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Tree's Diary

loyalTree3713 September 11th, 2020

I don't know if I'll ever write here, I just felt the need to have a space where I could express myself. Respectful comments are welcome, but sometimes my life gets hectic (all the time haha)-so, I may be delayed in my response.

Maybe the best way to sum up how I feel is that-When I don't have an empty space, I badly want one. But when I do get it, I no longer feel the need for it. However, in these challenging times (not referring to the pandemic), maybe I'll end up feeling something I'll want to write.

Shoutout to the people who recognized the need for a journal subcom, after the feed was discontinued Slightly smiling And a thank you to every one who ends up scrolling by here xD

loyalTree3713 OP July 5th, 2022


"Sometimes it seems like the harder you try to find them - the farther they retreat." -- that is so true!!

C - "Maybe you've witnessed their reactions with other people and you've a pretty good idea that the assessment isn't going to be very nice"

Do you mean to say that you hear people talking about the interactions they've had with you, to other people?


I understand why you'd hate saying that (maybe because it feels like you're saying "I'm glad you're injured" xD), but fwiw, I don't glean any negative sentiment from that sentence. I'm trying to say that I personally don't think that's a bad thing to say :)

Self-confidence...may be it. Getting yourself to trust you is difficult, isn't it? It often feels like that requires a leap of faith.

(I hope you're doing alright<3)

mytwistedsoul July 9th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 I've been trying to figure out how to reply. But I'm not sure how tbh. The words are there but I can't use them. I'm alittle uncomfortable saying too much more because I'm afraid it leaves me open to trouble and I'm afraid that I've allready said too much that will come back to bite me. This place isn't as safe for me as it is other people. I'm trying to not upset anyone. I'm sorry - please know it's nothing personal. I do really appreciate you talking with me

It is hard to trust yourself and there's not much I have faith in to take that leap. I get close to jumping sometimes but then those doubts kick in and I end up just freezing and doing nothing :/ or freezing and just going quiet and dissociating

I broke an ankle *smh* I'm such a klutz

I hope you're doing ok :) take care of yourself Tree ❤️

loyalTree3713 OP July 11th, 2022


Nah, that's totally ok! I think I understand that feeling a bit (feeling like you shouldn't have said as much as you did), but I'm also sure that my understanding of that is limited :)

How is your ankle??

mytwistedsoul July 12th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 You're exactly right! That is exactly the feeling. Thank you for understanding :)

The ankle is better but aches most days. Thank you for asking! How are you these days Tree?

loyalTree3713 OP July 15th, 2022


:) ofc!!

ah, a persistent ankle ache sounds difficult to deal with -- is the pain getting less intense/more bearable over time?

(I'm doing alright. I'm kinda excited because I'm getting to travel a bit over the next few days. So, my mood's been really good!)

mytwistedsoul July 18th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 Hey :) woohoo! Traveling sounds really exciting and I hope you have an awesome trip! It's great that it's helped your mood ❤️

The pain is less. Now it just itches where the ligaments are healing 😬 There were some minor tears but I'm glad it didn't need surgery

Take care Tree

loyalTree3713 OP July 21st, 2022


Thank you!!! The trip has been good so far :))

Yoohoo- it is healing!! Is the itch still there??

A surgery would have been serious. I am glad it was not that severe phew.


mytwistedsoul August 1st, 2022

@loyalTree3713 Hey :) Just popping in to see how you're doing

loyalTree3713 OP July 11th, 2022
*no replies please*

Feeling super alone again. I've been manifesting a very shallow form of myself for the past week. I've been trying to act carefree, do stupid little things (that I'd otherwise feel inhibited to do) with people and it was good while it lasted. I managed social stuff but I'm back to feeling lonely again. I'm confused.

I was telling a friend "I know that, logically, I have friends but it never feels that way inside" and I just keep looking back to me from 8 years ago, wondering what changed. Have I always felt this way?

I know that when I wake up tomorrow, these thoughts will disappear. When I write this down, these thoughts will disappear. But they will return and... I wish I knew what they meant. I don't wish that they'd go away, I just wish they made sense to me.
loyalTree3713 OP July 15th, 2022


Thank you, Wize! I was slightly spiralling on Monday (just slightly, hehe) and reading this moments after it was posted, stopped that spiral. I swear a part of me went "wha aww-" xD

Thank you for your very kind words. Truly.


alsoooo, how is you??

loyalTree3713 OP July 21st, 2022


I am not apologizing for the late reply (because you probably would ask me not to hehe), but I do owe an explanation: I have been travelling to areas with poor internet connectivity so 😅

"I just stepped out of an alternate dimension, lol!" -- exactly that! If one was shooting a movie, your appearance would be the one that takes even the cameraperson by surprise :p

Ah, I am glad that you are doing wellll and more so, that you are on cups because you feel a positive (almost) tangible effect to being on here :)

loyalTree3713 OP August 3rd, 2022


Heyy! I'm doing alright. Actually pretty good today! I did much better at something than I thought I would, and I'm in a dazed state of "wow, I have skills?" xD

How are you keeping?

mytwistedsoul August 3rd, 2022

@loyalTree3713 Hey! I'm glad to hear that you're doing all right and it sounds like an awesome day. I have to admit I loled alittle because that happens to me sometimes. That wonderful surprise of oh wow it worked! That's so cool Tree :) it does leave a person dazed but it's really exciting too!

You gots da skillz! :)

I'm keeping lol - hoping to lose the cast in another couple of weeks. Thank god because I am so over this doggone thing lol

loyalTree3713 OP August 6th, 2022


thanks so much! haha yeah, it's an absolutely brilliant feeling -- like how you would feel if you received a tiny surprise gift from yourself xD

ooo, it's wonderful to hear that you won't need the cast for your ankle soon!! Gosh, it's nearly been a month since you first had to wear it, right?

mytwistedsoul August 10th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 It's closer to two months now :/ I was hoping to get It off sooner but they said the ligaments need alittle longer to heal - ugh

I hope you have more of those surprise gift moments like that Tree ❤️

I hope this week is going good for you

loyalTree3713 OP August 12th, 2022


wow, that's a looooong time, I can see why you'd want it off soon. Though it sounds like, this way, your ligaments would have properly healed and I'm sooo happy to hear that<3

(thank you!!)

loyalTree3713 OP August 25th, 2022


Hiiii, how is your ankle now?? And how are you keeping?<3

(You're in my thoughts.)

mytwistedsoul August 25th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 Hey you :) Cast comes off next week! Woo hoo! I am so excited! lol

I'm sorry - I meant to reply - I wanted to but I didn't want to be a pain in the butt - anxiety got to me 😬

How are you Tree? It's nice seeing you again ❤️

loyalTree3713 OP August 27th, 2022


(Re: cast) yusssssssss, i'm so excited for you!!! That's just 5 days more lezgoooo~

(Re:anxiety) ahaha, that's okay :) I've been there a few (or more) times myself.

I'm doing surprisingly alright, it feels like things are stable in my life for the first time in quite a while.

mytwistedsoul August 28th, 2022

@loyalTree3713 Hey that's great Tree! I'm so glad to hear that things are stable. I hope it stays that way. Go you! ❤️ Many good things are waiting for you!

My first thought was to do a happy dance after its off but then I realized that's probably a bad idea lol and it'll probably be pretty stiff. Sooo - I think the happy dance will have to wait :p

loyalTree3713 OP August 31st, 2022


thank youu!!!

ahaha yes, maybe the happy dance can wait a bit :p