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PL 101: The Big 5 (Discussion 3)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

I am having a blast with you all. This leadership program is a lot of fun and Im glad we are doing it. I think itll help across many fronts. Shout out to @aleks2 and @quietmagic for their help looking at the first batch of results on our leadership composition. ÃÂ

Here is a summary:


Here is a summary from @quietmagic on what our collective - all of us together - strengths and weaknesses might be:

Leadership Crew Strengths:

Altruism/motivation: Having a deep passion for helping people that drives all we do and creates a feeling of purpose and meaning

Idealism: Having inspiring dreams and visions of just how unbelievably powerful and beneficial this site can be: imagining all of the good we might be able to create, all of the suffering we might be able to help heal

Kindness: Being able to create a kind, cooperative, culture that is gentle and considerate with people's feelings

Compassion: Being able to understand, connect with, and feel an urgency to resolve the needs, concerns, or problems of the people that we serve

Relationship: Feeling a yearning for deep, meaningful connections with others, creating a community where people are able to be authentic and feel a sense of belongingness

Leadership Crew Weaknesses

Practical implementation: Developing and optimizing systems, managing the fine details for concretely achieving our broad goals

Risk-taking: Being willing to take risks or make drastic changes to existing systems/practices where needed

The above analysis feels/seems right to me. This new leadership program in fact can be seen as one way that we are attempting to address a growth area by optimizing our leadership systems! And, zooming back, if there was going to be a team of people that was going to try to pull off the impossible (a free emotional support system), then I think itd be with the leadership composition described above under strengths. Itll take a lot of optimism and kindness to make this a reality!

Okay, lets transition to the next exercise and discussion.

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here ÃÂ and below.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?


After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

SoulfullyAButterfly July 22nd, 2020

@Magicallykermit58 Thank you

ouiCherie December 29th, 2020


Yep. Definitely good nature, courteous and very supportive 😊

With so many things you're contributing in here, that conscientiousness percentile is not a surprise at all ❤️

shiningDay80 July 15th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I believe this test just validated what I already knew. I know I am anxious…ALOT! But, I am caring and lovable and love to do right by others. I am creative and somewhat organized for the most part.

2. What were your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Agreeableness- I am good-natured, courteous, and supportive

Open-Mindedness- I am relatively open to new experiences

Conscientious- I am well-organized and reliable

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Knowing that I am creative and caring, I can bring it to every aspect of my life, which I do. Rather it is in the classroom with my students, in my counseling internship, or in my interpersonal relationships. The people I love depend on someone who is reliable and stable. Honestly, Im the most organized stable one in my family!

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I want to continue making an impact in others lives, including on this platform. Ive always been the type of person who was protective of others, and having the opportunity to be on the safety patrol team would help me do just that. I am responsible and although introverted, I am a great listener all-around.

July 27th, 2020


That's nice :)

curvedmanager74 July 15th, 2020

I've taken this before (what psych major hasn't?) And I didn't feel it was as accurate as other tests (though the questions were the same/similar) and I think part of it was due to influence from the personal questions they asked at the end (which I filled out randomly because I am not giving out my personal location and zipcode to some random site lol). But I got open mindedness, contientiousness, extraverted (51, so more like ambivert), disagreeable, and neuroticism. Ironically enough, I wouldn't agree that I'm disagreeable. I've been described by supervisors as "kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, and considerate" and those are also how I view myself and how I answered the questions pertaining to it. I agree with the extraversion to a point - lockdown has definitely made me more introverted, but I know it's temporary. I think all these traits have good and bad aspects to them and for the most part, I don't mind my results.

QuietMagic July 15th, 2020

@curvedmanager74 Yup, this test uses the personal questions to report percentiles compared to age/gender. The raw scores are at the bottom of the results page if that's of interest. (E.g. my raw score for agreeableness was ~60%, but I guess because a lot of people are scoring themselves as being highly agreeable, my percentile ended up being ~40%. Slightly smiling)

I like what you said about the traits having good/bad aspects. Also like how you're interpreting the results based on your current situation and reaching your own conclusions about what they mean.

