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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


iloveyouxx OP May 24th

I just got chatgpt and logged into my account xD

IĀ love how this is the worst thing Iā€™ve done this year.-

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why bother trying when failure is inevitable?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Life is like a broken record; it just keeps skipping to the same sad song."

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why reach for the stars when you can't even see them through the clouds?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why aim for success when mediocrity is so much easier?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why bother with hope when disappointment is guaranteed?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why climb mountains when you can drown in the valleys?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Life's a maze, and youre just hitting dead ends."

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why smell the roses when you're clearly allergic to happiness?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why swim against the current when you can justā€¦sink?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why light a candle in the dark when darkness is all you've ever known?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why chase dreams when nightmares come true?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"Why search for meaning when everything feels meaningless?"

iloveyouxx OP May 24th

"why dance in the rain when you can drown in it."

iloveyouxx OP May 24th


neathemlock07 May 24th

" I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright." This is a dialogue from the movie The Shawshank Redemption, and whenever I watch this movie, I get intrigued by this particular line. We all have our own prisons, some are physical and can be seen, some prisons are our own minds which can be felt by only us. I belong to the second category. I don't know that if my feathers are bright enough to aim the sky but if a little courage is shown, just like Andy Dufresne, I guess you would break through the barrier. You would know what you are capable of. You won't burn in the sun rather you will glow. The wind will be your friend and the walls would be your foe. You would know how bright are your feathers.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP May 30th



soĀ :') I wrote like a three paragraph reply. first one was apologizing and explaining why I mightā€™ve not replied. second and third were replying to thisĀ :')šŸ©·and then I ran outta charge- and honestly I was kinda happy before because it felt like the first time I wrote a long reply and it didnā€™t get deleted before I post. but nvm I guess :D/saršŸ¤that screenshot is just random proof. it shows the date today and the time in my country :p and the fact I was at 1% after plugging my device in- and the login page after my internet came backĀ :') that whole reply basically just saying thankyou <3 and it was just me appreciating you taking the time and thought to write this for mešŸ©·and relating to some of the things you said. and talking about the movie. idk I was just yappingšŸ’œIā€™m sorry. maybe Iā€™ll properly reply if I have the energy againĀ :')šŸ©·I lose it all so easily-Ā 

iloveyouxx OP May 31st


iloveyouxx OP May 31st

yk if they actually changed people would actually start taking them seriously right?

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

Iā€™m so bothered rn.

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

I saw this video- hold on lemme go get it lol- :p

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

I broke my headphones-again-

mytwistedsoul May 31st

@iloveyouxx This is so sad šŸ˜ž but so relatableĀ 

There are so many lonely people šŸ˜ž

iloveyouxx OP May 31st


i was crying with the girl 3 minutes inĀ :') it just broke my heart seeing her cry. and how she thought. my whole fyp is full of videos like that- theyā€™re always a couple of years old and with millions of views. thereā€™s another video "I have no friends" but by a different creator- "I canā€™t help being ugly" thereā€™s schizophrenia episodes. "On suicide" "idk what to do anymore" and thereā€™re also videos of old people talking about their regretsĀ :') videos on being autistic- and those really hurt too because in my school autism is used as one of the biggest insults- and everyone uses it all the time. genuinely tho. just to everyone. being neurodivergent and being treated differently. it really is so sad.šŸ˜žšŸ©·it hurts so much watching those. but I watch them all the time.Ā 

(my dad still hasnā€™t come back. Iā€™m kinda scared to leave my room but I just wanted to say Iā€™m still here for now :p)

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

I actually did break my headphones- idk what I did- :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

we have guests.

iloveyouxx OP May 31st


iloveyouxx OP May 31st


iloveyouxx OP May 31st


iloveyouxx OP May 31st
is it just me or does she have 4 arms-if you just really focus on it- ;-; okay I actually have to go now-my dads gonna get mad-
iloveyouxx OP May 31st

Iā€™m so hungry.

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

how was that 2 hours ago-

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

but anyway I went to chewing flavorless gum again.

