Ni's Little Solace
Not sure why I am creating this thread exactly, and I'm doing this so late at night as well :') I just felt... like I should do this haha. I do have a one line a day thread although I... don't think I have felt so free over there to write as much as I wished. So I thought maybe... I should just make another thread, a diary perhaps.. where I can really be myself.. and maybe post pictures and quotes, literary quotes maybe... and poems.. specifically haiku hehe. Also vents.. thoughts and maybe letters :')
Replies are welcome as well <3 although please remember to stay respectful and kind.
*sending lots of love and hugs because why not*
My other spirit animal - this one has rabies sometimes 😂
sending big hugs back 💙 thank you for making me smile. 💜 you da best soul buddy. 🥺 how are you buddy? 💙
@LoveMyMoonflowers I'm glad it brought a smile 💙 I'm ok I guess - tired. How is Moon today?
glad your okay. 💜 did you rest well? o:
i’m… idk. i’ll pass. 💙 thank you for asking though
@LoveMyMoonflowers I'll rest later - if I try to sleep now it'll mess up any hope to sleep tonight
i get that ): i hope you’ll be able to sleep tonight. 💙 sleeping can be hard though (': that seems to be the time our brains like to be wide awake so we can overthink. 💜 lol 😅 maybe i’m wrong.
idk soul buddy… there seems to be too much on my mind right now :/ taking everything in at once… it just gets overwhelming really quickly. 💙 like… i mean, when i think about everything at once. or i try to. not sure that made any sense 😅
me appreciate your kindness so much. 💜 *hugs back tight* 💙
@LoveMyMoonflowers Overthinking should really be an Olympic sport 😬
With so many things on your mind - can you break it down? Maybe try to make a list of what pops up first and then take it from there? I can't guarantee it would help of course
it really should. 😅 lol.
breaking it down into bits (': my brain does that too. it makes lists of things I have to think about. 😅 and i overthink every bit of everything. So… idk.
@LoveMyMoonflowers Maybe we can put overthinking at the top on the list? Is there anything that helps stop it or slow it down? Something that could help distract you from overthinking?
hehe. it’s okay. 💙 there’s not really much i can do to distract myself since most of the overthinking happens at night (': it’s okie. 💜 sending hugs if okay
@LoveMyMoonflowers Have you ever tried green noise at bedtime?
@LoveMyMoonflowers I'm sorry if I sound like a nag 😬 it was something I ran across last night and you popped into my thoughts
no no no no 💙 you didn’t sound like a nag at all. dw friend. 💜
i thought i sounded a bit rude because i’m not saying much (': i’m sorry if i did. 🥲💙 *offers huggles* 💜
did you rest well? 💙 i’m not sure what time it would be over there. 💜
@LoveMyMoonflowers You didn't sound rude at all! It's ok to not say much 💙 sometimes words are hard to find and even harder to use
thank you soul. 💜
i hear you about your head having other ideas. sleep is… idk. we think it would be good and it would help but then our brains are like nope. no sleep for you. :') it’s hard. but i hope trying again tonight works. 💙
yeah i got some sleep. idk. i always end up feeling tired even after sleeping. :')
does soul friend have anything planned for the weekend? :o if it okie to ask. 💜
@LoveMyMoonflowers Sometimes sleep just isn't long enough. And anxiety and depression can drain that energy away too and leave you feeling exhausted. Plussss if you support alot of people that can take energy too. That whole you can't pour from an empty cup thing. I'm glad you were able to get some sleep. Hopefully you can get alittle more rest over the weekend? Or maybe do something that helps recharge those batteries
oof. me sorry for the late reply :') i’ve been getting a lot of tags lately so sometimes it gets overwhelming tbh. 💙
anxiety and depression definitely do that :') and supporting people… is exhausting yeah. it’s like you come on here and you feel exhausted from life, and after supporting people you feel even more exhausted :') on top of that, there’s all the overthinking. and thinking what you said and did wasn’t enough. :')
I did get some more sleep on saturday. but last night my brain didn’t think sleep was a thing. i fell asleep at like 6 am :') hehe. how about soul buddy? 💜 did you rest okay? 💙
ouh did it snow there already? o: i hope everything’s okay with the hay and the barn. 💜 i did read your other diary forum :') the second one. 💙 trying is good. some days trying is all we can do :') and that’s okay. i’m proud of you for trying, but i get the frustration too :( sending hugs if okay. i hope things will work out 💜
hehe my weekend was okay, it didn’t go as planned. 🙈 but it’s fine. tbh hardly anything i plan actually works. i’m very bad at planning and very good at procrastinating. lol 😅
how does soul buddy feel about the new year? :') if comfy sharing. 💙
@mytwistedsoul Aww that's ok Moon 💙 I totally understand - it happens to me too. Then there's the struggle with words themself or maybe the energy just isn't there
oof. I hate me.
Nii 🌙🥧🦁
*huggles for rainbow bear friend if okay*
*huggless Nii*🌙🥧🦁🤗
i’m so tired.
*hugs Nii 🌙🥧 if okie*🫂
rainbow bear hugs 💙 are always okie. *hugs you tight* 💜 hru, rainbow bear? 🥺
*hugs Nii 🌙🥧 tight*🫂☺
me tired too, but it is okie ☺
did rainbow bear rest okie? 💙
me haven't rested, Nii 🌙🥧☺ maybe soon ^_^
Going toma self care dat saterday not on much
I just want to thank you all for the lovely time in TCR. 💙 It was so so fun playing games with everyone. Tbh I really needed all the laughs and smiles today, so thank you. 💜 your all amazing. 💙 sending lots of love and hugs if okay.
Nahoa your would you rather questions were the best. 🤣 thank you friend 💙
i don’t think you tagged Nahoa
i did hehe, they are @theboymoana 💜
im happy help you feel little better moon friend 💛💛💛im happy you here make cups such good place
yay! I am glad that the games made you smile 😀 *hugsss*
💙 we’ll miss you so much when you age up :')
aw I will miss you all too! 🥺 But we still have 10 months 😀
When do you age up :0
yay 10 months is a long while 💜 that’s good
i age up november 2027 :o
yup! But sometimes they can fly by in thin air 🙃
that’s like 4 exact years :0 that’s soooooooo long!
I do have an l act but I don’t think I will be able to apply to be an atl till I am living with my parents :’) maybe when I am in college in 2025
wait are you leaving us...?
awwe no tay buddy 💜 i’m not. i just wanted to thank you all 💙
so chu stay?
ni i haves something to tells you :)
chu is my fwennnn
*huggie wuggie*
awwe Tay you so sweet. 🥺🤧 *huggie wuggies for you* 💜
yay! huggiesssssssss!!!
I’m confused.