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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


iloveyouxx OP August 30th

so when I posted that someone rang the doorbell and I sent it and went to look for my brother to tell him to open the door so now Iā€™m still awake :ā€™) Ā I had to sit with the guests and I was so tired I didnā€™t even look at anyone I just sat there and I could barely keep my eyes open they were all talking and now I just got up and left Iā€™m so tired. Iā€™m still really sleepy but itā€™s 2:10pm (today was a half day at school) and Iā€™m just gonna yap about some stuff that happened today :>Ā 

I got invited to someoneā€™s house, itā€™s just me thatā€™s coming though. in year 7 she said sheā€™d find a day for me to come over and 2 years later we never fulfilled those plans and we remembered that on monday and today she was like wait are you free today and apparently she was ready to have me over and I was like aw I donā€™t know my dads number because she was gonna make me call him and she said tomorrow sheā€™s got swimming lessons after tomorrow sheā€™s visiting her friend in the hospital so I just said next friday (shes said before that Fridays are when she normally has play dates but she doesnā€™t have any next friday). and I actually think my dads gonna agree because lately heā€™s just wanted me out of the house and specifically out with my friends because heā€™s embarrassed about me or something idk. and she asked if Iā€™m okay with being in someone elseā€™s car because some parents arenā€™t okay with that and I said yeah of course and then we were just going yaayyy weā€™re finally putting our 2 year plan into actionĀ 

first period I had french and it was pretty ..normal. :p weā€™re put in a boy girl seating plan and I sit next to this guy thatā€™s in my old lead and we actually talked today so at least heā€™ll actually talk to me like a normal personĀ 

second period was islamic it was fun Iā€™m in a table with 3 of my friends and we wouldnā€™t stop laughing. and today we didnā€™t do much but if we did we finished everything early so we got a lot of free timeĀ 

third period was music. weā€™re working with a new instrument I forgot the name of- itā€™s this long pole thing it has a hole through it and apparently the different colors make different sounds, the teacher put on videos and when the character in the video jumps on your color you hit the pole thing on the table and the teacher said weā€™re doing it as a class so we need to have trust in each other to make it as accurate as possible and work together etc and yeah our class wasnā€™t very trustworthy. everyone was just banging both of theirs (we got 2 each with different colors) so hard and not on their part at all of course when you hit it so hard itā€™s so loud and my friend said it sounds like actual fireworks to your ears and it did and after a while the teacher made everyone stop and by then my head hurt and my ears were blocked and ā€¦fuzzy if that makes sense? Iā€™m gonna invent new terms atp. but yeah and my friend had a bad headache and some people were asking other like are you okay are you okay it was so bad, and for some reason the teacher I guess believed in us too much and put 4 more videos and everyone was just going all inĀ Ā 

okie I just searched pole instrument colors and theyā€™re called boomwhackers. also I found the channel the teacher was putting on the videos from :0 and I found the first video we didĀĀ I didnā€™t even know it sounded like that at all till I found itĀ 

fourth period was english 2 guys had a fight over a water bottle so the teacher punished everyone by making everyone stand up so she can put us in a boy girl seating plan except I was the only one that was put in a table with all boys they were talking about *** dolphins well actually the convo started with a guy asking would you *** a dolphin and then they started talking about other stuff. yeah I donā€™t like the seating planĀ 

then thatā€™s when I stayed with the girl after school and she invited me to her house. and at the beginning of the school day one of my other friends ran up to me before I walked in class and we talked then and F came back to school she dyed the bottom of her hair pink it looks so good and we talked too :3 yeah Iā€™m really sleepy goodnight <3

i know it sounds like Iā€™m bragging and tbh I donā€™t know if I am, I used to come home and tell my brother about that one interaction I had and Iā€™d be so happy about it and heā€™d just think Iā€™m weird but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s all thatā€™s happening as in Iā€™m really happy that Iā€™m- happy and Iā€™m happy for myself because Iā€™m happy and I havenā€™t been happyĀ in a while and even if I know itā€™s temporary itā€™s still a lot to me and I think Iā€™m gonna let myself be happy while Iā€™m happy xD I need a dictionary for the things I say. but yeah Iā€™m talking about my day and not thinking about any of the bad stuff too much because tbh, Iā€™ve had a lot of bad stuff too xD and itā€™s okay tho xD because Iā€™m having happy moments and good parts of my day that I can talk about now and it means a lot to me. anywho enough blabber goodnight <3