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

when anorxia was bad I looked so unhealthy and my bones just popped out. and then I went to overeating- but- severe overeating. I didnā€™t have any control over myself. but I barely gained anything. thereā€™s this whole science behind it but Iā€™m not gonna go into that. then I went to starving myself again but making myself vomit anytime I did eat. and that lead to the throat problem and now I vomit blood- something to do with the pressure of the um- I wasnā€™t listening- I kinda wanna starve myself again. I put younger me through the worst months to years of my life but I donā€™t care. I wanna do it again.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

the girl texted me. 8 messages but Iā€™m not allowed to use that device.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

okay wait I wanna talk about sumthing-

so Iā€™m just gonna put some codenames.Ā 

ms muppet- (my head of year) (cos idk she reminds me of one of them- no offense tho- seriously-)

L1 and L2 (classmates, okay well a little more than that- theyā€™re kinda a main part of the group that started all the rumors and confronted the girl about all the things she didnā€™t do- and one of the girls in that group death threatened her then it went onto all the graffiti and all that. so yeah- maybe just. more than classmates.)

A and R (okay so these are classmates- guy classmates- in my math class. theyā€™re in my lead class. and in most of my sets except for french arabic islamic and science I think. I kinda forget they exist sometimes. weā€™re okay I guess- idk if Iā€™d call us friends but weā€™re okay.)

S ( the girl- the one Iā€™m friends with and the one thatā€™s been a victim of all that stuff. )

F ( classmate- ex friend but she doesnā€™t have great memory and has dyslexia. sheā€™s honestly sweet kinda. temper problems but I try to make her happy. )

so this was a thursday or whatever. the day I literally felt like I was dying- idk if anyone remembers that- lol no oneā€™s gonn read this cos we all know Iā€™m lonely as ***. how lonely you can get is actually mildly insane. sorry-.Ā 

so first lesson I asked to go to the bathroom before the lesson even started- before the teacher even let us in- since we line up outside. I was okay. I just needed to breathe. I spent like Iā€™m gonna guess 10 ish minutes just aggressively breathing in that bathroom. nothing happened btw. it wasnā€™t like a mental thing or whatever- I wasnā€™t panicking- I was just in pain and idk. really sick. my heart hurt so bad and my body was numb and weak and I couldnā€™t even walk. everything hurt. I was scared my teacher was gonna get mad so I just tied my hair up and went to class. we were preparing our presentations for the end of year reports- they were assessed and individual- I have no confidence without others- but with others I feel horrible- itā€™s just the standing infront of everyone and um. anyway. I couldnā€™t even talk. lesson ends 9:05 and I remember checking it was 8:19 when I started feeling even worse- everything was so warm around me- I didnā€™t even check to see if anyone was looking at me cos I was in so much pain I just didnā€™t care. I was coughing so hard and gasping for breath idek I just couldnā€™t breathe. then my teacher let me leave first at 9 and I used all my energy to go to IT (which was in the same hallway :ā€™) I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve survived another way)Ā 

I went to my IT teacher and she asked if I was okay and I feel bad because obviously everyone skips IT and leaves for the nurse/bathroom just to skip it (or they donā€™t show up at all) so last lesson that teacher said it wasnā€™t allowed anymore (it already kinda wasnt because of the incident but she still let us). I never didnā€™t show up to her class or left at any point. but I still feel bad. and I said I needed to go to the nurse and she was so nice about it :ā€™) and I just wanted to *** kick myself because bro why you gotta be so *** physically broken I feel so bad about it tho. and then she kept everyone waiting but took me in her class to give me a note for the nurse and asked if I was okay again. I still wasnā€™t. I said no- Iā€™ve never done that before-. I went to the nurse and there was a group of girls in my year group going up the stairs while I was going down, I think they were like 8J or something. and one of them asked me if I was okay tooā˜ ļøand I said yeah Iā€™m just kinda sick(I wasnā€™t just kinda sick.)- she looked so concerned- and- I looked so concerning-Ā 

I made it to nurse. I clicked the thing- itā€™s not like a doorbell or anything it just makes them see that someoneā€™s there but no one opened so I just opened it myself. Iā€™m gonna skip this part because it just makes me mad. but basically they gave me *** panadol and told me to go back to class. Iā€™m not even joking if thereā€™s nothing wrong with your saturation and you donā€™t have a fever all they do is give you panadol and send you back to class.Ā 

the nurse wrote the time she let me go back but I honestly didnā€™t care. I just went back to the girls bathroom and was just. breathing. it was so empty. my teacher didnā€™t even end up looking at it and I just walked in and no one noticed- it was so loud.Ā 

this isnā€™t really the main part about L1 but she asked me where i was (for the gossipĀ and I know that.) and I told her I was at the nurse. (she was disappointed.)

