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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

SunShineAlwaysGrateful January 25th


So sorry hope your week improves and surprises you .. 

slowdecline48 OP January 25th

Thanks, I hope you're feeling better

SunShineAlwaysGrateful January 26th


In withdrawal from prednisone so just extremely tired napping all the time lol 😂 Christmas tree still up but improving … thanks for asking. 

slowdecline48 OP January 26th

@SunShineAlwaysGrateful I can so relate.

slowdecline48 OP January 25th

It's almost 5:30 in the godd**n morning & I am awake because of a yowling cat on my downstairs neighbors' patio a short while ago...

What else? I'm down a chunk of 💵 & I don't know if I'll get it back. My chest hair is slowly turning white now...guess it's going the way of what hair is left on my head. Until late last year, when I hadn't shaved it all off it was a drab brown. Now the stubble on the sides of my cranium is slowly going white.

And I definitely have jowls now. Not large or dangly ones but cheeks aren't staying up the way they used to. Also, my right elbow makes muffled crackling noise whenever I extend my arm & it hurts more often than it ever did when I was young.

Growing old stinks. My life stinks. And that is why I'm sitting here with a can of IPA, at 0530.

slowdecline48 OP January 25th

May the FSM bless whoever invented reusable icepacks.

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@slowdecline48 what is ipa????? 

Squirts you with a hose, don't worry I'll wash away lifes stinks😁

slowdecline48 OP February 1st

It stands for Imperial Pale Ale, which is the most common kind of craft beer in the US. In the microbrewery world, everyone & his brother makes an IPA...not my first choice for mental lubrication, but it will do & is certainly better than horse p!ss.

slowdecline48 OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 Hang out with me & you'll learn all kinds of stuff, honey!... 😁

slowdecline48 OP January 25th

Last entry for this week, I swear.

(Am not trying to bump up the mind is just more active than usual lately)

I don't want to go outside although eventually I must, because


Also - gold is down to at or below $2,021/oz. today. On the other hand, the S&P500 & NASDAQ indexes are both up...good news, though I wonder how much government spending is driving this economy as of late. (The fedgov can't just rack up debt some point it's either hike taxes, cut spending or both at once.)

Today I saw this:


Thank you, @Tinywhisper11. @MistyMagic has been great, too...🤔 So I have a small audience here now. Will have to keep that in mind when posting stuff in the future.

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@slowdecline48 yep! I'm your biggest fan 😁 *blow* *blow*

*blow* 😋

Helgafy January 26th


Tiny. I also saw "twist" at this thread. As you know I like to walk in on threads and talk. So I have a question for you. As I have told you before, you seem to have a very strong mind. You have suffered very much, more than anyone of us can imagine. So my question is: How are you able to give so much love to the persons around you here at 7cups.

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@Helgafy I've seen hate, I've experienced hate, but I am not like them. I choose love i choose kindness, and that's what I will spread around ❤❤ I know pain, and I will not inflict it on anyone else. Every one deserves love and kindness, hope and laughter. I actually consider myself to be pretty lucky, I mean I have been blessed in so many ways. So I don't want to focus my life on the bad stuff, I want to focus on the positive things instead. We all have so much to be grateful for, I choose to carry that every where and keep it in my heart ❤ hugs you tightly ❤

Helgafy January 26th


Thank you, thank you, thank you Tiny. You're a very special human being, very, very mature, brave and so much more. You could write books! I will not say blessings over you here because the owner of this thread does not want me to talk about my creator, but in my heart and mind a bless you without mention the creators name. 

SunShineAlwaysGrateful January 26th

Agree 💕💕💕💯💯💯💕💕💕💯💯💯💕💕💯💯💯💯

slowdecline48 OP January 26th

Oh no, Helga, please don't misunderstand me. I don't mind blessings or mentioning one's god, per se. It's just the drive-by posting of scriptural verses & overall preachiness that are turn-offs. I know you are Christian, that Jesus & the doctrine attached to him give you fulfilment & joy...& that's fine. Have talked to enough Christians (& dated two of 'em, believe it or not) to see that the faith can be wonderful for those who are drawn to it....TBH I find certain aspects of Xtianity hard to comprehend; however its benefits to so many believers are clear to anyone who sees it firsthand. 