Petrichor2000 July 15th, 2020


High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 89)


High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Your percentile: 24)


High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Your percentile: 68)


High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. (Your percentile: 44)

Negative Emotionality

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 91)

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I got a way with peoples. I love adventures.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?


I am quite agreeable

I like taking risks.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I can try to be more organized and less selfless.

I should manage emotions well now.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I like taking risks.

I am quite agreeable.

SofiaT2000 October 26th, 2020

@Petrichor2000 It sounds that you are very charismatic! Congrats! Don't allow negativity to take over since you're so skilled and I'm sure that you'll make it. I have had a pretty high percentile in negativity as well. Would you like to mention how you cope with it? :)

QuietMagic July 15th, 2020


Results (percentiles):
Openness: 96%
Conscientiousness: 100%

Extraversion: 16%
Agreeableness: 39%
Neuroticism: 41%

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

In the past when I've taken Big Five tests, I usually score moderately high on openness and conscientiousness, astronomically low on extraversion (heh), and somewhere in the middle on the other two.

I tend to view my results as being like a mood ring that tells me where my current head space is at. The fact that I scored a lot higher than normal on openness and conscientiousness this time feels like it's consistent with me being in a more analytical, organizing, perfectionistic sort of state recently.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

The dimensions where i had the most extreme scores were conscientiousness (high), open-mindedness (high), and extraversion (low). Possible strengths based on that:

  • Putting forth effort to do things carefully
  • Exploring complex issues, identifying patterns, and coming up with ideas/solutions
  • Able to feel content with minimal social contact

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Based on these test results, I'm able to keep track of things that I need to do, create plans for getting them done, and apply effort to completing them.

Based on the previous test results, I'm able to notice subtle shifts in my feelings, understand the significance or meaning of them, and use this information to act in ways that feel like they are consistent with my values and happiness.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Based on analytical/organizational strengths (current test), I'd be able to perform detail-oriented tasks, design systems, notice errors, and follow rules/best practices.

Based on empathic sensitivity (previous test), I'd be able to understand others' perspectives/feelings and resolve conflicts in a tactful, diplomatic way.

Sandson July 15th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

While I was aware that I have a generally supportive personality as emphasized by the MBTI, I was astonished to discover I landed in the 96 percentile on Agreeableness. I learned that I am very well-organized and reliable with a score in the 86 percentile on Conscientiousness. The latter was surprising as I tend to see myself as rather disorganized.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

1. Agreeableness (96 percentile)

This means I am greatly interested in other people. I care for them with empathic concern. That I wish to contribute to the happiness of others, and aid people who are in need of help.

2. Open-Mindedness (89 percentile)

This means that I am open and very curious about other persons and in the world. I'm eager to learn new things and tackling new challenges. I will happily ponder on abstract and philosophical concepts.

3. Conscientiousness (86 Percentile)

With this score I am thoughtful and goal-directed. I think about how my behavior affects others. I take my time to prepare and is mindful of details. I plan ahead and enjoy having a set schedule.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

By being aware of these strengths in my personal life, I can benefit from having extensively more gratifying resolutions socially, academically and introspectively. By having my strengths identified I can start working on and keep maintaining a better belief in myself and my capabilities. It can help me remind myself what I want to work towards in life. Projects that lights up my passion flare and keeps me motivated.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Career - As identified on both of these tests, my strengths lie with helping others in some aspect. Helping finding solutions to human challenges and create real change in others' lives would be major factors when finding a career of passion. I would have projects that I can take my time on, and focus on in detail to accommodate for my meticulous nature. Something that can also provide me with new challenges to tackle.

7 Cups - Since you always help others in some shape or form no matter what leadership role you take on 7 Cups, I believe I have a have a home here with our wonderful community. From my already established fascination for Psychology and Mental health, and the strengths that I have identified on these tests, I believe that I can contribute well to community-building and helping people feel understood, heard and supported.