F asked me if I was feeling okay- bro Iā€™m sorry but she looked crazy concerned- idk if I really looked that bad but whatever. then idk we talked and she told me what we were doing- which- I just pretended I was doing the work- I literally just wanted it to be over Iā€™m sorry.Ā 

when IT was over we had break. I went up to third floor- 4 staircases up- it was incredibly crowded :ā€™) no oneā€™s allowed on third floor in breaks (unless youā€™re part of something) but I go there when Iā€™m alone. itā€™s so quiet. calm- empty- but mostly just. quiet.Ā 

I go down to english 5 minutes early just because itā€™s on second floor and it was a lot of stairs down.Ā 

our english teacher is always late- so when my classmates actually started to come by the time class started we were still waiting- random details- but we went in. I wanted to ask to go to nurse again but my seat was kinda far from the teacher and idk. it was really quiet too because we were doing this thing and if he saw us talking heā€™d- yeah I forgot Iā€™m sorry- maybe it was a behavior point or something, and I felt weird because I knew itā€™d draw all that attention in-Ā 

so. :ā€™) ms muppet comes in. and she asks if she can borrow me and S. S hasnā€™t been in for 3 days at that point- teacher mentions that so she asks if she could just borrow me instead. idk why they use the word borrow- is that normal?Ā 

she asks how I am and all that. Idk why she looked so happy tho. like she was genuinely so interested in the fact Iā€™ve been so sick for so long and I couldnā€™t attend my cousinā€™s wedding :ā€™) no offense or anything she was just smiling so wide. her smile is pretty tho.Ā 

then she tells me she had news for me and she wanted to see how I would take it.Ā 

theyā€™re thinking of switching me and S to a new lead. for a fresh start and all that.Ā 

okay I should sum this up- so my unofficial decision was that I did want that- Iā€™m not allowed to tell S about it until they talk to her themselves. but if her decision is different than ofc Iā€™m gonna change mine. Iā€™m okay with both kinda- the lead they want to switch us to isnā€™t that bad. I mean. I kinda like my lead- okay no I hate it- I hate everyone in it and everyone in it is just pure evil. they find joy in your pain and feel better when they make you feel worse. theyā€™re hearts are so cold and cruel and- sorry-Ā 

but Iā€™m so used to it. but yeah Iā€™m okay with both. Iā€™m indecisive and idk-I donā€™t trust myself-

so trying to sum this up again- I had science after- I went in class before anyone else without permission just because I was in so much pain and wanted to go to the nurse and my science teacher- :ā€™) Iā€™m sorry :ā€™) but the way she talks is so insanely fake. Itā€™s so fake. and itā€™s so annoying omigod. sorry- but she didnā€™t let me and idk I didnā€™t even wanna hear her talk anymore so I just dealt with it. seating plan in science puts me in the back of the class so I was just being a suicidal *** at the back of the class.Ā 

we had lunch. I went up to third floor again and everything was just how it was.Ā 

2 more lessons to go. so now we had math. I went down 5 minutes early again because math is also on second floor- just a whole different hallway- after 5 minutes everyone was there. waiting for the teacher.Ā 

