Day's One Line A Day
Frustrated that I made mistakes on neuro hw. I still got an A on it though. It's ok to make mistakes. Always feel lonely and sad before I go to bed. I went to support group today but it's so hard to share things there sometimes. I try to tell myself I am doing my best to show up and share a little more each time.
Doing okay. Stayed in library today which seemed to help a lot. made some progress on neuro. I am behind on Gi so I will have a lot to catch up this weekend but is what it is.
Worried about my cat placement for summer. Maybe after this exam I can take more steps on that like ask Ali if they will take or post a sitter ad or ask roommates if they would or know anyone.
Anxious that affinity womens group still hasnt started. having negative thought it will never start and I really needed that support. will try to go to NAMI group next week maybe Monday or Tuesday even though have other exam but need to go to something.
Maybe also book small storage unit this weekend or next. can try to start putting a few things in it as weekends pass.
Anxious about mom still and feeling invalidated but sort of feeling better just putting on backburner for now. I really don't know what to do with them, like give up and/or try for more direct phone call or more family counseling? But so much of time I also just strongly dislike her and feel they are not positive influences for me.
Also my space heater from walmart came and oh lordy is it wonderful ahh lol. trying not to use too much to rack up energy costs or anything but it helps a lot
Frustrated the no one is interested in womens group at school. Felt like the student dean was a bit rude to me. Maybe I emailed him too many times but my need for support was valid and I hadn't heard back and just wanted to check. Therapist said how he reacts isn't about me. While, I do my best to be considerate of others, what I need is important too and I did the right thing by trying to ask for help.
I am worried about finding someone to watch my cat for the summer. I posted on our school board and posted on a pet sitting website. Plus my boss is asking around in the area. I really worried. I have a month still but feels like not a lot of time. I will try messaging my roommates tomorrow.
Feeling lonely not having anyone to talk to today and with support group not working out at school. I just wish I had more people that knew what I was going through who I could talk to regularly. It's so lonely and hard
I am feeling anxious about plans for the summer because my landlord said she agreed to someone subletting my room but I haven't heard from that person in two weeks and I am afraid they gave up and found a different apartment because my landlord dropped the ball and took too long to respond to the people I picked. I guess maybe I can text the landlord to ask for the subletters number and call them. I do have some candidates for the cat sitting I need to interview. A bit overwhelmed with choosing the right person and guilt of saying no to someone but they should understand I may be choosing the best person.
I feel annoyed when people give their response in the form of telling me what to do/giving advice.
I had a bad day; I am feeling stressed about school.
Empathetic response: Sorry you are feeling stressed. Sounds like that has been hard for you. Do you want to tell me more about how you are feeling?
Unsolicited advice/lecturing. Don't be stressed. Stress won't help you. Think on the bright side. Breathe, exercise, eat vegetables.
Lady from doctor's office was really rude to me when I was just trying to ask questions to understand what the issue was and what I needed to do. Plus the portal said something different that they just didn't have my doctor listed which is different from what the lady said.
Also annoyed at sabrina today for laughing at me for holding the dog correctly. I tried really my best to be assertive because she was doing everything and I did it again to make sure I got a chance to try it. I am glad I was assertive even though she couldn't empathize with me finding something difficult. I was new to the skill and it's normal for me to be a bit clumsy and need some practice.
Feel tired and lonely. Frustrated that I had a big breakout. Usually my birth control has kept it much better but I just had a huge breakout and it makes me feel ugly all over again. It's so hard to get to go away (no advice for the love of god people are so obnoxious with that). I seem to have so much anxiety about setting boundaries because when I try to express that I am upset at all with fam they blow up. It end up being kind of emotionally manipulating. Anyway. I drank so much water to try to clear the breakout. But it seems the same. I am not that good with covering it with make up and felt so ugly today. Pray that it clears.
Really frustrated with teleheath doctor's appointment this morning. I was ready to sign in on time but they had another form that they wouldn't let me join the video call until I did, but I was struggling to upload the photos cuz my camera is running out of space and they cancelled after 5 minutes of joining the call. This seems like a super *** system, like what if I had a question about the form. Why not call me or let me join the call to see if something is wrong? SO frustrated and mad