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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP August 12th

@unassumingEyes 269 comments on the schools post.

unassumingEyes OP August 12th

Everyone has different ways of asking for help. Mine is to help everyone else.

unassumingEyes OP August 12th


If anyones weird to you, I told her, Ill fly to the uk myself and punch em

I worried about bullies. In...lower times, I worried about worse. 

If they so much as touch you weird-

Broken, broken, broken promises.

No touch, she said, no touch

Just words

Ill fly to the uk myself-

Another lie to the record

Another bitter truth

Sometimes I cant breathe

Me neither, i think. Sometimes I dont want to.

And- guilt. For what? Im not her bully. Im just another kid. 

Guilt for being useless

Guilt for being weak

Guilt for writing this damn post, as if i have the right

Noone protected me. Noone protects me. I tried to change that for her.

But how can I protect her from everything?

I cant.

unassumingEyes OP August 13th

9 hours. My ears have been blocked for 9 hours. We tried everything. And there wasnt even an ENT available at the hospital and probably wont be available tomorrow because of a national holiday. I am close to overwhelmed. My ears hurt and i cant hear sounds right. I hear them but just- muffled. And if someone speaks too fast or quiet i cant understand a thing. Hearing whispers is borderline painful. And i dont want to go an ENT on thursday. Its embarrasing. And my first day of college is on thursday and mom asked what wld happen if i still cant hear right by then and now im mortified and there is so much pressute on my ears and im trying to pretend its fine but its not working-

unassumingEyes OP August 15th

My ears are still blocked. Um. We're going to go to an ENT tomorrow, hopefully. It's. Kind of overwhelming. It's been almost 3days. 

Today was the first day of college. 6hours away from home. I didnt- make friends, or anything. But it was nice. It was- okay. 

mytwistedsoul August 15th

@unassumingEyes Aww hey congratulations on your first day! It'll take time I bet to make some friends. Especially with it being the first day

I hope things go ok with the ENT. It's no fun when you can't hear like you normally do 😕

unassumingEyes OP August 16th

@mytwistedsoul thanks soul 💙 just got back from college it was :0 ew xD and just booked the ENT appointment for 8pm. Oh boy xD

mytwistedsoul August 16th

@unassumingEyes Ew doesn't sound too good 😬 Although it's more school so - yeah Eww! 😝 Are the classes hard? What are you going for? No pressure to answer of course!

Sending good luck vibes for the ENT appt! 

unassumingEyes OP August 16th

@mytwistedsoul soul your goodluck saved my life xD ENT appointment went great- the procedure was admittedly painful (very-) but i can hear everything now. And i do mean everything. Whispers from across rooms. Cloth moving. Air. Everything. 😆😭 i wont bore you with the details but apparently i hvnt been hearing normal for a long time and didnt realize and just adapted to it. And now i hv to adapt to...noise. lots of noise. All the noise xD

Im taking pre-medical in college. Thats conpulsory subjects (languages, religion and social studies) along with sciences (no math or computer). The works manageable so far. The girls are. Well. I dont want to ruin your mood by giving any example, but they arent nice 🤷‍♀️ just two years in this college tho and then i can run away from all of this (and get stuck in uni! XD)

Howve you been?/nfta

mytwistedsoul August 16th

@unassumingEyes Hooray for the sound of - well - sounds lol Aww that's great that they got it all fixed up for you and you can hear a pin drop. That will take some getting used to because it's a very noisy world 

Premed? Holy moly you must be a very smart person 😳 That is so awesome though! Congratulations! That is really something to be proud of! 💙 And we here can say we knew Dr. Eyes when they were just Eyes 😊

There's always got to be that mean group doesn't there? The ones who try extra hard to make life harder and more miserable for everyone else - smh. But hey two years will hopefully fly by and you can move on to bigger and better things and won't have to be around people like that

Um - idk - I think I'm doing ok mostly? I've been keeping pretty busy so that helps. Thank you for asking 😊
unassumingEyes OP August 17th

@mytwistedsoul hooray for sounds! XD 

I might not be Dr. Eyes xD im going to give math exam as a private student, so ill have the option to apply for both medical uni and IT. I dont know which Ill do yet xD 

Everyones busybusybusy looks like xD im glad youre okay-ish 💙 

mytwistedsoul August 17th

@unassumingEyes Oh cool! Both are pretty important imo! Which would you prefer? nfta of course

Yeah it's been pretty quiet around here this summer hasn't it? 
unassumingEyes OP August 17th

