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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #36 2024 (Monday 09/09/24 - Sunday 09/15/24)

IsayUncle September 9th

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others

Acknowledge, Absorb and Appreciate
KristenHR September 9th


Hello!  How is everyone?  How is life treating you?  I'm a sleepyhead this morning.  I also keep typing the same words over and over like I'm asleep.  Might be that I'm not awake yet.

Have a great week everyone!

Enthenia September 10th

I got the background to go to the bottom of the page!! But now you can't read the text...

I like using VS Code because it lets me open a window in Edge and I can see the changes I make as I work with the code. I still can't get it to load on Azure but maybe if I make the changes in Git...

I'm down to two of my reports for the month! Going to wait on one to see if there's any more customer activity because more activity could change things.

Enthenia September 10th

And I passed the first assignment once I submitted it correctly. Should have the second assignment submitted soon.

mytwistedsoul September 11th

@Enthenia Hey that's great! Congratulations 😊

Enthenia September 11th

@mytwistedsoul thanks! I sent the code to my work email so I can edit it after I get a report out of the way. That way I can hopefully fix my formatting without cutting into the dog's playtime at home. It's slowly getting cooler so she'll be able to go outside again in the afternoon. Went out for about half an hour yesterday. Humidity was a little too much for her.

mytwistedsoul September 12th

@Enthenia Hey that's a really smart idea! And to try and get things done with work and school so that your dog can enjoy more playtime in the cooler weather! That is so awesome! I'm sure she loves it 😊

Enthenia September 12th

@mytwistedsoul yes. It was cooler yesterday and I took her right out because my buses made me late coming home. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had stayed on one but I thought we reached the stop before the connection did so I got off. Apparently, the connection had been early.

So, I took her out once I changed my shirt. She had fun playing with her outdoor ball.

And I remembered to send the CSS code to work. Just had the HTML so I couldn't try some of the effects I had found...

mytwistedsoul September 13th

@Enthenia Oh boy it really throws things off when we're running late doesn't it? I'm glad she had fun playing with her ball! Does she bring it back or does she like to play keep away with it? 

I'm glad you remembered to send the code you needed. Effects? That sounds interesting! 
Enthenia September 13th

@mytwistedsoul she's a herder, not a retriever. She carries it then places it where she wants it to go. Then I have to get it and throw it again.

mytwistedsoul September 13th

@Enthenia Tbh alot of times the retrievers don't retrieve it either lol! A herder! I bet she has a lot of energy! 

Enthenia September 13th

@mytwistedsoul yes! So much more than the one I used to have.

Psalm139 September 10th

My goal this week is to adjust to being back on my medication while still maintaining our (second week of the year) homeschool routine. I also need to work on keeping up with the house better. It’s challenging because I’ve been so tired.

I hope everyone had a good start to their week yesterday!💛

mytwistedsoul September 11th

@Psalm139 I hope the week goes well for homeschooling and your meds. Omgosh housework is a neverending battle isn't it? 

Psalm139 September 11th

Thanks! And yes! I wish I could just do everything once a week (or even once a day!) and have everything stay done and clean!

mytwistedsoul September 12th

@Psalm139 Once a week would be awesome! That would free up so much time! 

mytwistedsoul September 11th

So I panicked early over a dentist appointment that isn't until next Tuesday 😅 

I've been fixing fencing around the pasture. The top rails are pretty bad. And got the chicken nuggets (peeps) in their new home

Hope everyone has a good week! 

IsayUncle OP September 11th

Hello everyone, ohh it's really nice seeing everyone converse and support each other. 💗

Kristen, hope you finally got your coffee and woke up for the week, Psalm, good to see you here 😀. Enthenia, Keep up the good work, congrats on your assignment and Soul.... sorry you didn't get your teeth done so you could be done with it. arrrgh but Happy farming. 🐔

I'll be mostly MIA for a while. I'm in over my head on all fronts. 😕 but it'll work out😅.

peeps to chicken nuggets 🤣😁😂🤣😁😂 reminds me of tiny.... miss her. 😢

And to all my other threadster friends, I hope you have a great week and weekend.

CyclingThroughLife September 12th


Tossing you a floatie to help you get out from being over your head......good vibes coming your way....take care of your business....I got faith you got this.....come vent anytime.....

mytwistedsoul September 12th

@IsayUncle You got this! We're all rooting for you! 

Enthenia September 13th

@IsayUncle I just now saw this. I did do a lot of work on the code. Even got a "contact us" form made!

But, when I got home, I found that the email with the saved code didn't send from my work email. Thought it had. I had taken tomorrow off but I guess I'll have to go in just to get that email sent. That will take me maybe five minutes. Then I'm at a loss on what I should do next. Nothing around will be open and I could get the bus to go to the store but it doesn't open until seven. None of the other shops in the center around the store will be open either. There's a bagel place but I can't do bagels...

