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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP March 27th

and you’re always in pain.

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

even if you’re numb sliming laughing or asleep.

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

and that makes them happy.

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

I love making others happy.

iloveyouxx OP March 27th


iloveyouxx OP March 27th

win win isn’t it-

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

lol is it weird that I like demotivational quotes too ;-;

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

I- like depressing things :')

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"your life can’t fall apart if you never had it together"

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

xD TvT

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"everyday is a new chance for you to screw up again" :>

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"always believe that something wonderful will probably never happen"

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"it will definitely get worse" "give up."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"It’s not just monday. your whole life sucks."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"It’s all downhill from here."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"you tried your best and failed miserably. the lesson is, stop trying."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"try hard and don’t worry if you fail because everyone expected that."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"the first step towards failing is trying."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"monday hates you too."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"you can be easily replaced."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"you are a background character in a much more interesting persons story."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"the universe doesn’t give two *** about you"

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"this too will pass, and come back worse."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"if you never believe in yourself, you’ll never let yourself down."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"start each day with a goal so you have something to *** up."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"others can’t use you if you’re useless."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"if you’re happy and you know it no one cares."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"you put the ace in disgrace"

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"be yourself. no one else wants to be you."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"always remember you’re someone’s reason to smile because you’re a joke."

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

"literally no one cares" :>

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

that one ! I say that one a lot xD!

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

why do I love this so much ;-;

iloveyouxx OP March 27th

why’d I upvote that TvT

iloveyouxx OP March 28th


iloveyouxx OP March 28th

*** :')

iloveyouxx OP March 28th

no cos sometimes I wonder why I even care.

iloveyouxx OP March 28th

why do I still care so damn much 

iloveyouxx OP March 28th

when it doesn’t make a difference to no one-

iloveyouxx OP March 28th

why do they make me so mad-