Skyglider July 15th, 2020


Catching up!

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Most of my results weren't a surprise. I think I'm a little more introverted than extroverted (extroverted introvert), and I certainly have a messy desk. But I don't feel I'm as irresponsible as the test results said. And this contradicts my hardworkingness pointed out in my 16 test.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Open-Mindedness High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 92)
Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 10)
Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Your percentile: 77)
Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You tend to consider the feelings of others. (Your percentile: 73)
Negative Emotionality High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 92)

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I can be more aware of my conscientiousness, and find ways to be more dependable and organized. I can continue to work on seeing things in new ways and being more patient, and find ways to improve my "negative" emotionality.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

In the previous test (16), being a diplomat, being open-minded and considerate will be beneficial here. That I believe in the good in people and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. That I want to continually grow and learn and develop my skills and experience.

SushiSunshine July 15th, 2020


My results:

Open-mindedness: 68th percentile

Conscientiousness: 72nd percentile

Extraversion: 38th percentile

Agreeableness: 86th percentile

Negative Emotionality: 44th percentile

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Some of the main things I learned about myself include that while I am relatively open to new experiences, I also like to have some routine or some degree of structure. I also learned that I am not particularly nervous nor calm; this was interesting to learn because I thought I would lean a little more to the nervous side. It was also nice to see some overlap with the strengths that I learned about from taking the 16 Personalities test.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My top three strengths according to this test are Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Open-mindedness.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Since I scored highly in agreeableness, this indicates that I tend to be good-natured, sympathetic, forgiving, and courteous. This strength is very beneficial in my personal relationships such as friendships, as this strength helps me to be sensitive to the needs of others. I scored high in conscientiousness which indicates that I tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, and careful. This strength is beneficial in my personal life as it allows me to be organized and able to balance all of my responsibilities so that I can attend to each of them to the best of my ability. I scored somewhat high in open-mindedness which indicates that I am relatively open to new experiences.This strength is beneficial in my personal life because while I tend to be original, creative, curious, and complex, I can complement these traits with my like for routines. These strengths that I learned about from the Big Five Test overlap with the strengths that I learned about from the 16 Personalities Test (creative, insighful, and, inspiring/convincing).

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

The strengths that I have identified on both tests can help me in many ways here on 7 Cups and in my future career. With my strength of creativity/open-mindedness I can come up with various projects to help improve 7 Cups, and as a future psychologist I can come up with creative ways to provide my clients/patients with the mental health treatment/support that they need. I can use my strength of conscientiousness here on 7 Cups to be a reliable and disciplined listener to some returning members that I have, which is also a good trait of a psychologist. Finally with my strength of agreebleness (which I think has some overlap with insightfulness and inspiring/convincing) I will be able to make connections between people and events/emotions as well as show empathy both here on 7 Cups and in my future career.

I am really enjoying this program so far!

softMusic9759 July 16th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I think an important thing I learned was that I have a pretty negative emotionality, which personally I categorized it as being shy and not the most talkative - seeing it put into words relating to "negative" makes me feel a bit weird haha!

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
Agreeableness, Negative Emotionality (D:) and Open-mindness!

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Being open-minded and generally agreeable as the test puts it, seems like two very important qualities when talking to others and making sure that everything will flow in a smooth matter! You're able to experience new opportunities and meet new people while making sure that you are making positive connections.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

When talking to members online, I think an important thing to show is that you are able to relate to them in some way or that you're listening. This extends to when you are a leader, you want to make sure your "followers" are comfortable speaking to you about any problems - using strengths like agreeableness can help people connect to you more.

River July 16th, 2020


This definitely was a lot of fun!