iloveyouxx OP August 31st

I got woken up at 9am today. my cousins back so the whole familyā€™s meeting at my uncles house because my uncles gonna travel today too (for work)

i dont want to see anyone :ā€™) or talk or smile or anything I just really wanted to sleep and rest this weekend and not talk to anyone i just woke up and got yelled at to change when no one else was even up or ready and now Iā€™m completely ready and no one else isĀ 

also yesterday I was getting yelled at for something I didnā€™t do and I was just trying to help and I got yelled at and basically told I wasnā€™t raised properly but I donā€™t even know who raised me so yeah you got a point there. and I just yelled that Iā€™m so *** tired and they started making fun of meĀ 

so that was nice. anywho now itā€™s 10:32am Iā€™m gonna leave my room so everyone can see that Iā€™m ready at least they have cats Iā€™m gonna see friska and prince :ā€™) Iā€™ll just sit with them as long as I canĀ 

slowdecline48 September 7th

@iloveyouxx You deserve better than that...

iloveyouxx OP September 8th


thank you šŸ¤Ā feel like itā€™s not getting any better but Iā€™m trying to survive what Iā€™m going through right nowĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 31st

on our way my brother said that my cousins husband is gonna be there (heā€™s her fiance until december but yk-) Iā€™ve never met him irl but Iā€™ve seen like 60 something photos from the day they got engaged and Iā€™ve had one phone call with him because my cousin was talking to me and calling him on speaker so he started talking to me.Ā 

and itā€™s never personal I just really didnā€™t want to meet new people and in the photos he has this whole big family and what if I have to meet them but- he didnā€™t show up. he had work to take care ofĀ 

but my cousin showed up :ā€™) and my aunt and 3 other cousins and my uncle and second aunt and my third uncle my grandparents came with us and my dad and brother and it was just a bunch of people I didnā€™t want to be sitting withĀ 

a long time ago one of my cousins was annoying me and I didnā€™t want to say they were my least so I said theyā€™d be my second least favorite cousin but I donā€™t actually rank them and he said that he annoys me so much that whoeverā€™s the least must be absolutely horrible as in they mustā€™ve done something to me and they keep bringing it up and I keep saying I was joking and that I just said that but I donā€™t actually rank them and this whole time he kept saying it was the cousin that came back that we all came for and I keep saying itā€™s no one and I love all my cousinsĀ 

and he brought it up today but long story short the cousin came and he told him as if I actually said he was my least favorite and later that first cousin was like so (London cousins name) one of us is (nadia)ā€™s least favorite cousin. and then the london cousin Iā€™m gonna call him a and he went I wouldnā€™t mind I mean Iā€™ve been in london so you know far from the heart (or something like that I didnā€™t hear well)

Ā :ā€™)Ā 

I would never rank my cousins. I canā€™t even imagine what Iā€™d make it honestly but the reasons I didnā€™t want to see the london cousin are a lot but heā€™s not my least favorite cousin I just donā€™t like him. heā€™s the same cousin I found *** of when I was 8. the same cousin that dared me to do inappropriate things when I was too young to understand the same cousin that was the best at invalidating you no matter what you said at all tell him youā€™re stressed heā€™ll literally laugh because what do you got to be stressed about and if I told him I was getting bullied heā€™d just be like all kids joke like that like I canā€™t take a joke, I didnā€™t actually tell him I was getting bullied I told him about a specific girl that used to bully me. he made my ed worse, and then in front of everyone else heā€™d be the nicest person thatā€™s what hurt it hurt more than anything else heā€™s done idk he made me feel so weakĀ 

