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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP May 13th

every time, it all comes back to the things, the memories, the people i don’t want to remember. every *** time. 

justmeeva OP May 13th
everything’s falling apart again. and i didn’t even get to start building it back up yet.
justmeeva OP May 13th

i guess you could say i made a deal with depression. that it would comfort me and be there with it’s familiar presence, and in return, i’ll let it win. 

justmeeva OP May 13th

“together until the end” hehe. :’)

justmeeva OP May 13th

and that’s okay. 

justmeeva OP May 13th


mean but fair enough thoughts: 

justmeeva OP May 13th

i’m not traumatised enough

justmeeva OP May 13th

i’m not struggling enough to struggle 

justmeeva OP May 13th

i smile and laugh too much for someone who’s supposedly at the lowest point of her life 

justmeeva OP May 13th
i’m sorry if i used to say i’d always be there, i didn’t know i would turn to this s******l train wreck
justmeeva OP May 13th
28/04/24 was supposed to be the day i’d leave. 
it was *** supposed to. 
i wish i would have. 
justmeeva OP May 14th
maybe death is the only way to make it all stop. 
justmeeva OP May 13th

“i’m scared.. 

it feels like you don’t care”

justmeeva OP May 13th

one thing’s for sure. i won’t get into any new people’s lives. and i’m not letting any new people into mine either. whether on cups or irl. it’s pointless now. i have nothing to give and nothing i want to take. besides, what’s the use for someone who’ll leave just like that anyway? the less people know, the better. it’s easier that way. 

May 13th


...💗 i love you.. i hope you're alright <3 *hugs if okei*

justmeeva OP May 14th


*hugs you back* <3

justmeeva OP May 13th

that’s- just not possible. 

justmeeva OP May 13th

you’re *** with me right

justmeeva OP May 13th


justmeeva OP May 13th

the *** is the chance that right after posting that, i get tagged to reconnect with someone. i barely know them. 

justmeeva OP May 13th

how *** up is that

justmeeva OP May 13th

no words. i’m done. 

unassumingEyes May 14th


hope im not overstepping. I just wanted you to know- i dont want anything from you but you to keep living, and even i know how stupidly selfish, stupidly difficult that is. I dont have the right to ask that of you, even tho i may hope and pray that one day you’ll be okay and that wont be through tw unaliving.

Like i said. Stupidly selfish.

Please eva, believe me, or try to believe me, when i say that im the luckiest girl on earth because you were among the first people i met on here. There is not, there could not have been, a better person for me then, maybe even now. That does nothing for you, again its just you helping me without getting anything in return and thats so unfair but-

I want you to know. You did make a change, you did have an impact, and it was more positive than you yourself feel right now. 

You have brought good in this world with you, and the world has punished you for it. It is no wonder you want to leave. How can i stop you? Is it fair for me to try? I dont know, i cant say. 

But the things i can say are, I love you, so so much, and im so grateful for you, and there isnt a day that passes where i dont remember you, miss you, and there never will be. 

You dont have to reply, you can ignore this if you want to. But i think you deserve to hear it- and more

justmeeva OP May 14th

things are loud in my head right now

justmeeva OP May 14th

in class

justmeeva OP May 14th

i have to forget

justmeeva OP May 14th


justmeeva OP May 14th

i was working in a group with the girls in my class. i heard them whisper “let’s just let her do all the work”. as if i don’t already do that every time. <3.

justmeeva OP May 14th

then i saw someone who almost gave me a heart attack because they looked really similar to a specific someone, again

justmeeva OP May 14th

how many *** times do i have to say i’m done for this *** to finally stop

justmeeva OP May 14th

the world is really trying to get rid of me. and it’s doing a great *** job at that.

justmeeva OP May 14th

a mom playing with her child. chasing her. the child laughing. they both smiling. mm.

justmeeva OP May 14th

why is that so rare. 

justmeeva OP May 14th

it’s almost sad to look at them. 

justmeeva OP May 14th

“it’s not fair

not fair 

not fair not fair not fair not fair”

justmeeva OP May 14th

i can’t 

i can’t 

i can’t 

i can’t 

i can’t 

justmeeva OP May 14th

my body’s shaking a little

justmeeva OP May 14th

it’s not leaving my head

justmeeva OP May 14th

*** *** *** ***

justmeeva OP May 14th

breathing’s okay but it feels like it’s not