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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #7) How to Provide Feedback

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Now that we've learned about how to receive feedback, let's talk about how to provide feedback!

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

kindFish9215 October 7th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Part 1: The Micro-Yes - asking a question that is short but important. It lets the brain know feedback is coming.

Part 2: Data Point - Name specifically what you saw or heard and cut out any words that aren't objective. Avoid using blur words/statements if possible.

Part 3: Show Impact - name exactly how that data point impacted you.

Part 4: End on a Questions - Wrap your feedback message with a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could improve on the third part (Show Impact) because whenever I offer feedback I do not remember to include this part. This is important because that way it gives you a sense of purpose, meaning, and logic between my points.

- why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

As an aspiring leader here on 7 Cups, it is important for me, as well as for all the other leaders here, to cultivate a proper feedback culture in order to assist new listeners and offer helpful advice without being too indirect and soft, but also without being too direct.

yourfriend5 October 8th, 2021


very informative

JoyHappyNess October 17th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro-yes

2. Give a data point

3. Show impact

4. Question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Giving a data point- I sometimes use blur words to prevent leaving the other person hurt.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It improves the work of listeners, members and leaders in the community leading to growth.

Textingpals October 17th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?


1. The Micro-Yes.

2. Data Point.

3. The impact statement.

4. End on a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself and why?

Answer: I think I could improve the 'Data-point' part of my feedback.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Answer: I think no one is perfect, we all have some room for improvement somewhere. So, we all need feedback to accept it, we all need someone else to point it out so we can work on it, improve it and develop into better leaders, listeners and teammates. Hence, a correct feedback culture is incredibly necessary so as to help people develop without discouraging them.

LavenderFlower October 26th, 2021


Great way to word importance of everything! We really want to make sure we can accept feedback as much as we give. That support is everything.

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021


1. Micro yes, data point, show impact, end on a question.

2. The micro yes, I usually just directly give feedback without alerting the person that some things coming their way, so micro yes will probably help me change that.

3. In order to be healthy, a community needs to continuously grow, people here on 7 cups should be able to provide feedback with sincerety and honesty. Feedback is also important to improve and evolve, this way we can grow together and improve together.

LavenderFlower October 26th, 2021


Great answer lemon! I think you're totally right about alerting them. Sometimes it can be really overwhelming to be bashed by feedback without warning. Good point of improvement

jersey123456 October 24th, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data-point, show point, end on a question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could improve on the data point because it would help make providing feedback easier.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It is important because it helps in efficiency , gives a strong sense of community.

LavenderFlower October 26th, 2021


Great point of improvement. It's so important to state the data point objectively so that the receiver doesn't feel misunderstood. Your drive for improvement will really improve the 7cups support community.

AuroraBriarRose0 April 28th, 2022


I think the data portion is something most of us have trouble with. Gathering those specific items together is sometimes hard to do.

LavenderFlower October 26th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes: short important question to open communication

Data point: introduce objective observations or things that were heard

Show impact: state how data point created an impact

End on a question: ask for suggestions or input to solve the problem at hand

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I can add a question at the end. I would like to give the person some time to share their thoughts at the end too and speak up for themselves without feeling like they are interjecting.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's absolutely vital. This type of system thrives on feedback about how to improve listener and leadership skills, and in turn, foster a more supportive environment. Without feedback, our support wouldn't be able to be improved and grow.

lyricalSea85 November 2nd, 2021


1. What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
A. The four-part formula is - The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

2. Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
A. Frankly speaking, I would want to improve on all these four fronts because it seems like an effective and respectful way to share feedback. As to the question of why, it is important to me that the feedback I'm sharing does not negatively hamper the receiver's confidence or the willingness to listen to a feedback.

3. Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
A. Feedback is one of the key aspects that decides how an individual grows on a personal front. Timely feedback ensures to let our peers know what they're doing right, how certain things can be improved and how we as a community can empower each other.