heā€™s got 10 more years of idk before he starts working as a surgeon and heā€™s not staying a long time soĀ 


on the less depressing side :D I found this like music video from my school youtube itā€™s so funny xD but Iā€™m multitasking and I keep worrying that this whole thing is gonna get deleted so Iā€™ll find it later and I canā€™t put it here but Iā€™ll describe it xD bybye. <3

iloveyouxx OP August 31st

1:13am. I feel horrible. I just finished getting everything done as in everything I could ever need to get done and Iā€™m gonna need to go out again tomorrow..or today- to get the school pe leggings because part of the second assembly was about what we canā€™t wear in pe and for most of year 7 and all of year 8 I wore shorts that werenā€™t actually the schools (and no one ever noticed) and leggings under that werenā€™t the schools either but weā€™re not allowed to wear even the school leggings under the school scort because- literally no reason i donā€™t even know it canā€™t be anything to do with standards this time but oh well I guess :ā€™)Ā 

I have pe on mondays and tuesdays this year with my year 7 pe teacher. she hated me so much nothing made her more angry than having to see my face almost everyday. I didnā€™t even know she was still in the school.Ā 

ā€¦.. :ā€™) Iā€™m really scared. of growing up and stuff. Iā€™m scared Iā€™m wasting my time like every day but I donā€™t know what Iā€™m supposed to do Iā€™m not even happy Iā€™m just so tired everyday and yeah Iā€™ve had a couple of good days last week but I kept thinking about a scenario where my friend died and I started thinking it was real and I started crying because "I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be able to make any friend ever again" and I ended up falling asleep while I was crying (itā€™s probably just me but Iā€™ve always noticed that- when I cry really hard I get sleepy idk if thatā€™s a thing) and dreamt about everythingĀ 

and I keep thinking about stuff thatā€™s happened and I donā€™t really want to talk about it because idk maybe thatā€™ll make me think of it more but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever actually be happy. idk. I donā€™t even know if I can graduate. but even if I do then what when does it actually get better I want to forget so bad I want to forget everything thatā€™s ever happened to me even the good stuff I just want to forget I want to forget everythingĀ 

I canā€™t stop thinking about stuff and Iā€™m trying to think about something else at the same time so that its not the main thing Iā€™m thinking about and itā€™s just a background voice like this happened this happened this happened this happened I donā€™t want to listenĀ 

I want to forget so bad. october 29 2021 I looked up how to lose your memory. I didnā€™t actually expect to find anything and that day I attempted I tried to commit and it turned into an attemptĀ 

whys everything so loud now :ā€™) I just want everything to pause. or something. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m breathing Iā€™m trying breathing techniques the air feels so limitedĀ 

I donā€™t want to di.e.Ā I want to rest I want everything to stopĀ 


I donā€™t want to exist anymore. I was supposed to be positive Iā€™m sorry :ā€™) I donā€™t know Iā€™m trying <3


I feel so dead. Iā€™m just gonna go close my eyes for a while again Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 31st

TW//ummā€¦yeah just twšŸ˜…šŸ¤

iloveyouxx OP September 1st

good morning

._. *flop*

I woke up early on my own today- my dad took my device but forgot to lock the door so I just took it-Ā 

I had a really long dream. I feel like I should know what happened but I barely remember anythingĀ 

also Iā€™m really really hungry I canā€™t find the gumĀ :')

iloveyouxx OP September 1st

so. Iā€™m insanely stressed out. I feel like I donā€™t even have time to talk about it because Iā€™m so busy being stressed out and until it passes I donā€™t think Iā€™ll let myself think of anything elseĀ 

Iā€™ve been overeating. well I counted the calories- 519. which is so horrible and ew and I feel ew I hate myself so much for that I feel sick but Iā€™ve been sick on and off for a while nowĀ 

519 calories is a lot for me but everyoneā€™s different and I know itā€™s just my mindset but thatā€™s not actually gonna stop me. (and the feeling sick part might just be because of what Iā€™m used to? idk.)Ā 

