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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


humorousNest2550 March 6th, 2016

Hello everyone ..I am new to this forum ..I joined it with a hope that I can free myself of the thoughts I am having by sharing it ..I am a university student ..I was a perfectly balanced student till last year was 3months back that I started having horrible thoughts that I cannot do anything was just a thought but it has grown so much that I am really unable to do anything anymore it anything ..I am just sitting down or lying in bed for most part of the day ..situation have become so worse that I no longertl try to come out of it ..I have given up all my hopes in becoming better ..because I think I can't ..I have so many people loving me so much but I just can't think about them ..coz I am always so busy thinking about these thoughts ..I am so stupid ..I had a perfect life and I have ruined it completely ..there is nothing left ..I just want to die now seriously ..

Mojavad1996 March 6th, 2016

Once I caught myself smiling for no reason but then I realized I was thinking about you my one and only love of my life I'll never hurt you this is what I promise you because since the day you came to my life I've been feeling like the luckiest guy in the world 😊😌💋😘

roxaca March 6th, 2016

Take a nap, eat something, drink something, hug someone and then try again.

MzLexusLove March 6th, 2016

Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to be Reborn...and Rise again as a Stronger and Wiser version of you.

tryingtomoveon March 6th, 2016

Things will get better 😊

LoTRfan1994 March 6th, 2016

Not all those who wander are lost, not all that is gold glitters

waiting2Bfine1day March 6th, 2016

Believe in Karma. What you do to others, you get it back!

I believe in the above quote. I follow it very diligently. But I am still waiting for that day when this Karma of mine will hit me back. Hope ot comes soon because I am tired of being good to the world and being treated as worthless all the time. I don't understand why all this suffering is for me when I am myself to people. I am tired of being broken all the time. Waiting to be fine again!

ItsMichelle March 6th, 2016


-DISNEY laugh

turquoisePapaya8036 March 6th, 2016

"Whatever you are going to be , be a good one".

RiseLikePhoenix March 7th, 2016

As long as you don't give up, you're the winner. :)

notgoinganywhere185 March 7th, 2016

You have to love yourself before loving anyone else

Take your time

There is no rush

casicanhelp March 7th, 2016


Inspire others through love and you'll find music in a human heart... like the sound of a wave that moves a voice in the sea.

-Marco Briano

FadedBeauty March 7th, 2016

Thought a hurricane destroys it also makes room for the beauty

Dancersoul March 7th, 2016

Dance like no one is watching

Strawbfields4ever March 7th, 2016

"There's always a seed before there's a rose. The more that it rains, the more I will grow."

Rainy92 March 7th, 2016

"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you CHOSE your life, you didn

Roseberrytealeaves March 7th, 2016

The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy 😍💕😆😊

BenC1998 March 7th, 2016
"In your mind, there's layers of emotion, but the one that rules them all, is confidence. So next time you feel a little low, remember your confidence."
KatRose March 7th, 2016

Life is tough, but so are you.

Babyblue1261 March 7th, 2016

If you Fall 7 times, then stand up 8❤

Cadwallader March 7th, 2016

H . O . P . E

hold on pain ends

Imaginethestrength March 7th, 2016

Accepting of time isn

ImRecovering March 7th, 2016

If you really think about it, everyone is so preoccupied in their own little world they don't notice that embarassing thing you did that you're stressing about right now.

Loveurself14 March 7th, 2016


Miawalse March 7th, 2016

my favorite quote (because I already know it's me) & laughter is good medicine :

" 1 out of 4 people have some form of mental illness. Look at 3 of your friends, if they're ok, - then it's you. " wink

Pandas4ever March 7th, 2016

@Miawalse That's so arrogant and rude you really need to think about that before you post. That's really offensive.

fairmindedMaple7490 March 7th, 2016

Aim for the moon and if you fail you will land amongst the stars!

NatalieT March 7th, 2016

If you want something different then you have to do something different

samd136 March 7th, 2016

Take a challenge and make it an opportunity

onedirection1993 March 7th, 2016

When your dreams turn to dust, vacuum.

Determined1 March 7th, 2016

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Shero March 7th, 2016

"I believe tomorrow is another day, and i believe in miracles"

funkyBanana4842 March 7th, 2016

Have faith. The road may be hard and long, but with determination and a yearning to get there, eventually you will

QueenLibra March 7th, 2016

You can do this.

sinamynlee March 7th, 2016

You woke up, you're alive. You survived everything life threw at you so far. If you're worried about the future, stop a moment, take a breath, and realize all you have survived so far. I have faith in us. In me, and in you.

Hugyourstingray March 8th, 2016

@sinamynlee thank you for this

brightlight1983 March 8th, 2016

@sinamynlee a like your quote verey much wen reading this made me smile x

Fallonbird14 March 7th, 2016

Happiness is like a butterfly,The more you chase it, The more it Eludes you but if you sit patiently and wait it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

Bunbunz March 7th, 2016

You're never alone and there are always people who care for you. They are there in your life so support you, see you happy and want the best for you.