@mytwistedsoul Im confused tbh, being a doctor has a lot of scope in helping and understanding people, but the subjects itself are not appealing. IT has lesser scope and needs more creativity to make a positive impact, but is also way more interesting for me. If there was an option to combine- and in a way i can, by doing medical uni and taking IT courses after. But thats a really long period of studies, med uni is 6 years long here on its own. I really dont know what ill do

Idk about oldies, but i think the teens are a bit low rn. End of summer vaca, maybe? I havent been around much myself, once or twice a day seems pretty less compared to the earlier hours long cupsings 🤔

mytwistedsoul August 19th

@unassumingEyes My first thought was the robotics they have for surgeries. But yeah if that adds alot to your time to be at college that would be too long. Maybe with the time that you're doing the compulsory classes you'll narrow it down? They're both in demand jobs. What ever you choose though - I'm sure you'll do great

Oh you could be right. Summer is coming to an end and school will be starting back up for alot teens. And last minute vacations

Tbh I'm not around as much either. Not like I used to be anyway
unassumingEyes OP August 19th

@mytwistedsoul thank you 💙 surgery robotics wasnt really something i thought about- thats more hands-on engineering, which i dont think ill be doing much of either way. If i did do engineering, I'd probably go into environmental engineering  and that just opened up another round of possibilities in my head, oop. Thank god i have 2 years to decide xD

Yeah, schools hectic. Although I guess adult life would be even more so 😬

mytwistedsoul August 19th

@unassumingEyes Oh wow I didn't even think about the fact that it would add engineering to the mix. Sorry about that 😬 You definitely have alot of options though but making the choice is the hard part 😕

Omg adulting is a major pain in the butt. Don't grow up it's a trap! 😅 

mytwistedsoul August 21st

@unassumingEyes I just wanted to say - what you wrote earlier was beyond amazing  💙

unassumingEyes OP August 22nd

@mytwistedsoul soul, atleast half of what I speak nowadays is a lie, or a half-truth. But every word I write- it is the most honest I have ever been. 

Sending good vibes 💙

mytwistedsoul August 22nd

@unassumingEyes I have to admit I got choked up reading it 💙 Thank you for the good vibes! Sending some good vibes back to you! 

unassumingEyes OP August 22nd

@mytwistedsoul thank you 💙

unassumingEyes OP August 23rd

Dad came for a week, so i wont be on much. Im as okay as i can possibly be now thanks to him xD so be safer than safe and ill see you lovelies as often as i can 🫶🫶

unassumingEyes OP September 3rd

Im tired 😞

LoveMyMoonflowers September 3rd

@unassumingEyes *sends a comfy hug if okay* ❤️ 


unassumingEyes OP September 4th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs* love you too 💞

unassumingEyes OP September 6th

Today was nice. We had an event in college for 6 september (defence day in Pakistan) for half the college day xD i now have a nation-wide currently famous song/recitation thing stuck in my head. Whoops

LoveMyMoonflowers September 6th

@unassumingEyes I’m glad your day was nice ❤️ actually sounds like fun ❤️  

unassumingEyes OP September 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thank you 💞

unassumingEyes OP September 8th

...why doesn't it show all the listeners I talked to?

unassumingEyes OP September 8th

Considering how skeptical i am about AI, its almost offensive how well Meta AI just helped. Like, woah, thanks. But also i dont like the concept of your existence xD 

Its not AI i dont trust i guess. Its the people now getting to use it..

unassumingEyes OP September 11th

Google thought i was a robot xD Asked me to select chimneys. I...hv not seen a Chimney irl- i clicked two chimney like things? Apparently not tho-?

iloveyouxx September 11th


xDD I just looked up chimneys and this whole time I thought they looked like windows 

unassumingEyes OP September 12th

@iloveyouxx i have a vague idea (rectangle thing on roof xD) but thats what i clicked and google was like "E x c u s e me, youre a robot!" Apparently-

iloveyouxx September 12th


loll how I think of it is thing in christmas cartoons that santa falls from, hehe apparently xD you’re not a robott🩷you’re just a confused soul in a retiring body🩷xD/lh

unassumingEyes OP September 13th

@iloveyouxx "in a retiring body" maybe I should be a robot

Just yesterday google made me prove my humanness again and i got it wrong...again. google was like "please check carefully" and i was like "okok sorry Im human i swear-" 

unassumingEyes OP 3 days ago

Maybe sis is better than me in away, because at the end she wants us all to be happy and i dont care whether mom is happy or not anymore

unassumingEyes OP 15 hours ago

Always lived "Faded" by Alan Walker