More thoughts: As you probably know, in the US the First Amendment lays out separation of civil & religious authority (though the wording is rather vague). I think it's a good stance to take & interpret it rather strictly...if you're familiar with the wars of the Reformation & the bygone caliphates of the Near East then you know why...but.

I think in the modern West, & especially in the United States, secular people often underestimate the extent to which religion contributed to our development as a civilization, including the modern secular version with its focus on "rights". Do you know that until the mid-20th century we had "blue laws" in many parts of this country? They specified closure of stores & shops on Sundays, so that people could go to church & not have to worry about doing business. Looking at how our society is today....I can see why so many parts of my nation had blue laws. For just one day, people didn't worry about earning money, maximizing profits, manufacturing more widgets, publicity for one's products, etc. It was a day when you could go & worship; after that you could go home & relax.

Maybe the West needs a modern version? The difference is several million of us Jews & a few million Muslims live here too...that would make for a three-day weekend. I don't see anything wrong with a three-day weekend!

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@Helgafy thanks ❤❤😁❤❤

Helgafy January 28th


Tiny. I just want to say to you that you're a blessing to many, many persons. After what I can think that must be the highest purose of a human beings life. (Well - well - I'm very serious, maybe a bit to serious in my life - lol).

Helgafy January 26th


Thank you for your friendly answer. To quote and believe the Bible (both the Old Testament - that came from your ancestors - and the New Testament) is such a big part of my being able to live this (for me many, many times) hard life so I'll continue (not on your threads - but everywhere I can) and maybe it will also be seen as preaching (I don't know). Several times at 7Cups what I wrote on other threads was deleted of the owner of the site (not bio-threads) because of my Bibleverses - LOL. So I was thinking; Either I must be able to quote Bibleverses or I must leave 7Cups (because it is such a big part of me). I asked Glen (our leader) who told that there are no laws at 7Cups that said one could not quote the scripture. But this thread is your thread so of course I will respect you.

slowdecline48 OP January 26th

@Helgafy Anytime. I might even discuss such topics with you in here if there is reason to bring them up, though I cannot guarantee you'll always agree with or like what I'd say. That's all right...whenever I discuss religious or political topics with someone, I figure a disagreement will come up sooner or later. (that often occurs!) My aim is not to convert the other person to my POV because that never happens, nor have I seen it happen online or in real life even once...I just share my views, listen to the other person's views (& sometimes ponder them later on), & hope (s)he will honestly consider my position even if only for a few seconds.

Helgafy January 27th


Thank you decline for the answer. I always try to respect the person in front of me "And I, will always love you" - song Whitney Houston.

I will not discuss politics in the Middle East with you. I always watch the news. Yesterday Sidsel Wold (a Norwegian news-reporter - and she is Jewish!) was in Cairo, an international book-fairs there. She also talked to former Foreign minister of Israel, Beilin. He meant it was time for Norway to call upon people for a gathering in Oslo  (capital of my country) trying to get some peace in the Middle East. 30 years ago Norway tried - "Oslo accords" - to find some agreements. Well. well. Again - I'll not discuss this with you. Beilin also meant that Prime Minister B. Netanyahu only had a few months left as a Prime Minister.      

slowdecline48 OP January 27th

As you wish.

slowdecline48 OP January 29th


I think most people want peace, Helga. The real problem is not limited to the political sphere & certainly not to the Near East.* Physical aggression is part of the human condition. As I see it, the issue is twofold:

