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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #10) Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this insightful doc written for us by @Hope.

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

yourfriend5 October 8th, 2021


Excellent stuff

Izzy274 October 8th, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

  • It brings different perspectives which help innovation.
  • We can reach a wide range of people and cultures
  • We can have 24/7 support due to all the different timezones
  • A wide range of skills from all different kinds of people boosts creativity
  • Spread awareness and inclusion of all different cultures and people.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

  • Rise above stereotypes - sometimes people may have preconceived views or stereotypes about certain types of people which can be harmful and prevent them from getting to know the individual
  • Respect peoples' beliefs - Due to cultural differences people can have very different beliefs, and this is natural and okay. We can work towards mutual agreements or delegate tasks to people which will not contradict with their beliefs (for example posts about religious festivals/holidays this person does not celebrate)
  • Respect their schedule/ availability - consider adapting to find the best time for everyone's different time zones, and respect people taking time out for celebrations/ holidays that you might not celebrate.
  • Be mindful of second language learners - use simplified speech and try not to use colloquialisms or complicated slang/ language that may be confusing for learners. Be accommodating and respectful and be prepared to rephrase things to aid them to understand easier.

JoyHappyNess October 17th, 2021


Of course a diverse team, means a pool of ideas and those ideas can bring about innovation. Lovely lesson to learn there. 😃

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

@Izzy274 I loveee how you organized your points - I enjoyed reading through all those tips you had to be more respectful of other cultures! :0

JoyHappyNess October 17th, 2021


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

1. A diverse team ensures that one's weaknesses can be substituted for another's strength. For example, diverse time zones ensures 24/7 hour support as when one area has a majority of its population sleeping or at work, another area has listeners enjoying their free time who can offer support.

2. A diverse team ensures a diverse language therefore support is given to all members despite the language.

3. A diverse team means diverse cultures which creates a space for like minded individuals to find each other. For example Hindus can find each other. LGBTQ community can also find each other.

4. A diverse team ensures a diverse pool of experience therefore members can find a listener with a directly lived experience to listen and connect with them.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

1. Avoid talking ill about a certain culture, practice, religion, gender, country or race while in the cups.

2. Rise above the stereotype

3. Be respectful of other people beliefs.

4. Be mindful of schedules and availability

5. Use simple languages, avoid abbreviations for second language learners

LavenderFlower November 3rd, 2021


You got every point! I think being mindful of second language learners is really important. It requires patience, understanding, and a level of calmness. It's great to have so much diversity on our team.

Textingpals October 17th, 2021


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.


  • The different perspectives can drive innovation

  • Allows us to reach and help more people situated outside of our country/culture.

  • Covers different time zones and allows us to support people living in different timezones

  • You get to learn about different cultures and practices which adds to your set of skills.

  • A wider range of skill sets is available for the team that can fuel creativity and productivity.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Answer: We should rise over stereotypes, respect individual beliefs, be mindful of availability and schedules, be considerate of timezones.

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021


1. New opportunities to learn from others views and get a chance to see a different world from their perspective, increased creativity and productivity.

2. We can be respectful by being inclusive on everyone's differences, be willing to learn about their culture and just show respect to everyone.

LavenderFlower November 3rd, 2021


Increased productivity and creativity are great bonuses. If we only had people from English speaking countries, we might not be able to help as many people.

jersey123456 October 22nd, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

In a diverse team, we get to know about the various cultures , meet people from all over the world and our thinking process gets bigger since we take inputs from a diverse team.. It helps fuel creativity and innovation.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We should be respectful of their cultural beliefs ,festivals and language. One should be mindful of being considerate and kind to others .

LavenderFlower November 3rd, 2021


I think you're right. We should be respectful towards every member of our team. Plus, learning about other cultures and festivals can be fun and widen our perspective!

LavenderFlower November 3rd, 2021


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

By having members from diverse backgrounds, we can have more time zone coverage, have and learn more diverse skill sets, have more reach and have more perspectives to approach issues.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

The most important things are patience and acceptance. We can keep in mind schedules, understand language differences, understand different systems of belief, and let go of stereotypes.

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

@LavenderFlower Definitely agree with the time zone point haha! As someone from a weird timezone, I can always be online when most people are asleep, which can be really helpful! :D

mikacv December 14th, 2021


PATIENCE IS KEY!!! I say this all the time but its so true! we should all be respectful and patient with one another, especially when we are dissimilar

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A diverse team allows the sharing of ideas from different perspectives and individuals. Coming from diverse backgrounds, the members of the team is able to approach a problem from different angles and come up with solutions that will be able to more holistically solve the problem.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We should definitely treat everyone with respect and include them in our conversations no matter what culture or country they belong to. We should also always clarify and not make an assumption about the cultures we're unfamiliar with.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


OO! Yes I didn't write clarity in my post, but I also agree that its important to clarify what we say and also not to make assumptions unto others! (:

lyricalSea85 November 20th, 2021


Q. Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A. Firstly, great article out there!!! Loved reading it thoroughly. Advantages are plenty but my favourite is where we get to meet and greet so many people from different cultures, backgrounds and upbringing. With an open mind, one gains the ability to diversify their own perspective of how they see things on a day to day basis and how it's slightly different for people around them.