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am a person who is open to new experiences and adaptable to the changes. I prefer having some alone time.I tend to be reliable and helpful, also being quite forgiving and empathetic. I also figured I tend to worry a lot about things.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Adaptable, reliability and helpfulness.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

It helps me to figure out the areas I am good at and knowing this can help me with knowing myself better and being better connected with myself. Hopefully it can also help me use my strengths to maintain relationships and grow as a better person keeping in mind about my weaknesses.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

It can help me know the areas or things I am better suited at and things I might not be the best at and could improve on. My reliability and openness could be very helpful in leadership roles as I am adaptable to changes and tend to have good understanding of others and kind in general.

cocoakrispies121 July 16th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I learned that I am open to try new things, but I don't like social situations.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
I am agreeable, open to try new things, and am somewhat organized.
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think the strengths that I am analystic, able to think of new solutions, and ordely when it comes to tasks. I think this could be helpful in my personal life becuase I can look at a problem, and try to figure out a good/logical solution to it.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I think these strenghts can help me be make good descions, and help create/organize postiive things for the communitty on 7 Cups. I think that by being able to see a goal, and be able to see all angles of it is very helpful in a 7 Cups or workplace setting.

July 16th, 2020


Openness: (99 percentile)

Conscientiousness: (53 percentile)

Extraversion: (65 percentile)

Agreeableness: (74 percentile)

Neuroticism: (99 percentile)

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

To be honest, I always knew I was more of an introverted person and that I worry a lot. I don't think I necessarily learned anything new, but it only proved what I always assumed about myself to be true. Those tests are definitely helping me understand myself better though.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Openness: (99 percentile)

Agreeableness: (74 percentile)

Extraversion: (65 percentile)

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

The strengths I identified on both tests can help me a lot in my personal life. I am open to new adventures, and learning new experiences. I can be quite creative and I will always complete every task I have. I tend to be an introverted extrovert which makes me capable of getting my energy by interacting with others and from myself. I care deeply for people, and always find a way to connect with them on an emotional level which mostly strengthens the bond.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

On 7 Cups, those strengths are extremely helpful especially the openness. I am open to learning new things, am open to receiving feedback, and improving. And all of that helps me grow as a listener, leader, and a person. I can be quite creative and come up with new ideas quickly which helps me get involved in new projects or revive and improve old projects in the community. I also care for others deeply, and aim to connect with them emotionally which is great for listening, even in a professional relationship there has to be emotional maintenance.
In my career, my openness and creativity are extremely important. I aspire to be a writer so being open to new experiences meaning being open to working on projects of all kind of experiences. And I always manage to come up with new ideas for projects to work on.

shiningDay80 July 16th, 2020


I agree. I haven't learned anything too new with these tests, but they have solidified what I already knew. I think I may have even evolved more with these and how I behave.

MistyMagic July 16th, 2020


Closed-MindedOpen to New Experiences




Calm / RelaxedNervous / High-Strung

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I found that it made me think about how I react and act. I know that I am fairly intuitive and tend to use that a lot in my roles.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
I feel I am dedicated, conscientious and open to new experiences which helps me to see creatively and think through problems until I find the best solution.
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
Away from Cups I find that the strengths identified are in use nearly all the time, add to that active listening skills and I am really thankful for being here! I actually found myself 'listening' to the delivery driver the other day and I hope they went away feeling better.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
I think that it would be a greatly useful tool to have all leaders take these tests. But they can be swayed if they are taken too often. I hope I am enthusiastic and motivational to my teams, and that they also find me calm and approachable.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic July 16th, 2020

@GlenM I wonder if the higher percentages than expected were due to those being leadership types and so people were attracted to taking this course?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

GlenM OP July 16th, 2020

@MistyMagic that might be! Any high percentages stand out to you in particular?

MistyMagic July 19th, 2020

@GlenM The NF's? I am an ENFJ (17% not 2%) and there are more of us here than expected of all the NF's, and then the INFJ 33%! and even INFP?

