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Course 1, Discussion 2: The Big 5

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello Leadership Crew!

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here and below.

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Honestly that i have trouble taking these personality tests, to majority of questions i find myself wanting to end in the middle or thinking it depends on the situation. Found it very hard to answer, i do not think it is because i do not know, rather than it truly varies for me, i do not feel like i have this set strong identity and feel strictly about things. Am quite variable.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Biggest one is that i tend  to consider feelings of others, which can very much be a negative if not managed properly. I love that i have a big heart and care about others so deeply but i also need to take care of myself and channel that energy for myself too. I am still a person afterall and you can not pour from an empty cup. 

Also that i tend to be very anxious and go off of my emotions a lot, am quite sensitive, so i need to work on channeling that inner strength and peace.

KristenHR May 16th


I love your self-awareness.  I hear a lot of compassion in your post.  I also hear the challenge with the tests.  I feel that some too, particularly when it is some true but some not.  One of my results put me right in the middle but the result I felt wasn't as accurate as it should be, but it's not going to be perfect, because if I took it tomorrow, it would be in the ballpark but could be slightly different.

I love your take away on how to apply it with the anxiousness and emotions.  That is a great idea.

KristenHR May 16th


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

This was a very interesting test.  It showed I'm not very keen to new experiences, which is actually partly true, but except in certain situations.  The rest wasn't new to me.  I'm reliable and organized, I enjoy the company of others (my friends specifically), I'm good natured and supportive, and I'm not particularly nervous nor calm.  I pretty much take it in the middle.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Strengths wise, the organization, my empathy and supportiveness are definitely strengths.  I'm to help with projects and problem solve, yet be caring and take others feelings and feedback into consideration.  In general I'm a leader and I enjoy being a leader, but I like it when others are willing to step up and take on tasks that cater to their strengths too.  I enjoy seeing people grow, which feeds into my encouraging and supportive side.

In my personal life, it helps me in relationships, it helps me to have balance in my relationships and my time between volunteering and personal life.  It allows me to take care of me as well as to be careful to sensitive to my needs.  The organization helps me to notice my needs and keep my schedule doable and not too overwhelming (most of the time). 

patientShell1003 June 19th

@KristenHR very good answer.

CaringCompanion22 July 23rd



Ivy229 May 21st


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I have taken this test a couple times in the past so I did not learn anything new per say but just was more so a confirmation of something I already knew. I guess it was interesting taking this test now when I am quite a bit older than previously and still getting pretty similar scores.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?


High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.  (Your percentile: 84)


High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

   You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.     (Your percentile: 86) 


High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

  You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.     (Your percentile: 2)


High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

⦁       You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive.     (Your percentile: 82)

 Negative Emotionality         

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

  •    You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 89)

whattospeak June 10th

@Ivy229Not going to lie, This test was quite hard for me. Also We all is still discovering ourself. :) Best of luck on your end.

Alambo905 July 24th


True. This test was quite hard for me too while taking it for the first time as we are pondering over each questions that touches certain sensitive spots. But this is also a sign we are being truthful in our answers / at least are trying to be which in itself is a step towards genuine progress!

wishfulForest1871 June 27th

@Ivy229 It’s great to see that your test results confirm what you already know about yourself, showing consistency over time. Your strengths in open-mindedness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness are admirable and can significantly enhance your personal life, making you creative, reliable, and supportive. Embrace these qualities, and continue to manage your anxiety with effective strategies. You're on a wonderful path of self-awareness and growth!

tuffattack May 23rd

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I have taken this particular test before so I did not learn any new information; however, it was a nice refresher on things that I do have positive qualities for 

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

As per the test, I prefer order and routine. I am empathetic and I am willing to accommodate to support others in most situations. I have a strong epistemophila and I enjoy activity that helps me engage in the world around me as well as improve my understanding of it. 

Knowing this, I think I am able to better support my thoughts and hopefully continue to enjoy learning. I think as an INFJ, it is so important to me to not only understand others, but also be open to change when it comes to all around supporting my peers which i view as a positive trait 


@Hope ✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Like in the previous discussion I learned that my personality is more introverted. I've always thought I was just a shy extrovert, but I think this conclusion makes more sense. 

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

According to the test I can be overly emotional. However I a strength is that I am very caring, which I think can help me in my personal life because it can make me feel closer to the people around me :)

Cynthialy June 21st

@whimsicalCloud4661 Hi, you sound like truly an introspective and caring human being

whattospeak June 10th


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I need a lot to work on myself..

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Open-Mindedness: Conventional

Conscientiousness: Haphazardly

Extraversion: Neither social nor reserve

Agreeableness: Neither forgiving nor irritable

Negative Emotionality: Generally Anxious and worry about things.

patientShell1003 June 19th

1- Even if I am sometime upset, I am generally relaxed in my life.

2- Being relaxed can help me to deal with stressful situations. I am able to work even if I am under pressure.

