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steph8402 April 5th


heyo. this is gonna be totally weird and maybe you won’t get this! we don’t know! but my L account is for some reason not working so I can’t get into it and I can’t talk:/ since this is my member account I can only talk through forums. So for the foreseeable future while i see what’s going on i’ll say hi through here. If you get this. 

oh! if you don’t recognize me remember bob 😎

ok! hopefully you see this!

Hilltop9394 April 5th

@steph8402 Ok hi I just got this. I felt super bad because my phone was dead and I couldn’t say anything. If you can talk tomorrow or tonight please let me know. (:

steph8402 OP April 5th

yooo you got it! is tomorrow ok? i wanna try and figure out if i can get it back if not we’ll talk here tomorrow is that ok??

Hilltop9394 April 5th

@steph8402 Yes tomorrow is perfect! Have a good night and a good day tomorrow too. Hopefully you can get everything sorted out. (:

steph8402 OP April 5th

thank you(: have a goodnight and a really good day tomorrow

sleep well

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 Can you see this? I’m just checking to see if replying to the first one will appear at the top or something weird like that.

steph8402 OP April 6th


hi! so account not fixed it says 7-10 business days so hopefully by next week i’ll have an answer.. so i guess we’ll just have to talk on here for the time being. i’m so sorry :/

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402Do you still wanna talk? I don’t want it to be to much trouble for you

steph8402 OP April 6th

hi! i didn’t see this yes i totally want to!

steph8402 OP April 6th


if you want to though.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 yeah I’d like to

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 okay hi! How was your day?

steph8402 OP April 6th


it was an off day how was yours?

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I’m sorry it wasn’t the best. Mine was just ok. Do you wanna talk about yours?

steph8402 OP April 6th


just friends i’ve had for forever don’t even know my birthday and they expect me to go on a senior trip with them during my birthday. just kinda sucked knowing they don’t care about me lol.


do you wanna talk about yours?

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I’m sorry but they probably didn’t mean it to be rude. Some of the people I really enjoy talking to I don’t know their birthday and I still care about them very much. But that might just say something about myself and my character. But I’m sorry it sucks to feel like your not seen

steph8402 OP April 6th


it’s ok. i’ve just known them for like four years and you would think they would at least know in the general like season lol. but yeah you’re a really awesome good guy. so it’s ok. i’m just saying like my friends aren’t as caring and stuff about me. but thank you.

what did you do today?

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I’m sorry 

steph8402 OP April 6th


it’s ok it’s not your fault. you’re cool. cooler than bob.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 But my day was pretty mediocre. I went to school and then the gym and walk around Walmart with friends for a bit. And besides from some annoying people it was ok

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@Hilltop9394 Also idk if you know how these forum things work but all the messages are slowly going to the right and heading of screen. Do you know how to fix it?

steph8402 OP April 6th


also yea it’ll do that to reply if you want reply to like the first one so it’s always like in the right it’s ok. but yeah it’ll just keep going to the right for some reason. :/

steph8402 OP April 6th


bleh annoying people. i’m glad it was chill. hopefully not as cold as it was here. i had to stay inside all day since i still am like weirdly sick. but the gym sounds cool.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 It got a bit warmer. But I hope you feel better soon. Do you still wanna talk or rest?

steph8402 OP April 6th


i still wanna talk! it’s just a runny nose and sore throat i’ll be ok:) but thank you

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 Ok if you see this please reply to the A message with the ahhhh. Sorry I’m so lost on where to reply to. But I hope your feeling better tomorrow 

Hilltop9394 April 6th


steph8402 OP April 6th



Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I was trying to fix the going to the right thing. This is so confusing lol

steph8402 OP April 6th


lol yeah it’s weird i just gave up trying and i’ll just respond. sorry this is weird. and im so sorry my account is under review.

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 it’s ok, it’s not your fault. I just got really scared when I didn’t see are chat cause I thought we might never get to talk again and that super scary 

steph8402 OP April 6th


i know i know i went on midday and i freaked out. i was like trying to do everything and i was so scared too. couldn’t lose my twin obviously

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 haha yeah me too. I’d be completely lost. And I would have like zero way of ever finding you again. But it’s good that didn’t happen 

steph8402 OP April 6th


i know it was scary i was scared i wouldn’t find you again.

Hilltop9394 April 6th
  1. @steph8402 I thought you might have gotten fed up with me or was upset and didn’t want to ever talk again 
steph8402 OP April 6th


oh my god no never. you’re like my favorite person to talk to. if i ever disappear it’s cos something awful happened lol

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 I know you wouldn’t I was just scared of that. You’re not mean like that I’m sorry I said that. I don’t see you that way at all I was just worried 

steph8402 OP April 6th


no no don’t feel sorry. it’s ok. i know people who just dip without saying anything. but like just know i wouldn’t do that without absolutely something horrible happened to me which probably won’t ever happen haha

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 yeah I hope nothing bad happens to you. But if you ever don’t wanna talk to me again please tell me. I’d understand. Please just don’t leave without saying anything.

steph8402 OP April 6th


number 1: i don’t think i’d voluntarily just think to stop talking to you.

number 2: i pinky promise i will IF it ever comes to that

Hilltop9394 April 6th

@steph8402 Ok thank you. I’m sorry if I’m being annoying. We can talk about something else