Intuition and feeling are great traits for Listeners after all? And whether we are introverted or extroverted can be hidden behind a screen. I remember a couple of years ago when I chatted with Laura and I didn't turn off my camera and she commented that was surprising because she said most have their camera off and are unseen.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

LexIris July 16th, 2020


On Open-mindedness, I was the 97th percentile, meaning that I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.
On Conscientiousness, I was in the 7th percentile, meaning that I probably have a messy desk! (which is actually very true xD)
On Extraversion, I was in the 9th percentile, meaning that I probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
On Agreeableness, I scored at the 50th percentile, meaning that I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.
On Neuroticism, I scored at the 99th percentile, meaning that I am a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

Link to my results here

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Hmmm... I think I already knew a bunch of what I was told. Nothing new honestly but it's just further confirmation of what I already know. I learned that I'm pretty introverted. Which is not much of a surprise actually xD The only surprise was being neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. I thought I learned more towards to forgiving side since I get told that I forgive people too easily. But I guess being neither one nor the other is actually a good thing.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

I'd say one of them is me being introverted. I know people might say that I need to interact more and whatever but being introverted just means that I'll only interact when it is necessary and that means I can save my energy for other things instead of interacting all the time and getting too drained to do other things. Another strength is my level of agreeableness. I think me being 50/50 in that aspects means that I don't have an issue with forgiving people but I'm also not a doormat and I'm not someone who hold grudges for long either. And my open-mindedness is also another strength. Even though I am pretty introverted (and will live a hermit life if given the chance xD), I still like to learn new things and explore. New ideas, cultures and lifestyles always intrigue me even though some of them may be a complete opposite of my beliefs and values.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

My current personal life is mostly me being on my laptop all day and barely interacting with anyone in my family but I think those 3 strengths can help me become a better person if I work on them. My introvertedness (is that a word?) and open-mindedness work hand-in-hand sometimes. I might want to instantly become friends with someone or try out some new crazy idea due to my open-mindedness but my introvertedness mostly holds me back so I have the time to step back and think before jumping into anything. It also means that I rarely get my hands burnt from a friendship or any new idea/project.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

From both tests, I've learned that I'd be willing to hear the different perspectives that my fellow team members will suggest. It also means that I would be more likely to want to try them out and not just impose my will on everyone else. My introvertedness will probably lead to me either working with a small, tight-knit team or will lead to me only speaking up when I feel is necessary if I'm placed in a larger team. On 7 Cups, since my main role here is being a listener, it means that I'd be much better supporting people 1-on-1 than in group settings.

~ Lex ☀️ | Take careo and eat oreos 👋🏿❤️🍪

shiningDay80 July 16th, 2020


One thing that stood out to me is you saying that you were introverted and have been told that you need to interact more. I literally get told that ALL THE TIME! I am more of an observer and once I feel comfortable enough, then I will interact. I mean geesh, I like to see how you act first before I decide if its worth getting into.

LexIris July 17th, 2020

@shiningDay80 I know right??!! Everyone else is just jumping into things and I'm like "Can't y'all just chill and observe for a moment?" 😂 It's pretty interesting how diverse and different humans are XD

~ Lex ☀️ | Take careo and eat oreos 👋🏿❤️🍪

SoftAlpaca10 July 17th, 2020


I love taking personality tests! It is always fun to learn more about yourself.

The main thing I learned about myself were that I tend to carry a lot of stress, but I am very supportive.

According to this test, my top strengths are the following:


High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 96)

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon. (Your percentile: 80)

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

You tend to shy away from social situations. (Your percentile: 34)

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Your percentile: 95)
Negative Emotionality

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 87)

In my personal life, my strengths that I learned from these tests can help me to stay "lit" and not burn out in an effort to support everyone.

These strengths can help me with my leadership on 7Cups and in my future job because they can show me what I am good at and what I need to spend more time working on in order to be the best leader that I can be.

KindnessMatters2020 July 17th, 2020


This was really interesting! Here are my results:

1. What are main things you learned about yourself?

It was interesting to find that again I rated high on being an extrovert. I really consider myself quiet and shy in most situations, but I think my openness to talking to people is putting me into this extrovert category which I had never really thought about.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Conscientiousness, Negative emotionality, and Extraversion

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help in personal life?