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, End on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I'd like to improve on the 'end on a question' part. I find that sometimes, I get overly invested with giving feedback, especially about topics I care about and forget to involve the other person. Asking questions and giving the other person time to reflect about how they could improve would greatly enhance the quality of the feedback given.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

A feedback culture is super important on 7 Cups because as a community, we're all growing and learning together. By providing feedback, we're not only helping ourselves improve, we're helping another person too, which creates a positive feedback chain and encourages others to provide valuable feedback to their peers as well.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

  • Micro-yes: asking questions to prime the person for feedback and give them agency to answer question (yes or no)
  • Data Point: Objectively describe what happened without 'blur' words, be specific and clear
  • Impact Statement: Let them know how it affects you, gives the person purpose and logic
  • Question: wrap it up, makes it a two person conversation, and gives them a chance to commit to improvement

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I do the datapoint and impact statement very well because I have learned the hard way in my personal life that doing these steps with more emotion/subjective words often leads to an escalated/negative state between me and the other person. I do think I can improve on the wrapping up question. I would like to use questions in the future to give the other person a chance to let me know what their input/thoughts are and make the conversation less one-sided.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It is important because without teaching members/listeners to ask/accept feedback on 7Cups its progression toward its mission to help others will be stagnant. There are always ways to improve and the community as a whole improves and progresses toward its mission when each one of us makes an effort to find ways to improve your performance here by taking feedback seriously.

DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021


1. Micro-yes, Data point, Impact Statement and Question.

2. I think I could improe and do better on Imapct Statement.

3. I think there is always a room for improvement and these things are better done with the help of feedbacks. They help in building the community as a whole by bringing out the better version of itself.

Kindwords2000 January 7th, 2022


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

  1. The micro-yes
  2. Data point
  3. Show impact
  4. End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think the thing I need to improve on asking for feedback, because then I know if I need to improve on anything and can try and get this sorted.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it is important to cultivate a feedback culture, to be able to see how we can improve our skills and what we do, as we can always improve on something.

DarkPiT23 January 7th, 2022

The four part formula: The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

The Show impact and end on a question

It's cruical to have this culture because it helps one to grow professionally and personally. And increase the quality structure

Listeningstars January 11th, 2022

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

= Micro-yes, Data point, End on a question and Pull feedback.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

=The Data point and End on a question, because I mostly just give my feedback, unless the other person gave me space for discussion.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

= Because it is all about either listening to members or assisting other listeners, so if we can’t provide feedback right, both won’t improve as they won’t listen to what needs improvement.

Gnibellen January 14th, 2022


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Four Part forumla is the micro-yes, data point, show impact, and end on a question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

I think I could most improve on the end on a question note. I need to remind myself to do that more consistently.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it's very important to cultivate a feedback culture here because we all can benefit from feedback. Knowing we are going to receive feedback helps prepare us to accept it constructively and really hone in on making improvements.

hopezzy January 14th, 2022

@Heather225 - What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro yes, sharing data points and leaving blur words, letting them know how the work got affected, Ending with a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I could improve on Sharing data points and leaving blur words. Because not being specific about the problem and the blur words added to it will hamper the feedback. In fact, the other may not really know what we are talking about if we don't share our data points.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

By cultivating a feedback culture on 7 cups, we can improve our performance personally and professionally. With feedback, one can save time and effort by doing things right with the right tools.
dudewithaplan January 25th, 2022

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro-yes
2. Data-point
3. Show-impact
4. End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I usually lack of data-point in my feedbacks and use vague comments mostly. I can try to be more clear and on point in my feedbacks.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Nobody is perfect and sometimes outside perspective may needed to understand ourself better.

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


Yes, true points said, no - one is perfect, and it doesn't give us the excuse to give mean comments

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Ask a short, context-setting question, like “Do you have a minute to chat about that presentation?”

2. Be specific. Instead of saying “You seem like you don’t care about this project,” give a concrete example of something that happened.

3. Make an impact statement about how that action impacted you.

4. Wrap it up with a question that puts the ball back in the other person’s court to create a commitment: “what do you think we should do?”

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"? Slow down and speak clearly so could be understand.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups? To allow valuable growth of members, listeners and the entire organization. Set aside ego and avoid becoming defensive in order to cultivate a productive feedback culture.

CaringEzra February 14th, 2022

I like how you said we must put aside our egos, and not get defensive I think it’s important in order for us to absorb the feedback and actually make a change

AliveandAlive January 29th, 2022

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro-yes question

2. Data Point

3. Show Impact

4. Question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Data point. It is important to be objective while giving feedback. With data point the feedback will be credible.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It is important to cultivate the culture of feedback on 7 cups for continuous progress and growth. Feedback is important for the progress and for moving ahead in the right direction.

CaringEzra February 14th, 2022

Getting feedback is definitely important to help us grow and point us in the right direction

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


That's correct

anjellyna January 31st, 2022


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

the micro-yes, data points, show impact, end on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I feel like I could be more specific on data points, which gives the receiver of feedback a clearer image of the situation, and a more cohesive story.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it's important to cultivate a feedback culture on cups because there's always something to improve on here. We should work towards destigmatizing mistakes so that people have a comfortable and positive environment to grow in. If feedback is a normal part of our culture at 7cups, it'll be easier to accept feedback and grow.