  1. The desire for peace is not truly universal, nor is it constant. For every person who abhors war & wants it gone forever, there is someone else for whom war is the most meaningful experience he's ever had. Note the pronoun. Those most likely to wage war--& to commit violent crime & other bad deeds--are mostly (not exclusively) young males. No society can exist without men, but young men are always the most unstable demographic.
  2. Not every disagreement can be settled by words alone. Would that it were so. But it is not, never has been & never will be. The situation with Israel is not too unique; look at how many revolts the Irish launched against English rule after the latter marched northward, & later the "Troubles". Right now the Russians & Ukrainians are in the same conflict they had near the end of WW1, the Crimean War before that, etc. Russia's pulled the same s*** at least once every century since Peter the Great was the tsar. African conflicts are numberless! 'bout the Reformation & Catholic reactions to it? When two or more nations/tribes/city-states/etc. want the same thing & there isn't enough for everyone, when one wants to expand or move & the other wants the first one to remain as it is, when there is a basic difference in belief (religious or secular)...all too often, sitting around a table & working out a solution fails. Peaceful communication can only do so much.

The above are statements I am not glad to make. 😔

Helgafy January 29th


I agree with you here so much decline. And - all violence is bad. And yes - young men do a lot of the violence. And more I could comment.
LOL: I had to laugh a bit yesterday and the day before. You know "out of the blue" I wrote to you the song of Whitney Houston. At my TV (not the national channel - we don't have advirtising there) they showed pizza made in Norway and to be bought in the store. And the song was: "And I will always love you." That happens to me every now and then, Oprah Whinfrey called it "organic" - 2 things happen simulateously. Also I see it as a part of my way in life - as Paulo Coelho says in one of his books: "The road was bestrowed with signs". (A bit of myself this time - lol). I'll read later today what you wrote on the other message.

slowdecline48 OP January 29th


This is an example of why I was certain the Religion & Spirituality Forum was a bad idea when it was first made. This is why my position re the R&S Forum hasn't changed. This is why I never joined it & should not visit it even though I did, like an idi0t, & tried to help someone there. (That's the last time unless someone posts something antisemitic, in which case I'll reply for godd**n sure) This is what I knew would occur sooner or later....could've bet on it with anybody & won some money.

Whenever religion or politics is brought up, sooner or later something said by A will rub B the wrong way, B will reply sharply, & you know what comes next. It's almost a law of nature.

Now I know my answer will certainly get willing to lay down $40 on that too because our 7Cups Republic has a government with laws it enforces, as it should.* If there's justice in this place then the other girl's comments will be taken down as well. Since this is my journal & so not as public a forum, & because the evidence is obvious, you get snapshots. No "pics or it didn't happen" here.

Some poor soul posted a problem: he believes in god & has untoward thoughts, which he is certain this god can see. Others posted kind replies from their own perspectives. I did likewise & kept it brief:


I laid out some alternatives for OP, as you can see. A teenage girl with what appears to be emotional incontinence replied thusly:


Her replies show poor reading comprehension, half-a**ed reasoning & an inability to distinguish between OP's needs & her say nothing of the obvious tinge of fanaticism. Didn't bother to point out any of that since it would've been a waste of effort & time. "You can lead a horse to water," etc. Instead I gave her a wake-up call:


As I said before, I have no issue with a stance different from my own. I may or may not have an issue with a position directly opposed to my own depending on the topic at hand & why the other person holds his/her position, & other factors. Even then, that by itself is no cause for enmity or incivility...meeting people with views unlike one's own is a part of life. But differing opinions is one thing; attempts at power plays with nothing to back them up are quite another. And I am not going to take that kind of bulls*** off anybody. I have not survived several disasters, drawn & painted & built all that I've made & done, studied & learned from so many books & people, & gone all the miles through all the years just for some Jesus-obsessed brat with mental issues to bark at me like some third-rate preacher.

I'm too old for such nonsense. Unfortunately, too many Gen Alpha kids & younger millennials just can't handle it when they encounter someone with views unlike their own. Social media addiction, their growing up with phones in their hands, & increasing levels of certain mental disorders are definitely factors in this sorry state of affairs...I'm convinced that if Western civilization ever falls apart, the foregoing issues will be among the causes.