I feel so wrong again like what is even happening and why am I alive and you know when you look at those illusion videos and then look away from the screen depending on the illusion everythingā€™s gonna look different in some way and Iā€™m looking around and everythingā€™s closing in or like when you look from one place to another itā€™s blurry and slow I donā€™t even know and Iā€™ve been seeing stuff from when Iā€™m not focusing on it and then I do and nothings there and I keep blacking out. my ears still ring sometimes but now it feels more there than ever I feel like itā€™s coming from the- left. I donā€™t know where from the left itā€™s just there.Ā 

honestly when I found out your ears ringing wasnā€™t just an anxiety thing I couldnā€™t stop thinking about it :ā€™) I looked up the reasons or causes

hearing loss- I know if someone doesnā€™t hear well they probably wouldnā€™t know because they donā€™t know what itā€™s like to hear well but Iā€™m really sure that I have good hearing ;-; meniereā€™s disease (I donā€™t know what that is) ear wax build up i highly doubt.Ā temporomandibular joint dysfunction I donā€™t know what that is either :ā€™)? injury or trauma, chronic condition, blood vessel, loud noises (maybe? but it canā€™t be because not all the time and I donā€™t think it would lead to my ears ringing for so long), cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, brain tumors, diabetes (I saw this one and like :ā€™) what if I have diabetes :ā€™) but idk. what if I have any of these. I doubt every single one I donā€™t know) allergies, head injuries (still had my ears ring before) depression (itā€™s rare and itā€™s called pulsatile tinnitus where the sound beats in sync with your heart)Ā 

I read 40 different causes and severe anxiety actually can make your ears ring "Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) is a common sign and symptom of anxiety disorder, anxiety and panic attacks, and chronic stress (hyperstimulation)."

im good with the hyperstimulation im gonna stop lookingĀ 

im tired Iā€™m gonna go :ā€™) byebye. <3

iloveyouxx OP September 2nd

7:14pm. I didnā€™t sleep after school I was just too tired to come on

Iā€™m still too tired to talk about my day so :ā€™) maybel Iā€™ll skip talking about today.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP September 3rd

weā€™re not even halfway through the week.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP September 3rd

Iā€™m so *** tired

iloveyouxx OP September 3rd

weā€™re not even a month in. weā€™re not even 2 weeks in. Iā€™m so *** done and then today I saw this video of a guy talking a lot about how life is so short and we care about things that donā€™t actually at all and how weā€™re all just individuals in a single city/(state) in a single country in a single continent in a single planet in a galaxy among trillions of other galaxies


im so *** insi.gnificant, I mean they said that too but not in a bad way Iā€™m literally nothing and he said that when we think about that we should think about how small our prob.lems actually are (the video was about how to stop caring too much)Ā 

I hate thinking about how short life is because Iā€™m just Iā€™m not doing anything and I have nothing to do to make my life any more mea.ningful weā€™re all gonna be buri.ed or idk se.t on fire or something and all our memories and everything thatā€™s ever happened to us is just with us I want to be a senior but I canā€™t picture myself as one and also if Iā€™m a senior that means I have 3 years left of school and my grades suck now Iā€™ve tried everything really itā€™s hopel.ess for me. and to be honest I donā€™t even want to be a psychologist or anything at all I donā€™t want to work or go to school but like no one does unless you do-. and um. I wish I could sleep :ā€™) I havenā€™t woken up once at a time I wanted to since school started my sleeps so *** up

i feel like everyoneā€™s judging me all the *** time like stop please stop itā€™s not even weird itā€™s just when people excessively stare it makes me feel like thereā€™s something wrong with meĀ 

i feel like I keep waiting for another year to start or something specific to happen but it never actually changes much I swear I just wanna cry Iā€™ve been crying in my head I canā€™t even cry Iā€™m trying not to cry so much this year well um mornings donā€™t count I hate school morningsĀ 

literally ***. Iā€™m so with everything Iā€™m so I donā€™t even wann.a be here. Iā€™m ugly Iā€™m *** Iā€™m worth.less no one likes having me around I donā€™t know why I was bo.rn I want to my soul onto a plastic bag thinking about myself is ew.

