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Understanding 7 Cups Culture (LDP Discussion #5)

GlenM July 28th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity. Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

We are wrapping up the first course today with our last discussion on culture. Look for more instructions in this post to take the final evaluation for the course to your graduation. Once you have this course complete, you will be 20% done the Leadership Development Program. Good work!

Let's start by looking at the wikipedia definition of culture:

--Culture (/ÃkÃltÃÃr/) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.[1]

We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact.

Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values and mission are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do.

Please read our guide here to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values.

One theme you'll notice in our guide is that it is very proactive, which is the opposite of reactive. We act first, we design first, we implement first in order to make an impact. Companies that react allow events to shape them; we instead try to focus on where we can have influence and shape events before they shape our community.

Part of being proactive is critical because building culture online is more challenging than building a culture offline. Offline interpersonal and group relationships are easier in a number of ways. People are generally much better behaved when they are right in front of you and it is easier for people to sync up and work towards a common goal. Online cultures have less of these natural strengths so you have to be extra proactive to build a strong culture. Look at most communities on the Internet. Unfortunately, they tend to devolve and become less than safe places with a lot of hate, sexual, and harmful behaviors. Our training system, the badges, word filters, moderators, etc. (dozens of behaviors we do) are all designed to proactively build and reinforce our culture so that we do not experience this same kind of entropy. Internet culture can be like an escalator going down. You have to be very proactive and take 2 or 3 steps up at a time to maintain and strengthen gains. As a leader on 7 Cups, you will be part of that group that gets behind us and enables us to continue making forward momentum.

That provides the broader background context to why we care so much about our culture and values at 7 Cups. They are core to our work.

To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.
2. Take the leadership oath here
3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your trial!
4. Proceed to Course 2!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

NorahListens September 3rd, 2020

Three things that I have learned from the 7 cups culture guide:

1. The importance of team work in the process of growth for the community, as well as the individuals.

2. Failure is an essential part of learning and growth.

3. The importance of high empathy and high warmth, and how the lack of even one of these could be detrimental towards the growth of the community

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020


Hi Norah! Great response! I agree that all three of these are really good points, and I especially loved the point about joe failure is essential in learning and growing, it's not something you always hear.

Petrichor2000 September 3rd, 2020


I learnt that trusting is a good thing. In a world where trusting is underappreciated and sometimes shunned, a community based on trust is love.

I learner about taking responsibility for my act. Kinda like integrity.

And I learnt that it's okay to be dependent on others. Because a successful community exists only as the members trusts and depends on each other.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


That is very true in regards to trusting being shunned sometimes. "a community based on trust is love." I love that. I like how you linked trust to being dependent, it is so true. I find dependence can be shunned sometimes as well, but it's all about balance and context.

Petrichor2000 September 17th, 2020


Thank you.

softMusic9759 September 5th, 2020

The three important posts I took away from the guide are:

1. Failure should not be something you are scared of! It helped me understand that if you fail, keep trying because even if you fail twelve times, the thirteenth time might be when you succeed.

2. Problems are disguised gifts! (From Self-Efficacy or Mastery) Problems help you gain more knowledge and skills that may be needed to move to the next level!

3. I think it was also important that it mentioned that as leaders, we should take care of ourselves first!

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Brilliant answer! You have rightly pointed out the importance of failure, problems and self-care in life and in organisations. I wish you the best in your journey ahead!

Suryansh September 6th, 2020


Thank You so much Glen, for providing those things and guide to us.

3 Things I learned that I believe are much more important are :-

1. High Expectation & High Warmth = I believe it is really very important to be a good leader.

2. Friendliness and Conscientiousness :- It is also much more important so as to assure the relations and the work is better and good. Porving warmth can literally be a great support.

3. Accountability :- It is really very impotant to success.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey! I like them all, and find them all to be critical as well to building a good community! Providing warmth can be by friendliness, actively valuing someone or simply empathy. <3

BookChunky September 9th, 2020


Highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

The most essential thing I believe I have learned from the 7 cups culture guide is that MY WORK MATTERS, as a psychology student I understand the importance of actively listening to someone and being able to communicate with them in the appropriate manner. Through all the work we do as listeners and leaders on 7 cups we are changing lives and making a difference in our community through our postive actions.

While we do play significant role as listeners on 7 cup, it is extremely crucial for us to be accountable for our actions towards our members and ourselves. We have to be open about the work that we do and share with everyone clearly everything that we have accomplished or failed to do so we learn from those experiences and get proper feedback.

Lastly, Trust within the members and listeners is important as it would enable us to grow/become empowered as individuals and support the community in growing as well. 7 cups also builds warmth, love and trust amongst the people which uplifts the spirits of everyone in the community.

I find the whole 'High Expectations and High Warmth' part of the 7 cups to be extremely a unique and interesting concept.