It helps me to see myself differently in that apparently I am much more outgoing and relaxed than I ever really saw myself and I think that will help me feel more comfortable taking risks in the future by knowing that I possess some of the characteristics of an extrovert.

4. How can the strengths on both tests help in leadership roles on 7 Cups and career?

I think that my attention to detail, self-discipline and empathy will help me contribute in positive and constructive ways while continuing to remember that people are the most important part of what we do here on 7 Cups and in my job in healthcare management.

July 17th, 2020


On Openness, I scored low at the 35th percentile, meaning that I prefer traditional and familiar experiences and am openminded.
On Conscientiousness, I scored low at the 25th percentile, meaning that I probably have a messy desk.
On Extraversion, I scored low at the 6th percentile, meaning that I probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.
On Agreeableness, I scored middle at the 54th percentile, meaning that I find it easy to criticize others.
On Neuroticism, I scored high at the 100th percentile, meaning that I am a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that while Im open-minded, I also tend to stick to things Im familiar with such as traditions and patterns.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Agreeableness, open-mindedness, conscientiousness.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Im methodical. I work through problems and situations logically. This skill helps me when it comes to dealing with tension in my friendships and relationships.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

It can help me because I am responsible and punctual. This helps me get things done. I am also very aware and observant which allows me to assess situations and problems.

Beaconx July 17th, 2020


My trait scale from the test is as follows:

Introverted - 56%

With this rate of introvert, I think I can conserve more energy by listening than to always speak. In the same vein, I could express my opinion very well because I am not extremely introvert.

Observant - 51%

This rate shows that I check things well before making a decision. This will enable me to carefully examine what I'm being told before responding.

Feeling - 68%

I think this shows I have feeling for others. This will help me to put myself in their shoes and feel the way they're feeling which helps my empathy level.

Judging - 79%

Actually, this shows I can easily view people or situation using a lense of my previous knowledge, understanding or experience. I think I can work on this by having broad knowledge and willingness to accept people for whom they are.

Assertive - 58%

With this level of assertiveness, I think I'm confident to express my view and maintain boundaries when it's necessary. It shows I won't behave like a doormat.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Some of the things I learned from the test is that I have excessive kindness which I have discovered and many members have also commented on it.

I discovered from the test that I'm altruistic, which means I can go to any length to see that others are being cared for happy. Analytical abilities. Also, I discovered that I have a well-developed people skills which means I can build a robust social interaction.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Some of the strengths according to the test are:

a. Excellent Analytical abilities

b. Well-developed people skills

c. True altruistic and meeting kindness with kindness in excess.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

The strengths identified can help me in my personal life in these ways;

a. Excellent Analytical ability, this shows that despite I'm caring and kind yet I won't accept everything I'm being told hook line and sinker with verifying. With this,bi will be able to discover the truth easily no matter what or how the person say it.

b. Well-developed people skills. I will use this to relate well with people and have geniune interest in listening to them.

c. True altruistic and meeting kindness with excess kindness. In my personal life, I will be able to communicate true care and concern for people need by showing them kindness. This will enable me to build rapport and trust easily with people.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I think with the strengths I can contribute immensely to leadership on 7 cups by showing genuine interest in people need either as members or listener even leaders. As a matter of fact, everyone had needs that needs to be met and people are happy when they have someone that cares sincerely. Also, the strength of a well-developed people skills can help me in understanding people situation and building an execellent team to achieve incredible success on 7 cups. It will also enable me to have influence as a leader which in turn help me to lead on cups and in my career.

This will also help me to be a good mentor because I will be keenly interested in others growth and achievement.

ashlyntheordinary July 17th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learnt that I've changed a lot from my old self. (A good change) I also realized I'm super open to new experiences and seeing things in a new light.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

1) I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. I also am original, creative, curious and complex

2) I am extremely sociable, outgoing and energetic. :D

3) I tend to be anxious and nervous.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

It can help me as I can use them as much as I can, both for the betterment of this world as well as for the growth of myself. I can treat people with kindess with nothing in return except for them to have a great life and be happy.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Now, since I know my strengths. I can use them in my leadership role and career as:-

1) My open mindedess can help seek out creative ways to help each person and always be judgement free for those who wish to be heard.

