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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #6) How to Accept Feedback

Heather225 August 7th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Accepting feedback is a crucial part of being a good leader.

Please watch this video.

Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

dworth257 August 7th, 2020

what if you don't really want to be a leader but people give you their unsolicited feedback anyway:?!

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Getting feedback is something everyone gets, regardless of being a leader. Leaders are just the people who give the most feedback. Feedback is for everyone, not just leaders. It is a learning experience if you accept it as such. Everyone has room for improvement and thats all feedback is, a suggestion for improvement.

dancingMoment7201 September 26th, 2020


So true!

Brinaa101 June 25th, 2021


I agree! Getting feedback on anything is an important part in growing, for everyone, regardless of if you're a leader or not!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Leadership is a learning experience. Leaders give the most feedback.

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


Thats so true !

Tyedyedbutterfly65 August 7th, 2020


Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?

Most Recent Feedback- About reporting people - I felt that the feedback was not great but I accept it and that reporting is still good to do .

How did I feel- I was just shocked to be honest that some behavior is acceptable by some and not others..

Why Do I think I reacted and felt the way i did - Because I am one who believes in following the rules set in place but of course I can break some rules myself nothing big but I am sure I do.

What would I do differently after watching Video- Nothing really because I learned and accepted what was told to me and understanding how reports are seperated and points given..

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Yay! Keep the learning up! heart

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


It feels that you are hurt. I wish I could be of help. I wish you the best in your journey ahead.

Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 14th, 2020

@shiningSound31 Thanks for your reply but No I am not hurt I was not the one reported I had reported someone and had screen shots and nothing was done ... I am good no worries lol...just how i felt about it.

Thanks Tye... smiley

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Oh Okay.

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020



Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 14th, 2020

@shiningSound31heart Thank you for the heart and Smiles and Congrats by the way you are my 2000th Forum Post !! weeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! I wanna give you a Badge for this lol..... Tye's 2000 Post Badge awarded too ShiningSound31 heart lol

Have a blessed day !


shiningSound31 September 15th, 2020


Thanks, Tye heart

Tyedyedbutterfly65 September 15th, 2020

@shiningSound31 Yvw heart

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


I can understand your view and agree witn you

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


You sound like a really perceptive and appreciative person - also really calm and understanding! Kepp it up <3

blindHeart12 April 18th, 2021


even i learned that point through video that feedack is different and not to take personal.

helpfuldipper June 10th, 2021

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 I loved how honest you were in the last part of your answer !

wonderfulRainbow817 July 7th, 2021

@Tyedyedbutterfly65, I can understand how this made you feel. I myself am also a strict rule follower so when they aren't it can become frustrating among other things.

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Even I was shocked to know that some behavior is acceptable by some and not others..

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


Thats a really moral and well explained answer

CheeryMango August 28th, 2020


How did you react? The feedback was a little unexpected because I thought I did my best and was expecting to move to the next phase

How did you feel? I felt as though the feedback was necessary, because what I thought I understood, I really didn't

Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? It's never exciting to receive feedback because you don't know what the feedback is going to be about

What would you do differently after having watched the video? I need to realizse that there is always room for improvement and you can learn through receiving feedback

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Inspiring! heart

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Mango, I really like your answer to the last question. I wish you the best in your journey ahead!

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


Feedback is the best scope of learning. Great point noted. All the best!

SofiaT2000 October 30th, 2020

@CheeryMango This was very inspiring Mango! Feedback is indeed necessary sometimes to understand if something in our approach is wrong and to improve it.

Brinaa101 June 25th, 2021

I agree! It's scary not knowing what the feedback might be, but it helps us grow :) most of the time

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


So beautifully explained

softMusic9759 August 28th, 2020

I just received some feedback from my graphic design team today and the feedback hurt me a bit since I worked really hard on a project but I understand that with this feedback I'll be able to grow as a person.

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Whatever the feedback was, and even if we can always improve, I am sure that your work is amazing! Congratulations heart

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


I really liked your positive attitude toward receiving feedback. I wish you the best in your journey ahead!

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


So glad to see you are turning the emotions to a positive note! You will do great ahead. All the best!

KindnessMatters2020 October 9th, 2020


I love how you were able to see the positive in the feedback and grow from it. Well done :)

blindHeart12 April 18th, 2021


that really nice perspective .

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Hi! How are you? heart

heart I took the feedback, not with a smile (since it s hard for me, and it was from a challenging person), but I took it. heart

heart I felt very bad, like a terrible person. heart

heart I reacted and felt that way because of the lack of warmth in the feedback, and because of my self-esteem issues. heart

heart I could apply conflict resolution skills, even if it s not a conflict itself. heart

QuietMagic September 6th, 2020

@Daf8 That makes sense that feedback expressed in a cold/harsh way would feel upsetting, especially if you were already feeling like "Ugh I'm not doing anything right." I definitely feel sometimes like I have to reword feedback or translate it into my own personal language to make it a bit gentler, warmer, and relevant to how I think about things before I'm able to accept, process, or act upon it. (And sometimes after thinking about an issue, I might honestly decide that there isn't anything that needs to be done or can be done right now.)

Daf8 September 6th, 2020

heart @QuietMagic heart

heart I agree! Thank you for your words heart

peacefulWarrior10 October 3rd, 2020


Though its not a conflict itself, its feedback acceptance, but very well compared. It is an internal conflict that we need to address. Sure conflict resolution techniques can be used in this context. All the best!

Daf8 October 4th, 2020

heart @peacefulWarrior10 heart

heart Thank you for this! It means a lot. All the best for the best! heart