CaringEzra February 14th, 2022

I agree we all have room to grow and should keep an open mind

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


Very true, a community can only grow with healthy constructive critiques.

Livingtohelplive January 31st, 2022

Hello there!

It is The micro Yes, data point, show impact and end on question.

I think there always has to be anywhere some improvement because i am not perfect, I am a human. So in all of those four Areas is definitely something to move higher.

It is important to grow, make a progress and know How things are because life is life and it is What it is. We are all just humans, arent we?

Sending strenght and energy!

Lots of love,


rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@Livingtohelplive i love that-- we are all just humans. none of us are perfect and we all have things we can work on/improve on :) very well said !

rriyad February 2nd, 2022


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Ans. four-part formula :

1. The micro yes

2. Data Point

3. Show Impact

4. End On A Question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

Ans. The micro yes as i haven't worked much on it.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Ans. Improving is a constant process so feedback is really important for making that as a habit.

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@rriyad improving is a constant process ! i agree with you on that :) we always have things to improve on and it's important to strive to improve in whatever ways we possibly can.

00Michelle00 February 3rd, 2022


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro -yes 2. Specific Data 3. Impact 4. A question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"? Asking the question

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups? Helps everyone to develop their soft skills, to perform better,

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022

@MinisterMichelle i do agree that giving and receiving feedback properly will help the community to perform better as a whole :) it's extremely important and essential !

rrretsuko February 5th, 2022


the four-part formula is: the micro-yes, data point, show impact, and end on a question

i could improve on ending with a question ! often times, i forget to do this and i do believe that it's important to see what others think as well instead of me just giving them feedback. they'll feel more heard and ultimately want to accept the feedback more :)

it's important to cultivate a feedback culture because we all have things we can improve and should strive to improve on ! if we want to help others better and be able to support them as best as we can + minimize more "bad reviews", we need to learn how to give and receive feedback :)

nessa104 February 10th, 2022


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data points,show impact, end with question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

It will give me new approaches and new thinking ideas that how I can improve myself,I think I can work on micro yes and end it with the question because I didn't know there was a way to do this

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It will give me new approaches and new thinking ideas that how I can improve myself, it is the honest reflection.I'll explain it with example when we are doing maths and answer doesn't come we checked the whole calculation again and learn from it I think it is same, we can either learn something new or reflect on our mistakes.

CaringEzra February 12th, 2022

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The Micro ~ Asking if it's okay to give feedback

2. Data Point ~ Give Specific examples or problems

3. Show Impact ~ Why does it matter / how it affected you

4. End on a Question ~ A question to keep the conversation going like asking their thoughts

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think that I could work on a lot of these points. I often get really nervous whenever I have to give feedback and I often want to rush to get it over with. I think giving specific points really makes a difference but my feedback often gets soft and contains many of the ‘blur’ words and statements. I think showing impact is really hard for me, especially if it's negative feedback, I don't want to hurt anyone or make them feel bad. And ending with a question is a really good thing but I will often forget to do that so making sure I do would be a good step.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

We all need feedback in real life and on cups. It's how we all learn and grow. We must be given feedback on the things we need to improve on so that we can grow and learn from them. It can't be too harsh so that the person receiving it gets defensive and pushes away and feels discouraged. When we do something good we need feedback so that we continue doing it in the future. It also makes us want to continue to work harder and get better. There is a balance when giving feedback, it can't be too soft but it can't be too direct either. As leaders, it's important that we work on finding ways to give feedback to others.

Zahraa000 February 21st, 2022

1-What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Start it with saying yes and end with a short question because it prepares the brain for criticism as it is considered an organized tool and creates a moment of acceptance in the person.

2- Which of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself and why?

The part that I would like to improve and perform better for me is the question! Where the message of criticism must be wrapped in a question to create commitment rather than mere compliance so that the conversation is not one-sided.

3-Why do you think it’s so important to Cultivate a feedback Culture here on 7 cups?

The feedback feed in 7 cups is important because it makes the conversation purposeful and based on both parties and not one party without the other. The most important thing in it is clarity in asking and receiving questions and avoiding vague questions that would make the conversation not purposeful and not reaching the desired results and accepting positive criticism and showing the impact that occurs between The listener and the member.