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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP April 4th


so, on that meeting introduction event. they told us about the plans they had for us, 7th, 8th and 9th graders. i’m gonna be 9th next year. theoretically. they told us about some cool things they have planned for us, that we would be able to visit other schools and everything, it sounded nice. but if you know me, anything “nice” is a red flag. it’s bad. can’t have that. this entire time, listening to the teachers, i just said in my head “i can’t be there”. they talked about study partners. no no. going somewhere with the class. no, not me. this whole *** sounded all cool and nice. difficult, but still cool and nice. i can’t have that. what else am i supposed to do, other than- ..? i can’t let myself get more *** up. i tear up when i have to say out loud that i have 0 plans for my future, don’t know *** about the school options after 9th, or who i want to be. because i haven’t thought about that. because i won’t have to. 

justmeeva OP April 4th

also. my classmates were being so disrespectful and rude to the english teacher again. i don’t understand - they can be so awesome, why do they choose to just- choose people randomly based on idk what standards, and start making fun of them or hating them? she even said that she had a difficult week, and they didn’t even care and still talked behind her back?? tf is wrong with people? how can anyone lack empathy that much? why do they take the best hearts and just- throw them away? why?

justmeeva OP April 4th

i hate jealousy. i feel terrible when i feel it sometimes. like i’m a bad person. doing something wrong. 

justmeeva OP April 4th

but then i realised. maybe it’s not jealousy. maybe it’s just.. fear. fear of abandonment. fear of replacement. or is that also what jealousy is? or does it depend on the person? idk. 

justmeeva OP April 4th

kinda surprised nobody has noticed anything yet. having more and more unfinished, delayed assignments, which for me as a “good student”, isn’t usual. didn’t use to be at least. but i can’t expect the teachers to pay attention to such things, can i. i know i can’t. so i can’t blame them. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

it is  f r e e z i n g  cold in school rn dude what’s up with that

justmeeva OP April 5th

and we’re supposed to want to go outside rn? good joke teacher, good joke. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

omg i love todayy 🫶🫶 /as sar as possibly possible

justmeeva OP April 5th

the only thing making today a bit better is the snow. but that’s it. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

i suddenly got the urge to pick up crocheting again like in the middle of the day and now it’s gone. ._.

justmeeva OP April 5th

let’s be honest, this world is ***.

justmeeva OP April 5th

prolly gonna do it because it doesn’t even *** matter. 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 5th


i’m late… 😞 *sits here* 💙

justmeeva OP April 6th


it’s not your fault love. it’s okay. 🩷

justmeeva OP April 5th

really wish i could just get lost, disappear, escape, run away, but that’s not realistic. lmfao. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

it would be a stupid idea. it wouldn’t work out. guess all i can do is wish. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

thinking of that concerningly much rn (:

justmeeva OP April 5th

i’ve kinda had it if i’m honest idk

justmeeva OP April 5th

at this point it’s just pretty much a matter of time. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

was gonna say something but nvm can’t do that to the people visiting this thread <3

LoveMyMoonflowers April 5th


it’s okie friend, you is allowed to express yourself here. me understand, me thinks. :') it supposed to be your safes space to talkie and express thought-sies friend… 🥺 mmm me thinks. 🥺

(if this reply make eva friend uncomfy or anything in any way 💜 it okie to get it nommed/flagged, me no was a make you uncomfy friend 😔) 

ni friend wuv you.

justmeeva OP April 5th


thank you friend 🩷

justmeeva OP April 5th


i love you too ❤️.

LoveMyMoonflowers April 5th

@LoveMyMoonflowers me just realise typo :/ me no want* not was a smh ni 😭

mytwistedsoul April 5th

@LoveMyMoonflowers @justmeeva *quietly agrees with Moon* this is your space - your home so to speak. You can say anything you want or need to here - visitors or not 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers April 5th


mhms 💕

justmeeva OP April 5th

“i’m not gonna help myself anymore”

justmeeva OP April 5th

*** hope.

*** love.

*** self care or -help or -love or -acceptance.

*** hobbies.

*** school.

*** trying to be better.

*** trying in general.

*** “it’ll be worth it in the end”.

*** memories.

*** happiness.

*** future. 

*** life. 

*** me. 

justmeeva OP April 5th

and now my brain makes me think i see something/someone move in this dark room every now and then, how *** hilarious xD

justmeeva OP April 5th

i should probably get off cups now. see how the rest of the night will go. the worst part might be over but who knows. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

so many thoughts. so little words. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i want to say something, i want to give comfort, i want to be there, but i have no words. not a single thing coming to my mind. if anything, they’re not comforting. not at all. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

do you know how bad it is when you have all those thoughts and ideas and visions and creations in your mind, that all want to get out, but they can’t? because you’re just so *** useless that you don’t have a way to let them out. so they just stay in your head. forever. and new ones won’t stop coming. so soon, they’re all you are. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i hate this so *** much. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i literally just got rid of most of my overdue assignments, and now i have 3 new ones. and they’re big. time consuming. difficult. *** ***. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

even the teachers are getting tired of me leaving my stuff undone. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

at least that’s what it feels like. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

because they don’t know. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

they don’t know how hard it is. how overwhelming. and i can’t explain it, because i don’t know why either. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

when i’m getting stressed, i always get that part of a song in my head that goes “breathe, breathe, breathe..”.