L1 and L2 went up to me and started asking me what ms muppet wanted and what she said/why she needed me :p they had their group with them but they were the only ones talking to me. I said I wasnā€™t allowed to talk about it until it was confirmed. they asked when thatā€™d be and I said when S comes back and talks to ms muppet and they thought about it and asked if it had sumthing to do with them and I said no. they made me swear on a bunch of *** but Iā€™m pretty sure they didnā€™t believe me. I kept saying they were gonna find out later anyway and that it was just kinda a change? and L2 asked if we were moving classes but I had to say no. we went back and forth for a couple of minutes until our math teacher came.Ā 

so in my seating plan in maths I sit with S R and A. In like a table group. S wasnā€™t there obviously.Ā 

so first I asked A for a pen ( I forgot my whole pencil case that day- ) (he has everything in his pencilcase btw so I always ask him) and he was looking around his pencilcase- he was testing like 3 of his pens(he tested them on his friend btw- R- so I was just-ā˜ ļøtheyā€™re so stupid it just makes me laugh-)to see which worked and while he was doing that he just said "oh yeah why did ms muppet want you in english"Ā 

we had to be quiet after that for a while because we were working on our own through this powerpoint but when we got the chance to talk I asked him if someone told him to ask me. because idk. I donā€™t trust that they wouldnā€™t do that. but he said no and he was just curious. he said I didnā€™t have to tell him but he was just curious :p but I felt bad :pĀ 

I donā€™t really know how to explain that convo. because the whole thing was so funny like idk. Iā€™m gonna skip to the part where I mentioned death threats and this is how it went okay-

me: yeah and then it just escalated to death threats too and then the


A: to you? who?

R: death threats :o

R: did she say death threats

A: I heard death threats.

R: I heard death threats too.Ā 

like I love how I was right there and they coulda just askedā˜ ļø

then R went to his own thing and I said that it wasnā€™t to me it was to S and that I was moving with her just to be there with her and all that. then he said he understood and that he wouldnā€™t tell anyone- but he kept repeating that he wouldnā€™t tell anyone.Ā 

R: who got death threats

A: no so like basically

ā€¦I started laughing so hardā˜ ļøI was just fully banging on the table and covering my face because I was just laughing so hard- I almost fell off my chair too. then A said "nonono okay okay but heā€™s the only person Iā€™m gonna tell I wonā€™t tell anyone I swear I swear heā€™s the only one- R YOURE NOT GONNA TELL ANYONE RIGHT"

like damn I trust thatšŸ¤“

there was so much to that convo that Iā€™m not gonna go into details about but it was just so hilariousā˜ ļø

then we had french and these girls were being *** and I wanted to *** break their jaw but. I didnā€™t. it wasnā€™t to me btw. Iā€™ve said this before but Iā€™ve never physically hurt anyone(on purpose at least)(okay other than my brother-) but I still know what I can do.Ā 

I stayed after school for about an hour. I stayed with a couple of people until they left but after that I just liked being alone and the school was really really empty too. youā€™re also not allowed to stay after school if you dont have a valid reason to. my reason didnā€™t go into the valid category :D but there were no teachers and most classrooms the lights were switched off.Ā 

today my dad emailed my lead teacher without me even knowing -that I wasnā€™t gonna be in school today. heā€™s never let me just not go. Iā€™ve been in such serious situations before but- :ā€™) wow :ā€™) it wasnā€™t anything amazing tho. I just grieved my abilities strength energy and Ā feelings of not dying in my bed the whole day. I didnā€™t even move.Ā 

I have to go- and Iā€™m at the end of my post :0 that no one ever asked for lol :0 my dad was busy the whole time so Iā€™m surprised I got this far.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP May 31st

:0 upvote :0 Iā€™m not entirely lonely :0/jšŸ’–

mytwistedsoul May 31st

@iloveyouxx It's sad that people act the way they do towards others. No regard of what it does to someone šŸ˜žĀ 

I wonder if you were pale and that's why people were concerned about you šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP May 31st


wait did you actually read that?

and I mean yeah. what it does to someone isnā€™t something anyone in my school would think about twice soul. I donā€™t know how to explain it but the people in my school arenā€™t just bullies. theyā€™re just a whole other thingĀ :') idk. I donā€™t get people.Ā 

no Iā€™m naturally pale lol :0 my friend says Iā€™m so white I look whitewashed(not sure what that means- well I kinda know I think.) I think I was just really red. I just randomly get red but at the time when I couldnā€™t breathe and everything felt so hot around me I was most likely red :p but I did feel faint. idk. I donā€™t think I can get paler-

(my dads talking to one of his girlfriends so Iā€™m good for a while- but if I randomly poof Iā€™m sorryšŸ©·)