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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

slowdecline48 OP January 31st

@Tinywhisper11 If there is an afterlife (many people believe there is--I hope they're right) & if Joshua is there as I'd expect him to be...then surely he loves you.

For an afterlife to exist, a world beyond ours, I can't help but think the only reason why it would exist is out of some kind of provision for cosmic justice. So often justice is not done in this world...people (usually women & children) are trafficked & enslaved; innocent people lose their lives in horrible ways while bad people screw over others & reap the rewards with nary a qualm; diseases take good people to the grave early, etc. If there is an afterlife, wouldn't it be for the victims of this world to gain the peace they lost or didn't get to begin with?... That's my hypothesis, anyway. Take it for what it's worth.

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@slowdecline48 I believe  in God and angels and heaven. But I'm not cladding myself as any religion. I know he's up there and safe, he's gonna be a teenager this year. I let my owners take his life, I had to watch, I was 11 tied up scared didn't stop it didn't even try😞 I don't think he will ever forgive me, I don't know if he understands the situation, I failed as a mother. And it haunts me constantly

slowdecline48 OP February 1st

@Helgafy You ain't kiddin'. That strange yodelling cry that hyenas emit when they're attacking, or whenever they feel like's not like a lion's roar, but it's disturbing enough.

One of the clips on YT that held my attention for less-than-happy reasons was filmed in Africa. A lion who was not in top condition wandered too far from his territory, & a pack of hyenas found him. The way they surrounded him, yodelling...whichever ones were at the lion's flanks or rear kept biting him. The lion was capable enough but he only had one set of jaws & four sets of claws. When you're massively outgunned & there is no way out, you can only do so much. The odds changed only when the lion's pride-mate--definitely healthy with a nice mane--came trotting up, at which point the hyenas turned & exited stage left. Even with their numbers, two lions were too much to handle.

slowdecline48 OP January 31st

This year, we Americans will go through our silly season. By that I mean this is an election year, which means absurdly expensive campaigns, attack ads, scripted "debates", & coverage of elections as if they were chariot races.

Was talking to a friend when I noticed clear evidence of a luxury belief:


The problem is not that Swift is endorsing Biden; the problem is that she can endorse anyone at all & millions around the world will follow her lead.

More chat about it:



("uncle Joe" is me, in this case)

mytwistedsoul January 31st

@slowdecline48 That is a yuck no thought! 😬

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@slowdecline48 damn! That's all I can say damn! Damn! Damn!

slowdecline48 OP January 31st

@Tinywhisper11 @mytwistedsoul Yeah, really...

Don't get the wrong idea--I am not a Trump fan, & never have been. I thought "the Donald" was an a**hole from day one. He did a few good things when he was president (mostly in his foreign policy, by showing he was not weak) but also some bad things. But that was all from 2016-20. He's just three years younger than old Slow Joe...might be 75 now? On top of that, there's Trump's trial. If he is convicted then that only adds to his unfitness for office.

Now having said all that, I don't want to see Biden in office a 2nd time, either.

We need someone younger & healthier, for starters. And while I know there's a snowball's chance in h.e.l.l. of it happening, I would prefer we have a president who, for once, is not beholden to pressure groups, corporate lobbyists, & to whoever else paid for his campaign. Someone with a sense of statesmanship would be nice. We haven't had anyone like that in the White House for a while now.

Tinywhisper11 January 31st

@slowdecline48 🤔🤔🤔 let's vote for mytwistedsoul😁 go team twisted!!! Yaaay

slowdecline48 OP January 31st

*shrug* Why not? If Twisted runs then he's got my vote! At this point, if the woman who lives in the next section over put her pit bull in a campaign for president (or state governor, or for a seat in Congress), I'd vote for the dog...

mytwistedsoul January 31st

@slowdecline48 @Tinywhisper11 LMAO! I think we should just nominate the dog! 😂 That's not a job I would want

mytwistedsoul January 31st

@slowdecline48 I definitely agree with you on this! 

slowdecline48 OP January 31st

A few minutes ago I posted my most recent poem. Feel free to read it...unless you're depressed. In which case you probably shouldn't look at it. the FSM's noodles, I wish I could sleep like a normal human being.

slowdecline48 OP February 1st

Yesterday afternoon I went out for the first time in a while. It was expensive but fun. I saw a part of town that I hadn't been to before.

Today I'm staying inside because the maintenance crew is mowing the grass...after that they'll break out the leaf blowers. I do not want to breathe in any of that s***, even though my apartment isn't the best spot for clean air itself. Comes down to which is the lesser evil.

Occasionally I do restaurant reviews, particularly when the restaurant sucks for some reason. Sometimes my writing style is not as serious as it is here. Would any of you be interested in reading them?

Tinywhisper11 February 1st

@slowdecline48 oooo! Oo! Me I want to hear them ❤ if you want clean air in your apartment you should get a plant😁 I just got a indoor palm tree, it's so cool😁 I heard you have to talk to your plants to help them grow, so I named my tree, keuana leaves 😎

mytwistedsoul February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 keuana leaves? 😁 That's a good name! I love it! 😂

slowdecline48 OP February 1st

@Tinywhisper11 Sounds good but I can't pronounce "keuana"... 😏

I have a couple air filters I use...they're slightly helpful. I just need to vacuum more often. If money were no object I would get a house & leave this old crackerbox, but...if wishes were horses...

mytwistedsoul February 1st

@slowdecline48 beggars would ride       grandma used to say that 😊

slowdecline48 OP February 2nd

*nod* I like it. I like it very much. 😀 Your grandma must've been sharp as a razor when she was alive.

