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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I got my brother's phone again. but he didn't really give it to me this time :') idk if I should feel bad

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

It's 4am again. we're traveling again in 9 days

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

TW I know I never go these in but idk what to say :')Ā 

I sleepwalk really often. and I've moved chairs around and set the microwave on and I've vomited in my sleep before I don't know if that's normal. but I was 9 when that happened.Ā 

and last night- or morning I think I slept at... 7/8. I woke up on a different bed and all my clothes had orange stains on them. vibrant 'sharp'. and my dad found orange stains on the carpets. and I only actually thought about the stains on my clothes then and I tried getting them off before he noticed and got so much more angry. and he didn't somehow he just kept yelling and cursing but that's it.Ā 

and since then I keep trying to figure out what happened. because I don't have anything that shade of orange or just orange at all. I went through everything mine or not accessible or not. there's that square thing you put your cups on. I just googled it they're called coasters-. and there's dish soap. and then I realized that's fully yellow and no where near what I was looking for. and I saw a bottle and it was orange wrong shade but orange. and the actual thing inside tho was fully clear.

i don't know where my dad got it from but he started yelling at me and saying that I was eating mangos like seriously it's just so stupid atp. we don't even have mangos. I'm not just gonna pull them outta my pocket like it's nothing and walk around the house eating them. if he was gonna make a dumb accusation he could've said I was drinking or something but where am I gonna get mangos from. ofc where am I gonna get drugs from too but it'd make more sense if he accused me of that instead. he thought I was capping last year

iloveyouxx OP June 29th
fill* fill these in*Ā 
iloveyouxx OP June 29th

vaping last year*

It's the swipe keyboard-

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I'm gonna sleep I've been trying so hard but to and idk why. I'm kinda scared but the quest that can hashish is... something I won't think about

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

worst that can happen * omg-

I had a picture of a good night cat but idk where that went

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

somethings happening to the phone I think :') but nvm found itšŸ©·


iloveyouxx OP June 29th

Iā€™m so tired

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

and itā€™s just so much and I canā€™t even talk about it I couldnā€™tĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I really donā€™t expect a lot but why canā€™t someone just be a proper *** friend and not make me feel like im reliving smth I donā€™t wanna think about.Ā 

someone isnā€™t targeted at like everyone just one person but idk what to say

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

:ā€™) why do they keep switching accs I swear Iā€™m not that stupid

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

1:30 am which isnā€™t that bad. honestly itā€™s not bad at all but Iā€™m mentioning that because dads still not back :ā€™) he went out with his friend. "with his friend"

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my face swelled up. or most of my face.

slowdecline48 June 30th



Your face?... That doesn't sound good. What's going on?!

iloveyouxx OP July 1st


oh lol XD my eyes swell up really often and my aunt says itā€™s an allergy but I donā€™t think so. and my face was red and puffy that day because thereā€™s this thing that youā€™re not meant to put on your skin :ā€™) so I put it on my skin. not to give any ideas tho. tw itā€™s just satisfying to hurt myself I thinkĀ ļ»æ

slowdecline48 July 1st

@iloveyouxx Hurting oneself is not helpful. Not to anyone, really.

Even so, I'm slightly first I thought your dad or brother was practicing domestic backhand on the regular.

iloveyouxx OP July 1st


no I know :ā€™) it doesnā€™t do anythingĀ 

oh no my dad wasnā€™t there that day and he still does as long as Iā€™m still breathing. my brother does too but Iā€™m not scared of him- thanks for being here slowšŸ¤

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I donā€™t care about myself really but the only reason Iā€™m not like decomposing is because I try and look good for others literally.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I spend 1265 everyā€¦3? weeks on my hair. because my stylist said my hair was "too curly" and I needed to get it done more often so it would look perfect. her words. I donā€™t think silk straight hair is perfect or curly hair is bad but like :ā€™) but then again I feel bad because I have like 3 people working on my hair and theyā€™re obviously tired I donā€™t expect them to admire my natural hair and itā€™s only expensive because of my hair texture :ā€™) and I remember one of them got mad at me because I paid the normal amount and she hadnā€™t seen my hair texture before then she started *** talking in another language but yk. itā€™s fine.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my skin canā€™t be fixed tho so I donā€™t try. it just breaks every while and goes away somehow. and I remember in covid when we had to wear masks I was 8 and the mask made my skin so irritated and messed up so my dad took me to a doctor and she said I was naturally born with really sensitive skin. I give up on my skin I donā€™t even touch it :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP June 29th
itā€™s not that bad anymore because I havenā€™t used anything on it for the pastā€¦3 ish years.Ā 
iloveyouxx OP June 29th

and I remember this one girl in my arabic class at the beginning of the year was just fully analyzing me then went "youā€™re really really pretty actually but you just needā€¦"