i know itā€™ll ne.ver get better and I donā€™t care I donā€™t I just want everything to st.op I want to clos.e my eyes one more time. I donā€™t want to

no one cares when youā€™re actually hurting what if I kept the text black I was like if no one likes me then, no one likes me-. but if no one likes me Iā€™ll get all dramatic in my head because- no one likes me.Ā 

I try to be liked but I donā€™t even think Iā€™m being disloyal to myself. I donā€™t know who my authentic self is. I just know me around different peopleĀ 

my dad went out idk with his friends I guess.

everyone keeps annoying me. annoying me as in making me feel like *** I genuinely feel so weak and tiredĀ 


I thought i was gonna faint today.Ā 

I just donā€™t want to I donā€™t want to anymore any of this I just want to st.op

i know I was happy idk when and Iā€™m switching a lot now but Iā€™m just trying and some days are harder than other and.. ā€œitā€™s okayā€ I guess :ā€™) someone keeps annoying me about being on a device- itā€™s my device and screen time and Iā€™m wasting my time being pathetic it doesnā€™t affect you :ā€™) and theyā€™re like mmmmā€¦have you got school tomorrow.. and I know they know I do the fact theyā€™re making me think about it doesnā€™t make me feel bad for being up it just makes me feel bad because Iā€™ve got school tomorrow. oh wait I wasnā€™t supposed to be depressing here xD um- whoops. :p Iā€™ll go now just until they leave but Iā€™ll be back :p * poof*

iloveyouxx OP September 3rd
i had to reread that so many times to figure out what was triggering the crisis thing-
iloveyouxx OP September 4th

5:03 am

iloveyouxx OP September 4th


iloveyouxx OP September 4th

I managed to wake up before 4am today. from 1am till then I was just closing my eyes getting up scared and checking the time over and over again and I was fully awake from 3 something

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

itā€™s so peaceful. I need to not sleep more often. /hj

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

It actually is really calm tho. without me already feeling like me this is what I meant I just want everything to go quiet and stop for a while so- for a while I can breathe.Ā 

I was thinking should I go out on the balcony, because the skyā€™s beautiful and the weathers niceĀ 

but- Iā€™m good here.



iloveyouxx OP September 4th

so todays gonna be fun. look at all those subjects I donā€™t want to be in :0!

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

I feel sick :ā€™) physically. psychically sick xDĀ 

Iā€™ve been sick on and off since school started- mostly on/jĀ 

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

oh yeah. I canā€™t really explain how um- idk- it got. but on tuesday between break and math it got so crowded all around the big staircase around like outside the 2 doors leading to it and mostly all the way down the stairs and not too many up

it was so crowded as in. I kept getting pushed from everywhere and then Iā€™d turn around and someone else would push me and everyone there just wanted to fight and some senior group was around me and my friend and they kept pushing us specifically and one grabbed my friend and threw her on me and someone just took my bag and idek launched it to the ceiling and I wasnā€™t trying to move at all but everyone was everywhere and I was getting thrown on the floor or pushed in different directions and then I saw someone coming down from third floor and they started recording and I tried to cover my face-

it went on for so long. I was late to math- a bunch of people got hurt. I wouldā€™ve just taken the other stairs if I knew but tbh I sort of did because the doors are see through but I didnā€™t know it was that bad at all Ā 

im gonna get off cups for the- school day xD Iā€™ll be on after probably. byebye.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

6:49am. nvm im backĀ 

i calculated this yesterday xD

I leave at 7:15 :ā€™) I get there by 7:16. I get to second floor by 7:19. I hide until 7:40 and then I go to my lead class. (5 minutes before the national anthem goes Ā off - 7:45- because after national anthem youā€™re late)

6:54. that took me 5 minutes because I kept zoning out-

6:56 I got distracted.Ā 

I donā€™t have anything else to do. I wake up insanely early because I hate rushing and I like making sure I have everything and I got everything I need and Iā€™m ready and I like taking my time. itā€™s just a lot less stressful.