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020


This is a very well written, thought out response! I agree with you on the accountability, and I also agree that the "high expectations and high warmth," concept is very interesting and unique, I really like it!

freshMint9376 September 9th, 2020

Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1. Trust - everything else is useless without trust in my opinion.

2. Expecting failure - it's good to have realistic expectations.

3. Accountability - we are accountable to everyone.

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Mint, you have wonderfully pointed out the importance of trust, failure and accountability! I wish you the best in your journey ahead.

bubblyJulie September 10th, 2020


3 things that I learned from 7 Cups Culture Guide:

"Leadership" is not just an aimless term: It comes with accountability, confidence, and respect. Nowadays, nothing is more important than strengthening yourself and taking up space in society. I want to keep enhancing my leadership skills not only to inspire others but also to unleash my inner potential of becoming a great leader.

We may help people around us, but it's essential to keep in mind that taking care of ourselves is one of the top priorities.

This is a community built on trust. We trust each other and we grow together.

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


Great response! I love how you discerned how leadership is not just leading but it is a slew of traits and aspects of a person. Everyone can be a leader but not everyone can be a good one.

Endure777 September 11th, 2020


The three most important things I learned while reading the guide are that 7 cups wants team members to work hard on themselves and the team, they emphasize collaboration, and they treat everyone equal. I find it important that 7 Cups wants its team members to work hard on improving themselves because self-improvement is how we better understand ourselves; when we understand ourselves, we understand what we can and can't do to help others. I love how 7 Cups emphasizes collaboration because no one person can solve every problem,it takes collective action to solve the most troubling problems. Lastly, it is important that everyone is treated equal because everyone brings their own value to the table, regardless of what skills they excell or lack in.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey! I love how you said self-improvement is needed to understand further things and how our actions can be beneficial or not to others. So very true with collaboration- two heads are better than one. :)

hopedreamlove September 11th, 2020

3 most important things I learned:
1.) 7 cups is built on trust. This is important to me because I feel like everyone deserves trust, and trust can definitely help you feel more supported, and as a result, succeed.

2.) 7 cups is high expectations and high warmth since both those things are needed to succeed and grow. I feel like 7 cups being high expectations and high warmth is important because it gives you a lot of room to grow, but not on your own, there are people there for you.

3.) 7 cups helps is identify work that we are good at, interested in, and that helps us reach a goal. I feel this is super important because 7 cups allows you to work at something you enjoy doing, are good at, at the same time in helping you reach a goal, that can give more us more passion and dedication to the volunteering we do.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey Hope! Trust is so critical in all relationships, I feel! With trust, you can do anything. I like how you summarised point 2, gives you warmth and room to grow with others. :)

Saquib16 September 12th, 2020


Three things that I learned:

1. Trust: Trust is one of the highest form of respect that one can offer & trust is foundation of any relationship weather professional or personal. Here at 7 Cups trust is a core element.

2. Identifying Strengths and Improving: Identification our signaure strength and working on those can bring a effective result for individual as well as community.

3. Collaborate: Collabration is a synergy between individual to solve the upcoming challenges. A team or community can serve better than an individual.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Hey, Saquib! I love what you said about trust- "foundation of any relationship". Worded perfectly. Honing in on your strengths and working with others who have different strengths leads to powerful collaboration.

September 13th, 2020

1 I think trust would help 7 cups grow and to reach where it wants to be. Being able to trust people help each team member would do what they said they would do. It also makes a postive working place. A place where they do no trust thier co workers can lead to a toxic and disfuctional place.

2 failure. I think failure is necessary to become a better person and leader. Life is all. About learning , growing and become a better person. If you failure you could also ask for feedback to how to improve next time.

3 trying hard. Trying hard is makes other people see you as a hard worker and some one who can be counted on. Hard fork pays off at the end if you want a higher role.

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


Absolutely! My CCA teacher always says the cycle of growth consists of failure and trying harder. It's interesting to me that almost every reply I've seen has mentioned trust. Trust is obviously a huge part of our community.

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


I agree with you. You have rightly pointed out the importance of trust, failure and trying hard. I wish you the best in your journey ahead.

shiningSound31 September 13th, 2020

The three most important things that I learned from the guide are:

1) Trust is the superpower of 7 Cups. The ability of a person to trust others and vice-versa is the most powerful aspect that increases the effectiveness of the work we do.

2) The importance of keeping high expectations from others while being friendly to them (or giving them warmth) increases trust. When a friend 'A' keep high expectation from someone 'B', then the person 'B' feels being valued and this increases the trust of 'B' in 'A' and vice-versa.

3) The importance of conscientiousness. It is being rightly mentioned in the guide that the quality of conscientiousness is the single biggest indicator of success. It increases trust as a person who is highly conscientiousness can be trusted to work hard and get the job done.

Also, It has been really important for the trainees to read about the harmful behaviours that can decrease the 'gas tank' of 7 Cups.