...we'll see how far this goes before the mods step in.

Believe what you like, gentle reader. If you want to believe in Jesus, Muhammad, Lord Krishna, Wotan, the Feathered Serpent, the ghost of Elvis, or Bartleby the Great Pumpkin, go ahead. But don't get on some high horse & try to chastise me with authority you do not have. Because I'll call your bluff. Count on it.

slowdecline48 OP January 29th
*a Talmudic proverb: "Without government, men would swallow each other alive."
Tinywhisper11 January 29th

@slowdecline48 the ghost of Elvis haha!😂😂😂😂😂 you make me smile ❤but yep! 100% agree, answer forums with kindness and opinions but don't bite at another person's opinions. No one has the right to impose their beliefs or opinions on anyone else, and noone should ever judge anyone. I'm sorry all this as upset you😞 gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ and some beans 😁 don't let it get to you ok, your one of the sweetest people here at cups. I love you ❤❤ and hey!!!! I'm a millennial!!!!!! But a nice one 😁❤

Helgafy January 29th


Hi Tiny. You formulated just what I wanted to say - but I didn't dare to. Lol.

slowdecline48 OP January 30th

@Helgafy @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @Tinywhisper11

😂 It's not of earth-shaking importance. These things always happen in forums sooner or later. Think of it as part of the entertainment here. If you follow this journal then you might laugh, cry, feel confused or be shocked &/or horrified...but you won't get bored.

Is that thread still up? I haven't checked... It's probably gone by now.

What I'm waiting for is for one of the old religious conflicts to reboot itself in the R&S forum, just like in YouRube comment threads...Catholics vs. Protestants, Sunni Muslims vs. Shi'a, etc. If that should occur, the only thing to do is grab some 🍿, then sit back & watch the show.

SunShineAlwaysGrateful January 29th

Well said 🙌🙌🙌💕💕💕🙌🙌💕💕

Helgafy January 29th


Well-well decline - you're very fresh in your arguments - hm. hm. - I don't know if I would ever dare to discuss with you.....(Maybe it's also a little bit in your blood/inheritance.) I think a person said that if 2 Jews were to discuss a matter then they each would have much to say - and maybe they would not agree. I can also be agitated during discussions, but I also try to be humble. Many persons are young at 7Cups and do not have very much life-experience so their view on things is different than persons who have lived longer or have suffered much. But young persons also are permitted to voice here and for teens there are special rooms (you have to be above 18 to be in sharing circle).

slowdecline48 OP January 30th

@Helgafy Has anyone ever told you that you have a pure soul?... You are a pure soul. At least that's the impression I'm getting so far.

Yes, there's an old saying about us: "If three Jews are going to hold a meeting, they will bring five chairs." Those of us descended from eastern Europe, in particular, tend to be opinionated & argumentative...such traits do not always help one get along with others. 😂 The other thing is, I just don't have patience for foolishness. My father didn't either when he was alive...ignorance, slipshod reasoning & slow drivers irritated him always. Every year, I become a little more like Dad. It's funny & tragic at the same time. 

Helgafy January 29th

So Tiny - here are some things I was thinking of. (@slowdecline48 - you must tell me now - or later - if I "use" your thread too much - it's OK!):

First. I see you grow very quickly. You could be a great listener (maybe you are already - and in a way you're listening to many members already). Even if you're just a 23 years old woman, you could be the authority of most of us, even to me who is 71. As I have told you earlier it seems like you have such great brain-capacity. Why don't you start to study psychology? I guess you can find courses online. Maybe you could study Kirkegaard, Jung etc.
And - what else can I say. You know I studied your suffering a little bit. Norway has 5,4 million people. I will guess that only 1 person here has suffered as much as you.