Iā€™m not gonna look at the time anymore-Ā 


iloveyouxx OP September 4th

7:26am. hiding.

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

Iā€™m hiding until I donā€™t have the option to anymore

iloveyouxx OP September 4th


iloveyouxx OP September 4th


iloveyouxx OP September 4th

Iā€™m so tired. again.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

I feel insanely alone.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

Iā€™m officially halfway through the week now :ā€™) yayyyyā€¦ :p

iloveyouxx OP September 4th

Iā€™m gonna fail my math baseline I want to be in the lowest setĀ 


iloveyouxx OP September 4th

you know before with the guy that was being targeted I felt bad but he genuinely seemed like he didnā€™t careĀ 

but now I feel really really really bad :ā€™) to the point where I was thinking of like giving him a note being all like youā€™re really smart donā€™t let them get to you etc etc

heā€™s actually a lot smarter than I thought he was. he knows so much my brain could never know all of that at the same time or understand it eitherĀ 

i had my bag searched. because they thought I stole something from him but seriously why me I didnā€™t do anything I sit close to him but not that close Iā€™m the nicest to him I donā€™t laugh at everything he says or does and there were so many other people that wouldā€™ve definitely done it. and you know it was my IT teacher he wanted to get my hoy to search my bag like I swear I was so mad but hurt bro I thought you liked me. I was gonna do great things and ***. and ofc it wasnā€™t me they found out who it was. they started with my bag and went aroundĀ 

lol Iā€™m gonna stop- Iā€™ll stop.Ā 

okay wait.Ā 

today :ā€™)Ā 

english was sad and lonely. arabic I ran out of the class. I kept trying to ask the teacher for help because she said if you donā€™t understand a question donā€™t just sit there raise your hand and ask me, and I did and she yelled at me to read the question and answer it itā€™s easy. so I spent the rest of that lesson trying to and break started and she wouldnā€™t let anyone that didnā€™t finish their work go. but thatā€™s not fair and she doesnā€™t have the right to, a class came and the teacher was like give us 2 minutes and she told us weā€™re all gonna walk out together and continue doing the work somewhere. I just got my bag and ran out while she wasnā€™t looking. and some other people did too. Iā€™m just like not today Iā€™m not doing this today itā€™s my *** break it goes by instantly and Iā€™d rather not suffer with her.Ā 

IT was a baseline test paused with the incident thing

science was lonely.

math was literally miserable *** shoot me miserable not the subject the people and the feeling I felt so horrible thereĀ 

history was sad but more like I just want to get this over with. I kept checking the time it was passing so slow. teacher accidentally played an inappropriate video. we were put into a new seating plan and Iā€™m close to someone I wonā€™t talk about but I just really didnā€™t want to sit close to them they were the first person I thought about when the teacher started putting us in a seating plan I was just hoping weā€™d be on opposite sides of the room

im trying to think about some good stuff that happened today. but I havenā€™t even mentioned any of the bad stuff.Ā 

it felt sort of good running away from arabic, andā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.oh *** I donā€™t know :ā€™) thatā€™s good enough. yeah it is :3

and now I donā€™t want to. Iā€™m gonna go do something to distract myself. activity over negativity *cool emoji* /j/j/j/j


iloveyouxx OP September 4th
oh yeah. TW <3
iloveyouxx OP September 5th


Katharsis22 September 5th

Try to move around the room or the space you're in now for a bit.(: It may give you energy.

iloveyouxx OP September 5th


ouh hi. I donā€™t know i was just mentally tired at the time and I was trying to rest, itā€™s how I get my energy back up <3 school is so draining. but thankyou :)Ā 

Katharsis22 September 5th

School work and such can be tiring, yes.(': Take a short a break to rest.(:

iloveyouxx OP September 6th


mhm I just woke up from a good nap lol, I feel better. thankyou for being herešŸ¤

Katharsis22 September 6th

Good to hear. No need to thank me.šŸ‘

iloveyouxx OP September 6th

4am friday. last day of the week and then itā€™d be 0.5/10 months covered.Ā