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

that same girl would always say something like "why donā€™t you have friends like you can literally make friends so easy youā€™re really pretty and and" I interrupted her there idk what she was gonna sayā˜ ļøactually I was trying to interrupt her the whole time. and it was annoying me so much because she started trying to give me a 101 how to make friends for beginners/nsrs and sheā€™d say things like "okay okay just listen to me go up to a girl and compliment her and.." like wtf if I could make friends I would. I know I sound mean but that was end of term 2 and now sheā€™s just like everyone else :ā€™) and I didnā€™t think sheā€™d change but she did like every single other new student.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th
not change but. I didnā€™t think sheā€™d change like that. she used to okay and idk. she was kinda really judge mental- not to me but others I always noticed that. and she just almost kinda hated everyone.Ā 
iloveyouxx OP June 29th
that doesnā€™t sound as okay as I made it sound but I hate it so much because every single person that Iā€™ve ever got to see join would always be so different at the beginning and everyoneā€™s just. idk. itā€™s not even peer pressure or trying to fit in I donā€™t get it theyā€™re genuinely like that now.Ā 
iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my dad hasnā€™t stayed this late since our grandparents came and itā€™s 2am

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my grandma woke up and I told her my dads not back yet and she just asked about my brother-

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

she didnā€™t hear me I think :pĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

sheā€™s so sweet I love her :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

and my aunts been messaging

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my aunts famousā˜ ļø

sheā€™s on google and thereā€™s full wikipedias and "people also ask"s and videos and quotesĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I feel so stupid because :ā€™) most of my familyā€™s famous. really famous and itā€™s kinda weird walking with them because we could go to a mall or something and people would run up to us and kids hug the family member depends and Iā€™m just :ā€™)Ā 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

Iā€™m gonna count.Ā 

so my aunts famous my uncle my second uncle my 3 cousins (one of them not that much but still widely known) my second aunt and oh wait more cousins :ā€™) Iā€™m gonna stop also Iā€™m not counting that. but the aunt I was talking about is really really widely known and sheā€™s been on tv and in interviews and people trying to talk to her etc. and one of my cousins is younger than meā˜ ļøbut sheā€™s in ads and sheā€™s won so many medals in gymnastics competitions and sheā€™s in videos etc. theyā€™re all for different reasons. my uncles a doctor and thereā€™s a Wikipedia on him and the name is "the best ent doctor in (country)". btw I tried looking up the best ent doctor in that country and it doesnā€™t actually show him it just shows like a list of people from before so donā€™t try that :p. my other uncle owns a big business. my second aunt and her daughter (my cousin) are really big on social media. my other cousins been in competitionsĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th
one of my other cousins just has pics of her on google with random names but mainly ones from uniĀ 
iloveyouxx OP June 29th

if it counts as anything the hair salon I go to makes content and after they dry out my hair they usually start videoing the back and like pulling it apart I guess to show how bad the before wasā˜ ļøthen theyā€™d finish it and do the second part and I guess show how good it is now and likeā˜ ļøit counts as something rightā˜ ļø

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

nd *** im thinking about the friends again :> Iā€™m exhaustedĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

I remember my bio caused so much drama before when I removed someone. and I put the user of a cups friend that left in the place so I could always remember it. and idek I guess they checked the list every single day or smth but they started talking about me and going "I donā€™t know why she cares about me anymore she removed me from my bio so idk why sheā€™d care" ā€¦ā˜ ļøI donā€™t atp Iā€™m so done. I just didnā€™t consider them my friend anymore. they were the first person I removed. and they treated me like a pawn they never cared either is it that hard to just be a decent person and notĀ 

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

Iā€™m pretty sure I added everyone I knew there. even if we had like 5 convos. I hadnā€™t updated that in months :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP June 29th

my bio is still shorter than some people but I still reached the limit :ā€™) and I tried to add a small sentence saying I did and my whole cups got messed up