2) My social skills can help in communication with different people so I can understand and view people in their shoes. This helps me understand a person's struggles and try my best to provide support and a helping hand.

3) Though anxious and nervesness can be seen as negative qualities. I believe they help me be more cautious and tend to put in my 100% in all that I do.

smilingsnapples July 17th, 2020

Wow! This is the first time I've ever taken this test even though I've known about the Big 5 for a while. I'm surprised by my results!

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
The main thing I learned about myself was that even though I am a very agreeable and compassionate person, I still have to work on loosening up (I'm a bit of a stressed-out person!).
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
According to this test, my top 3 strengths are me being open to new experiences, extraverted (this being a strength is debatable), and agreeable.
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I guess it can help me with my career path! I've always wanted to do something with people, and my personality helps me with pursuing just that!

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

The strengths that I have identified on both tests can help me in a leadership role by enhancing my interpersonal communication skills with people on this site.

Asruu July 17th, 2020


This was my results. Honestly some parts really surprised me but some were common knowledge to me.

Open-Mindedness High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 81)
Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon. (Your percentile: 99)
Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are neither particularly social or reserved. (Your percentile: 42)
Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Your percentile: 97)
Negative Emotionality High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You are generally relaxed. (Your percentile: 32)
The new discoveries about me will help me to connect better with members, support more listeners after difficult chats on 7cups and provide better general support in my personal life.

Asruu July 20th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learnt that i am good natured, supportive and courteous. I learnt that as an Advocate i have an inborn sense of idealism and morality.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

a) Creative – Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion.

b) Insightful – Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives.

c) Inspiring and Convincing – Speaking in human terms, not technical; having a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in the audience.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

a) Being creative will help me become a better problem solver in all areas of my life and it will also help me see things differently and better deal with uncertainty.

b) Developing insight into my own life will make my life more meaningful. It can also help me better understand myself as a person and others.

c) Inspiring and convincing will assist me in motivating others to support and assist me in the achievement of my goals and the solving of my problems.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

a) Creativity will help me come up with ideas that are entirely unique and be helpful to 7cups.

b)Insight can save me lots of work and may even get me to be more productive, creative and effective as i strive to help out and support members here on 7cups.

C) Being inspiring and convincing will assist me in building coalition, sharing my vision with the community in 7cups, celebrating all short term wins and most importantly keeping the momentum rolling by not letting it slip away from me.

kirsteng123 July 18th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I have taken many personality traits test but I like the questions on this one more, I think that they are geared towards touching all points of someone's personality instead of the same few over and over again. I learned that I have a higher percentile of negative traits than I thought I was which sounds weird but it is very eye opening to me.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

1. Extraversion

2. Agreeableness

3. Open-Mindedness

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think that this could help me because I can focus on my strengths and weaknesses. I can do extraverted tasks and activities that I excell in to help build my leadership skills. These tasks I can lead in, and other tasks that I do not exell in I can let someone else lead and learn from them.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

My open-mindness trait can help me with my leadership role because it allows me to hear and empathize with 7 Cups members. Having an open mind will help me listen without judgement and allow me to listen to the best of my ability. My agreeableness trait will also help me by letting me be a friend for those in need and lending a listening ear.

positivePumpkin22 July 19th, 2020


My results are as follows :

# Open-Mindedness : (Percentile - 90)

# Conscientiousness : (Percentile - 86)

# Extraversion : (Percentile - 90)

# Agreeableness : (Percentile - 57)

# Negative Emotionality : (Percentile - 99)

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

# I am original, creative, curious, complex. I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

# I tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful. I am very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

# I tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative. I am extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.