And decline - can I also write a word for you here? You must also tell me please when to back up and not talk to you again. It's OK!
I see you as a lion. You can lie still and be peaceful. But if something is triggering/irritating you - you can be wild!  
slowdecline48 OP January 30th

@Helgafy 😆 You got it right. Full marks for observation. Funny how I'm not a "cat person" but in some ways, yeah... If I had been born feline, I'd probably be a jaguar or snow leopard. Lions live in groups, whereas I usually keep to myself & am basically harmless unless I'm provoked.

Tinywhisper11 January 30th

@slowdecline48 provoke you🤔🤔🤔🤔please don't put ideas in my head😂😂😂😂

Tinywhisper11 January 30th

@Helgafy your never irritating, I love hearing your comments, and your support and kindness is always welcome in my posts ❤❤ study psychology🤔🤔 it is something I find interesting. But right now I'm still trying to work on recovering in my own mind and pyhiscal disabilities well I really struggle with. But one day maybe ❤ ❤ for now I'll support people here on the forums and in group chats. But oneday I hope I can make a difference in this world ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ I love you ❤

Helgafy January 30th


Hi Tiny - @slowdecline48 mentioned earlier that I could mention God's name, but not Bibleverses (or preaches) - so here I go. I don't hope he minds me telling a bit: Today I lift you high up to heaven to sit in our Fader in heaven's warm knee. And look who is coming to greet his mother - your wonderful son Joshus (12 years old) with his blue eyes. Very handsome he is. He take your fingers on your both hands in his hands. You feel the warmth and the strength from his touch in every cell of your body. He tells you that he thrives in heaven. He also tells you to have big dreams for yourself and for your life. Then he kisses your both cheek, you hold him very tight for many seconds and kiss him.

@slowdecline48 - we were talking about animals. At "souls" side you told you could like a friend like Jesus Christ (when He was living on the earth. I don't think you see Him as God). Well - did you know that He is in the same animalfamily as you? He is called the Lion of Judah. (He is also called the Lamb of God - too much religious talk for you today? With your temper I often think that this is the last time you let me write on your thread - lol.)
But - I wanted to tell you of the worst animal I have seen on my TV-hyena. They look terrible and their yelling! - it shakes the marrow of my bones. A woman I studied together with has been working with lepra in Ethiopia. Not long from where she lived there was a garbage heap and she could hear the hyenas yelling.  

slowdecline48 OP January 30th

@Helgafy @Tinywhisper11

Helga - No, it's not a problem because I know you mean well... I also remember it isn't down to you alone. Christians (particularly Evangelicals) are like a girl who discovers a particular kind of ice cream for the first time. She just looovvves it! She loves that flavor so much that she tells everyone she meets about it, so that they can try it for themselves...

If you two would like to keep this convo going, there is a Pen Pals forum for that exact purpose. It's new...I started a thread with someone else in there already.

Helgafy February 1st


Hi jaguar

I just had a pretty big portions of ice cream with sauce of orange and bites of dark chocolate in it. I eat it together with all my brothers and sisters in Christ, the Evangelical Christians. You told me that they like ice cream! Well - most of us here in Norway are Lutherans. Both @Tinywhisper11 and @mytwistedsoul like ice cream. "Twist" even serve home-made ice cream! He also bakes carrot cake. I could need someone like him in my home. But he has to look after his hens, roosters, cat, dog and horse. And he has flowers, fruits, berries and vegetables at his farm. 
Well - I know that the Evangelicals support Trump. I do not. I also lost an American friend I have in Alaska (I met her in Switzerland when I was 23 years old) because I said he lied so much. Mostly he is not popular in Europe.
I agree with you in talking about  Pres. Joe Biden as being too old for another period. And I think (as you) - in the big US - no other candidate to be found for selection?
Well - you will not find me here discussing cases in politics. It is enough what  I get on the news each day.

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@Helgafy 😭😭😭😭😭 I really hope my son loves me😭😭😭😭I would do anything to see him, hold him. Tell him I love him😞 I do really love him, I wish things were di😭😭😭 I'm sorry