CyclingThroughLife September 11th

Happy Wednesday.....Just getting in here to say hello....Its been a week.....especially at work......I did manage to take tomorrow off thought because I will have to work on Sunday and Monday, my normal days if I didn't take tomorrow off I'd be working 9 days in a row.....taking tomorrow I only have to work 6....anyway....this week I just want to maintain.....maintain my workouts, maintain my normal house chores, yadda yadda yadda......

Anyway, If I don't make it back in here, have a great week and keep on keepin on......

mytwistedsoul September 12th

@CyclingThroughLife I hope you have a good day off from work! 

CyclingThroughLife September 12th

I am sure this isn't the place to post this but this little thread is what I consider "my community" folks are the ones I interact with on 7Cups the most.....even if I don't participate or get in here on a daily basis....I'm putting this out there and maybe someone has some thoughts or ideas....feel free to comment....or not....either way is fine.... I shared the following paragraph in my own thread.....I have one that is like a diary of sorts....If you want to know all things Cycling, follow along the link at the bottom.....just a warning...there is a lot to read about me in the couple of years I've been jotting things down in there every so is todays issue....

I feel like I'm definitely missing something or needing something in my life right now....a change somewhere?  Maybe....or maybe something else?.... Who knows....I know I feel "stuck", "lost" and a little depressed.....its kind of a looming feeling that something isn't right....that I need to fix or change something.....and for the last week or so, I've been searching and just can't seem to put my finger on it....nothing has really changed in my life worth causing this shake I'm not sure where the feelings are coming from....I guess I'll continue to hold out until it goes away or I get/find my answer.....

Want to get to understand or know me and follow below....

IsayUncle OP September 13th


That's a really good thread. i keep up with it too. 

Try not to despair my friend. Sadly, I'm saying this from a point of disparity at the moment and so i'm trying to take my own advice also. 

You hold fast! Let this storm past. it will.

CyclingThroughLife September 13th


Thank you....and I know you will be ok also......keep on keepin on....

IsayUncle OP September 14th


thanks... will do!

Enthenia September 13th

Fortunately I figured out what was wrong this morning. Took one of my own emails to tell me instead of the corporate one. I did a JavaScript file and unlike other files when you do them on Notepad, JavaScript changes the file to an application which cannot be sent. CSS, HTML, and even Java doesn't do that.

I had to save it as a .txt file so I could export it and I can name it back to .js once I get it on my computer.

Going to do laundry and check the mail I think. Just got up. Bought some soda at the natural foods store (was marked down) but I think the sugar amount was too much. Didn't check. Should have.

IsayUncle OP September 14th


Good sluething about the notepad and JS. I like it when I understand a little bit of what you're talking about.. You make me feel computer smart.😁.

Hope you got your laundry and your mail done.. Bummer about the over sugar and soda well maybe just drink half and if the other half goes flat add some water to it and turn it into kool-aid and it'll have half the sugar.😏

Enthenia Saturday

@IsayUncle I don't know what it was. I hesitantly had one later because I hadn't gotten water yet and it didn't affect me too badly. Of course I did it sort of half and half. 

As for the code, I'm still having trouble getting it to show up on the preview window. I'll work on it a bit today. 

I confused someone at the office yesterday when I was explaining why the email didn't send. At least, when I figure out something connected to an assignment, I don't feel idiotic like I feel a lot at work. Work I have a lot of things to keep track of at the same time. They want people to be like computers but that's an impossible task. We can't process things as fast as computers. That's why machines have taken over a lot of data intense routine tasks.

Enthenia Saturday

This is an example of what I've been working on. Background isn't working again, and I had to modify the form. Need to add email space to it. The first snip is dark because I have high contrast on. Need it for my eyes. Still need to fix a lot before I can submit it.


IsayUncle OP Sunday


looks good. real life results! You'll get it but i wish it was easier for you. you've been working and improving for a long time. You deserve easier sometimes 🧐.

As much as you're on the computer, probably a good idea.... dark mode. 👍.

Enthenia Sunday

@IsayUncle when I got trained at my job, I knew that I couldn't work all day with regular screen settings so I changed the contrast settings. When I got my first computer for school, I did the same thing. 

As for the struggle, that seems to be a constant thing. I'm sure I can figure it out if I know how to phrase it correctly in a search. 

Enthenia Sunday

I scrapped what I had as current code because I couldn't get everything to work in sync. I got a color changing header (you can't see the color change).


I need to make the logo transparent. Not sure why the menu is on the right side, but I got rid of the white space on the page!


IsayUncle OP Monday


Very Cool! 😀

Enthenia Monday

@IsayUncle I can't get it to work on the site though. Works fine in preview mode but when I update the code on the site, it doesn't change.

cloudySummer Monday

@Enthenia Sometimes, when everything has been done correctly, it's the browser cache. Or the server cache.

Enthenia Tuesday

@cloudySummer I was reading about that on a Stack answer. Said it can take hours for the servers to update. Think I'm going to resubmit it already. I got a grade on it. Not sure what it is but I found a code example for a gallery section (which I want to do) so I think I should have the overall page more minimalistic. If I can find examples that I can translate to my page, that is.