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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #7) How to Provide Feedback

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Now that we've learned about how to receive feedback, let's talk about how to provide feedback!

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

soulsings November 5th, 2020

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well? Micro-Yes (I have some ideas how we can improve things) Feeling of autonomy

Data Point - give specifically what seen blur words create them into specifically what happened

Impact Statement Because I did not get the message I could not do my work

A question wraps feedback with a question. What do you think about that?

Pulling feedback asking for it.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"? I think I do not show the impact often enough. By doing so I could help the other person see why this is so important

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

By giving feedback appropriately we can learn to accept feedback and grow as a community.

Gozzil November 14th, 2020


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic. I think you make a really interesting point in part 3 - that giving feedback helps us to receive feedback. I hope understanding the process better is going to make giving and receiving feedback easier for me.

Skyglider November 6th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro-Yes - getting buy-in for the conversation
2. Giving your Data point - explaining what you saw or heard concisely
3. The impact statement - how the data point affected you
4. End with a question - creates commitment not just compliance

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

All of it. It's easy to do a lot of this when it comes to positive feedback, but I'm always apprehensive about providing constructive feedback for fear of triggering a reaction.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Being involved in a support website, especially with so many listeners and so much anonymity, it's important to get feedback about what you're doing well and where you can improve. The communication is different in this forum.

FrenchToast November 13th, 2020

1. What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Micro yes

- Data points

- Show impact

- End with a question

2. Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Data point for sure as I need to try to be more clear in my feedback that I tend to not do because I want to try to sound as soft and nice as possible.

3. Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Because being a listener or a member is always a learning curve. There's no stopping to knowing more about yourself as well as those around you. With feedback, there is growth and growth is a gift to any listener or member at the end of the day. :)

Gozzil November 14th, 2020


I love your answer to part 3. Growth is indeed a gift <3

lovelyParadise7651 November 14th, 2020


The 4 part formula for giving out feedback involves:

Microyes question- short but important question e.g. I have some ideas to improve things can I share them with you? Pacing tool-lets the other person know feedback is coming.

Specificity-Leave out blur words e.g you could be more reliable is wrong, say you said you’d get the email back by 11 and you didn’t give it back

Impact statement-how it impacted you eg. because I didn’t get the message I was blocked on my work and couldn’t finish it

End on a question- these are my thoughts on this, what are yours? Allows the situation to become a joint problem-solving situation instead of a monologue

Ask for feedback regularly, establishes you as a continual learner

I could work on leaving out blur words to be more specific and direct.

It's important to generate a good feedback culture in 7 cups so the community can improve as a whole.

Dinohorus November 14th, 2020

1. The four-part formula: Use the micro yes question, be specific, include an impact statement, wrap things up with a commitment question.

2. I think that I could improve by being more specific—I certainly tend to use “blur words”.

3. I think that it’s crucial that a healthy feedback culture be nurtured on 7Cups since we rely on each other to improve as listeners and members of the community.

Gozzil November 14th, 2020


I am definitely guilty of using blur words too. It's a habit I'm going to try to break going forward =)

Gozzil November 14th, 2020

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes (a short question to let the person know feedback is about to be given and makes them feel they have autonomy), data point (describing what you heard/ saw using clear, objective language), impact statement (explaining how the data point affected you), a question (to create a committment and make the feedback into a two sided thing).

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could definitely do better on part two, the data point. The speaker in this video mentions how we should be clear and not use any language that could cause confusion. I think I tend to be too unspecific, usually because I'm trying not to make the other person feel bad, but this could actually have a negative impact on how the feedback is received because it is not clear enough.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

There are so many people here with so many talents and so much potential. Feedback helps us to work to the best of our ability, so that the talents and potential are used and contribute to the growth of the community.

Azalea98 November 19th, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes, Data point, Show Impact, End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

The micro-yes, I had never thought of using this, it gives the person a sense of preparation before recieving the feedback and seems like it would really work!