Cynthialy June 21st

@Hope I learned that I´m more agreeable than I thought. I think this test is really useful and backed up well by science. I believe my strengths like being open to experiences and conscientious allow me to focus while also being creative and thus become successful in my academic, professional, and personal life 

wishfulForest1871 June 27th


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

  1. Openness to Experience: I enjoy familiar routines but remain somewhat open to new ideas. This balance helps me maintain stability while being adaptable to change.

  2. Conscientiousness: I need to improve my organization and discipline. Recognizing this can help me enhance my productivity by developing better organizational skills.

  3. Extraversion: I am introverted, preferring solitude and deep, meaningful interactions. This trait indicates that I recharge best in quiet environments.

  4. Agreeableness: I express my irritations and criticisms more readily than others. This straightforwardness can be beneficial but also highlights the need for more patience and empathy.

  5. Negative Emotionality: I tend to be anxious and worry a lot. Being aware of this predisposition allows me to seek strategies to manage stress and maintain emotional well-being.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

  1. Openness to Experience: My moderate openness allows me to enjoy stability while being flexible and open to new opportunities, fostering personal growth.

  2. Extraversion: My introverted nature helps me excel in independent work and deep reflection. It also means my relationships are likely to be deep and meaningful, contributing to a strong support network.

  3. Negative Emotionality: While high anxiety is challenging, it means I am highly attuned to potential risks, driving me to be cautious and prepared. Understanding this helps me seek stress management techniques and build resilience.

Ivebutterfly June 28th

@wishfulForest1871 It's good that you identified how to improve your strengths and weaknesses and applied it to your daily life. It's so good you are able to recognise that and your results are similar to mine. Good luck with your path!

Ivebutterfly June 28th

@Hope I found the big 5 test interesting.

My Results: You are relatively open to new experiences (percentile 73) Open-Mindness 

You are neither organised or disorganised (percentile 58) Conscientiousness

You are neither social or reserved (percentile 43) Extraversion 

You are good-natured, courteous and supportive (percentile 95) Agreeableness

You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm (percentile 44) 

 What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learnt that I was less calm than I thought and less reserved so it brought up new strengths and weaknesses I guess to take into account. 

I think my strengths are definitely my agreeableness and open-mindness as it will help me with my empathy towards people and providing them with more care which is why I wanted to be a listener due to my strengths anyway :)

TrueSight July 10th

@Ivebutterfly it sounds like this is a great experience. It always feels good to know we are better in an area that we though. And I bet you amazing with empathy.

Ivebutterfly July 11th

@TrueSight Thank you. I wish you well on your listener journey. I know you will do great! :)

TrueSight July 10th

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned about myself that I do sometimes have a tendency to be anxious, unhappy and prone to negative things. 


What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Strengths all point to definitely having empathy. This can really add to my personal life with how I am to others and will benefit my future profession. 

Damonchandio July 11th



Damonchandio July 11th


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I'm very open to new experiences and ideas, which makes me creative and curious. I value harmony in relationships and prefer smaller social gatherings. I'm fairly organized but still flexible, and while I do get stressed sometimes, I'm pretty good at managing it.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

  1. Openness: My creativity and curiosity help me explore new hobbies and learn continuously.
  2. Agreeableness: Being empathetic and cooperative helps me build strong relationships and resolve conflicts.
  3. Conscientiousness: Being dependable yet flexible helps me stay organized without being too rigid.
  4. Neuroticism: Awareness of my emotions helps me take steps to manage stress and maintain mental health.

By understanding these strengths, I can better navigate my personal life, building strong relationships, staying engaged with new interests, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Rosie002 July 15th

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I'm neither introverted nor extroverted, meaning that I can be both, aka, an ambivert.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I am open minded and tend to not get easily anxious. These can help change my mindset in new situations. 

hirai111 July 19th


Hi, Rosie! I'm glad you don't get stressed easily. :)

hirai111 July 19th


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned the following information:

Open-Mindedness: I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (percentile: 87)

Conscientiousness: I am well-organized, and reliable. (percentile: 68)

Extraversion: I am relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (percentile: 58)

Agreeableness: I tend to consider the feelings of others. (percentile: 74)

Negative Emotionality: I tend to become anxious or nervous. (percentile: 65)

I think my results match the MBTI test, more or less.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I believe my strengths are that I’m good at communicating, being considerate, and open-minded. The strengths identified on both tests help me in my personal life, because they allow me to nurture my relationships, and have a strong social life, while also making time for myself. I think that one of my negative aspects is that I tend to become a bit anxious, even if I may not show it.

Noor511 July 24th

@hirai111 you do have a good points on your strengths it could definitely help you understand others and offer what they need as a leader 

CaringCompanion22 July 23rd


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I was surprised to learn that I was less open minded that I'd imagine myself to be. The rest of the results from the test were around the same as I would imagine though. Perhaps it's an area worth working on or even just be a bit more conscious about it, particularly in a situation that provides me with a new experience, to try something new! 

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?


        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

        You typically don't seek out new experiences.    