Q. How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

A. Having an open mind and understanding of individual beliefs, culture, backgrounds, thoughts, time zones.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


I agree! A big excitement about being a listener on this site for me is to get to know others from around the world! I love to keep an open mind and try very hard to understand others and their differences (:

Gnibellen January 14th, 2022


I couldn't agree with you more - it is so wonderful to get to meet so many different people from all walk's of life.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

One advantage is that diversity allows different perspectives to be shared, which may lead to creative and innovative solutions and ideas. Also, with a diverse team it's more likely that members will have their own unique differences in skills which makes up for a stronger team. Another is that it allows 7Cups to reach more people: in different cultures, time zones, countries, etc. In turn, by talking to people from all over the world, we get exposure to diverse others. We learn about different cultures, practices, attitudes, and ways of life which gives us a better understanding of other backgrounds, and allows us to have a more diverse mindset and picture of the world around us.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

It's good to be mindful of others: their backgrounds, cultures, time, etc. We have to remember that stereotypes are general and sometimes misleading/untrue statements about people, which we have to ignore when talking to others. We also have to be respectful of other people's obligations relating to their culture, time zone, and other beliefs/location based circumstances.

DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021



1. The difference in perspectives of people from different diversities can drive innovation.

2. It also helps you to learn about different cultures, their practices which widens your knowledge.

2. By knowing that it is fine for someone to think about something differently and have a different perspective. We can also try to rise above the stereotypes which are mostly outdates and sometimes just absurd and false.

Livingtohelplive January 31st, 2022

Hello there!

I love How you pointed out The stereotypes. I think that is a thing worth to talk about overmore and even kinda taboo topic, at least in my culture.

Sending strenght and energy!

Lots of love,


Gnibellen January 14th, 2022


I think respecting individual's beliefs is the most important thing we can do to show we care!

Kindwords2000 January 7th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

  • Covers different time zones and allows us to support people living in different timezones
  • Allows us to reach and help more people situated outside of our country/culture.
  • A wider range of skill sets available for the team which can fuel creativity and productivity.
  • You get to learn about different cultures and practices which adds to your set of skills.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

  • To treat everyone equally and not to judge
  • To rise above stereotypes
  • To be respectful of other people's beliefs
  • To be mindful of schedules and time zones

hopezzy January 15th, 2022

@Kindwords2000 I agree!

Livingtohelplive January 31st, 2022

Hello there!

I totally love your post. The timezones is something, I have noticed, many people usually forget about. A lot. Sometimes even i do. So Thank you for mentioning that!

Sending strenght and energy!

Lots of love,


MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


Agreed Kindwords2000. *high-five*

DarkPiT23 January 7th, 2022

It brings bond between different cultures and story. I really love knowing about different cultures and traditions! ❤️ We can embrace by welcoming them open heartedly.

Gnibellen January 14th, 2022


Welcoming other cultures with open arms is a great practice!

Listeningstars January 11th, 2022

- Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

= Different cultural experiences, more spoken languages and a variety of ideas while brainstorming.

- How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

= By understanding that being different allows us to reach more and more people, so more people around the globe can find help.

hopezzy January 15th, 2022

@Listeningstars YES to Brainstorming!

dudewithaplan January 25th, 2022

@Listeningstars brainstorming is a key thing to focus as you mentioned. Two mind is better than one.

Gnibellen January 14th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Some advantages of a diverse team, especially here on 7cups is that we serve populations from all across the world, and having a diverse team allows us to connect with many different people.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful of different cultures on 7cups by considering time zones, being respectful of other's beliefs, and rise above the stereotypes.

hopezzy January 15th, 2022

@Gnibellen I agree. Stereotypes can be harmful. We should rise above them.

dudewithaplan January 25th, 2022

@Gnibellen connecting with many people is important as you said.

hopezzy January 15th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

More diversity means more celebrations! It's always intriguing to know the culture of others and how they perceive things. We can learn a lot from them. And indeed, they lead to more innovation. The world is evolving, thanks to the efforts made by different people from different backgrounds. Oh, I can't imagine when we all look and do things like, Getting to know people from the diverse team is exciting for me.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful by being mindful of our language and trying to know others by asking questions about their culture and diverse nature. What is normal to us may not be okay for them and that's perfectly fine. We should respect their opinions and cultures.

dudewithaplan January 25th, 2022

@hopezzy i think innovation is a good way to look at it as you mentioned.

rriyad February 7th, 2022


I agree! asking question for being sure surely a wise option.

Zarram77 March 24th, 2022

@hopezzy That's a very nice answer :)

dudewithaplan January 25th, 2022

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

- Team can cover bigger umbrella for more people to help them.

- Team can work in different time zone to cover and help faster response times.

- Team can share their cultures to others to help them understand better from that cultures.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

In order to be respectful to other cultures, you have to learn about in general sense. After general knowladge in many countries there are sub-cultures to discover. Being non-judgemental is one of key elements and we should respect their culture.