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

For personal growth it seems vital to receive feedback as it lets you know your strengths and areas for improvement.

DreamTouch November 21st, 2020


enlightened What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
The micro-yes
Data point
Show impact
End on a question

enlightened Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
I like the point that it could end with a question, as it would be more like a problem-solving thing and could exchange opinions of both side

enlightened Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
It helps us to grow together as a community, providing room for self-improvement as well as increasing the quality of support.

kdsyahirah November 21st, 2020


-1)the micro-yes question
2)pointing out your data
3)showing impacts
4)asking suggestion and solving problems

-For me, the hardest will be micro yes because it is hard enough to start our feedback. It's scary enough to give feedback to someone yet I'm afraid to received it face to face. Well, I need to work on that.

-it's because human make mistakes and need to be reprimanded. We can't guess our mistakes unless someone is willing to speak out. Plus they could add their knowledge and the problem will be solved in no time.

wishfulMoment42 November 25th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
1. Micro-Yes: Ask questions short and sweet, lets others know feedback is given.
2. Data-Point: Specific points to convey rather than blur words
3. Impact Statement: Gives a sense of meaning between Datapoints
4. Questions: Ask a question to give the opportunity to another individual hence converting a monologue to an actual conversation

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
I have been somewhat weak in jotting down the Data points. I struggle with being precise. When it comes to taking the feedback I think I do alright. When I haven't been able to convey my feedback without being afraid of other people being offended. I think I need to work on breaking it down smooth and fine.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
The essence of 7Cups is formulating warm humane conversations here I feel and with the diversity of users coming here, along with enjoying the variations we also need to bring in a common ground which is the same for all the listeners. This common ground about cultivating the best habits and responses. And to improve and evolve, one needs to be part of the Feedback culture.

MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


This amazing! You're making so much progress <3

hopebeyondpain November 25th, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro-yes: Start by inviting the other person into the conversation by allowing them to agree to talk

2. Data point: Bring up a specific observation, and leave out any blur words

3. Impact statement: Explain briefly how you/someone else was impacted by what happened

4. Question: Ask about the other person's perspective to encourage commitment and dialogue

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

This is the first time I've heard of the micro yes technique, and I'm definitely going to be using it whenever I have a difficult conversation with someone. It's a brilliant way to prepare the other person for what you're about to say, and respects the person you're giving feedback to.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

A feedback culture is crucial in helping each other improve and do a better job. We may not always be able to see the areas we are weaker in, and being able to rely on one another to gently pinpoint the ways we can do better is enables us to serve our community as efficiently as possible.

MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


I am in agreement with these points, thank you for sharing :)

Chevy81 November 29th, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
1. The Micro-Yes
2. Data Point
3. Show Impact
4. End on a Question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
The Micro-Yes. I usually just give feedback, without asking permission on the other person which I (now) think it could come out as agressively attacking them. On that note, I should change that habit.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
Every community needs to continuosly grow to be considered as a healthy one, 7 Cups included. In order to grow, the people in it should be able to provide and recieve feedback with honesty and sincerity. That way, everyone can grow together and be better.

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


Well done for embracing the Micro-yes!!! <3

MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


This is good. Definitely woth reflecting on.

wanjiku November 30th, 2020


the four part feedback formula

1. micro -Yes point impact 4.Question

what i could improve on is using specificity and provide data point and stop using blur words

feedback is the fuel for growth, if we want to grow and improve then we need the culture of feedback to continue.

blitheEmbrace27 December 2nd, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro-yes

2. Data point

3. Show impact

4. End on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Probably ending feedback with a question. Up till I watched this video I never realized the importance or even thought about ended it with a question.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback is essential for any aspect and area of growth. Feedback is how we learn, how we improve and how we further out growth.

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


I agree that feedback is essential for any aspect, area for growth!

