tonight. so sadly i can’t talk today :(

but i hope your day was good. have a good night and a good day tomorrow(:

Hilltop9394 April 7th

@steph8402 Ok, have fun and enjoy the food! I hope your day was good and tomorrow will be too. Bye! (:

steph8402 OP April 7th

thank you(: i’m good to talk today!

Hilltop9394 April 8th

Hi, are you good to talk tonight?

steph8402 OP April 8th

hey! yeah i’m good to talk:) how was your day?

Hilltop9394 April 8th

@steph8402 it was pretty bad, what about you?