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Course 3, Discussion 3: When you don't get the role you want

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Hello, students! Let's talk leadership!

Many of you have or will apply for certain roles that interest you! And some times we get it and some times we don't! It can be difficult to find out that we didn't get the role, but we can control how we react to it.

Here are some DOs and DON'Ts:

- DO talk to the leader of the role that you applied for and get some input on what you can/need to do in order to get the role next time! Be aware though most leaders of these roles are busy so give it some time!

- DON'T bring the issue into the support rooms. If you are upset, talking to a peer supporter about how you are feeling is ok!

- DO take some self-care, self-care is good for any occasion but its best to deal with those feelings of failure or disappointment outside of 7 cups, things like going on your member account can be so helpful to overcome some of these feelings

- DON'T think that you are obligated to stay on 7 cups right after finding out bad news, especially if you are in LSR/TL and you see other listeners who have gotten the role that you wanted! It can be hard to deal with and it can cause unneeded jealousy or hurt on your part! Not everyone is like this but if you think that this is a possibility that you can think this way staying away might be a great option!

- DON'T take it personally, everyone is ready at different times. It can be hard for us to realize this but just because someone got the role and they might have been here in less or the same amount of time doesn't mean that you personally are ready! Everyone grows and accomplishes things at different times!

- DO get a mentor, in general its a good idea to get a mentor but for things like your goals on 7 cups mentors can be great and helpful! They can give you feedback, do mock chats with you, and overall help you with your goals as I said before!

- DON'T think you have to apply for every role and every team out there! There is time you don't have to apply for everything! Its super easy to burnout that way, and that can lead to more "rejection" and hurt that none of us want!

*Never let not getting a role the first time discourage you! You will be told when you can apply again and use the feedback that you get to better yourself when you can/decide that you are ready to! practice makes perfect none for us are perfect and no one will ever be! Its a good thing to remember no matter your role as a listener your help is greatly appreciated and you are still helping so many people!*

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

KristenHR June 19th


Yes, this is great.  Great response.

KristenHR June 19th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would ask what I could do better to prepare to be a better candidate for this role.  Also, I would thank them for the opportunity to have been interviewed or applied.  And should there be another opportunity I'd love to apply again.  Any feedback would be welcomed.  I would use this information to better prepare for another time to apply when my skills are more appropriate.

alllrightyyyyyy July 1st

Hi, leader's Name

Thank you for letting me know about the decision regarding the role. While I'm disappointed, I understand and respect the choice made. I would appreciate any feedback you could provide on how I can improve and better prepare myself for future opportunities. I’m eager to learn and grow from this experience. Thank you again for considering my application and for your support.


@alllrightyyyyyyThat's a really nice and responsible way of responding.



Hi "Leader's Name".
Thank you for letting me know about the decision regarding the role. While I am disappointed, I understand and respect the choice. I am eager to improve and would appreciate any feedback you can provide on how I can strengthen my application for the future. Your guidance would be incredibly valuable to me. In the meantime, I will focus on self-care and continue contributing positively to the community. Thank you for the opportunity and for considering me.

whattospeak July 7th


Your response is highly respectful!

patientShell1003 July 13th

Very good.

whattospeak July 7th


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would accept what it is. If the role was not given, I would take some time to ask what is there that I need to adjust and review on why I have been rejected. Main rule to get feedback like this is to not take it personally. It is best to have a mentor with you to go over some reviews and improve yourself from there.

Cynthialy July 10th

@casterDjack great response

Cynthialy July 10th

@FrenchToast I would accept the response and kindly ask what I can do next time to improve. I would then relax and have a self-care day, maybe watch a TV show with some comfort food

patientShell1003 July 13th

Hi I see that I did not have the role that I applied to and I understand that. What can I do to be better next time? I want to better me.

Damonchandio July 17th


Good Response

Damonchandio July 17th


If I find out I didn't get a role, I should respond with gratitude and a positive attitude.

I would say to the leader,

Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate the opportunity to apply. Can you please provide me with some feedback on how I can improve next time?

Ivebutterfly July 30th

@Damonchandio That's a great message!

Ivebutterfly July 30th

@FrenchToast If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I think you should respond politely asking for constructive criticism from the leader and if feedback is given to try to learn on what you can improve. I think you can should say Hi! I heard I didn't get the role and congrats to the people you did. Just wondering whether you had any feedback which I could improve on or anything which I did well. If not, that's okay. Thank you for the time.

hirai111 August 23rd


Very well said!

Noor511 August 3rd


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would say something similar to this: 

Heyy *leader name* thanks for letting me my results i can't say am not a little disappointed of it , i would really appreciate it if you gave me a feedback on my results take your time i know you are busy thankss for your hard work.

CaringCompanion22 August 17th

@Noor511 that's a really good response, good luck in your future application! 

CaringCompanion22 August 17th

@FrenchToastQuestion: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would accept it. Nothing in life is guaranteed but I would contact the leader to ask if there are any feedback to improve on my next application 

KindleMissie August 21st


Yup, you are right!

KindleMissie August 21st


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hello 'Leader's username'!

Thanks for informing me. I really appreciate it. I respect the decision and understand that I am not ready enough for this role yet. I am excited to learn from this experience. If you have any feedback or guidance for future, I would be really grateful to hear your thoughts as it would be really helpful for me in future opportunities.

Thank you so much again for all the support and help till now. 

Warm regards and have a wonderful day!😊

heathermarie95 August 22nd


great response!

heathermarie95 August 22nd


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would accept the outcome. I would ask if are any changes I could make to potentially reach this role

hirai111 August 23rd


Hello, thank you for following up with me and letting me know the results of my application. I understand that I am not the best fit for the role currently, and would appreciate if you could give me feedback and let me know what areas to improve on if I were to reapply. I appreciate you taking the time to help me!

Alambo905 September 9th


That's a great response!

Dorcas00 September 8th


Thank you for letting me know about the decision.I would like to understand more about the decision and any feedback you might have. Could you share what factors influenced the choice and how I might improve or position myself better for future opportunities?"

Alambo905 September 9th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hello Leader!

Thank you for responding to my request earlier. I understand my proposal got rejected which is slightly upsetting to me at the moment, however, I'll definitely take into account the pointers you've mentioned in the areas I need to develop and will surely work on it. I sincerely hope to work with you soon. Thanks again for your continued support and care. I really appreciate this!

Onyx000 September 9th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I really appreciate you taking the time to give me the opportunity and considering me. What could I do? Moving forward to be more of a better candidate for the role?