        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

        You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.     


        High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

        You are neither particularly social or reserved.     


        High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

        You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive.     

Negative Emotionality

        High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

You probably remain calm, even in tense situations.

Personal life wise: I think having more self awareness on my own strengths and weakness is a good thing. Being able to reflect and use these an prompts to think, perhaps this is the reason why this even unfolded like this, for example. 

Another thing is, I am aware that extroversion I wouldn't score highly on. If this was during a couple of years back, it would most likely be a score of extremely introverted. As I am aware of this from a long time ago, I have been trying to make changes to bring myself out of my shell, taking a couple of years to meet the half way point but I'm still quite proud of the progress. Perhaps the same thing could be done to work on the open mindedness--- 

Noor511 July 24th


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I didn't realise how much i criticizes people cuz i usually don't act According to what i think, and i also think it's a good thing cuz mostly its my motive to try to understand the other points if view for anything

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life? 

As for my strengths the teast showed that am a creative person which definitely works out well with being sociable and open minded to other opinions, it might also be a factor on why my desk is so messy 😝

Alambo905 July 24th


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

As a student of psychology who had a subject on personalities, this was my second time taking the test after nearly 2 years! honestly am feeling proud of myself looking at how far I've come as an individual!

This test result showed my progress / the areas I've developed in, providing with great insights into my personality development.

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

My strengths identified according to the test results are as follows:

Open Mindedness: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

Conscientiousness: You are well-organized, and are reliable.

Extraversion: You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.

Agreeableness: You tend to consider the feelings of others.

Negative Emotionality: You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm.

Having a broader view towards things has helped me see and understand varied thoughts and experiences.

The MBTI test results suggested I lean more towards introversion, whereas the big 5 shows a slightly high percentage towards extraversion, i think this is kinda is in lieu with my personalty type, as i am more enthusiastic and bubbly at the presence of my close and loved ones, however, i do tend to reserve back when my social battery dips down to the yellow level. I've surprised my friends (and myself!) with intense periods of enthusiasm as well as withdrawal and silence to a point of notice as there's always been a constant internal debate in me between engaging with and withdrawing from others.

It is so true, I am not feeling particularly nervous bout anything, but neither am I calm.

Overall, these test results has helped my gain a deeper insight and embrace myself to the fullest!

KindleMissie August 2nd


It's really awesome to know about you. I see, although we are not the same personality but still we do have some similarities. 😊

KindleMissie August 2nd


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I am open minded, well-organized, introvert, agreeable and can be anxious or nervous. I never thought about the negative emotions aspect of my personality but now I am realizing how much I sweat, stutter and my hands shake whenever I am invited as a presenter or being called out at front. I guess I get nervous a lot. 😃 

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Since I am open minded and enjoy my alone time. Therefore, I have a space where I can be imaginative and creative as much as I want to brainstorm brand new ideas with creativity.

heathermarie95 August 18th


its great to see that we both enjoy spending time by ourselves. i enjoy doing most things alone

KindleMissie August 18th


*high five* YAYY!!🎉 That's awesome to hear!🌟 It's always nice to find someone who share similar preferences. 😊💗

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd


Ello : 3

I learned that I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

My strengths were open-mindedness and extraversion. I can use these strengths to learn more about others and provide them better support.

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd


Here are your results:

High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 87) 

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You probably have a messy desk! (Your percentile: 2) 

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Your percentile: 61) 

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You find it easy to express irritation with others. (Your percentile: 29) 

Negative Emotionality:
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 98) 
twerp August 7th


 What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I think it was pretty much the same as the mbti one from before, but this one says I'm more extraverted. So, I'm extroverted yippie.  it's nice to learn new things about yourself and see what other sites and tests have to say about you. 

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Open Mindedness: I can't remember and I closed the tap 😭

Conscientiousness: I probably have a messy desk (true) 

Extraversion: I'm not very extraverted or introverted but more towards the extraverted side.

Agreeableness: Not afraid to stand up for myself and be critical 

Negative Emotionality: Very calm and calculated, emotionally mature

I think these two tests will help me in my personal life to understand myself better.  When there are situations where I'm not sure who I am I believe these tests will remind me.  I also think being able to stand up for myself has helped me a lot because I've avoided some rocky relationships and friendships because of that.

Onyx000 August 22nd

@twerp it’s really interesting that you were able to connect this with your messy desk. It’s just interesting how our personality comes to play in our physical lives.

heathermarie95 August 18th


  1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2 things i learned about myself is, I am somewhat conventional and im neither organized or disorganized

  1. What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

In my eyes there arent any positives about my results but it has made come to realize there are some things i need to change about myself.

heathermarie95 August 18th


oops. didnt answer #2 correctly.

when it comes to my personality type and the big 5,  being somewhat open minded and being in the middle of being disorganized/organized i believe is a strength. when i am at work i am organized when I'm at home, everything is unorganized and a mess. these 2 tests made me realize there are still some things i need to work on.