Thanks for sharing it. heart

Dazzle28purvi December 8th, 2020


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

1 the micro yes - ask a question that is short but important

2 Data Point- be specific and objective. leave out the blur words

3 Show impact- it has to have purpose and logic.

4 End on a question- allows for problem-solution

I should improve on 3 as it is diffcult to be straightforward without hurting one's feelings or punching holes into the self-image.

Feedback allows for one to grow- it is personal growth and also it enables 7cups to achieve its mission. This establishes high expectation.

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four-part formula consists of the followings: The micro yes (starting giving feedback with a short, important question which is meant to prepare the brain for the incoming feedback), data point (pointing out specifically what has been seen or heard, whilst avoiding subjectivity), Show Impact (providing the overall impact – giving a sense of purpose, which is craved by the brain). End on a Question (changes giving feedback from monologue to a conversation).

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think the last element is something I keep forgetting – the end on a questions part.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Cultivating a feedback culture is critical when it comes to self-growth and reaching common target within a community, improving and developing the community. Therefore by giving and receiving feedback on 7 Cups, we ensure well prepared leaders and quality within improvement!

Anexmos December 9th, 2020


1. What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro yes, Data points, Show impact, and End with a question.

2. Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Data points: I always use softer words to make the feedback feel welcomed or more gentle.

3. Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it's important because we are constantly learning and improving. Without feedback, you can get stuck or assume that there is no need to improve. Feedback is important to point out weakness points and work on it, also to be connected with the team and fulfil their needs.

She13 December 15th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data points, impact, question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

All of them I had no idea that I should be doing any of this honestly! I should start off by making sure that people actually want to hear feedback first.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's important because feedback helps us grow and learn. Without feedback, it would be hard to know what we could be improving on and better ourselves.

Containedchaos December 17th, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro yes-Asking a question that is short, but important, it is a pacing tool, giving the listener a warning that feedback is coming. Creates a moment of buy in.

Data point-be specific with what you saw and hear. Cut out any words that are not objective, no blur words. data points, specificity, specific on want we want to increase or decrease

Show Impact-Statement specific of the impact, gives purpose and logic

End on a question-Actively ask for feedback, makes them feel it is joint decision.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I am really bad at not being specific and using “blur words. I want to be gentle and do not like hurting peoples feelings, and want to soften the impact. -

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback helps people improve and know exactly what they need to work on and what next steps need to be taken. Without knowing why or how something impacted others/the work, it does not make an impact on the person to be motivated to change. Without feedback, nothing changes.

December 22nd, 2020

1 mirco yes date point impact and end question

2. Data point and end point

3 I think feedback is important because it will help you get better and grow as a leader. Without feedback you will never know if what doing was good or needed improvement.

GlitteringNights December 22nd, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Micro-yes - a question that lets the receiver of feedback known that there is going to be feedback given. It also lets the receiver feel like they have some control over the situation.
Data Point - a specific thing that the giver of feedback has noticed/thinks the receiver should improve on, given with as non-objective words as possible. No blur words. Specificity. For both positive and negative feedback.
Impact statement - exactly how the data point impacted the feedback giver
Question - creates commitment from BOTH parties, so it is more proactive.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I could be better at giving data points with more clarity. I think that sometimes I am too vague and not specific enough about circumstances or actions, and I can definitely see how improving on that would be helpful!

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Because feedback is essential to improvement at the fast pace that everyone wants it to happen. Feedback can be immensely helpful when done right and as a group of people who are always trying to be better and to help more people, good feedback could make all the difference. It ties in really well with 7 Cups' high expectations and high warmth as well!

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


I agree that feedback is essential but it must be done in the right way!