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"...that's a shoo-in for calligraphy practice. All the gods that men ever conceived of know I don't do enough of it.

mytwistedsoul February 2nd

@slowdecline48 She was a firecracker 😁 her idea of cussing was to call someone a dirty bird lol! 

I think it would be a pretty cool calligraphy piece - maybe you can share it here if you decide to do it 
slowdecline48 OP February 2nd

Waitaminnit. Don't palm trees & other plants need sunlight? I can water them well enough but I don't get a full day's worth of sunlight in my living room, because of surrounding buildings & trees.

mytwistedsoul February 1st

@slowdecline48 I wouldn't mind reading them too. I bet they're pretty good especially if the food wasn't lol

Helgafy February 2nd


Decline. Maybe I'll read a bit. I don't have much energy to read unfortunately.

I have been sick for many years - ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis/CFS-cronic fatigue syndrome). 

mytwistedsoul February 2nd

@Helgafy * send Helgafy strength and gentle bear hugs* ❤️

slowdecline48 OP February 3rd

I didn't know that.... 😔 So sorry, dear. Chronic illness is never easy.

Are your doctors helpful at all? In the US, we've heard about those comprehensive public health care systems the Nordic countries have...I wish we had one like that. I would pay higher taxes just to support it--& normally I hate paying taxes! (Hating taxes is a fine old American tradition)

slowdecline48 OP February 2nd

Since y'all (or at least two of you) would like to see it, one of my reviews follows. Edited from a screenshot...


I didn't remember, until I checked my profile on EvilGoogleEmpire Maps, that not every place I reviewed was a restaurant. Also, not all the reviews are humorous.

There aren't that many of 'em, either.

...I may have to write a few more. Problem is, I cannot afford to eat out all the time. I'm not a struggling peasant in Latin America or Africa or Southeast Asia, but I'm not Elon Musk either. (In fact I am nowhere near his level. I don't need to be. A few million 💵 would do)

I will try for more reviews in the near future, gentle reader.

mytwistedsoul February 2nd

@slowdecline48 Tbh I've never eaten at a Popeyes - I don't eat out much either but holy cr*p I have noticed the prices are crazy now!

Do the places ever reply back? 

slowdecline48 OP February 2nd

😆 No, usually they don't...when they do, the reply almost always feels like a form letter.

mytwistedsoul February 2nd

@slowdecline48 Kind of like here lol!

Helgafy February 2nd

Hi Tiny.

Today I'll tell you about a person we're very proud of here in Norway, the Norwegian football player Erling Braut Haaland, playing for Manchester City (I don't watch sports lol). He is the same age as you and it's said that he is very nice to the other guys. He's tall, so he is called an ox. And - he's from the small city of Bryne on the west-part of Norway. I have been at Bryne many times in my youth because my mother had her home there.

@slowdecline48 - I watch GodTV each day, a Christian fine TV-channel sent from England. The other day a man was singing the Blessing we have talked about earlier at "souls" site and the one you quoted in Hebrew. It was a very beautiful tune.
slowdecline48 OP February 3rd

@Helgafy Are you surrrre you're a Lutheran?... If you're not an Evangelical, well, you sound like one...on the other hand, I'm a faith-challenged Yid & so don't know much about Christianity in Europe, other than that there's very little of it left on the continent & in the UK.

Helgafy February 4th


Hi jaguar.

I guess you'll be irritated again. Last night I prayed for you in the name of Jesus Christ (you know He went around and healed people) that your allergy must not be so hard, that you must become better.

slowdecline48 OP February 5th

@Helgafy Not irritated this time, just bitterly amused...

Go ahead. You can pray that I become healthier all you like. You could also drive around your town wearing a red rubber nose, flappy shoes, a green wig & a tutu while blasting polka music from your car's stereo system, for all the good it'll do.

Helgafy February 5th


Jaguar - you're very, very funny.

slowdecline48 OP February 5th

Here it is as promised, folks...another one of my old reviews, for your entertainment:


mytwistedsoul February 5th

@slowdecline48 I definitely wouldn't eat there after reading this. Doesn't sound appetizing at all! 😝

slowdecline48 OP February 5th

@mytwistedsoul In all fairness the review is from four years ago... If they haven't got their act together by now then the place is either closed down or will, soon.

mytwistedsoul February 7th

@slowdecline48 Maybe they closed during the whole covid thing - a lot of places ended up having to go that route 😕

slowdecline48 OP February 5th

...too much to do; too tired to move

slowdecline48 OP February 5th

...feelin' like this song even though I've never picked cotton or worked in the fields...the lyrics starting at 3:35 are particularly accurate.

Yes, @Tinywhisper11, it goes to YouRube. But it's just a piece of music, & rather sedate by today's standards. Up to you (or the care staff?) if you must avoid it.

slowdecline48 OP February 7th

Now it's the night before a medical appointment, the night slowly turning into morning...I can't sleep, I've stayed awake intermittently blowing my rectal trombone because IBS, because my body has as much quality as some plastic electronic product slapped together by captive factory workers in Shenzen.

Life stinks.