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Course 3, Discussion 4: One Key Metric

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

It is pretty easy to get knocked off track in life. One way to stay on track is to have a core metric that guides you. If you have a north star that you are working towards, then you know how well you are doing. It is harder to be in denial or to participate in activities that are less helpful in meeting that goal.

Please watch this video

There are 2 parts to this discussion.

✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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KristenHR June 20th


THat's a good point.  I think too, that the most important one, the other build toward.

KristenHR June 20th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

The goal to increase the number of verified listeners each month on 7 Cups so that we have more and more excellence.

I'm not comfortable with part 2.

alllrightyyyyyy July 1st


Choosing a core metric is like setting a clear destination on a map. It helps you stay focused and measure your progress towards your goals. In my professional life, having a key performance indicator (KPI) helps align my actions with the team's objectives and provides a clear measure of success. It prevents getting sidetracked by less important tasks and keeps me motivated to achieve meaningful outcomes.

On a personal level, having a guiding metric can simplify decision-making and ensure that my actions reflect my values and long-term goals. For example, if my metric is “maintain a healthy work-life balance,” it helps me evaluate whether I am spending enough time on my health and relationships.

In Chapter 12, I imagined it was the end of my life, and people said: “You lived authentically, made a positive impact, and always stayed true to your values.”

This exercise was powerful because it helped me see what truly matters to me. It reminds me to focus on actions that align with these core values, rather than getting lost in daily distractions. This vision acts as my compass, guiding me to live a life that feels both meaningful and fulfilling.



Thank you for sharing your insights. It's inspiring to see how you align your professional and personal life with clear metrics and core values. Your reflection from Chapter 12 beautifully illustrates the importance of living authentically and staying true to what matters most. Keep using this vision as your compass to navigate towards a meaningful and fulfilling life.



✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

Choosing a single metric as a goal is crucial in providing clarity, focus, and measurable progress. It not only enhances professional efficiency and accountability but also fosters personal growth and well-being. Whether in a professional setting or personal life, this approach ensures that efforts are directed towards meaningful and impactful outcomes, leading to success and fulfillment.

 (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

After doing the exercise from Chapter 12 of "Searching Soul," I imagined people saying the following at the end of my life:

"You were often too intense and could be hard to get along with. Your passion for things sometimes made you come off as stubborn and difficult. You had a tendency to get lost in your own world and forget about the people around you. You tried to help others, but sometimes it felt like you were more focused on your interests than on what others needed. You made plenty of mistakes and hurt some people along the way. But despite all that, you did have moments where you showed real kindness and tried to make up for your flaws."

This exercise made me realize that while I have good intentions, I need to work on being more aware of how my actions affect others. It reminded me to balance my passions with empathy and to strive to be more understanding and less self-centered in my interactions.

whattospeak July 7th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

The goal of choosing a single metric to prevent distractions and chaos. The North Star metric helps benefit business and personal long-term growth. It can identify measurable growth and

provide sense of responsibilities for keeping a safe environment on oneself or team.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

All I know, I hear different people from my friends and family doing their best to remember me as part of their life story. Different people have dealt with different characters on how I express myself to them. One thing for sure, I would be known as a person that is a fool, as well as making folks laugh.

patientShell1003 July 13th

It is important because it will help me focus on the goal that I have. I will be encouraged to work if I have a goal in life.

I have completed it.

Damonchandio July 17th


I'm part of the Listener Verification Team, we focus on how quickly we respond to verification requests. Keeping track of response times helps us stay on top of our game and make better decisions. It’s not always easy to measure this, so I’m planning to chat with my leader about finding simpler ways to track and improve our response times.

I imagine people saying I was someone who genuinely cared for others and made a positive impact with my kindness and dedication. This exercise helps me stay true to those values, reminding me to act with empathy and purpose every day. It keeps me focused on what truly matters, both in my work and personal life.

Ivebutterfly July 31st

@Damonchandio I am glad that the exercise helped you and you sound like a great person and your strength sound like you belong at 7 Cups. Good work on the Listener Verification team as well!

Ivebutterfly July 31st

@FrenchToast Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I think that it is important as then it minimizes the risk of burnout and you can focus on something that benefits both you and the community. A single goal instead of multiple allows you to put all your time and energy into one thing so that it can be the best that it can be and hopefully more of a passion project rather than something that just has deadlines. 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

Completed but not comfortable sharing felt too personal.

heathermarie95 August 22nd


great insight! 

Noor511 August 12th


Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

Am not in any cups teams yet so am sharing metrics from my school team 

We always make sure everyones is comfortable with any new ideas we are projecting and always make sure nobody's ideas are ignored 

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock. 

I did the training but I am not comfortable sharing 
KindleMissie August 21st


It awesome to see you grow with your School team and working towards your key metrics! 

KindleMissie August 21st


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well. 

I am in Peer Appreciation Team where our key metric is make sure all of our are appreciated with spreading joy and positivity. I am also a forum supporter where our key metric is to keep the community engaged and active with compassion. 

The goal of choosing a single metric is essential as it promotes accountability, focus, effective management, and gives a space for further improvement.

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.

Done with the exercise. It really helped me marching towards my key metrics.

hirai111 August 23rd


Well said :)

heathermarie95 August 22nd


Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I am a part of the Peer Appreciation project. The key metric is members and listener showing appreciation to one another and spreading smiles. A way this can help in a professional setting especially as a leader is remembering that showing appreciation to team members can create a work place bond. 

2. I have completed the chapter. 

hirai111 August 23rd


As an Academy Mentor at  Cups, focusing on a single key metric is important because it allows me to track the effectiveness of our training program as a mentor and ensure that new trainees are improving in areas like active listening and adhering to QLP guidelines. Furthermore, it is important to consistently update on the QLP dashboard, communicate with my leaders, and respond in a timely manners in order for our team to make progress together.

For the death scenario, I have completed it but am not comfortable sharing :)

Onyx000 September 9th

@hirai111 I love your response, thank you

Onyx000 September 9th

Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well. 

I have not gotten involved in leadership yet, so this does not pertain to me quite yet however, I do want to find a position after and while I do this program

✒️ (TW: themes that deal with death) Read chapter 12 of our Searching Soul book and do the exercise where you imagine it is the end of your life. If comfortable, post what you imagine people saying to you at the conclusion of the exercise. If comfortable, then please share how the exercise impacted you. What you imagine them telling you is your compass. If you are acting in a way that is consistent with what they are saying, then it is very likely that you will end up living a meaningful life. Remember to listen to and follow this compass so as not to be distracted by the clock.  


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

Alambo905 September 10th


Hope you find your best fit in a leadership role soon :) 

Alambo905 September 10th


✒️ Work with your team or mentor and identify the key metric you are hoping to help move. Post daily (or the cadence that makes sense) in the 3 key things thread to highlight what you are doing to help us move 7 Cups forward. Please post here why this goal of choosing a single metric is important. Think of how this is important in your professional life, but also how this can help you personally as well.

I've posted the 3 Things I've done for my goal in the thread.

The key metric/goal I hope to achieve is creating a safe place for both, listeners and members to hear and be heard. Having a clear idea of the goal not only helps gain a clarity on what is the purpose of the action but also take the necessary steps in achieving it without feeling overwhelmed/overburdened with unnecessary work. Therefore having a key metric is crucial for a journey as whole.

Having a key metric helps me take initiatives towards and stay in track whenever in doubt regarding, my purpose of work. Further when I accomplish my goals it raises my confidence in doing things and gain a sense of satisfaction. Therefore having a key metric postively impacts my professional as well as personal life.