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


I definitely agree. Your example of high expectations and high warmth is great. I think gas tank analogy is very helpful as well.

shiningSound31 September 22nd, 2020



InvaderStitch September 13th, 2020

I learned that being proactive is key. That we cannot sit around and wait for something negative to happen, we have to learn to predict what may happen and be 2-3 steps ahead of it, if possible. For example we use our censors, and while a lot of times the censors are very annoying, they are there to help make sure that 1-1 conversations remain safe and supportive. This is important to me because I want 7cups to remain a safe and supportive environment for me and the millions of other users. I want to be proud to call myself a volunteer on this site, and doing that depends on the quality of the safety and support that is provided for everyone involved.

I took the survey about strengths and was actually relatively surprised by what it said my biggest strengths were, or at least the order of them. They were ones I wouldnt usually list as top strengths, but I can definitely see them as strengths. The categories of strengths that scored the highest for me were justice and wisdom. The strength that was the highest was fairness. I think this will help contribute to my work as a strong leader because to keep the site supportive and safe for everyone it is important to be fair with all we do. Expectations, guidelines, and even consequences. Being fair increases the sense of trust that members and listeners have toward leaders.

Also, the culture of expecing failure really stood out to me because failure is hard to accept. But if we can learn to learn from failure then we can be even better than we ever imagined. I think my #3 strength (love of learning) will suit me will for this culture. I dont like failing and I have a hard time with it, but it will do me well to remember that if I want to learn to fly sometimes Im going to fall and thats okay, as long as I get up and learn from my mistakes. This is going to take some major work on my end with self-confidence in the face of failure, but if I can master it here, I can master it in my personal life as well and then Ill be unstoppable when I set my mind to something.

rebecca947 September 17th, 2020


Stitchy! I love that you mentioned proactivity, it is so important. We have to be the action seeker. I love how you gave examples to all your points to highlight them in an actionable way and tie them in with values. You have such a unique sense of writing that I adore. For failure, as I have said to myself and others- every opportunity is a learning experience. Learning definitely includes failing and being taught a lesson from it, so we can improve our future. <3

SophieWX September 13th, 2020


1. Everyone's work matters, when all of them come together, we can achieve something huge.

2. Trust and warmth is key to what we do on 7cups.

3. Focusing effort on problems that matter instead of every single one, put your strength to work on the meaningful things.

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020


I think you've got it.

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


You have wonderfully pointed out the important aspects of the culture of 7 Cups in a succinct manner. I wish you the best in your journey ahead.

PinkPizzaz September 13th, 2020

The three biggest things I learned from the guide are:

Being negative, mean, or treating others badly drains your tank. This is very interesting. I like the thought of that because it implies that all human beings feel better when they are kind, generous, and positive. Just a thought.

We have high expectations AND high warmth. This is very important because it means we are constantly growing and improving while still being kind and supportive. I was actually thinking about how other communities who don't have both of these don't grow as well. If you think about it this way you can see the differences between 7cups and others and how it affects their communities.

We're all here for each for other. That are plenty of members of the community who want to help and support you. I think that's pretty important.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, Pizzaz! I love your username haha I love the first one you brought up, I think your thought is definitely spot on correct.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 28th, 2020


Thoughtful answer :)

SofiaT2000 October 28th, 2020

@PinkPizzaz The conclusion is indeed important. It's very relieving to have someone to lean on. I'm grateful to be in a community that I can ofer and receive support! :)

peacefulWarrior10 September 14th, 2020

The 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you?

~ 1. Online Culture Building is no easy job and we need to be real serious to make it a success and continue the same.

2. We save lives through every single small thing we do here on a positive note. Directly or indirectly. In the short term, or in the long term. Our hard work, saves lives. Our work matters.

3. It is ok to fall back and make mistakes, but it is not ok to remain there. Seek guidance, seek second chance, discuss your challenges and move forward with new learnings. And if you need to opt out, recognize that ahead of time and inform the concerned people.

These learnings are important to me because I think they will set my personal culture and add to my personal values too. It will align me to the mission of 7cups as well as make me a better leader in every sphere of life. It will help me stay on the same page with my fellow leaders and team mates on the project assigned to me here. It gives a proper framework to operate around.

rebecca947 September 19th, 2020


Hey, Warrior! Online culture building is definitely a very tough task and I think in some ways, tougher than in-person. It's hard because you're dealing with so many different people from different cultures who have different values and standards, and you're dealing with people who have negative intentions.
We impact everyone we come across, and every site. We definitely do save lives through what we do here, and that's something to be so proud of. I like how you said "It is ok to fall back and make mistakes, but it is not ok to remain there." Overall, I love your thoughtful responses and I hope for your continued success on here as a leader and a listener!

peacefulWarrior10 September 24th, 2020


Thank you for always encouraging and wishing the best! ❤

peacefulWarrior10 September 24th, 2020


Thanks, you make me feel understood!