Thanks a lot,

Have a great day & an amazing year ahead. heart

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1) The micro-yes questions, 2) Be specific, 3) Impact statement, 4) Show Impact.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

For me, it has to be the micro-yes questions because I am habitual of asking the big question before the prospect is ready to say "yes" to the macro-yes which usually leads to a "no". No doubt, I am working on it & I believe that I will be successful.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I believe that feedback is an essential fuel for our growth & success. No matter where we go, if we know how to give/recieve feedbacks in an appropriate way, we can learn from our experiences & past mistakes. If we only want people to say what we want to hear, we would only like those feedbacks that are positive & we would dislike the person who gave a constructive feedback to us. Such people only want to be appreciated. Feedback is not only about positive/negative comments/reviews. It is also about knowing our hidden talents(in case we are unaware of those talents) & working over those areas where we could improve ourselves. Now, if a person is only looking to be appreciated, he/she may not be able to make any improvement as they might be in a wrong impression that they are perfect & they do not need anything to be improved. So, feedback is yet another essential thing for our growth & development on 7 Cups of Tea as well as in general.

The feedback process is best understood by 'The Johari Model' which we recently covered during our Masters' program that I am enrolled in & it helped me a lot to understand this process as a whole. Sharing this in case if anybody would want to know more about feedback in depth.

Thank you for reading! heart


thelastiger December 23rd, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data point, logical response, question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

the micro-yes, to get buy-in

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

So people feel appreciated

cuteOrange213 December 24th, 2020



What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data point, show impact, end on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Be more specific with the feedback that I am giving and avoid blur words

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Make sure effective communication occurs at all times here in 7 Cups


JoeyTribbbiani December 26th, 2020

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes, data point, show impact and end on a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I feel I could improve on the micro-yes because sometimes I just jump right into the feedback, and after watching the video I realized it might be better to ask a question so the other person is aware that the feedback is coming, and so they have the opportunity to answer yes or no if the question.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I feel it is so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 cups because feedback allows us to grow and to learn. There is always room to grow, and always room to improve. Feedback culture can allow the community to strengthen, progress, and for people to feel more comfortable in their roles and not be afraid to ask for feedback, and offer feedback.

sia1325 December 28th, 2020

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Micro-yes, Data point, show impact, End on a question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could improve on the Data point part as I often use blur words in order to make the feedback softer.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback is really very important as it helps us to learn, grow and improve as a community.

ouiCherie January 3rd, 2021

Hi @Heather225

1. The Four-Part Formula for Giving Feedback:

The micro-yes | Data point | Show impact | End on a question

2. Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I’d like to be mindful of all the four-part formula to make feedback can be delivered efficiently for effective improvements. But mostly, I’d choose The micro-yes to improve. Because it turns out this is an important part to deliver brain-friendly feedback.

3. Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?


1. Feedback culture supports high expectations, accountability and self-efficacy culture

2. Feedback culture provides a room to learn and grow for everyone.


MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Data Point. I need to work on being direct with my words and also to be specific about the problem. I tend to use blur words because I am afraid of an argument from the other party.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Creating a feedback culture on 7 Cups is vital. People grow and progress by working on their faults. Without feedback, one will not know the areas they need to improve on, and also the aspects in which they are strong in.

MyNameIsNicole January 6th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Data Point. I need to work on being direct with my words and also to be specific about the problem. I tend to use blur words because I am afraid of an argument from the other party.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Creating a feedback culture on 7 Cups is vital. People grow and progress by working on their faults. Without feedback, one will not know the areas they need to improve on, and also the aspects in which they are strong in.

mxmes January 16th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes, data point, show impact, and end on a question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could work on "data point". The reason for this is because I often use other words to cover things up so it won't sound mean or strick, but with this I can use what the person said and repeat that back to them.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it is important because it helps our community grow. Without feedback how would we be able to improve on things or even know if we need something that needs worked on. Giving feedback once again helps the community grow a lot, it improves the people within 7 cups so they can better support or help others.

beautifulSeal9714 January 17th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

- I think I should improve on data point and showing impact.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

- It is important to cultivate a feedback culture because, there is sometimes a difference between how we percieve we are progressing and how others see us progressing and more ofthen than not people who have already walked the path we are walking have a vision from the top and they can better see things with the perspective of experience. And therefore a feedback will help us grow and also create a culture of helping and holding each other to a higher expectation and also sharing the feedback or asking for feedback will improve us as a community.