# I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.

# I tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying. I am generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

According to the test my top three strengths are open- mindedness, social and organised

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Open- mindedness helps me to understand and accept different people along with their views, taste and opinions. Being social and out going helps me to connect with people and makes friends easily. As I am an organised person, it helps me to do things properly at the right time and keep myself and my surrounding neat and clean. Also enabling others to rely on me.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I think I have lot of strengths that would help me in a leadership role in 7cups. I am creative which helps me to bring new ideas to the community. My curiosity helps me to understand and explore various pathways. My 100% turbulent character helps me to accept feedback as an oppurtunity to learn and grow at the same time look out for ways to make my work better. My enthusiasm, energy and communication enables me to reach out to different people, inspire them and motivate them to take part in the community events. Being friendly and reliable, I could make a good peer. self organised and consistent character helps too.

Rachel315 July 19th, 2020

Open-Mindedness- 58 percentile

Conscientiousness- 43 percentile

Extraversion- 23 percentile

Agreeableness- 63 percentile

Negative Emotionality- 84 percentile

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

This test told me that my anxiety and intraverison were my strongest traits. But I try to think positively other than the anxiety that I have, which this test did not accomodate for.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My top three 'strengths' are my introversion, I am a blend between organized and disorganization, I consider the feelings of others.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I can use the strengths to compensate for the areas that are my weaknesses.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I can use those strenths to better relate to clients gain skills to overcome some of my weaknesses.

SofiaT2000 October 26th, 2020

@Rachel315 You can definitely use your strengths to beat your weaknesses! This is a great spirit and I', sure that you'll achieve so many things. Thank you for sharing this inspiring thought!

crystalclearnow July 20th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

1. I was aware of being conscientousness with my work- My percentile shows 93% which is in a high range that surprised me. My Agreeableness is pretty neutral - 46%, that is also something new I learned about myself.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

2. My strengths are a) Open-mindedness,

b) Conscientousness,

c) Extraversion.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

3. My strengths allow me to be open to new experiences and continously work towards growth by learning new things. This also allows me to be a great problem solver focussing on positive outcome with the help of original and creative ideas. Conscientousnesss makes me reliable by completing all my tasks within the time-frame allocated. Being relatively extraverted makes me connect with friends and family more easily, so that we can enjoy each other's company.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

4. Being open minded in a professional environment allows me to be a great problem solver focusing on a positive outcome with original and creative ideas. It makes me think out of the box with for more strategic solutions to a problem. As a conscientousness worker, I would be persistant and meticulous with my work. Attention to details at a workplace would create less mistakes and make it more organized. Being relatively extraverted would make me a good team-worker at 7 cups and in my career, a lot of projects involve joint effort and to be able to get along with the people at work would make it less conflictual.

July 22nd, 2020


It was very interesting and felt nice to know more about personality and its strength and weeknesses.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Open-Mindedness - 32
I am somewhat conventional. This is somewhat surprising since i am known to be more open minded.

Conscientiousness - 58
I am neither organized or disorganized. that spot on

Extraversion - 19
You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. True again

Agreeableness - 51
You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. I am generally forgiving hehehe

Negative Emotionality - 82
You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

I am on a neutral zone.

I am somewhat conventional which means that I can be conventional when required and Open minded when required.

I don't easily agree nor disagree easily showing that I am level headed about things.

I like to independent and organized as required.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I know both my plus and minus now. So I can use my strength to get things done at work and personal matters and be more efficient. And knowing my minus is also a strength as i can work on them and ensure they don't impact much.

If i summarize the strengths:

Honest and Straightforward

Analysts and Abstract Thinkers


Neither extremely forgiving nor irritable


4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Being Level head and Independent is very important skill. This would help me in accomplishing my long term goals. Also being a neutral and open minded about things can help being non judgemental. Having a creative mind can help in being innovative.

niceGrace3853 July 23rd, 2020


How do I take this test?

niceGrace3853 July 23rd, 2020

How do I take this test?